(PDF) Work-related stress and general mental …

Some instruments widely accepted to assess work-related stress i.e. JCQ, might be not appropriate for the mining industry and this may be the reason for such small quantity of published studies on ...

Contributors to Fatigue of Mine Workers in the South …

The South African mining industry (SAMI) ... 118 (31) 267 (69) 0.004: Other: 104 (21) 17 (16) 87 (84) Work area: Surface: 69 (14) 17 (25) 52 (75) 0.598: Underground: ... The main reported causes of stress were financial problems and indebtedness, whereas other causes were family problems, poor living conditions, transport challenges, and work ...

Causes of Stress: Types of Stress, Symptoms & Tips

Stay connected with loved ones. Human connection can have a profound impact on your mental health.; Give yourself plenty of time to finish important tasks. Try not to wait until the last minute.

Mental health interventions in the mining industry: a …

Previous research has suggested high levels of unaddressed mental health needs among male-dominated work settings. The mining industry has been a recent focus internationally. This paper aims to critically examine research regarding organizational mental health interventions for people working in mining industries.,The narrative review used a ...

Perceptions of Occupational Stress Analysis in Mining

Occupational Stress Analysis in Mining", Journal of Eastern Europe Research in Business and Economics Vol. 2017 (2017), Article ID 758629, DOI: 10.5171/2017.758629 ... of the Romanian mining sector over the occupational stress. Keywords: occupational stress, mining field, ... (56.31%) the partner does not work, so there is only

Stressed out

The impact of stress-related illness in the mining sector is greater than many suspect, writes Helen Gibbons. To its credit, the mining industry is becoming increasingly aware that unmanaged mental stress is a significant …

Trends and causes of fatalities in South African mines

The trends and principal causes of occupational fatalities and disasters (defined as six or more fatalities in one incident) in the South African mining industry are analysed. A miner who spends twenty years working underground faces a one in thirty chance of dying in an occupational accident.

Mining: A Key Human Cause of Landslides

human causes, landslides effects, mining effects, mining cause landslides, mining and landslides". These terms led to valuable information that wereused in writingthepaper.All the information were obtained lawfully and reported accurately. Out of the articles that were studied ten (10) were selected and categorized as studies that are related

Research trends in mining accidents study: A systematic …

The most-reported theme was causes of mining accidents, with 46% from 2015 to 2019. ... (2015), coal mine accidents in China have opened new avenues for the government to encourage the coal mining industry to self-regulate mining operations, since the industry had successfully informed the government that it had the maturity to deal competently ...

Influencing Factors, Formation Mechanism, and Pre-control …

For example, Aliabadi et al. found that organizational deficiencies were the main cause of accidents in the mining sector and had a direct positive impact on employee violations and errors. Hofmann et al. ( 22, 44, 45 ) reported that the organizational safety climate affects individual safety behavior and safety awareness.


occupational heat stress were recognized by the South African gold mining industry when the first death from heat stroke occurred in 1924 (1). Steps to combat the heat stress hazard were taken almost immediately and the first form of heat acclimatization was introduced in 1925 (2). This rudimentary method of heat

Prevalence of post-traumatic stress disorder in the South …

Local literature has revealed that a relatively large number of mine workers are likely to experience some degree of PTSD due to the high incidence of injuries and deaths resulting …

What occupational risk factors significantly affect miners' …

Results: The results showed that occupational dust, NO 2, heavy metals, heat, vibration, awkward posture, and job stress are significant risk factors associated with …

How Critical Minerals Mining Affects Water

Although this type of mining is often illegal, it's not uncommon: It accounts for 15%-30% of cobalt produced in the Democratic Republic of Congo, which provides 70% of the world's supply. While many countries enforce environmental standards in the private sector, few have developed mining-specific regulations. Existing guidance from multi ...

Unravelling safety compliance in the mining industry

The mining industry has been an important source of employment in South Africa since the early 1900s. Many men who left their homes to find employment in the mining industry never returned and many women, whose husbands moved to mining towns to find employment, became widows because of fatal mine accidents. This problem has a long history.

causes of stress at the mining sector

However, stress may also have a positive effect on employees. This essay will focus on the definition of stress and two causes of stress work-related causes and individual personality causes in the workplace. Then evaluate the organizational techniques and individual techniques of reducing stress. Get Price

The causes and effects of project delays in the coal …

This research is addressing the causes and effects of project delays in the coal mining industry in South Africa. A literature review was conducted and it was found that the causes of delays are extensively researched in the construction industry with only limited reference to delays in the mining industry which are mainly risk based.

Reducing Work-Related Stress Through Soft-Skills …

many serious consequences of high stress in the mining sector, such as decreasing productivity, high frequency of work-related mistakes and seriouserrors,anincreaseinabsencefromwork, or an increased risk of mental disorders, heart diseases and diabetes, which have been reported

Causes of stress before, during and after organizational change…

– Since prior empirical research has seldom compared causes of stress before, during and after organizational change the purpose of this paper is to identify stressors as change unfolded over time and to identify what led to variations in stress levels., – Semi-structured interviews were conducted in 2012 with 31 staff in clinical and non ...

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in the South African …

ii established due to lack of the population base; 451(66.9%) out of a total of 671 PTSD cases reported to RMA over a period of 5 years (i.e. 2006 – 2011) were from the mining sector.

The Biggest Dangers in Mining

Incorrect lifting is the second most common cause of injury in the mining industry. Mining is an industry that has a lot of advanced technology but despite this, the profession is still very hands on and workers are required to lift heavy loads of materials. This causes many miners to get back and muscles injuries which prevent them from doing ...

Heat Stress in Underground Mines and its Control Measures: …

The demand for minerals is increasing unceasingly throughout the world. In order to meet the demand, underground mines are operated at greater depths using high capacity machinery [1, 2].Increasing mining depth and upgrading of mine mechanization are the prime causes of heat hazard, which is a major concern in deep underground mines [].As the mining …

Underground Mining Sector Root Cause Analysis …

Proactive efforts of the Mining Legislative Review Committee (MLRC) 24 • The following results will be shared with the Mining Legislative Review Committee (MLRC), and the Provincial Mining Tripartite Committee (MTC) for consideration in the development of future health and safety related supports and direction for the mining sector.

Unravelling safety compliance in the mining industry

ABSTRACT. ORIENTATION: Safety compliance remains a major issue in the South African mining industry. This article explores the roles of specific work-related job and attitudinal variables in predicting compliance. RESEARCH PURPOSE:The objective of this study was to investigate the relationship of work stress, job insecurity, satisfaction and commitment …

3 Mining Industry Safety Issues

Worker fatigue is the most commonly identified human factor in the mining industry. Because mining is typically a 24/7 operation, fatigue is prevalent—and with the enormous hazards present in the mining industry, falling asleep on the job is not an option. Complacency is another common human factor in mining but it is often difficult to ...

Contributors to Fatigue of Mine Workers in the South …

The main reported causes of stress were financial problems and indebtedness, whereas other causes were family problems, poor living conditions, transport challenges, and work-related …

(PDF) Prevalence and Associated Factors of Occupational Stress …

PDF | On Jan 1, 2021, Antoine V. Hinson and others published Prevalence and Associated Factors of Occupational Stress in the Mining Sector: The Case Study of the Youga Mine at Zabre in Burkina ...

Environmental Impacts of the Mining Industry : …

The Wikipedia 2 defines mining industry (MI) which is also known as the extractive industry as a process of extraction of valuable minerals or other geological m aterials from the earth, usually

Workplace stress in South African mineworkers

• To evaluate the prevalence of workplace stress among mineworkers in South Africa • To identify mineworkers that are at risk of workplace stress • To evaluate the use of translated self-report …

Mining-induced stress change and consequences of stress …

Mining-induced stress change and related rockmass relaxation can drastically influence the stability of underground openings. One of the consequence is that a decrease in stress may reduce the critical excavation span [1].Diederichs and Kaiser [2] show that even a few millimeters of hangingwall or abutment relaxation can significantly shift the no-support limit in …


Mining company closures, retrenchments, restructurings, unprecedented decline in productivity and decline in profits have been the order of the day in the last decade in the mining sector. This has happened to both large and small mining corporations, possibly even to the emerging ones.

A systemic study of mining accident causality: an …

The mining industry is a very important sector of the South African national economy. A major factor threatening the sustainability of this industry is mining accidents, which frequently result in injuries or deaths, destruction of property, …

Work stress of employees affected by skills shortages in …

investigate work stress in the South African mining industry. For the purposes of this study, experiences of work stress and work-related causes of stress were measured. The following work-related causes of stress were considered (Schaap and Kekana, 2016): Organizational functioning, which refers to employees'

Causes of Coal Mine Accidents in the World and Turkey

Classifying the accidents seen in coal mining with causes such as electrical and mechanization problems, dust and gas explosions, pit fires, sudden discharges, collapses, errors in preparation, transportation and usage of materials, and environmental and personal factors may lead to ignoring the main causes that generate these accidents.

How hard do mineworkers work? An assessment of …

The current difficulties experienced with the placement of miners in underground occupations where physical work is performed, highlights the need for more information on the …

Heat Stress In Mining

will effectively cause the hypothalamus (the body's thermostat) to reduce the body's temperature imme-diately by 2 to 4 degrees in a heat stress situation. Does heat contribute to high accident rates? Studies have shown that workers in hot, humid en …

Protecting the mental health of miners: are current

New research from Australia has found that an alarming majority of shift workers in the mining industry are at risk of, or already suffer from, mental illness, sparking calls for urgent intervention. Dr Nicola Davies reports on the findings of the report and whether, six months after its release, if enough has been done to help those in need.

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