stone quarrying and the occurrence of respiratory disease symptoms among the quarry workers, the prevalence of dermatoses on the quarry workers compared to a control population, and the level of knowledge of the workers on the impact of dust inhalation to their health. Materials and methods The quarry area studied is located in Lokpanta in
The expiration of the multi-national firms contract coupled with the desperate bid to consolidate the gains of the new economic empowerment, led many private owned companies …
IOSR Journals, 2019. The study aimed to assess the occupational health hazards among quarry workers in Ebonyi State, Nigeria. The study employed a cross sectional study that deals with observational and clinical examination that involved the measurement of outdoor gaseous pollutants, interview of participants with a well structured questionnaire and ocular examination …
The net effect was that Abakaliki people, like other parts of Nigeria, gradually started loosing the zeal to produce handicraft items and certain traditional farming practices. ... The health impacts of working in stone quarrying industry are enormous. ... However it is important to note that before the advent of quarry Abakaliki people earned ...
This study aims to evaluate the effects of quarry dusts on the electrocardiogram of quarry workers in Abakaliki metropolis. 100 workers from quarry industry (test group) and 100 civil servants ...
These were located in six sites as follows: Abakaliki and its environs in Abakaliki LGA had three sites, one each in Abakaliki-Enugu road, Abakaliki-Ogoja road and old Abakaliki-Enugu road. The remaining three sites were one each in Ishiagu in Ivo LGA, Ikenyi in Nnodo in Ebonyi LGA and Ukwuagba in Ngbo East in Ohaukwu LGA. The list of quarries
problems found among the quarry workers and the residents of the quarry communities. Materials and Methods This study was a cross sectional observational study carried out at quarry sites in Abakaliki, Southeastern Nigeria. Quarry workers and residents at the vicinity of the quarry activities were assembled at a hall.
Quarries on hills generally have large geomorphic impacts which indicate that crushed stone quarrying have removed an entire karsts hill. The work of Garba states that people living close to the quarries are affected by the activities that …
This study therefore investigated the physical impacts of quarrying on air and water and explored the in-situ mitigations to undesirable effects due to stone quarrying. Four active quarry sites …
This study carried out in Abakiliki, Southeastern Nigeria, to investigate the major ocular problems found among quarry workers and residents of quarrying communities found pterygium, cataract, cornea opacity, and conjunctival hyperemia among subjects. Quarrying is a form of mining which involves crushing of stones and obtaining quarry resources on or below the earth surface. This …
Dimension stone quarrying is a vital activity that dates back since the dawn of civilization because it provided premium materials for all kinds of constructions. Stone quarrying activities have affected the quarry workers, residents near quarry sites and the country's economy at large.
This paper examines the challenges of quarrying activities on sustainable quality water resources in Abakaliki and environs and the socio-economic implications of the effects …
The research objectives include to determine the types of quarrying activities carried out; to assess the occupational health and safety hazards associated with stone-quarry work; to evaluate the ...
effect of stone quarrying on the residents of abakaliki problems associated with stone quarrying on abakaliki. ishiagu quarry site in abakaliki gcpain new quarry site at abakaliki effect of stone quarrying on the residents of abakaliki a new quarry site at abakaliki effect of stone quarrying on the Ball mills are used primary for single stage fine grinding regrinding and as the second stage …
Abstract: The utilization of crushed granite aggregate samples from different localities and regions (Abakaliki and Auchi) for concrete work is investigated in this work. Normal concrete is …
A.N. Nwibo and E.A. Ugwuja et al, blazed a trail on quarry in Abakaliki in their research "Pulmonary problem among quarry workers of stone crushing industrial site at Umuogharu, Ebonyi State" in the International …
Huge vegetal losses caused by unsustainable quarrying practices have limited the role played by vegetation cover in mitigating the global impact of climate change. There is a need for a holistic study that will employ remotely sensed data in GIS domain to determine the extent of the effect of quarrying activities on vegetation cover in the study area. The need for …
A survey of air quality in an environment informs the safety status or the degree of pollution as indicated by surveillance due to prevalent activities in such area.
Furthermore, fertile soil is dislocated and interrupted after excavation, pits are left un lled or abandoned and may lead to gully erosion. This is not only unsightly but poses danger to livestock, wildlife and people as well (Mbuyi, 2017). One of the biggest negative effects of quarry on the environment is biodiversity (Anand, 2006).
This paper examines the challenges of quarrying activities on sustainable quality water resources in Abakaliki and environs and the socio-economic implications of the effects on the people in ...
This paper examines the challenges of quarrying activities on sustainable quality water resources in Abakaliki and environs and the socio-economic implications of the effects on the people in ...
ASSESSING THE EFFECTS OF STONE QUARRYING: THE CASE OF WENCHI MUNICIPALITY IN THE BRONG AHAFO REGION OF GHANA By ... have been several concerns raised by many people especially the host communities who are farmers and depend mainly on agriculture for their livelihood, with regards to land degradation, ...
In a study in Nigeria, it was reported that only 52% of the workers in a stone quarry were aware of the ocular dangers in the workplace that could potentially have a negative effect on ocular ...
years, quarrying, crushing, and the manufacture of lime-stone have all grown to be important sectors in Ebonyi State. Small- and medium-sized quarries, as well as hand-crafted stone quarries, make up the quarrying sector in Ebonyi State. According to Ibeh et al. (2020), there are between 100 and 150 of these types of businesses.
The objective of the study was to assess the work-related health hazards, personal hygiene and utilization of personal protective equipments among stone quarry workers in Wardha district in Maharashtra.Methods: This cross …
Resources in Abakaliki and Environs Abstract: This paper examines the challenges of quarrying activities on sustainable quality water resources in Abakaliki and environs and the socio-economic implications of the effects on the people in order to find strategies to mitigate the effects. Data collection yielded 7 water samples and
A Study of the Quarry Industry in Abakaliki, Ebonyi State A.N. Nwibo and E.A. Ugwuja et al, blazed a trail on quarry in Abakaliki in their research "Pulmonary problem among quarry …
IOSR Journals, 2019. The study aimed to assess the occupational health hazards among quarry workers in Ebonyi State, Nigeria. The study employed a cross sectional study that deals with observational and clinical examination that involved the measurement of outdoor gaseous pollutants, interview of participants with a well structured questionnaire and ocular examination …
0.0219), quarry stone carriers (p=0.0316) and quarry stone crushers (p=0.0259) when compared with the control. Furthermore, significant decrease in the p value- axis of quarry machine operators (p ...
Quarrying/stone crushing is increasingly becoming the main stay of Ebonyi State economy and major source of internally generated revenue yet there is little or no government policy on regulation and occupational safety. Aim: This study examined the effect of long time exposure to quarry dust on the Full
Stone quarrying is a widely prevalent, export-oriented industry in India, Tamil Nadu, with more than 1100 stone quarry units, of which nearly 985 are located in residential areas. In stone quarries of Tamil Nadu, large blocks of metallic rock stones and granite are cut into stone slabs used as construction materials.
The analysis yielded a canonical correlation value of 0.94, indicating that there was a very strong effect of the quarrying activities in the affected areas.The resulting Wiliks's Lambda and Chi-square values respectively of 0.120 and <0.01 showed that there was a satisfactory classification of the intensities or level of quarrying activities ...
soil and vegetation of a quarry site by Bada & Fagbayibgo, (2009) and on the level of suspended particulates in the ambient air and around selected quarry sites by Oguntoke et al., (2009) but much work has not been done on the effect of quarry activities in relation to the emission of greenhouse gases and suspended particulates.