Request PDF | Mine tailings dams' failures: serious environmental impacts, remote solutions | Tailings containment dam failures cause severe environmental, social, and economic impacts.
The following areas were chosen based on mineralization and environmental factors to provide a panoramic view of the most representative types of Sn and W mines in Portugal (Figure 17.6, Figure 17.7): Ervedosa mine with cassiterite and diverse sulfides (arsenopyrite, pyrite, sphalerite, pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, and stannite); Rio de Frades ...
Exploitation of ore minerals (cinnabar, chalcopyrite, sphalerite) from the old mine in Vallalta (Belluno, NE Italy) has resulted in serious environmental impacts, including the acidification of water, and the contamination of soils and plants. Forty-eight soil samples and four wild plants were examined at four sites in the vicinity of the mine ...
As global demand for zinc continues to rise, driven by increasing infrastructure development and urbanization, sphalerite mining will play a critical role in meeting this need. Technological advancements are expected to enhance mining efficiency, reduce environmental impacts, and explore new sources of sphalerite.
One of the most adverse effects of mining activities on the environment is the acid mine drainage which may pose a significant risk to the environment, human health, and agriculture (Karaca et al. 2018; Osonimi et al. 2019). The problems caused by acid mine drainage are groundwater pollution and surface run-off from waste dumps.
The study of environmental sphalerite oxidation has been mainly focused towards understanding the weathering processes when it is contained in alkaline, circumneutral or acidity generating mining ...
Mining wastes containing sulfide minerals can generate contaminated waters as acid mine drainage (AMD) and contaminated neutral drainage (CND). This occurs when such minerals are exposed to oxygen and water. Nowadays, mineralogical work—when it is done—is independently and differentially done according to the needs of the exploration, geotechnics, …
Cadmium (Cd)-bearing sphalerite and smithsonite ore particles are ubiquitous in soils near metal-mining areas. Previous studies indicate that smithsonite is more readily dissolved in acidic waters and soils than sphalerite but the mobility of Cd and zinc (Zn) derived from these ores in soils is unknown. Using microcosm incubation experiments and microscopic and …
Accessing sphalerite deposits deep underground, minimizing surface disturbance. Reduces habitat destruction and visual impacts. Using waste rock to fill mined-out cavities, …
Added impetus to understanding these processes exists due to the potential for mining of seafloor massive sulfide deposits and potential environmental impacts of that activity. Here, we present a laboratory-based experimental study on the galvanic oxidation of sphalerite and synthesized zinc sulfide and coupled to covellite.
the characteristics, types and magnitudes, environmental impacts, and remediation of mine tailings dam failures. 3 1. Introduction ... pyrite is often a significant phase in coal mine spoil, whereas chalcopyrite, sphalerite, galena and pyrrhotite may also be present in detectable quantities (Gupta 1999; Dang et . 7
An area affected by the long-term weathering of sphalerite-bearing mine wastes was studied in order to assess the environmental fate and behaviour of different toxic elements occurring in this mineral. Soil and plant samples were collected at different distances from the polluting sources and analysed for the content and distribution of Zn, Cd and Tl.
Sulfide (e.g., sphalerite) and oxide (e.g., smithsonite) zinc (Zn) ores are important mineral resources that have been exploited extensively worldwide for thousands of years and mining and smelting of non-ferrous metals are major contributors to environmental contamination (Zhou et al., 2020).Careless exploitation of natural resources has led to the leaching of …
The mining industry has been associated with environmental pollution throughout the ages. Old abandoned mines are of particular concern due to the lack of remediation and monitoring of the pollution. The abandoned Edendale Lead Mine in Tshwane, South Africa, was in operation from the 1980's until 1938 and mined primarily galena for the lead content, although …
According to Schmiermund and Drozd (1997), the term "acid mine drainage" was originally used to describe effluents resulting from underground mining operations, which were characterized by low pH values.However, those authors assumed a critical position regarding the use of the expression to classify most mining effluents. They considered the term inappropriate …
Deep Sea Mining of Submarine Hydrothermal Deposits and its Possible Environmental Impact in Manus Basin, ... The Vienna Wood site is a typical Cu-Zn type of mineralization consisting predominantly of pyrite, marcasite, sphalerite, wurtzite and chalcopyrite. ... unique hydrothermal vent organisms and possible environment impacts if Nautilus ...
impa ct of gold mining on the environment and human health 151 In the US, the guideline for As level in drinking water is 0.05 mg L − 1 (U nited States EPA, 2000).
Added impetus to understanding these processes exists due to the potential for mining of seafloor massive sulfide deposits and potential environmental impacts of that activity.
For example, the environmental effects resulting from mining or disturbance of MVT ore deposits are largely unknown (Leach et al., 1995).
Mine tailings disposal methods include cross valley or hillside dams, raised embankments, dry-stacking of thickened tailings on land, backfilling into abandoned open-pit mines or underground mines, and direct disposal into rivers, lakes, and ocean (Edraki et al., 2014).Environmental pollution from mining activities generally falls into either of two categories: …
Localized increases in sedimentation have also been caused by urbanization and mining. In this study we examine impacts from a gold and silver mine on Misima Island, Papua New Guinea (PNG), which has caused a significant increase in the local sediment load through the construction and operation of an open-cut mine and ore processing plant (Fig. 1).
Mining and mineral processing industry adversely affects ecosystems and communities in nearby areas, including high freshwater consumption and scarcity. That is why the emerging global trend is to use sea …
The kinetics of xanthate adsorption also increased with temperature in studies with copper sulfide in the temperature range of 10 to 20 °C (Naeem et al., 2008).Kinetic adsorption studies in a temperature range of 18 to 50 °C with pyrite, pyrrhotite, sphalerite, and chalcopyrite revealed low activation energy of butyl xanthate adsorption, which suggested diffusion as a …
2016. Tailings failures are on the radar screen of regulators, engineers and the media at least since the mid 70s. The Authors of this paper have performed quantitative risk assessments of mines, often featuring multiple active tailings dams, for over 20 years and have reviewed numerous qualitative and semi-quantitative risk assessments (FMEA etc.), oftentimes paired …
Electron microprobe analyses of sphalerite and hemimorphite from mine wastes from the Tar Creek Superfund Site, Tri-State Mining District, Oklahoma, U.S.A. ... The most common environmental impact of slag is from the leaching of potentially toxic elements, acidity, or alkalinity that may impact nearby soils and surface water and groundwater. ...
Most environmental studies of MS weathering have been conducted for galena, arsenopyrite, pyrite and pyrrhotite; overlooking sphalerite in this concern.
Sphalerite underground mining process - sphalerite mineral refining process environmental impacts the mining process begins with extraction of the ore from thethe process ends with the refined ore being made into copper platesthis type of mining produces many harmful products such as sulfuric acid and sulfur dioxide along the way more.
This study aims to couple field-scale measurements of physicochemical parameters with μm- and nm-scale mineralogical characterization to investigate sphalerite weathering and controls on …
Figure 3. A specimen of sphalerite from the Ruby Mine, Je ... environmental impacts to land and water caused either by past practices in hard-rock mining or by current activities in agriculture and industry. The Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology is the principal source of Earth science in-
A village was set up to support 15,000 miners working in the ruby mine near Ambatondrazaka, Madagascar. Photo: Pardieu et al. (2017). However, compared to many other industries such as agriculture, mining uses relatively small pockets of land, and the future of mining could move to using techniques that are arguably even less invasive on the …
The mining industry does, however, produce enormous volumes of waste. The amount of mine waste produced is of the same order of magnitude as that of fundamental Earth-shaping geological processes, some several thousand million tonnes per year (Fyfe, 1981, Förstner, 1999).The chief waste stream is tailings, which are often stored in impoundments …
Exploitation of ore minerals (cinnabar, chalcopyrite, sphalerite) from the old mine in Vallalta (Belluno, NE Italy) has resulted in serious environmental impacts, including the acidification of water, and the contamination of soils and plants. ... A.M., Condesso de Melo, M.T. & Nieto, J.M. 2009. Environmental impact of mining activities in the ...