In many industries, materials handling represents a significant component of the operational cost, making equipment selection an important challenge to management. To meet this challenge, extensive research has taken place in the mining and construction industries which are heavily dependant on equipment. Yet this research effort has not resulted in an acceptable solution …
The three mining width ranges are defined, as are the mining methodologies. The various equipment alternatives are defined in subsequent chapters. ER-4517 3 1.4.1 Load-Haul-Dump (LHD) Vehicles: A Definition LHD is the generic designation for low-profile, front-end loaders commonly found
One of the challenging problems for surface mining operation optimization is choosing the optimal truck and loader fleet. This problem is the Equipment Selection Problem (ESP). In this paper, we describe the ESP in the context of …
Equipment Selection for Mining: With Case Studies - Springer
Y. Huang, U. Kumar, Optimising the number of load-haul-dump machines in a swedish mine, in Mine Planning and Equipment Selection 1994: Proceedings of the third International Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection, ed. by A.G. Pasamehmetoglu, Istanbul, Turkey, 18–20 October 1994, pp. 353–358, Rotterdam (1994). A.A. …
We refer to this problem as the equipment selection problem (ESP). In this paper, we describe the ESP in the context of surface mining and discuss related problems and …
Highlights 1. Introduction. In surface mining, one of the most critical decisions involves the selection of the appropriate equipment. This choice, encompassing the handling of materials through excavation and haulage, …
The book is intended for a broad audience, ranging from mathematicians with an interest in industrial applications to mining engineers who wish to utilize the most accurate, efficient, versatile and robust computational models in order to refine their equipment selection and allocation strategy. As materials handling costs represent a ...
Mining operations can be dangerous and safety risks can easily be overlooked. Therefore, equipment should be carefully selected to ensure it has the necessary safety features that meet the standards of the job.
Suppose that decision makers in an iron mine site wanted to select the most suitable primary crusher for carrying out comminution in its production. Conclusions. A novel sensitivity analysis approach has been proposed to understand the robustness of an integrated constrained fuzzy stochastic analytic hierarchy process (IC-FSAHP) method that can ...
A well-organized fleet management in surface mining is required in order to maximize truck per shovel Match Factors. The most common materials handling in surface mining is by truck and shovel ...
Sympos. Mine Planning Equipment Selection (A. A. Balkema, Rotterdam, the Netherlands), 369-377. Google Scholar [37] Çelebi N (1998) An equipment selection and cost analysis system for open pit coal mines. Internat. J. Surface Mining Reclamation Environ. 12(4):181-187. Crossref. Google Scholar [38]
This edited volume includes all papers presented at the 22nd International Conference on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection (MPES), Dresden, Germany, 2013. Mineral Resources are needed for almost all …
The selection of mining equipment is one of the most important parts for decision-makers, which can affect the mine and the entire planning. Underground mines are usually divided into two categories; hard rock and soft rock, each of which has its equipment according to the type of exploitation method used. There are different ways to make decisions and choose …
The book is intended for a broad audience, ranging from mathematicians with an interest in industrial applications to mining engineers who wish to utilize the most accurate, efficient, versatile and robust computational models in order to refine their equipment selection and allocation strategy. As materials handling costs represent a ...
Mining trucks, also referred to as haul trucks or road trucks, are used to haul (transport) the ore or waste material from the loader to the dumpsite. In most cases, these vary from 36 tons to 315 tons. The size and cost of operating mining trucks are directly proportional to …
mining engineering projects, as in other engineering branches. Every mining engineer makes several decisions in daily mining applications. Most of the decisions made by mining engineers are completely instinctive, drawing from their past experience; therefore no decision-making method is applied. Equipment selection is one of the most
Equipment sizing is a developed field of mining engineering, which considers all aspects related to productivity, and grade distribution. Current methods of equipment sizing consider block ...
In surface mining applications, the ESP addresses the selection of equipment to extract and haul mined mate-rial, including both waste and ore, over the lifetime of the mining pit. In this paper, …
aspects related to mining. These are also pertinent in the realm of mine planning and equipment selection because we need to mine economically if we are to sustain our operations. Sometimes we need to go back to basics to be innovative. This is where the two papers on improving our understating of rock masses and rock behaviour are relevant.
One of the challenging problems for surface mining operation optimization is choosing the optimal truck and loader fleet. We refer to this problem as the equipment selection problem (ESP). In this paper, we describe the ESP in the context of surface mining and discuss related problems and applications. Within the scope of both the ESP and ...
Equipment Selection for Mining - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read book online for free. Equipment Selection for Mining
Classifying the equipment selection process into three phases i.e. type of fleet, size of equipment and calculation of required numbers, the present article focuses on different application …
Mineral processing equipment selection is the task of examining various machinery alternatives being considered and choosing the most suitable equipment that involves multiple criteria such as technical, environmental, and socio-economic aspects (Sitorus et al., 2019b).The selection of suitable equipment in mineral processing is always of paramount importance.
One of the principal costs in mine is related to purchase and application of equipment. Proper fleet selection, in a way that it secures the production needs of a mine as well as minimizes costs of production, is one of the real challenges of mine planners. As such, with the selection of suitable fleet of equipment and their application, could minimize the capital and operational costs ...
The mining industry contributes significantly to the health of the worlds' economy. Indeed, the total annual revenue generated by the industry worldwide has exceeded $500 billion US for the past 6 years. Over this time, the net profit margins have decreased from 25% in 2010 to 4% in 2016. The significant global economic
Mining companies can consider long schedules (e.g., up to 50 years) in strategic planning of this nature [12]. In this time frame, replacement equip- ment may include types other than the original selection as a reflection …
I (CIM and the Chilean Institute of Mining, Santiago, 2003) S. Erçelebi, C. Kirmanli, Review of surface mining equipment selection techniques, in Mine Planning and Equipment Selection 2000: Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection /Athens/Greece/6–9 November 2000, ed. by G.N. Panagiotou, T.N ...
In this paper, we describe the ESP in the context of surface mining and discuss related problems and applications. Within the scope of both the ESP and related problems, we …
Mine planning engineers generally use of their intuition and experiences in decision making even though equipment selection is a complex multi criteria decision problem. In real-world situation ...
normal mining conditions are extracted with the coal. This increases the ash content of the run of mine coal and results in lower efficiency at the power station and financial penalties for SLE. In this paper, therefore, selection of the best possible equipment and production method was identified to achieve high selective mining at SLE.
Underground Equipment Selection - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. This document discusses the selection of underground mining equipment. It begins by outlining the basic types of equipment used, including for primary breaking, loading, haulage, and mine services. Selection criteria are discussed for different …
The selection of mining equipment is one of the most important parts for decision-makers, which can affect the mine and the entire planning. Underground mines are usually divided into two categories; hard rock and soft rock, each of which has its equipment according to the type of exploitation method used.
Archives of Mining Sciences, 2016. Vehicle transport is a dominant type of technological processes in rock mines, and its profit ability is strictly dependent on overall cost of its exploitation, especially on diesel oil consumption.
In surface mining operations, the equipment selection process aims to identify the most suitable and cost-effective combination of equipment in terms of size, design, and quantity. Recently, the adoption of a decision-support …
In many industries, materials handling represents a significant component of the operational cost, making equipment selection an important challenge to management. To meet this challenge, …
The American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers, 1973. Export. CSV. RIS. Purchase this Article for $25.00. Create a Guest account to purchase this file - or - Log in to your existing Guest account Visit us on. 12999 E. Adam Aircraft Circle Englewood, CO 80112 | info@OneMine | +1 303 948 4248.
mine is complex. Many features, restrictions and criteria need to be considered (Naoum and Haidar 2000). The model must reflect the important constraints of the mining operations to a level that is acceptable and used by mining engineers. Martin consultants (Martin et al. 1982) list the selection considerations for a truck as follows: