The core of the test plant is a double roll crusher DRC 450x450 toothed rolls. Fig. 3 shows a 3D view of the crusher without the drive units and inlet hopper. The roll crusher has two cylindrical rolls, which are designed as fixed (2) and retractable (4).
Preliminary examination showed that the kinetic friction factor was 0.36 when the speed of revolution was 33 rpm. The average diameter of particles fed to the crusher was 200 mm and the S.G. of the ore was 2.8. Estimate: • The distance between the rolls, • …
Four Roll Crusher; Reversible Hammer Crusher; Rod Mill; Other Crushing and Mineral Processing Products; Machine Tools. Vertical Turning & Milling Machine; ... Feed size: upto 40 mm: Diameter of Rolls: 900 mm: Width of Rolls: 700 mm: Main Drive Motor: 45 kw : Other Drive: 15/23 kw: Weight of machine: 28.5 T (with out electrics)
The Smooth Roll Crusher plays a key role in bulk raw materials preparation, processing clays, coal fines, coke breeze and gypsum waste. Smooth roll crushers are used to particularly suitable for medium and fine grinding processes, Principal of Smooth Roll Crushers: Size reduction is achieved by compression (i.e. it employs compressive force for size reduction).
• 330 mm to 380 mm diameter rolls (13" to 15") • Roll face up to 2030 mm (80" wide) • For sizing materials with compressive strength up to 83Mpa (12,000 PSI).
The smooth Roll Crusher is reliable and high-performance, offering numerous advantages over conventional roll crushers. The MechProTech High-Pressure Grinding Roller Crusher comes with a standard design of twin 950mm diameter manganese steel lined rollers and a width range of 300, 600, 900 and 1200mm.
Roll Crusher with grooved & plain rolls: Roll Crusher with grooved & plain rolls of 200mm diameter and 150mm width: Roll Diameter: 250 mm (Grooved / Plain) Rolls width: 150 mm: Type of Rollers: Manganese Steel/Hardened Steel: Feed …
Roll Crushers It is generally considered that Roll Crushers are specially adapted for intermediate crushing, taking a product from rock- breakers with a maximum diameter of from ¾ inch to 1½ …
Roll Crusher # Egbe, E.A.P. 1*, and Olugboji, O.A.1 1 Department of Mechanical Engineering, School of Engineering and Engineering Technology, Federal ... 2.1.2 The Diameter of Rolls, Width of Rolls and the maximum Roll Gap These dimensions are design decisions which depend on desired input particle size, the feed rate
Product size 0 to 400 mm Capacity1 5,000 to 7,000 tph Technical data Roll diameter with crushing teeth Approx. 2,300 mm Roll length Approx. 2,500 mm Feed opening Approx. 2,500 x 2,600 mm Crushing gap (adjustable) Approx. 250 to 450 mm Total weight2 Approx. 150,000 kg Drive Drive setup V-belt drive Motor power3 2 x 650 kW (each roll driven by ...
Equipped with two rolls with smooth surface finish and optimal diameter and width, our smooth Roll Crushers gives better crush angle in the feed opening. ... Feed Material in its dry form is fed into the input chute of the crusher constructed along the width of the drums. Crushing in smooth roll crusher takes place by both sledging and impact ...
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They have a tilt-design feed hopper, cast Ni-hard roll facings for long-life, relief springs, and heavy-duty pillow block bearings. LC-13 Marcy® Double Roll Crusher features 6.5x6in (165x153mm), Dia.xW heavy 304 stainless steel …
Roll size. The size of the rolls in a roll crusher is the biggest factor in determining the machine's throughput, with larger rolls providing greater throughput. However, throughput is not the only factor, and rolls can be too …
Product size 0 to 300 mm Capacity1 2,500 to 4,000 tph Technical data Roll diameter with crushing teeth Approx. 1,800 mm Roll length Approx. 1,800 mm Feed opening Approx. 1,700 x 1,850 mm Crushing gap (adjustable) Approx. 200 to 350 mm Total weight2 Approx. 137 rpm Drive Drive setup V-belt drive Motor power3 2 x 250 kW (each roll driven by one ...
Estimate: • The distance between the rolls, • The angle of nip, • The width of the rolls. A smooth surfaced roll crusher had a roll diameter of 910 mm. Its suitability to crush an ore at 10.0 t/h was being examined. Preliminary …
The roll diameter and width of the crusher will ultimately be dictated by the feed size, product size and capacity. Single Roll Crushers employ a tramp relief mechanism to allow momentary movement of the crushing plate so the uncrushable object can pass. The mechanism then allows the crusher to return to its original setting and remain in ...
The commonly used roll crusher types include double roller crusher, toothed roller crusher, four roller crusher, etc. Processing capacity: 5-100 t/h Roller diameter: 400-700 mm Feeding size: ≤25-≤100 mm WhatsApp Chat Get A Quote Now
A smooth surfaced roll crusher had a roll diameter of 910 mm. Its suitability to crush an ore at 10.0 t/h was being examined. ... (D - (d + d))/2. D = roll diameter, d = particle size, d = roll width. The angle of nip is the angle between the rolls and the particle at the point of contact. It can be calculated using the formula: angle of nip ...
Smooth roll crushers are widely used as secondary crushers, operating most effectively when set for size reductions in a ratio between 3 or 4 to I. The feed supplied to these units varies from 13 to 102 mm in size and the product obtained ranges from 13 mm to about 20 mesh. Smooth roll crushers produce very few fines and absolutely no oversize. The diameter otfhe rolls varies …
Equipped with two rolls with smooth surface finish and optimal diameter and width, our smooth Roll Crushers gives better crush angle in the feed opening. Consequently, the ideal velocity of the rolls and the force applied over the feed …
Alongside the double roll crusher machines that Persistent manufactures, the single roll crusher machines also add a great value towards enhancing the scope for better production in various industries like metallurgy, mining, building material and energy. ... Sizes available : Diameter 500 mm x Width 400 mm to Diameter 1600 mm to Width 2800 mm ...
The modern tendency to reduce milling-costs by increasing the mill-capacity has demanded a greater duty from rolls than ever before, and in the larger mills rolls are now employed from 36 up to 54 in. in diameter, and from 15 to 28 in. width of face. Such rolls are used mainly for coarse crushing ; that is, they take the product from the jaw ...
Enter the product size. Provide the width and diameter of the rolls. Input the roll speed. Press the "Calculate" button to get the result. Formula. The most accurate formula for …
The maximum size of feed particles for a example crusher setup is calculated based on roll diameter, gap size, and nip angle. This document discusses roll crushers, which are used to further reduce the size of stones after initial crushing.
Roll Crushers are compression type crushers, and were once widely used in mining.They have, within the last 10 or so years, fallen into dis-favor among mining and processing companies. The probable reason is because the large mines require very large crushed product output with minimal cost, makes the roll crusher uncompetitive.
Roll Crusher Capacities. Feed size: up to 1200 mm in size; Product sized to: typical products are 100 mm, 50 mm, 38 mm, down to 6 mm depending on feed size ... Single-stage and two-stage models; 30" (762 mm) and 36" (915 mm) diameter rolls; Roll face up to 120" (3050 mm) wide; For sizing materials with compressive strength up to 22,000 PSI (152 ...
A pair of rolls is to take a feed equivalent to spheres of 3 cm in diameter and crush them to spheres having 1 cm diameter. If the coefficient of friction is 0.29, what would be the diameter of rolls? Calculations: The following formula relates the coefficient of friction (μ), radius of rolls (r), radius of product (d), and radius of feed (R):
A roll crusher was installed as a primary crusher to crush rocks of 7.0 cm maximum size. The distance between the rolls was set at 1.5 cm, the diameter of the rolls was 110 cm and the width 100 cm.
A roll crusher is a type of crushing equipment used to reduce the size of materials. Size reduction is accomplished by compressing feed material between two cylindrical rollers that rotate in opposite directions. ... (381mm) diameter …
Expanding into the fertilizer industry machine making, Ecoman makes distinguishing biomass and briquette crushing equipment and also the double roll crusher machines which have a greater demand in sectors where fertilizers are to be used. Sizes available: Diameter 400 mm x Width 400 mm to Diameter 1800 x Width 2800 Maximum Feed Size: 1500 mm
guarantee a strictly defined final grain size with a minimum of fine grains. Raw materials, secondary materials and by-products such as coke, sinter, coal, soft to medium-hard rock, ore, chalk, broken glass and similar products. Double roller crusher 2PG1012 rotor diameter 1000 mm rotor width 1200 mm input up to 500 mm output 95 % < 100 mm clay ...
MODEL X Diameter Y (Face Width) Machine Capacity 6x6 6" 6" 2000lbs/hr 8x8 8" 8" 2400lbs/hr 10x8 10" 8" 3000lbs/hr 10x10 10" 10" 3600lbs/hr 10x12 10" 12" 7000lbs/hr 12x10 12" 10" 7000lbs/hr 12x12 12" 12" 7000lbs/hr 14x8 14" 8" 9000lbs/hr 14x10 14" 10" 10000lbs/hr 14x12 14" 12" 12000lbs/hr 20x6 20" 6" N/A ... The Rolls Crusher will reduce rock ...
Binder+Co Double roll crusher. An optimum grain size of 10 to 50 mm is crucial for sensor-based sorting of cullet since a higher content of fines (0-10 mm) would have an unfavourable effect on sorting performance. ... Roller diameter: Roll length: Gap width: Drive power: Capacity: Coarse: WGB 470/510: 470 mm: 510 mm: 5 - 15 mm: 2 x 5,5 kW: 2 ...
A pair of rolls is to take a feed equivalent to spheres of 3 cm in diameter and crush them to spheres having 1 cm diameter. If the coefficient of friction is 0.29, what would be the …
The clearance between the roll and the anvil plates can be adjusted to set the maximum particle size at the crusher outlet. Compact & rugged design The core of Magaldi Crusher is a single-roll cam, whose design produces more crushing force than a double-roll design while reducing initial cost and power consumption.
Discover Mechtech's Smooth Double Roll Crusher (SDRC), designed for primary, secondary, and tertiary crushing. Achieve high reduction ratios of 4:1 and produce finer products with excellent reliability and low maintenance. ... ROLL DIAMETER (MM) ROLL WIDTH (MM) MAX FEED SIZE (MM) MAX POWER (HP) SDRC 6040: 600: 400: 20: 15x2 nos. SDRC 6060: 600 ...
The roll crusher is mainly composed of fixed roller, movable roller, machine frame, shield, protecting guard. The machine is driven by the V-belt of the motor, which makes the two rollers …