What is the significance of the heating value HHV and

The higher heating value (HHV) is measured using a bomb calorimeter; and defined as the amount of heat released when fuel is combusted and the products have returned to a temperature of 25°C. The ...

What is the difference between the "higher …

What is the difference between the "higher heating value" (HHV) and "lower heating value" (LHV) of a biomass fuel, and why is the difference important? We need these two ways of expressing the heating value of fuels …

Calorific value

The quantity known as higher heating value (HHV) (or gross calorific value or gross energy or upper heating value) is determined by bringing all the products of combustion back to the …

3.9.2: Environment- Heating Values of Various Fuels

The Higher Heating Value is the enthalpy change for reaction (1), which includes the heat released when 4 mol of gaseous water from the combustion cool to 25 o C, so its value is more negative than the LHV by four times the heat of …

(PDF) Biochar higher heating value estimative using

The higher heating value (HHV) is an important parameter to indicate the energetic potential of biomass from different sources. Bomb calorimeter is the standard to obtain this data; however, in ...

The difference between LCV and HCV (or Lower and Higher Heating Value

So I would not harp on about the higher heat value. From: Dr. Gregor Czisch Sent: 06 January 2010 11:21. There are Combined Cycle power plants with efficiencies above 58% (ISO conditions). See: Fortschrittliche Gas- und Dampfturbinenprozesse zur Wirkungsgrad- und Leistungssteigerung bei GUD-Kraftwerken Dipl.-Ing. C. Kail, Dr.-Ing. B. Rukes VDI ...

Prediction of higher heating values of biochar from …

It can be utilized as PCI in BF (); as sintering solid fuel and BF nut-coke (50–); as BF carbon/ore briquette and steelmaking recarburiser (0–); and as a coal blend (2–10%) for coke-making, together with reduced onsite emissions. ... Higher heating value (HHV) is one of the most important parameters to consider while obtaining ...

1: Correlation of higher heating value (HHV) and fuel …

[5; 9; 44]. Figure 3.3b shows that the surface tension values of the mono saturated FAMEs and biodiesels are almost linear with the oxygen content by mass.Similar to the heating value, diesel ...

High and Low Heat Values

Higher and lower calorific values (heating values) for fuels like coke, oil, wood, hydrogen and others. Gross heat and net heat values for gases like hydrogen, methane and more. Properties …

Higher heating value prediction of high ash gasification …

The higher heating value (HHV) is one of the crucial properties of solid waste for feasibility studies, facility design, and maintenance of plant [4, 5]. Experiments are typically conducted to measure the heating value using a bomb calorimeter, which is time-consuming and expensive, especially for the high ash fuels [6].

Gross Calorific Value vs. Net Calorific Value

Gross Calorific Value, also known as the Higher Heating Value (HHV), represents the total energy released when a fuel undergoes complete combustion. It includes the latent heat of vaporization of water formed during the combustion process. GCV considers that the water vapor produced during combustion is condensed and the heat released is recovered.

High Heating Value

Higher Heating Value. Higher heating value (HHV) is defined as the amount of heat released by the unit mass or volume of fuel (initially at 25 °C) once it is combusted and the products have returned to a temperature of 25 °C. It includes the latent heat of vaporization of water.


Keywords: Ultimate analysis, proximate analysis, high heating value, fuelwood. INTRODUCTION The higher heating value (or calorific value) of wood is the amount of heat released when a given mass of wood is burnt. The most important parameter to characterize a substance as combustible is the calorific value or higher heating value.

Prediction of the higher heating value of biomass based on …

In general, measuring the higher heating value (HHV) of biomass by experimental methods is time-consuming and complex. These problems can be effectively avoided by studying HHV prediction of biomass. This study innovatively predicts the HHV of biomass from a new perspective, that is, biomass data samples are classified according to three different …

Prediction of the higher heating value of biomass based on …

The biochars obtained from the pyrolysis of biomass at different conditions have the potential to be used as biofuels. Thus, as a critical fuel property, the higher heating value (HHV) of biochars ...

Lower and Higher Heating Values (LHV and HHV)

However, higher heating values must be converted, in order to obtain the correct values that should be used in the Plant sheet. Mathematically the relation between both values can be expressed by the following formula [2006 IPCC Guidelines, Vol. II, Section, Box 1.1]

Calculation of Calorific Value of fuel.

Gross calorific value (GCV) or Higher Heating Value (HCV) is the amount of heat released by the complete combustion of a unit of fuel. It assumes all water vapour produced during combustion process is fully condensed.


Accurately determining the higher heating value (HHV) is essential for biomass to support the increasing energy demand and reduce the higher carbon dioxide levels.


Metal content, e.g., iron content of iron ore, is given per dry mass (i.e., it is a dimensionless property). ... Information on the energy content is provided by two properties, i.e. lower heating value (heating value, net) and higher heating value (heating value, gross). Lower heating values (LHVs) are specified for all relevant products, such ...

3.9.2: Environment- Heating Values of Various Fuels

The Higher Heating Value is the enthalpy change for reaction (1), which includes the heat released when 4 mol of gaseous water from the combustion cool to 25 o C, so its value is more negative than the LHV by four …

Lower and Higher Heating Values of Gas, Liquid and …

The higher heating value (also known as gross calorific value or gross energy) of a fuel is defined as the amount of heat released by a specified quantity (initially at 25°C) once it is combusted …

Relationships Between Specific Gravities and Higher Heating Values …

The aim of this study was to estimate mathematical relationships between higher heating value (HHV) and specific gravity of petroleum fuels. The HHV is an important property defining the energy content of petroleum related fuels. The specific gravities of petroleum fuels generally range from 0.56 to 0.92 (based on the specific gravity of pure ...

Calculate the higher heating value and lower heating value

Question: Calculate the higher heating value (HHV) and lower heating value (LHV) of a coal sample from Illinois with the following ultimate analysis: C (67.40%), H (5.31%), S (2.36%). Answer: TheHigher Heating Value (HHV) of the coal sample is -2986.93 kJ per 100 g of coal and the Lower Heating Value (LHV) is -2871.18 kJ per 100 g of coal.

Prediction of higher heating value of solid fuel produced by

There are many influencing variables when it comes to designing a thermal conversion system for biomass and other fuels. One of the most important factors is the higher heating value (HHV). HHV is commonly measured using a bomb calorimeter; however, in order to reduce analysis costs, many correlation models have also been developed to estimate HHV. …

The Difference between Gross Heating Value, …

Net Heating Value (NHV) or Net Calorific Value (NCV) Vapor. Wet. Calculated from HHV: Low Heating Value (LHV) Vapor. Dry. ... Conversion Higher Heating Value (HHV) to Lower Heating Value (LHV) - 39,456 views; The …

Rapid non-destructive evaluation of moisture content and higher heating

The higher heating value model of Leucaena leucocephala pellets was developed from the waveband of 9403.8–7498.3 cm −1 (1063–1333 nm) and 6102–5446.3 cm −1 (1638–1836 nm). These waveband ranges were strongly associated with C H vibration in the structure of CH, CH 2, CH 3 in lignocellulosic, which effected the heat of combustion.

(PDF) Clarifying the terms of heating values

Numerous fires occurring in hospitals during the COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the dangers of the existence of an oxygen-enriched atmosphere. At oxygen concentrations higher than 21%, fires spread ...

(PDF) Determination of Higher Heating Value by …

The most important is the Higher Heating Value (HHV), and also the Lower Heating Value (LHV), which expresses the amount of energy stored in the fuel. These are determined by an experiment but...


Biomasses - Higher Heating Values; Product HHV (kJ/kg) Bituminous Coal: 17000 - 23250: Charcoal: 29600: Douglas fir: 21000: Douglas fir bark: 22000: Equcalypus grandis

(PDF) Heating value of agricultural biomass: the basic value …

Higher heating value (HHV) on a dry and ash free basis (daf) is a convenient platform for comparing the energy content in various types of agricultural biomass. HHV and ash content for 90 samples ...


Higher and lower calorific values (heating values) for fuels like coke, oil, wood, hydrogen and others. Energy content or calorific value is the same as the heat of combustion, and can be calculated from thermodynamical values, or measured in a suitable apparatus:

Biochar higher heating value estimative using thermogravimetric

The higher heating value (HHV) is an important parameter to indicate the energetic potential of biomass from different sources. Bomb calorimeter is the standard to obtain this data; however, in the absence of this equipment, estimative through proximate analysis aided with multiple regression formulas is an acceptable alternative. Still, this is a time-consuming …

Calorific value

vapor from the higher heating value. This treats any H2O formed as a vapor. The energy required to vaporize the water therefore is not realized as heat. Gross heating value (see AR) accounts for water in the exhaust leaving as vapor, and includes liquid water in the fuel prior to combustion. ... Slag is the by-product of smelting ore to purify ...

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