Four main locations were investigated and studied, including the shoreline of Half-Moon Bay, Qurrayah peninsula, Uqair and Ras Tanurah beaches. Each location exhibits distinctive …
Sabkha had a wide range of sand/mud and significantly higher carbonate percentages than other environments. Sediment source differences and littoral reworking contributed to grain size variation.
The Midyan Basin is located in present-day north-western Saudi Arabia in the vicinity of Gulf of Aqaba (Fig. 1 a, b).It was developed in response to the separation of the Arabian and African plates (Lyberis, 1988; Bosworth et al., 2005).Three major structural events controlled the development of the Midyan Basin, including: (i) mantle upwelling and active rifting along the …
As many as four of the five units may be reservoirs and correspond to four depositional carbonate-anhydrite cycles where transgressive carbonate rocks are capped by regressive anhydrite facies. The Khuff Formation thickens from about 260 m in southwestern Saudi Arabia to more than 915 m in the central Rub 'al Khali Basin, 1,220 m in Oman.
1 Petroleum Engineering Department, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, 31261 Dhahran, Saudi Arabia . Find articles by Kamal Omarov. 1, Sulaiman A Alarifi. ... Miftah A, Tirkolaei HK, Bilsel H. Biocementation of calcareous beach sand using enzymatic calcium carbonate precipitation. Crystals (Basel) 2020;10(10):1–15. doi: 10.3390 ...
Here we geochemically analyze and statistically model carbonate samples (n = 156) from seven sections of the Arab-D reservoir outcrop analog of central Saudi Arabia, to determine whether the elemental signatures (major, trace and rare earth elements [REEs]) can be effectively used to predict depositional environments. We find that lithofacies ...
This study presents a concise evaluation of sand dune environmental hazards in Al-Lith area, Jeddah (Saudi Arabia), where active sand dune migration forms serious environmental risks.
This work is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. Late Pleistocene to Holocene Architecture of a Land-attached Carbonate Platform Lagoon in the African-Arabian Desert Belt (Al Wajh platform, N Red Sea, Saudi Arabia).
coast, Red Sea, Saudi Arabia consist dominantly of coralline algal carbonate grains, shells and bioclasts of gastropods, bivalves and foraminifera, in addition to few siliciclastics of quartz, ... skeletal carbonate sands. The nearshore sediments are multimodal and consist of algal fragments, benthic foraminifera and molluscs.
The utilization of eolian sands as construction fine aggregates in bricks and mortar production has been achieved on dune sands collected from Jeddah-Al-Lith area (Saudi Arabia). These dune sands had been mixed with well-graded crushed fine aggregates at a variety mixing ratio fluctuated between 10 and of the total volume of sand at constant ratio 1:2:3 …
industrial salt, sodium chloride ( nacl). calcium carbonate caco3. silica sand, silica flour. deer/anti biocide, corrosion inhibitor, clay control. hydrochloric acid. calcium and sodium lignosulfonate. sodium gluconate. cementing,stimulation and drilling fluid speciality chemicals.
This study presents a concise evaluation of sand dune environmental hazards in Al-Lith area, Jeddah (Saudi Arabia), where active sand dune migration forms serious environmental risks. The study area represents a strategic and very well promising area for extension of urbanization. The study area was characterized by hyper-arid climate where wind …
UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR GEOLOGICAL SURVEY The environmental history and present condition of Saudi Arabia's northern sand seas by J. W. Whitney I/, D. J. Faulkender, and Meyer Rubin 2/ Open-File Report 83- 7V Prepared for Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources, Deputy Ministry for Mineral Resources Jiddah, Kingdom …
The Nefud sand sea in northern Saudi Arabia is one of three connected sand seas, the others being the Rub' al Khali and Ad-Dahna, which together comprise approximately one-third of the land surface of the Arabian Peninsula. ... Pale carbonate-rich sands and silty carbonates are exposed to the east of a string of outcropping Saq formation ...
However, in eastern and central Saudi Arabia, the Khuff Formation mainly consists of tight carbonate, shale, and anhydrite that are regionally extensive and serve as the principal seal lithologies for the Pre-Khuff petroleum system (Al-Jallal, 1995; Wender et al., 1998).
ABSTRACT. Bedding characteristics and the vertical distribution of lithofacies divide the Arab-D carbonate reservoir of Ghawar Field into a Lower Arab-D and Upper Arab-D zone. The Lower Arab-D consists of a basal rhythmically interbedded muddy and grainy interval that exhibits TA, TB, TE, and TH classic turbidite divisions, and an overlying massive interval of …
Three sites in the Red Sea were investigated to assess the variability of composition in Holocene sediments of the backreef environment within 0–2 m of water depth. This is important because composition of the sediment is commonly used to estimate water depth in ancient carbonate rocks. The site located at the King Abdullah Economic City (Saudi Arabia) contains …
The Joulters Cay ooid shoal is a single carbonate sand body with a mobile border 25 km (15 mi) long and between 0.5 and 2 km (0.3 and 1.2 mi) wide. ... 1992, A new Arab-D depositional model, Ghawar field, Saudi Arabia: Presented at the Society of Petroleum Engineers 8th Middle East Oil Show, SPE Paper 25576, 10 p.
Alberta Oil Sands, Venezuelan Orinoco belt heavy oils ) Origin of the Saudi heavy oils is much less clear. The objective of this study is to investigate the bulk and molecular composition of heavy oils from the mid -Cretaceous Safaniya (SFNY) sandstone reservoir from well -X in Saudi Arabia to help gain insight into the origin of these heavy oils.
For example, Watson [11] revised different methods to control drifting sand and moving dunes in the desert of Saudi Arabia. The author proposed four ways to tackle the problems caused by wind-blown sand: (1) enhancing its deposition, using ditches, fences or tree belts; (2) enhancing its transport, using streamlining techniques, creating a ...
The Hadrukh structureless sands have some similarities to modern vegetated sand-sheets and shrub-coppice dunes (nebkhas), associated inland sabkhas and ephemeral carbonate lake deposits of the modern coastal plain of the eastern Arbian (Persian) Gulf (Fryberger et al., 1983; Gunatilaka and Mwango, 1987).However, the massive sands that make up much of the …
Abstract. An ongoing focus area for Saudi Aramco is the optimum field development and depletion of the mobile oil in the tar area, which is limited in extent and occurs mainly along of the periphery of the southeast flank of the field. Unlike many tar mats in other fields, the tar in this field is patchy and has a complex distribution in the reservoir. In addition, …
The use of the textural parameters of sand in studying the characteristic and depositional processes of coastal sediments south of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia Mar. Geol. (1992)
Backreef and beach carbonate sediments of the Red Sea, Saudi Arabia: impacts of reef geometry and currents on sediment composition
Calcium Carbonate is an acid-soluble, bridging and weighting agent used in drilling and workover completion fluids to increase fluid density. We provide products of varying particle sizes, ranging from 5 micron to 650-micron.
Purkis et al. (2015) discussed the impacts of water depth and wave energy on the diversity of shelf carbonate sediments. Specific investigations have been conducted on carbonate sands on the beach and nearshore of the Red Sea in …
It extends between the base Khuff D carbonate and the pre-Haradh. The 'Unayzah reservoir in the Permian-Carboniferous siliciclastic sequences of Saudi Arabia is stratigraphically and sedimentologically a large-scale heterogeneous reservoir. It extends between the base Khuff D carbonate and the pre-Haradh ... The sand dunes were subsequently ...
The carbonate rocks were formed at the periphery of the lagoon, whereas the evaporite rocks were formed in the central, continuously subsiding part of the lagoon.
Saudi Arabia plans to enter the sodium carbonatemarket. By 2025, Saudi Arabia is expected to reach capacity of 300 KTA, decreasing imports from 260 KTA in 2020 to 40 KTA in 2025. Grade: Low Medium High ENABLING FACTORS ENABLERS Electricitytariffs for industrial players COST OF DOING BUSINESS IN KSA Factor Ranking AmongstRegionalPeers Bottom 25% ...
trial sand sheets, rare tidal channels). Carbonate facies include brecciated carbonates (paleosols), lime/clay-clast quartz ... Saudi Arabia and the Middle East, along with location of major
This paper investigates the morphology, texture, composition, mineralogy, and geochemistry, and provenance of sand dunes from 10 locations in Saudi Arabia. Morphologically, these sand dunes...
The thickest evaporites are located beneath the Salif-2 borehole offshore of Yemen, to the south of Saudi Arabia (Bosence et al., 1998). An approximately 1 km thick layer of evaporite underlies precinct C, in the south of Saudi Arabia. A 2 km Fig. 6. a) Diagram of a drainage basin feeding an alluvial fan (adapted from Blair and McPherson, 2009).
Geochemical characterization of heavy oils across the mid - Cretaceous Safaniya (SFNY) reservoir in Saudi Arabia was conducted using bulk and molecular composition …