Determination of Chemically Bound Water in Metakaolin

The technique is presented for the determination of chemically bound water in metakaolin (with the mass fraction of water being within 0.5 and 5 %) by IR spectrometry at 900°C using the ELTRA ...

Use of Microwave Techniques for the Determination of Bound Water

The remaining water molecules (those bound to 2, 1 or no other water molecules) that are free to rotate with the impressed electromagnetic field absorb energy from the incident microwave signal.

Determination of Chemically Bound Water in Metakaolin

The technique is presented for the determination of chemically bound water in metakaolin (with the mass fraction of water being within 0.5 and 5 %) by IR spectrometry at …

Identification and quantification of soil water components in …

Kinetic model can detect tightly-bound, loosely-bound, and capillary water in kaolin. Different soil water components exhibit distinct kinetic triplets. Bound water content increases …

Macroscopic and molecular scale assessment of thermal …

The soil-water characteristic/retention curve (SWCC/SWRC) is generally used to describe the behavior of water retention capacity (Fredlund and Xing, 1994; Van Genuchten, 1980).The SWCC is defined as the relationship between gravimetric water content, volumetric water content, degree of saturation, and matric suction, making it an elementary and …

Role of different types of water in bentonite clay on hydrate …

Water in clay is generally classified as bound water and free water, and bound water is generally defined as the water in the electric double layer, while the water outside the electric double layer is defined as the free water, which can be divided into capillary and gravity water [17], [18], [19]. ... Determination of bound water content of ...

Modifications induced by the thermal treatment of kaolin …

Modifications induced by the thermal treatment of kaolin and determination of reactivity of metakaolin. Author links open overlay panel B. Fabbri a, S. Gualtieri a, C. Leonardi b. ... The calcination treatment provokes the loss of the lattice water from kaolinite and its transformation into metakaolinite, that is an amorphous aluminum-silicate ...

Quantification of clay mineral microporosity and its application …

Since the volume of clay bound water represents immobile water saturation held by the clay mineral, and it is a combination of the volume of the clay bound water and capillary bound water. Therefore, using the estimated effective clay volume instead of shale volume led to a decent result based on mineralogy content [7] .

Analysis of Bound Water and Its Influence Factors in …

Keywords: mixed clayey soils; bound water; mineral composition; specific surface area (SSA); isothermal adsorption method 1. Introduction Clay minerals are the main components of clayey soil, which adsorb bound water because of their hydration-activation centers. Bound water is one of the important factors in controlling the multiple physical ...

Determination of the Contact Angles of Kaolin Intercalates …

The contact angle measurement using capillary rise method was performed to confirm that the pristine kaolin with initial contact angle value of ~45° was effectively modified and 'wetted' from ...

(PDF) Determination of rainfall effects on kaolin clay …

Determination of rainfall effects on kaolin clay coverage rates used in prevention plant from sunburn June 2020 International Journal of Agriculture Environment and Food Sciences 4(2):224-229

Development and characterization of porous membranes based on kaolin

The composite membranes were characterized by the determination of their water permeability (Table 7). Water filtration tests showed that the pure CS membrane exhibited very low permeability values below 3 l h − 1 m − 2 bar − 1 which confirmed the dense structure of this membrane. The composite membranes were also characterized by the ...

Thermodynamic and mechanical characterisation of …

Water sorption isotherms of kaolin were determined for three temperatures (30, 50 and 70°C). Desorption isotherms were fi tted by using fi ve models (GAB, BET, Henderson modifi ed, …

Elucidation of Iron(III) Bioleaching Properties of Gram …

Kaolin is a silicate clay mineral exhibiting excellent physical and chemical properties ... facilitating ferric internalization. 23,24 The ferric-bound stapyloferrin is then reduced by iron uptake ... (III) interference in the determination of iron(II) in water by the 1,10-phenanthroline method. Analyst 1975, 100, 549–554. 10.1039 ...

Application of a thermo-time domain reflectometry probe in sand-kaolin

The formation of bound water among soil particles lowered the increase of K a ρ w / ρ d because the bound water has a much smaller permittivity than that of free water. Under this circumstance, the increase of K a ρ w / ρ d was reduced compared to the dry condition.

(PDF) Characterization of technical kaolin using XRF, SEM, …

The location of the kaolin deposit at the foot of the volcano caused the composition of SiO2 on the kaolin to reach 83%, while Al2O3 simply reached 3%. The use of Sabang kaolin as a support ...

Metakaolin test for the chemically bound water | Request …

The technique is presented for the chemically bound water determination in metakaolin (the mass fraction of water being within 0,5 and 5 %) using the ELTRA (Germany) …

Measurement of Temperature-Dependent Bound Water in …

The smaller thermal contraction observed for kaolin in literature ... a unified theory for the quantitative determination of bound water film thickness has not been proposed yet. This paper put ...

Determination and characterization of Metronidazole

Kaolin is insoluble in water, mineral acids and solutions of alkali hydroxides. It is one of the principle intestinal adsorbents, has traditionally been used internally in the

Identification and quantification of soil water components in …

Based on the cross-validation results, the soil water components obtained from the kinetic analysis are further identified as tightly-bound, loosely-bound, and capillary water, which exhibit …

Classification and characterization of bound water in …

Purpose Bound water has a large impact on physical and chemical properties of clay. The objective of this study was to investigate the contents, types, and physical properties of bound water and provide insights for understanding the thermal behavior and hydration process of the marine mucky silty clay under the control of bound water. Materials and methods An …

A bound water model for numerical simulation of SWCC in …

A bound water model for numerical simulation of SWCC in the wide suction range based on DDA ... the extended DDA is used to simulate the SWCCs of two types of fine sand with kaolin clay in a wide suction range. ... methods cannot distinguish the different mechanisms of matric suction because the experimental methods for the determination of ...


termination of chemically bound water in metakaolin provides results with sufficient accuracy and precision. Keywords: kaolin, metakaolin, chemically bound water, infrared spectroscopy, mass loss on ignition. Metakaolin is a highly dispersed natural aluminosili-cate material obtained by heat treatment of kaolin (Al 4[Si 4O 10](OH)

Characterisation of pore fluid salinity dependent evaporative

A soil skeleton rich in liquid filled voids yields a porous state prone to fluidisation with little or no resistance to shearing (Pastor et al., 2010).Consistency boundaries that correspond to specific states of shear resistance of soil are progressively encountered reliant on the chemical nature (Lambe and Whitman, 1969) and transitional dynamics of pore water …


the first step, the physiosorbed and the interlayer water are removed by heating (< 200°C) due to its loosely bound as well as mobility. In the second step the strongly bounded water molecules from the first coordination sphere of the interlayer ions is removed at the high temperature (450–500°C). In the third step, the

(PDF) Hydraulic Conductivity of Kaolin-Water Suspensions

The process of sedimentation and subsequent gravity compression of kaolin and water suspensions was investigated experimentally. 45 batch tests were carried out and the time dependence of the height of the suspension column was measured. The ... Determination of hydraulic conductivity of a suspension.

Low-temperature treatment optimization for diesel-contaminated kaolin

In addition to the evaporation of bound water (∼115 °C) (Zhang et al., 2021), the degradation of organic compounds and the release of volatile substances (∼120–200 °C) were the major contributors to the total mass loss rate, accounting for approximately 1.724%. The color of DCK-150 °C (diesel-contaminated kaolin sample after thermal ...

Analysis and modeling of bound water adsorption by …

discussed the relationship between the bound water content and the clay mineral composition (montmorillonite content). To verify the applicability of empirical adsorption models to bound water adsorption, three common empirical adsorption models were selected to fit the isotherm adsorption data. Analysis on bound water adsorbed by clay Materials

Determination of Chemically Bound Water in Metakaolin

A. A. Lamberov, E. Yu. Sitnikova, and A. Sh. Abdulganeeva, "Influence of the composition and structure of kaolin clays on the conditions of the phase transition of kaolinite into metakaolinite" …

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