Major Mines & Projects | Pinto Valley Mine

• Copper concentrate thickening and filtration; • Molybdenum concentrate thickening, filtration and drying; ... molybdenum thickener, filtered on a disk filter, dried in a rotary dryer, and bagged for shipment. The final copper concentrate is thickened to 60% solids and flows by gravity from the copper thickeners to either of two 900 m3 ...

Kamoa-Kakula Copper Studies Options for …

For comparison, the copper concentrate grade from the Phase 1 and 2 concentrators is currently approximately 50%. The test program consisted of fine-grinding the tailings stream to a particle size of 80% -12 μm, before …

Production flow

Sulphide concentrate Copper matte, nickel matte Converter matte Sulphide concentrate (gold) gravity concentrates Copper matte, Products Iron and copper ... concentration, and thickening. In 2023, Norilsk Concentrator increased its ore processing to 8.4 mln t, up 0.7 mln t y-o-y. The resulting thickened concentrates

Thickener design for a copper concentrate using rheology, …

This study presents the results of the sizing of a thickener that treats copper concentrate ore slurry from the flotation process.


8.1.1 From the Stone Age to the Middle Ages. Thickening is not a modern technique and was certainly not invented in the Americas. Whenever people have tried to obtain concentrates from ore, two processes have been used inseparably, crushing and washing.There is evidence that in the 4th Egyptian dynasty, around 2,500 BC, the ancient Egyptians dug for …

Beginners guide to concentrate filtration

Thickening and clarifying Hydrometallurgy In-pit crush and convey Tailings solutions Digital twins Automation Spares and wears Haul truck liners ... By example a typical copper concentrate may have a TML of 9% moisture. Given that at the incompressible limit the cake will have a solids fraction of about 50% v/v and for solids with an sg of 4.3 ...

Copper Refining: From Ore to Market (Updated 2024)

The pyrometallurgical copper refining process In pyrometallurgy, intense heat, often at 2,300 degrees Fahrenheit, is applied to extract copper from sulfide ores.After the flotation process ...

Method for separating copper-molybdenum mixed concentrate …

The invention discloses a method for separating copper-molybdenum mixed concentrate high in secondary copper content. The method includes the steps of concentrating and filtering, water returning and size mixing, floatation separation, concentrate filtering and the like. The method abides by floatability property difference between copper molybdenum minerals, adopts …

Tailings Management With Paste Thickening

A high-rate thickener dewaters the bulk of copper-moly concentrate before more separation. 5. Moly Flotation. The moly flotation circuit has similar groups of flotation cells with chemicals to float the molybdenite (moly concentrate), and settle out the copper sulfides (copper concentrate). 6. Copper Thickening/Dewatering

Copper Ore Processing Plants, Flow And Equipment

2) Copper concentrate filtration is the operation of making the ore slurry pass through a water-permeable and impermeable spacer layer of solid particles to achieve solid-liquid separation. Filtration is a further dehydration operation after concentration, usually on a filter. 3) Copper concentrate drying is the final stage of dehydration. It ...

Copper Concentrate Filtration

After crushing and milling steps the slurry of copper go to the flotation process in order to separate the copper concentrate from the copper tailings. The last step of the process before the copper concentrate filtration is the thickening of the copper concentrate slurry by the high rate thickener.


for: rougher concentrate regrinding testing, copper concentrate, thickening and filtrationrheology testing, and final tailings rheology and thickening testing. No further confirmatory testwork was undertaken during the feasibility study optimisation review or FEED phase. Table 2.

Commencement of Commissioning and Bulk Copper Concentrate …

Sumitomo Metal Mining Co. Ltd. (headquarters: Tokyo, Japan, "SMM") and Sumitomo Corporation (headquarters: Tokyo, Japan, "SC"), together with Teck Resources Limited (headquarters: Vancouver B.C., Canada, "Teck"), have started the feeding of mineral ore into the main facilities at the Quebrada Blanca Phase 2 project ("QB2 Project"), and the production of …

Installation of Process Equipment for the Production of Copper

In the thickening and decantation area, the bulk concentrate, which has undergone atmospheric leaching, will undergo the thickening procedure in special tanks. Thickening is a process of separating solid and liquid fractions based on the natural settling of solid particles under the influence of gravity and reagents.

Copperwood Project

The Copperwood Project is a wholly owned greenfield copper project being developed by (and to be operated by) Highland Copper's U.S. subsidiary Copperwood Resources Inc. ... processing rate of 6,800 metric tonnes per day. …

-Copper concentrate settling thickening sizing …

Download Table | -Copper concentrate settling thickening sizing data summary from publication: A RHEOMETALLURGICAL APPROACH TO LIQUID-SOLID SEPARATION | Liquid-solid separation and slurry...

Radioisotope tracer investigation and modeling of copper concentrate

This paper presents residence time distribution (RTD) functions acquired in radioisotope tracer experiments carried out on a copper ore thickening, filtration and drying system. The radioactive isotope 64 Cu was selected as a tracer for copper. It was obtained through the activation of the natural ore concentrate in a nuclear reactor.


Copper Flotation is a beneficiation method based on the hydrophobicity difference of the mineral surface. While the copper mineral is usually in the form of sulfuration exiting in the mineral. ... ORE MINING —-CRUSHING —-MILLING —- CHEMICALS MIX WITH SLURRY —-FROTH FLOTATION —-COLLECT CONCENTRATE —-THICKENING —-FILTER PRESS ...

Copper Mining and Processing: Resources and Glossary

thickening: For copper sulfide ore, a stage in the process of pyrometallurgy, in which the copper froth from the froth floatation stage is poured into large tanks called thickeners, where the copper solids settle and are filtered to remove excess water; …

Rosemont Copper Project, Pima County, Arizona, USA

The copper concentrate will undergo thickening, filtration, and drying process to produce a concentrate copper filter cake, which will be packed in containers and transported by trucks. Project infrastructure. Rosemont project site can be accessed through the South Sonoita Highway. A Union Pacific mainline east-west railroad and Tucson ...

Copper Concentrate – S&A CAPITAL

Copper concentrate is the key raw material for all copper smelters that process the concentrate to produce an impure form of metallic copper, anode or blister copper that are then used to produce high purity refined copper. ... thickening, smelting, and electrolysis. S&A Capital sources copper concentrate in the range of 10% to 25% ...

Thickeners and Clarifiers

is a global leader in the design, fabrication and supply of thickening and clarifying solutions. With leading ... Red mud washers Red mud final washers Hydrate Coal tailings Clean coal fines Dense media Copper Zinc/Lead Nickel Concentrate Tailings CCD Tailings Concentrate Tailings Acid leached ore Uraniumm precipitate


a thickener that treats copper concentrate ore slurry from the flotation process. For this purpose, discon- ... The thickening operation is usually employed in industrial plants that use the sed-imentation of solid particles in tanks of different geometries suitable for each type of

to supply equipment for Barrick's Zambia copper …

has been awarded a contract by Barrick Gold for the supply of key process equipment at the Lumwana copper project in Zambia. Skip to site menu Skip to page ... flotation, thickening, feeding and filtration. October 1, 2024. Share ... "The copper concentrate production process in Lumwana has been designed with sustainability and ...

Copper recovery from thickener overflow by …

In this research work, the response surface methodology was applied to optimize the factors effective in Cu metal recovery and sludge volume produced from thickener overflow. To this …

Copper, Explained

International Copper Association, "The Long-Term Availability of Copper", Oct 27, 2017. International Copper Study Group, The World Copper Factbook 2020, 30 December 202012. International Copper Association, "Copper Applications Technology Roadmap", Jan 2017. Bloomberg, as of 5 January 2021. Ibid.

Copper leaching from primary sulfides: Options for …

The AAC/UBC process was recently evaluated in a continuous, fully integrated pilot-plant trial. The flow sheet comprised fine grinding of the concentrate, pressure leaching, thickening and filtration, copper SX/EW, with a bleed circuit to recover valuable base metal co-products. Gold was recovered from the autoclave residue by direct cyanidation.

Case study flowsheets: copper–gold concentrate treatment

The flowsheet (see Fig. 7) comprised fine grinding of the concentrate, pressure leaching, thickening and filtration, copper SX/EW, with a bleed circuit to recover valuable base metal co-products. Gold and silver were recovered from the …

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