Gold Extraction and Recovery Processes For Internal Use …

Activated carbon can be manufactured from wood, nuts shells, coal, petroleum coke and a variety of organic products. Coconut shell carbon is preferred because of its commendable durability and high adsorption capability for gold and silver cyanide [5]. Other modifications include Carbon-in-Leach (CIL) and Carbon-in-Column (CIC).

Modeling and optimization of Carbon in leach (CIL) circuit …

The Carbon-in-leach process is a counter-current leaching-adsorption process. The slurry containing ore, lime and cyanide enters the CIL circuit from the first tank and carbon enters from the last tank. The concentration of gold in the solution is observed to decrease across the tanks due to the simultaneous adsorption by the carbon particles ...

Factors influencing the rate of gold cyanide leaching and adsorption …

The leaching and carbon adsorption kinetic data are fitted to Eqs. (2), (3) ... A second disadvantage of the CIL process is the fact that the carbon adsorption tanks are typically at least five times larger than CIP adsorption tanks (because they are designed for leach residence time, rather than adsorption residence time). ...


Vat-Leaching Process Vat leaching can be described as leaching in a bathtub inside a building. In Vat leaching the ore usually after size reduction (either as a finely crushed or a coarsely ground and de-slimed) is manually loaded into the vats. ... Carbon (Gold Adsorption) In all operating VAT leaching, the solution is drowned from the vats to ...

The process design of gold leaching and carbon-in-pulp circuits

Carbon-in-leach and carbon-in-pulp are continuous processes that use activated carbon in a cascade of large agitated tanks, which have been widely used to recover or concentrate precious metals in … Expand


With carbon-in-column operation, the gold cyanide solution flows through a series of fluidised bed columns in an up-flow configuration. Fluidised bed carbon columns can process solutions that contain as much as 2 to 3 wt% solids, thus making them well suited for heap leach applications which are often high in solids content.


Carbon - An Historical Perspective 1 1.2 The Carbon-in-pulp Process - Process Chemistry and Unknown Areas 3 a; Leaching of Gold from the Ore 3 b) Adsorption of Aurocyanide onto Activated Carbon l c) Carbon Acid Washing and Elution 7 d) Gold Electrot'inning or Precipitation 8 e) Carbon Reactivation 8 f) Other Features of the CIP Process 9

Gold CIP CIL Plant _The Nile Co., Ltd.

In CIL (carbon in leach) process, activated carbon acts like a sponge to aurocyanide and other complex ions in solution. Hard carbon particles (much larger than the ore particle sizes) can be mixed with the ore and cyanide solution mixture. ... It is named three step one closed circle crushing flow chart. Raw material from powder silo will be ...

cil plant, cil gold mining, carbon in leach, cil gold leaching, …

In January 2015, Xinhai undertook Tanzania 1200tpd gold project of a mining company, the project adopted Xinhai gold CIL process, after construction design and installation, it has been put into production now, the recovery rate of gold production line reached expected goal, the final gold leaching rate was 91.5%, which brought large amount of ...

Comprehensive Guide to CIL Process

CIL (Carbon in Leach) is a widely used method for extracting gold from ore. It is a metallurgical process that involves the dissolution of gold particles into a cyanide solution and their subsequent adsorption onto activated carbon.

Gold ore Carbon-In-Leaching (CIL) processing …

The solubilized gold is simultaneously adsorbed onto coarse granules of activated carbon directly in the pulp in the so-called Carbon-In-Leach process (CIL). The loaded carbon is treated at high temperature to elute the adsorbed gold into …

Carbon in Leach (CIL) process plant flow diagram

Download scientific diagram | Carbon in Leach (CIL) process plant flow diagram from publication: Assessment of public exposure to naturally occurring radioactive materials from mining...

Gold CIL Processing Plant

Simplifies leaching and cyanidation for the CIP process. The gold CIL (carbon in leach) process flow main includes: crushing, grinding, leaching, desorption electrolysis, tailings dewatering, etc.

Carbon in Leach, Gold Extraction | PDF | Adsorption

This document presents a dynamic model of the gold leaching and adsorption process onto activated carbon. The model describes the carbon-in-leach process mathematically, and can also be simplified to model the carbon-in-pulp and gold leaching processes. The model is numerically solved and calibrated using experimental plant data. The calibrated model is then used to …

Case Study

Recent construction of a carbon-in-leach plant has allowed for an increase in the resource base. The project scope for Lycopodium included development of the treatment plant, associated services, starter and permanent camp and infrastructure. The process plant is designed for a nominal 4.0 Mtpa (9,000 tpd) throughput on the life of mine. ...

Gold Leaching | Carbon in Leach

Gold Leaching ( carbon in leach) was developed from CIP ( Carbon In Pulp) and is characterized by less process flow, and timesaver in the leaching process, thus reducing the production expenditure. Besides, advanced extraction technology …

Chapter 8

pregnant leach 1 iquor. Two of these methods are discussed in this chapter, the Merri 11 -Crowe (zinc cementation) process and the carbon adsorption process. These two methods represent the most frequently used techniques for gold extraction and are, in fact, used almost exclusively in U.S. heap leaching operations.

-Block diagram for gold extraction from ore

Cyanidation technology that utilises a Carbon in Pulp or Carbon in Leach process is the most dominant and efficient commercial technology currently used for extracting gold from ores. Activated ...

Carbon in Leach with Oxygen CILO Process for Gold Ores

The process has evolved through work at Hazen Research, Inc. for Kamyr, Inc. and in brief, the consists of utilizing oxygen rather than air in the carbon-in- leach (CIL) process. We refer to this improved process for all ores amenable to cyanide leaching as carbon-in-1each with oxygen or CILO. Laboratory Test Work

carbon in leach process flow chart

3. Carbon-In-Leach (CIL): The carbon-in-leach process integrates leaching and carbon-in-pulp into a single unit process operation. Leach tanks are fitted with carbon retention screens and the CIP tanks are eliminated. Carbon is added in leach so that the gold is adsorbed onto carbon almost as soon as it is dissolved by the cyanide solution.

Gold CIP/CIL Processing Plant Solution

The gold cyanidation process, also known as gold CIL (Carbon in Leach) or CIP (Carbon in Pulp), is a hydrometallurgical technique used to extract gold from ore by converting the gold into a water-soluble coordination complex. This method …

Application Note Cyanide Leach Process

containing solution (pregnant leach) is collected from the liner into a leach pond and sent off to carbon adsorption. The leaching process will take from 60-90 days. High grade ore is typically reserved for agitated leaching. fi nely ground ore (< 200 mesh) is combined with the cyanide solution in a series of tanks. This slurry is referred to ...


developed. The effect of leaching parameters on gold cyanidation is studied in this work in order to optimize the leaching process. A gold leaching model, based on the well-known shrinking-core model, is presented in this work. It is proposed that the reaction takes place at the reacting particle surface which is continuously

Gold ore Carbon-In-Leaching (CIL) processing technology

The carbon in the first CIL tank thus contains the highest grade of gold. 3. Carbon elution Loaded carbon from the fist CIL tank is transferred by a slurry pump to the loaded carbon screen. The slurry is screened, the oversize carbon washed and gravitated to the vertical elution column.

Comprehensive Guide to CIL Process

The first leaching tank in the CIL plant does not need carbon, and the 7 adsorption tanks add carbon. The volume of one adsorption tank is 98 cubic meters, 98*7=686 cubic meters, calculated based on 13 grams/liter, 686 cubic meters*13=9 tons of carbon, prepare 3 tons of extra carbon, a total of 12 tons carbon will be enough for one year.


The carbon-in-leach process integrates leaching and carbon-in-pulp into a single unit process operation in which the leach tanks are fitted with carbon retention screens and the carbon-in …

Gold Fields

The CIL process route has a 54" x 75" Gyratory crusher that feeds two crushed ore stockpiles that have a live capacity of 45,000 tonnes (30 hours). ... The CIL circuit consists of two trains of eight tanks in series fed from a common leach tank. The loaded carbon passes into a 15 tonne acid wash column. The gold is recovered from the loaded ...


is extracted from pregnant leach liquors onto carbon in a series of columns, by upflowing leach solution through columns that are packed with carbon. The process is known as carbon-in-columns (CIC). For mill, agitated-tank leaching operations, gold is extracted directly from the leached pulp in either a carbon-in-leach (CIL), or a


Abstract - Carbon-in-leach and carbon-in-pulp are continuous processes that use activated carbon in a cascade of large agitated tanks, which have been widely used to recover or concentrate precious metals in gold extraction plants. In the carbon-in-pulp process adsorption occurs after the leaching cascade section of

Schematic diagram of a carbon-in-pulp or carbon-in-leach …

Carbon-in-leach and carbon-in-pulp are continuous processes that use activated carbon in a cascade of large agitated tanks, which have been widely used to recover or concentrate...

The process design of gold leaching and carbon-in …

The CIL process The carbon-in-leach (CIL) process, illustrated in Figure 3 is a variation of the CIP process. In this process carbon is added directly to the leach circuit so that the leaching and adsorption processes proceed simultaneously. Capital cost is reduced, as only one set of agitators for both leaching and

Carbon In Leach Process Flow Chart

The carbon-in-pulp process configuration (similar to resin-in-pulp and carbon-in-leach) provides an attractive and economical option by eliminating the problematic solid–liquid separation step, which as a result also reduces the volume of wash water and the loss of gold. 2.3 Heap Leaching

Gold CIL Processing Plant

CIL (Carbon In Leach), the gold carbon leaching method, is the carbon leaching method for gold extraction.Normally, the CIL process can concentrate gold from 2.5–3.5 g/t in ore to 2000 to 6000 g/t in carbon. The CIL gold process is …

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