Ammonia leaching in the copper industry: a …

The current study investigated a hybrid approach using aqueous ammonia as a pH modifier for glycine-based lixiviant systems to leach copper from chalcopyrite while maintaining surface...

Recovery of Copper from Ammoniacal Leachates by Ion Flotation

For this reason, ammonium carbonate ((NH 4) 2 CO 3) was selected as ammonium salt for the leaching of the microwave-roasted material in combination with aqueous ammonia. The effect of total {ammonia + ammonium} concentration ([NH 3 + NH 4 +]), leaching temperature, and leaching time on the leaching efficiencies of copper and zinc is shown in ...

Dissolution kinetics of malachite in ammonia/ammonium carbonate leaching

The leaching of oxide copper ore containing malachite, which is the unique copper mineral in the ore, by aqueous ammonia solution has been studied. The effect of leaching time, ammonium hydroxide, and ammonium carbonate concentration, pH, [NH 3 ]/[NH

Behavior of Copper Dissolution in an Ammonia …

an ammonia solution containing ammonium carbonate, and reported that the leaching speed increased with increasing Cu(II) concentration, O2 gas flow rate and bath ... for leaching copper, copper plates were immersed and stirred at 300 rpm in solutions of 1~6 kmol m-3 NH 3 and 1 kmol m-3 NH 4 4 4 4Cl 4 4 4)2)2SO) ) )2 V) 0 50 100

The Effect of Leaching Time and Ammonia …

ammonium carbonate being 0.3 M for the system, with a leaching time of 120 minutes giving them over 98% of copper recovery. Highest recovery for ammonia alone was 53% with only 5% of …


AMMONIA LEACHING IN THE COPPER INDUSTRY: A REVIEW . V Radmehr. 1, S M J Koleini. 2, *, M R Khalesi. 3. and M R Tavakoli ... carbonate leaching ammonia/ ammonium (Bingol carbonate leaching

Selective leaching of copper and zinc from primary ores and …

Copper leaching of metals from solid matrices by ammonium carbonate is well documented. However, little is known about metal extraction with biogenic ammonia, with just two studies to date implicating the role of microbially produced ammonia from a low grade Cu ore (Wang et al., 2013; Hu et al., 2016). Moreover, no studies to date have ...

Ammoniacal Solvoleaching of Copper from High-Grade Chrysocolla …

The copper silicate ore chrysocolla forms a large potential copper resource, which has not yet been fully exploited, due to difficulties associated with its beneficiation by flotation and metallurgical processing. Direct acid leaching of chrysocolla causes silica gel formation. Therefore, in this work, the feasibility of solvometallurgical methods to leach copper from high …

An investigation into the leaching behaviour of copper …

Leaching of malachite ore in aqueous ammonia/ammonium carbonate at 25 °C, solid to liquid ratio of 1:10, stirring speed of 300 rpm, particle size < 450 μm, has been found to recover up to 98% of the copper in 120 min, while the gangue minerals did not dissolve in the solution (Bingöl et al., 2005).

Behavior of Copper Dissolution in an Ammonia Solution …

In order to investigate a leaching behavior of copper, copper plates were immersed and stirred in a solution of 7 kmol m-3 NH 3 and 1 kmol m-3 (NH4)2SO4 containing 0.5 kmol m-3 Cu(II) at …


An improved process for obtaining copper from a copper sulfide, in which: the copper sulfide is treated with oxygen and an aqueous leaching solution of ammonium carbonate, to form a leach liquor which contains ammonia complexes of copper sulfate and copper carbonate; the leach liquor is heated to form gaseous ammonia and carbon dioxide; the leach liquor is treated with a …

Leaching kinetics of low-grade copper ore containing …

Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 22(2012) 2822âˆ'2830 Leaching kinetics of low-grade copper ore containing calcium-magnesium carbonate in ammonia-ammonium sulfate solution with persulfate LIU Zhi-xiong 1, 2, YIN Zhou-lan 1, HU Hui-ping 1, CHEN Qi-yuan 1 1.

Investigation of Leaching Kinetics of Copper from …

can be obtained for the electrolytic recovery of copper. The leaching and kinetics of malachite, which is an oxidized copper ore, in ammonia-containing solutions has been investigated by various researchers. Oudenne and Olson[10] studied the leaching kinetics of malachite in ammonium carbonate solutions. They reported that

Renewable ammonium chloride-induced calcium leaching of gold and copper

This study pretreated high-calcium gold-copper tailings by ammonia leaching to extract Ca 2+ and avoid product impurities caused by leaching of heavy metals. ... Solubility of calcium carbonate in ammonium chloride aqueous solution at T = (298.15, 323.15, and 348.15. K. J. Chem. Eng. Data, ...

Dissolution kinetics of malachite in ammonia/ammonium carbonate leaching

Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Dissolution kinetics of malachite in ammonia/ammonium carbonate leaching" by D. Bingöl et al. ... ABSTRACT This study investigated the kinetics of copper leaching from malachite ore using formic acid as an organic leaching reagent. The analysis was carried out to determine the effect of the …

Use of Ammonia Salts in Selective Copper Extraction from Tailings

The results of the leaching process with ammonium carbonate are shown in Fig. 4. As seen in the figure, ammonium carbonate leaching was studied in the concentration range of 10–250 g/L at five different temperatures. The effects of (NH 4) 2 CO 3 concentration were highly noticeable, especially at high temperatures.

The effect of leaching time and ammonia concentration on …

The effects of ammonia concentration and leaching time were investigated to determine the optimum leaching conditions. The experiments were conducted in a leaching cell submerged in a water bath, with ammonia concentrations of 1.5 M, 2.0 M, 2.5 M and 3.0 M and varying leaching time from 0 to 300 min. Ni-Cu matte containing 23% by mass Cu was used in this experimental …

Recovery of Copper from Ammoniacal Leachates by Ion …

Ion flotation is a separation technique capable of recovering metal ions from dilute aqueous leachates. In this paper, ion flotation was applied to separate copper from …

Ammoniacal System Mechanisms for Leaching Copper from …

Although different copper compounds have already been tested with this leaching alternative in different ammonia media such as malachite in ammonia/ammonium carbonate system, oxidized copper ore in ammonium chloride solution, complex copper in ammonia-ammonium chloride solution, malachite ore in ammonium nitrate solutions, tenorite and ...

Leaching kinetics of copper flotation tailings in aqueous ammonia …

Optimum leaching conditions from malachite ore by ammonia/ammonium carbonate solution are found as ammonia/ammonium carbonate concentrations: 5 M NH4OH+0.3 M (NH4)2CO3; solid/liquid ratio: 1:10 g ...

Selective copper recovery from complex mixtures of end-of …

By using air as the oxidant and ammonia–ammonium carbonate leaching solution, copper could be extracted with high recovery – more than 90%, and high extraction selectivity – around 98%. In order to understand the copper extraction process and the reaction mechanisms, the effects of a range of parameters during copper leaching were ...

Use of Ammonia Salts in Selective Copper Extraction …

The leaching solutions that were used in the experiments contained ammonium persulfate, ammonium hydroxide, am-monium carbonate, ammonium nitrate, and ammonium chlo-ride, including derivatives of ammonium. The quantities requiredof ammoniumpersulfate, ammoniumcarbonate,am-monium nitrate, and ammonium chloride were weighed care-

Leaching Thermodynamics of Low-Grade Copper Oxide Ore …

Ammonium carbonate achieves a copper leaching rate of 63.5%. Ammonium chloride achieves a rate of 70.0%. Ammonium sulfate achieves a rate of 68.9%. Ammonium chloride and ammonium sulfate have similar effects on leaching efficiency, both outperforming ammonium carbonate; however, due to its corrosiveness to equipment, ammonium chloride is …


KINETIC MODEL OF COPPER LEACHING FROM A MALACHITE ORE BY ACETIC ACID SOLUTIONS Mehmet Kayra Tanaydın1, Nizamettin Demirkıran2, Ahmet Ekmekyapar 2 ... Ammonium chloride [3], ammonia/ ammonium carbonate [4], ammonia [12], ammonia/ ammonium chloride [13], ammonia/ammonium sulfate [14], ammonium nitrate [15], ammonium acetate [16],

Investigation of Copper Ammonia Leaching from Smelter …

Leaching Experiments. The batch leaching tests of prepared slag samples (as mentioned previously) with a combination of ammonia (25 pct ammonia solution) and ammonium carbonate were performed in a 2 L glass reactor fitted with a mechanical stirrer, a thermometer, a reflux condenser, and a gas sparger.

Novel treatment for mixed copper ores: Leaching ammonia

The procedure involves three stages: (i) leaching with aqueous ammonia solutions at room temperature and varied pH, ammonia concentration, solid concentration, and particle size; (ii) PLS precipitation in copper sulfides by the addition of sulfur (or other copper sulfates) and SO 2 (or additional sulfites or bisulfites); (iii) froth flotation ...

Improved Cupric Ammonium: Carbonate Leaching of Copper …

Alternatives were developed to the conventional ammoniacal carbonate leaching-steam stripping procedure for recovering copper as an oxide from contaminated scrap metal. By entraining air bubbles in the leach solution, the copper dissolution rate was increased to 1.5 g/sq in. of copper surface per hour, compared to 0.5 g/sq in/hr produced by ...

Ammoniacal leaching and recovery of copper from alloyed …

The high-copper alloy can dissolve spontaneously in ammoniacal solutions with added copper(II) ions. The leaching in chloride, carbonate and sulfate baths allowed a distinct …

Leaching kinetics of copper flotation tailings in aqueous ammonia …

The experiments of agitation leaching were carried out in aqueous ammonia/ammonium carbonate solution, to recover copper from the flotation tailings of waste copper oxide residue. The main copper minerals contained in the flotation tailings are chrysocolla, malachite, and cuprite, with the copper grade of 1.12%.

(PDF) Ammoniacal leaching and recovery of copper from …

Obtained result showed that the most favorable conditions for the alloy dissolution can be achieved in the ammonia–ammonium carbonate system. It allows leaching copper effectively, without uncontrolled alloy degradation (as in the chloride bath) and recovering the metal at the lowest electrolysis voltage (3.5 V), highest current efficiency ...

Effect of Preliminary Alkali Desilication on Ammonia Pressure Leaching …

Ammonia leaching is a promising method for processing low-grade copper ores, especially those containing large amounts of oxidized copper. In this paper, we study the effect of Si-containing minerals on the kinetics of Cu and Ag leaching from low-grade copper concentrates. The results of experiments on the pressure leaching of the initial copper concentrate in an …

Leaching kinetics of copper flotation tailings in aqueous …

The experiments of agitation leaching were carried out in aqueous ammonia/ammonium carbonate solution, to recover copper from the flotation tailings of waste …

Dissolution kinetics of malachite in ammonia/ammonium …

More than 98% of copper was effectively recovered. During the leaching, copper dissolves as in the form of Cu(NH 3) 4 +2 complex ion, whereas gangue minerals do not react …

The aqueous chemistry of the copper-ammonia system and …

The dissolution of copper during the leaching of chalcopyrite in ammonia solutions is an attractive alternative to acid sulfate leaching in the treatment of ores with high consumption of acid.

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