DryWashers for Gold

Modern improvements to the gold drywasher make drywashing for gold far more practical and efficient than ever before. Many prospectors even say drywashing rivals more traditional wet …

Keene 191 Triple Threat Drywasher with Blower

Super Lightweight Honda P90G Pump Component Item hbcke is for use with the keene 190 and 191 drywasher wet conversion kits, or can be used with up to a 2.5" dredge. This pump component for your conversion includes a Honda 2.5 horsepower, 4 cycle engine and pump, intake foot valve assembly and 25 feet of 1.25 inch nylobraid pressure hose.


We have a nice #00040 Large Royal Gold Dry washer for sale. Has a blower motor but not the vac/blower combo, hose, and a new spare Royal perf. Cart; Login. Register; Toggle navigation. ... #00040 LARGE ROYAL GOLD DRYWASHER for sale in AZ. 3 Replies. Sort: You are not authorized to post a reply. Author: Messages: Jeff Martin New Member Posts:37 ...

7 DryWasher Tips + How To Use The 6 Best Gold …

The dry washer will separate the gold from the dirt and collect it in a catchment area as it pulsates air with concise, powerful gusts into the material. After running several loads of dirt, it is best to use a wet gold pan to determine …


DryWashers for Gold. Keene 151s Vibrostatic Dry Washer with Hot Air Induction; KEENE MINI DRY WASHER VIBROSTATIC 140S; KEENE 140S HVS HI-VAC POWER DRY-WASHER; KEENE 151 DRY WASHER - (sold out) Keene Model 190 Drywasher and Frame; Keene 191 Triple Threat Drywasher with Blower; Keene Mini 161 Dry Washer with High Vac System; …

DIY Puffer Drywasher questions

I've been building a bellows/puffer drywasher and I'm to the point of trying to figure out how much canvas material to cut out for the bellows - how much at the widest throw point, and how much throw it needs to have for a riffle/bellows box 12"W x 24"L size.

GOLD MINER'S TOOLS :: Gold Buddy Drywasher

GOLD BUDDY drywashers are an excellent tool to recover gold from dry material. Because the nature of the material can vary widely from fine dust to gravel and the gold being recovered can vary in size from chunks to very small pieces the …

Drywasher Parts – Armadillo Mining Shop

Gold & Jewelry Supplies; Gold Vials & Containers; Hand Tools; Hard Rock Mining Equipment; High Bankers; Loupes, Magnifiers & Microscopes; Metal Detectors & Supplies; ... Drywasher Parts. Showing all 19 results. 12 Volt Conversion For Dw2 $ 465.00. Item # dw12c. 12 Volt Motor $ 219.95. Item # dwm. 140 Cloth $ 19.95. Item # 140co. 140 Frame Assy ...

Royal Explorer Dry Washer for Gold Prospecting

The Royal Dry Washer is a high-quality drywasher for gold prospecting and mining. It features a fully enclosed hopper to prevent large rocks from clogging the flow valve. The hopper is generously sized at 15″ x 18″ and can be adjusted to three different feeding angles.

Gold Buddy Drywashers

The standard size Gold Buddy drywasher stands 43" tall. The recovery box is 24" x 10" and the unit weighs approximately 26 lbs with the new aluminum legs. J-5727 Gold Buddy VL MAVERICK Drywasher $539.00 J-5726 Gold Buddy VL STALLION Drywasher $1595 features the new jobe Hurricane Blower ...

Gold Drywasher Plans

GOLD DRYWASHER PLANS "Get The Gold!" Vintage Gas powered Drywasher Plans! Instant Download PDF files! "Strike it rich in half the time with this vibrating rig which lets you sift for gold far from streams, where "claim jumpers" are a rarity" Homemade Gold Drywasher Plans Instant Download Straight To Your Computer, Smartphone or Tablet With...

Dry Washers: Online

Since 1955, has been providing the very best in mining and prospecting equipment. Whatever you need, we're here to help!

Dry-washing for Gold

There is no fixed formula for setting up the proper air flows and downward pitch on the recovery system of a dry-washer. A lot depends upon the nature of the material that you are processing, how heavy it is, whether or not the material is angular or water-worn and the purity (specific gravity) and size of the gold being recovered. Each of these variables is likely to affect how you …

Recovering Fine Gold with a Drywasher

No doubt there are going to be losses of gold when using a drywasher to recover fine gold (20 minus mesh down into the 200 minus gold), but the end goal should be to limit those losses as much as possible and these tips should help. Good luck! Learn more about Gold Buddy drywashers here. Nugget of News Blog

15 lb Backpack Drywasher

The Whippet Drywasher is a 15 lb drywasher including the drywasher, the backpack and the battery. Computer designed and manufactured with. Cart; Login. Register; ... It is designed to fit the Riffle Tray of the Whippet Drywasher. To insure that no fine gold is lost, all the seams are tape sealed and a rolled closure is used. ...

Keene Vibrostatic Back Pack Dry Washer – Gold Prospectors …

Embark on your gold prospecting adventures with unparalleled ease and efficiency with the Keene Vibrostatic Back Pack Dry Washer. Engineered with precision and the prospector's needs in mind, this dry washer combines portability, power, and innovation, offering an unmatched gold recovery experience. Whether you're navi

DryWashers Gold Mining

DRYWASHER OPERATION. Equipment used for the recovery of placer gold has changed very little over the years and, in general, remains relatively simple. Most devices employ some form of riffled surface to hold the gold or other heavy mineral after it has been separated from the valueless material.

Placer gold drywasher plans

Placer gold drywasher plans. Start digging and recover gold in the desert, dry river beds or any gold bearing area using this drywasher bellows machine to separate the dirt from the dollars! This portable motorized sifter can be carried …

Recommend a Drywasher

Looking to add a drywasher to the prospecting stuff. I like the Keene 140 with the blower/vac combo but the 151 can prcess more dirt. What do you guys think? ... The hot air and the nylon tray attached to the bottom of the classifier truly does allow the unit to catch very small gold. Another plus with the 151 is the fact that it takes straight ...

Drywashers Archives

10′ X 4″ Heavy Duty Hose used with our Royal King DryWasher. view details . Dry Washer Replacement Screen 12-7/8 x 31-5/8. Replacement screen. view details . Dry Washer Replacement Screen 9-7/8 x 21-3/8 For Royal Gold. Replacement Dry Washer Screen. view details . Dry Washer Explorer Replacement Screen 6-7/8 x 15-7/8. Replacement Screen ...

Keene 151s Vibrostatic vs. Gold Buddy Super Stallion Drywashers

The Keene uses a 5hp Briggs 2000cfm with heat induction that would be good on damp material and the Gold Buddy uses a Honda 160cc 450cfm engine. I have owned 2 smaller Gold Buddy's and like the way they operate. I have never owned or used a Keene drywasher before. The Gold Buddy states it is the largest drywasher built in America.

The SNORKEL All 12V Gold Dry Washer

The SNORKEL gets clean air from about 7' high (above the dust) for the blower contained inside. High frequency vibrator gives linear motion for smooth flow. 1/4" Punch plate: no use in running 3/4"rock for fine gold recovery. 85W per hr. Plug & Play: battery clips- wires are included.. Production is limited due to supply issues, but these can be picked up near Stanton AZ by …

Royal Gold Dry Washer Oversized Version

Experience gold mining like never before with our cutting-edge Drywasher. Equipped with an enclosed hopper, zinc-plated riffles, and quick breakdown feature, it's designed for ultimate efficiency. Revolutionize your gold mining …

Drywashers & Accessories Archives

10′ X 4″ Heavy Duty Hose used with our Royal King DryWasher. view details . Dry Washer Replacement Screen 12-7/8 x 31-5/8. Replacement screen. view details . Dry Washer Replacement Screen 9-7/8 x 21-3/8 For Royal Gold. Replacement Dry Washer Screen. view details . Dry Washer Explorer Replacement Screen 6-7/8 x 15-7/8. Replacement Screen ...

Dry Washers

Jack and Gene even found some gold with the small battery powered dry washer shown here. Some manual dry washers can be easily converted to electric. Oddly enough, the desert is too damp for dry washing much of the year, especially as you dig down towards bedrock.

Finding Gold in Desert Dry Washes: Tips, Tools & Strategies

For gold prospecting in the desert, you need a metal detector that can detect small flakes and nuggets of gold and handle the harsh and rugged terrain. The Minelab GPZ 7000 is the top option for finding gold flakes and nuggets, while the Minelab Gold Monster 1000 is a more affordable choice with high sensitivity and automatic ground balancing.

12 volt puffer style drywasher

12 volt puffer style drywasher. 3 Replies. Sort: You are not authorized to post a reply. Author: Messages: Michael Fotakis Greenhorn Posts:11. 08 Aug 2020 01:24 PM ... It catches fine gold very well. Jeff Martin New Member Posts:37. 02 Nov 2020 10:37 PM: Thompson and Keen both make nice units. One is lighter than the other.


Drywashers for gold prospecting: specialized machines that use air to extract gold from dry soil, sand, and gravel. Ideal for miners in dry, arid areas.

Drywasher Recommendations?

Assuming the material is dry, the Keene DW212V (or most any bellows/puffer drywasher) will be much more efficient at fine gold recovery than the 151, 140s or any forced air drywasher system. Running slightly damp material; then the recovery edge goes to the forced air-vibrastatic machine especially w/hot air induction.

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