Take two: why mine tailings are worth another look

On November 7, 2023, the US Geological Survey issued a press release announcing that it would invest US$2 million of Bipartisan funding with 14 states to study the potential for critical mineral resources in mine waste. The aim is to map locations of mine waste (i.e., tailings) and measure the potential for critical minerals that might exist there. ...

CRItical raw maTERIAl treatment and recovery from mining tailings …

CRItical raw maTERIAl treatment and recovery from mining tailings and waste dumps ... Supported by the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions programme, the CRITERIA project seeks to assess mining operations based on their environmental and economic impact. This involves various processes such as sieving, magnetic and electric separation, fluid media ...


Our membranes are also used for mine tailings water treatment, metal recovery, specific metal removal, and sea water reverse osmosis for process water for mining. Acid mine drainage. ... The Achmmach Tin Project is located within the PE2912 and PE193172 Mining permits, covering an area of approximately 32km², around 40km south-west of Meknès ...

Lonmin begins Bulk Tailings Treatment project

The BTT project involves the re-mining of Lonmin's Easterns Tailings Dam in South Africa, including the reprocessing of 26Mt of tailings material at a rate of 300,000t/mth. Commissioning and ramp up to full production is expected during the 2018 financial year.

New Coordinated Research Project (CRP): Optimizing Mining …

The "Optimizing mining wastewater remediation" research project will be conducted for 5 years. Tailings and mine waste dumps are sources of effluents from mining operations, containing heavy metals and other contaminants such as nickel, arsenic, manganese, molybdenum, selenium, fluorides, and sulphates.

Use of real options to enhance water-energy nexus in mine tailings

Mine tailings storage leaves a significant environmental, ... A new mining project is based on many uncertain inputs, such as production costs, price of materials, and supplies. ... and its cost can be 3–4 times higher than that of water treatment. The mining industry has made efforts to reduce the freshwater requirement by recycling several ...

Strategies for Mine Tailings Treatment — Canadian Critical …

Sustainable strategies for mine tailings treatment are essential to ensure that mining operations are both effective and environmentally responsible. The Canadian Critical …

Public Pressure Thwarts Copperwood Mining's $50 Million …

A grassroots movement has successfully derailed a $50 million grant proposal for the controversial Copperwood mining project in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. ... while investments in water treatment systems and a lined Tailings Disposal Facility (TDF) aimed to ... particularly the storage of mine tailings — the toxic waste left after copper ...

Recycling and Reuse of Mine Tailings: A Review of …

Adding to this, the legacy of environmental damage from abandoned mines is worrying; in Canada there are around 10,000 abandoned mines, 50,000 in Australia, 6,000 in South Africa, and 9,500 coal ...

Sibanye Stillwater buys New Century zinc mine tailings re-treatment

In addition to its mining projects, the company is involved in mine tailings re-treatment — where mine waste is reprocessed to extract any metals left behind during the initial mining process.

Crocodile River mine tailings treatment plant, South Africa …

Name of the Project Crocodile River mine (CRM) tailings treatment plant. Location The CRM, in South Africa's North West province. Project Owner/s

Recent practices in mine tailings' recycling and reuse

Therefore when a mining project is put into practice, all parameters that may be required during the life of the mine should be evaluated in detail and potential damaging factors that may occur over time, if any, should be eliminated. ... Dedicated chemical treatment on mine tailings is also plausible to affect the chemical-mineralogical state ...

Mogale Tailings Retreatment

Operating Mines. Mogale Tailings Retreatment; Elikhulu Tailings Retreatment Plant; Barberton Underground. Fairview Mine; Sheba Mine; ... plant at the Group's Mintails Project is further testament to our track record of successfully executing world-class tailings retreatment projects. Our new state of the art Tailings Retreatment Operation was ...

(PDF) Sustainable Development Goals in Mine Tailings …

Finally, the article concludes that mine tailings are potentially toxic to both communities and the environment, and cannot be considered as inert and innocuous materials; thus, mine tailings ...

Successfully managing mine tailings

An Albin ALH-125D pump was recently selected for a North Queensland gold mine's tailings treatment project, addressing plant expansion and increased pumping distances to new tailings storage facilities. Ensuring you have the right pump for the right application involves a thorough set of considerations. Consult a knowledgeable pump supplier ...

Climax Molybdenum mine shows off new …

The plant was built to replace the former second stage of the mine's water treatment system, a tailings pond now used to deposit leftover rock from mining operations that restarted in 2012 after ...

A review of circular economy strategies for mine tailings

The biggest waste streams both in metal value and in volume in mining are tailings, which create long-term environmental liabilities to the companies (Wang et al., 2014) due to the potential for acid rock drainage generation (Simate and Ndlovu, 2014) from sulphidic tailings.Instead of considering the tailings only as an environmental challenge, the tailings …

A look at CNRL's tailings improvement project, as Horizon …

According to recent regulatory filings, CNRL says it plans to re-treat Froth Treatment tailings prior to tailings disposal. The Naphtha Recovery Unit Tailings Treatment …

Mine Tailings Remediation

Utilizing CleanWave electrocoagulation and ultrafiltration in combination with other proprietary technologies, WaterTectonics developed an approach that effectively reduced Uranium and Molybdenum to part per billion discharge levels.

Sustainable Development Goals in Mine Tailings …

Minerals and metals are essential to the economic and social development of our society, and they are critical to modern life. The continuous exploitation of mineral resources has led to a large amount of waste, which has …

Process effluents and mine tailings: sources, effects and

Increasing population levels, growing economies, rapid urbanization and changes in consumption patterns have increased the demand for raw materials such as base and precious metals, leading to growing concerns regarding their availability and the global efficiency of the mine supply chain. Mine tailings, consisting of process effluents that are generated in a mineral …

Jwaneng modular tailings treatment project, Botswana

The MTTP will treat 2.4-million tons of old tailings a year and is expected to yield 18-million carats over 20 years. This will add 900 000 ct/y to Jwaneng's current output of 13-million tons ...

Selenium Treatment at Mine Sites

Selenium Project featured in CIM Magazine. August 7, 2020. BRIMM Researcher Sue Baldwin's project with Teck and Genome BC to try to reduce selenium in mine tailings by using microbes in water treatment was featured in CIM Magazine – Genome BC and Teck partner with UBC for $400,000 selenium research project.

Towards mine tailings valorization: Recovery of

Tailing storage facilities (TSF), also called tailing deposits, are the source of most mining-related disasters (berger, 2016).Approaches to the handling and storage of mine tailings include riverine disposal, wetland retention, backfilling, dry stacking and storage behind damned impoundments (Kossoff et al., 2014).Mine tailings dam failures can have catastrophic …

CRItical raw maTERIAl treatment and recovery from mining …

The reclamation of tailing dams to recover critical raw materials is a priority for EU Member States. This includes remediating old mining sites for new land use, evaluating …

Mine site rehabilitation & remediation

Mine remediation projects may include the following: Treatment or removal of soil, sediments, groundwater, or surface water; The demolition and removal of unused …

Socio-Environmental Risks Linked with Mine Tailings …

Typical particle size distribution curve and electronic microscope image of mine tailings. Mine tailings must be stored in a safe and controlled manner in a tailings storage facility where there is a containment dam and a reservoir area for the storage of these mining wastes [].In addition, it is important to highlight that the management of water that has come into contact with the mine ...

Mine tailings: Waste not, want not – The Intelligent Miner

It involves using the remanent value within tailings to rehabilitate mining operations and improve their social and environmental outcomes. Patrick Walta is Managing Director of Australia-based New Century Resources. The company is focused not only on mining, but tailings management and economic rehabilitation too.

Bioleaching of cobalt from sulfide mining tailings; a mini …

Tailings are remaining processing waste streams from mines, disposed after valuable minerals extraction from the mined ore. Tailings contain varying concentrations of residual valuable metals that are currently lost due to lack of economical treatment possibilities. With sulfide containing tailings there is also a risk of acid rock drainage.

Miners aim to innovate tailings treatment to …

The partners are working on technology to allow re-treating tailings to extract more metals and mitigate environmental impacts of past mining. They argue it should become a larger focus in meeting green technologies' …


This chapter provides an overview of mine tailings and mine tailings facilities. It illustrates why and how mine tailings are produced, and the complexity involved in the long-term storage and management of this waste product. The call for a global standard for mine tailings management is a response to recent catastrophic facility failures.

Processing Plant and Mine Tailings Management Plan

every application review, including the mine plan and project bitumen production levels, lease geography and geology, mining and extraction processes, tailings treatment processes, age of mine and existing infrastructure. Furthermore, each oil sands mine operator will employ different technologies and different ways to achieve the outcomes of the

Woodlawn Zinc-Copper Project, New South Wales

The method selected for mining the existing tailings dam south (TDS), tailings dam west (TDW) and tailings dam north (TDN), as part of the WRP, is the automated monitor-based hydraulic mining, deploying high-pressure water cannon to stir the ore into a slurry. ... Infrastructure for the Australian zinc-copper mine. The project benefits from ...

Tailings potential: recovering metals from mine …

Experts believe mine tailings could provide a new source of metals and minerals critical to the energy transition, while also cleaning up the environment.

Tailings Retreatment

Evander Mines' Underground; Near-Term Projects. Evander Underground; Mintails; Exploration In Sudan; Sheba Fault Project; Reserves & Resources; Investors. SENS News. SENS & RNS Feed; SENS in PDF; ... Tailings are processed at Pan African's two state-of-the-art tailings treatment plants, at Elikhulu and BTRP, which processed 13,093,574 t and ...

Pan African Mine Tailings – Sustainable Mine Management

For example, Pan African Resources, which owns the long-established Barberton Mines complex in Mpumalanga, moved into tailings treatment about six years ago, and it fits into the company's commitment to sustainable mining. The Barberton Mines Tailings Retreatment Project (BTRP) has a head grade of 1.6-2.2 grams/ton, with recoveries at around ...

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