In the present work, the concrete mix is prepared for the partial replacement of river sand as the fine aggregates by dust from the quarry of rock and observed that the ideal dose considered to get the good strength is 25% replacement in the mix of Concrete.
In the present investigation, an experimental program was carried out to study the workability and compressive strength of concrete made using stone dust as partial replacement of fine aggregate in the range of 10% - . M25 grade of concrete was designed using Portland pozzolana cement (PPC) for referral concrete.
Here a study is done on stone dust as a partial replacement of sand by stone dust. The present research's aim is to find out the optimum percentage ... of stone dust as fine aggregate with ...
Now a day's fine aggregate (sand) is very expensive; so that by adding admixtures like brick dust and stone dust as partial replacement in fine aggregate would give better saving and environment free. This project consists of a …
Table 4 explains the use of solid waste material in the form of crushed stone dust along with five different types of mix that have been introduced as a partial replacement for cement. The following mixes were prepared in accordance with IS 10262–2009 [40] by assembling the cementitious material at 422 kg/m 3, coarse aggregate in a fraction of 462.75 …
The suitable replacement level for stone dust is 25% and 50%. ... Research on the partial replacement of fine aggregates replaced with waste materials is needed more extensively to provide more ...
Stone dust is such an alternative material which can be effectively being used in construction as partial replacement of natural sand. This is a waste product obtained from aggregate crushing …
Stone dust is a waste material produced in stone crusher industry. Stone dust produced from the crushed stone industry is quite numerous. Nowadays in Makawanpur district of Nepal, the availability of high-quality natural fine aggregate has become increasingly limited and expensive due to factors such as restricted river access, illegal dredging, and the rapid surge in …
stone dust as a partial or whole replacement of natural fine aggregate in concrete. The maximum strength is reached when stone dust is substituted for fine aggregate to the extent of 30%, which results in changes in compressive strength over 7 days of 34.3 percent. The 28-day strength
using stone dust as partial replacement of fine aggregate in the range of 10% - . M25 grade of concrete was designed using Portland pozzolana cement (PPC) for referral concrete. Workability and Compressive strength were determined at different replacement level of fine aggregate viz a viz referral
fineness modulus of stone dust and fine aggregate should be comparable in order to use stone dust as a replacement of fine aggregate. Studies shows that optimum replacement of fine …
aggregates by its weight. Fine aggregates were replaced by 0%, 10%, 20%, and 30% marble powder by weight. M20 grade concrete was designed with water:cement ratio of 0.5. Strength increased for up to 20% replacement of coarse and fine aggregates. Dar et al. [3] prepared concrete by replacing fine aggregate with 10%, 15%,20% and 25 % of waste ...
The partial replacement of cement and fine aggregate with granite powder and saw dust ash, quarry dust when it is able for sustainable development is characterized by application, we came to know ...
Partial Replacement of Fine Aggregate with Brick Dust and Stone Dust M Krishna Teja PG Student Department of Civil Engineering SRM University, SRM Nagar, Chennai, Tamil Nadu India ... Table 1: Physical Properties of Stone dust and Fine aggregate B. Mix Design The mix proportion chosen for this study is M20 grade with water-cement ratios of 0.55 ...
The suitability of crushed stone dust waste as fine aggregate for concrete has been assessed by comparing its basic properties with that of conventional concrete.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the possibility of using crushed stone dust as fine aggregate partially or fully with different grades of concrete composites. ... The present research's aim is to find out the strength aspect of concrete by using stone dust as a partial replacement of sand. The test specimens were made from three ...
The aim of this study was to investigate the possibility of using stone dust as partial replacement of fine aggregate. A referral M25 concrete mix was used in the present investigation ...
In this process waste fine aggregates (dust waste) are generated. ... Kumar S and Chakraborty S 2017 Assessment of pulmonary health status among stone quarry workers at Kashipur, ... Kumar N, Prathap M.G. and Haribabu S 2017 Experimental study on strength of concrete by partial replacement of fine aggregates with quarry dust International ...
To accomplish this an experimental programme was planned for cast specimen cubes at an interval of 10 percent replacement of fine aggregate with stone dust in concrete.
Opportunity: Quarry dust can be used as partial replacement of fine aggregate and cement. Past Past studies have shown that QD can be partially replaced up to 25% & up to 10 % as cement and F.A
( 2003). Quarry Stone Waste as Fine aggregate for concrete. The Indian Concrete Journal, 845-848. Sandeep Kumar Singh, Vikas Srivasta, V.C Agarwal, Rakesh Kumar and P.K Wahta. (2014). An Experimental Investigation on Stone Dust as Partial Replacement of Fine Aggregate in Concrete. Journal of Academia and Industrial Research, 3(5), 229-232.
The use of recycled materials and industrial by-products in pavement construction and rehabilitation can achieve substantial benefits in saving nature resources and reducing energy consumption as well as greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Alternative geological origin rock dust for the partial replacement of fine aggregate and/or cement in Portland cement …
PDF | On Jan 20, 2022, Bikram Paul and others published REPLACEMENT OF SAND WITH STONE DUST AS A FINE AGGREGATE IN CONCRETE | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate
Experimental programme was conducted using 30%, 40%, 50%, 60% and 70% partial replacement of fine aggregate with stone dust has been taken for concrete of M25 grade with 0.46 water cement ratio....
the hardware shop. The stone dust will be mix in the fine aggregate in the ratio of 50% and by weight. As the study is about partial replacement and complete replacement so for partial replacement mixing of stone dust with fine aggregate was necessary.
investigate the possibility of using stone dust as partial replacement of fine aggregate. A referral M25 concrete mix was used in the present investigation. The test results indicate that stone dust can be effectively used in partial replacement of fine aggregate in concrete. It is found that the compressive and
use of stone dust as partial replacement of fine aggregate in concrete. To accomplish this specimen were cast for different replacement level at an interval of 10 percent to determine …
The concept of replacing natural fine aggregate in concrete production with stone dust (SD) could enhance the consumption of stone dust produced during aggregate production as well as reduce the requirement for landfill area for …
the following conclusion: Stone dust should be utilised as a partial or full replacement for fine aggregate in concrete. Stone dust used as fine aggregate in concrete has many advantages, including environmental benefits. Features, the lack of good-quality fine aggregate, and strength standards as well.
60% and 70% partial replacement of fine aggregate with stone dust has been taken for concrete of M25 grade with 0.46 water cement ratio. In this study, set of cubes and beams were cast for ...
Fresh ceramic waste coarse aggregate and quarry dust fine aggregates make concrete less cohesive and harder to deal with than standard concrete [16]. Ceramic waste and quarry dust aggregates absorb much of water. This technique uses porous ceramic waste and quarry dust aggregates. Stone dust can substitute river sand as fine aggregate in concrete.
The ingredients of concrete consist of cement, fine aggregate and coarse aggregates, water. When the reaction of water with cement takes place hydration process is done and a hard material is formed. In this project work we used quarry rock dust as a partial replacement of fine aggregate and fly ask replaced by cement.
In this study, concrete mixes are prepared with partial replacement of natural sand at different substitution rates 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50% with stone dust & partial replacement of natural ...
facing. In this paper, the issues of environmental and economic concern are addressed by the use of quarry dust as partial replacement of fine aggregates in concrete. Fine aggregates were replaced by quarry dust as 0%, 10%, 20%, 30% and 40% by weight for M-25 mix. The concrete specimens were tested for compressive strength,
By replacement 40% fine aggregate with stone dust and 15 % fine aggregate by waste foundry sand the compressive strength was increases by 6.89% at 28 days as compared to normal concrete. D. By replacement 40% fine aggregate with stone dust the split tensile strength was increases by 12.85% at 28 days as compared to normal concrete.
dust as fine aggregate. (2000) M. Shukla et al. studied environmental hazardous stone dust utilization in building construction. It is found that partial replacement will not affect the strength and also solve the problem of disposal of stone dust. The workability of concrete reduces with the increase in stone dust and this