Mining in Ethiopia

Ethiopia's only primary gold mines are Lega Dembi and Sakaro, both are located in southern Ethiopia in the Adola Gold Belt. Since commencing operations in 1998, Lega Dembi has produced 2.1 million ounces of gold. The remaining …

Where is Adola, Ethiopia on Map Lat Long Coordinates

It is also a center of gold mining which in the last century attracted a lot of foreign investments, mainly from Britain and Italy. The town has a few schools, stores, and accommodation options as well as a hospital. ... Adola, Ethiopia is located at Ethiopia country in the Towns place category with the gps coordinates of 5° 53' 1.5756'' N and ...

Adola Gold Mine In Oromiya, Ethiopia | The Diggings™

The Adola Gold Mine is located in the Oromiya region of Ethiopia. It operates as a surface mining operation, meaning that the gold is extracted from the Earth's surface rather than from …

Ethiopia Mineral Sector Review

AGDE Adola Gold Development Enterprise EIGS Ethiopian Institute of Geological Surveys ELMICO Ethio-Libyan Joint Mining Company ... Table 3s Ethiopia: Investmnt in Mining Sector, 1981g2-198819 Table 4s Selected Targets of DIRDC …

Kenticha Mine

Abyssinian Gold, a community-based mining company focussed on developing low cost and sustainable gold mining projects. Abyssinian Gold's mining projects are situated in southern Ethiopia within the southwestern section of the prolific …

Adola gold mine, Adola belt (Adola gold field), Oromia Region, Ethiopia

Adola gold mine, Adola belt (Adola gold field), Oromia Region, Ethiopia :

Frontiers of Extraction and Contestation: dispossession, exclusion …

Data for this paper were collected during different rounds of fieldwork in 2018 and 2019. Interviews were conducted with artisanal miners, former employees of Adola Gold Mine, MIDROC Gold Mine CEO and employees, government authorities at different levels of the state structure and local community members in the vicinities of the concession site.

PorterGeo Database

Numerous gold occurrences, both primary and placers, have been known historically from various regions in Ethiopia. Placer gold was found the in Adola belt 1936 and to 1996, had produced >55 t of placer gold. ... MIDROC Gold commenced mining at Sakara as an underground operation in 2009 (Girma, 1993; Billay et al., 1997; Tadesse, 1999).

The Lega Dembi gold mine: an example of shear zone …

In the Adola Gold District of Southern Ethiopia the outline of the contacts that separate the greenstone belt and the gneissic terrain defines regional scale ductile to brittle-ductile shear zones. ... An example is the Lega-Dembi Gold Mine situated in the eastern boundary of the Megado zone/belt in southern Ethiopia (Ghebreab et al., 1992 ...

Genesis of the Shear Zone-related Gold Vein

DOI: 10.1016/S1342-937X(05)70799-1 Corpus ID: 140144728; Genesis of the Shear Zone-related Gold Vein Mineralization of the Lega Dembi Gold Deposit, Adola Gold Field, Southern Ethiopia

Asebe Regassa Debelo | Department of Geography | UZH

A reappraisal of the Adola Gold Mine in southern Ethiopia, Horn of Africa Bulletin 28 (4): 27-31. Regassa, Asebe and Zeleke, Meron (2014) "Irrecha: The Traditional Oromo Ritual from Local to Global – the transnational dimension of Irrecha".

The Lega Dembi gold mine: an example of shear zone …

In the Adola Gold District of Southern Ethiopia the outline of the contacts that separate the greenstone belt and the gneissic terrain defines regional scale ductile to brittle-ductile shear zones. Possibly economic mineralization is found to be controlled by these major shear zones. ... The Lega Dembi gold mine: an example of shear zone-hosted ...

Geology and Gold Mineralization in the Pan-African Rocks of the Adola

Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Geology and Gold Mineralization in the Pan-African Rocks of the Adola Area, Southern Ethiopia" by S. Tadesse. ... Gold mining has a legendary history in Ethiopia, with Ethiopian mines providing gold to the ancient Egyptian empire and possibly even King Solomon's Mines and the Queen of Sheba.

Adola Gold Mine Enterprise Addis Ababa Contact Details

Find complete Details of Adola Gold Mine Enterprise Addis Ababa . You can contact the branch directly at 011 618 9703, or can visit the branch which is located at Addis Ababa Ethiopia.

The geology of the Lega Dembi gold deposit, southern Ethiopia …

The Lega Dembi gold mine in the Sidamo region of southern Ethiopia is the largest gold producer in the country (Sutton-Pratt 1996). ... an investigation of a drill hole, Adola gold district, southern Ethiopia. Ethiopian Institute of Geological Surveys, Addis Ababa Beraki W (1995) Structural geology and geochemistry of the Neoproterozoic Adobha ...

Abyssinian Gold

The Adola Gold Belt sits within the Arabian-Nubian Shield and is comprised of both the Megado and Kenticha belts. The Adola Gold Belt was prospected between 1979-1982 by the Ethiopian Mineral Resources Development Corporation for the Adola Gold Exploration Project. ... Ethiopia's only primary gold mines are Lega Dembi and Sakaro, both are ...

The geological evolution of the Adola Precambrian …

A sketch showing plunge reversals of F2 folds in semJ-pelltlc schlsts at Shanka river about 10 km north ofLega Dembl gold mining area. ... Worku, H. and Yifa, K. 1989. The tectonic evolution of the Precambrian metamorphic rocks of the Adola Belt (S. Ethiopia) and its implication on gold mineraliza- tion. Unpub. EIGS/TMEP, Addis Ababa. ...

Location Maps

Map Location Accuracy: The coordinates listed for many locations are general regional coordinates (not accurate) and should not be relied upon for locating localities (eg with a GPS). …

Where is Adola, Ethiopia on Map Lat Long Coordinates

Adola is a town in the Oromia Region, Ethiopia. It is a local center of trade and transportation as it is located right on one of the main roads in the country. It is also a center of gold mining which …

The geology of the Lega Dembi gold deposit, southern Ethiopia …

The Lega Dembi deposit is the largest gold producer in Ethiopia. It is situated in late-Precambrian metamorphosed sediments of the N-S trending, volcano-sedimentary Megado belt, which forms part of the late-Proterozoic Adola granite-greenstone terrane in southern Ethiopia. The lode-gold mineralization occurs in a N-S trending, steep westerly dipping quartz-vein system that follows …

Five people killed in Legadembi gold mine …

Amid increasing anger, the protests in Shakiso and Adola areas of Oromia region in south-eastern Ethiopia are growing, demanding the cancellation of gold mining license owned by Ethiopian- Saudi billionaire Mohammed al …

Genesis of the Shear Zone-related Gold Vein

The Lega Dembi Primary Gold Deposit in southern Ethiopia is related to the shear zone-hosted vein in the Neoproterozoic metamorphosed volcano-sedimentary succession of greenschist- to amphibolite-facies metamorphism. ... Metal contamination of the environment by placer and primary gold mining in the Adola region of southern Ethiopia. 2006 ...

(PDF) Frontiers of Extraction and Contestation: dispossession

Accordingly, MIDROC Laga-Dambi Gold Mine, the largest private gold-producing company in the country, was in 1997 granted a 20-year lease over 485 km² of land in Guji zone, Oromia National ...

Fdre Adola Gold Mine Enterprise | AddisBiz (አዲስ ቢዝ)

Fdre Adola Gold Mine Enterprise, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Contact Details and Address - Telephone: +251116189703, Fax: +251116639316, Location: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia | AddisBiz (አዲስ ቢዝ) - Ethiopian Business Directory and Portal

Sewasew | Adola (አዶላ)

This town has both telephone and postal service, and is supplied with electricity by the Ethiopian Electric Power Corporation from the national grid. The gold mine near Adola has been the most historically important gold mine in Ethiopia since its opening in 1941; in 1944, for example, its revenue came to nearly a fifth of the total government ...

Quartz from Oromia Region, Ethiopia

Adola belt (Adola gold field) ⓘ Adola gold mine; ⓘ Chembi area; Tadesse, S., Milesi, J-P., Deschamps, Y. (2003) Geology and mineral potential of Ethiopia: a note on geology and mineral map of Ethiopia. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 36, 273-313. ⓘ Didessa river; Pavel M. Kartashov analytical data 2019: Arsi Zone

Oromia Mining Eyes 1,600 Kg Of Gold, 20 Tons In …

Oromia Mining Share Company finalized preparations to produce and export 1,600 kilogram of gold from Adola in the current fiscal year. The company is in the process of installing machineries to the tune of 400 million birr.

Geology and Gold Mineralization in the Pan-African Rocks of the Adola

Introduction Numerous gold occurrences, both primary and placers, have been reported from various regions in Ethiopia. However, the Adola Goldfield is the only one gold producing area at present. Gold mining in Adola commenced in the mid-1930's. Since then, an estimated 45 tons of gold had been recovered from the placer by the end of 1992.

Geology and Gold Mineralization in the Pan-African Rocks of …

Primary and placer gold deposits are mined from the Pan-African Adola volcano-sedimentary sequence, in southern Ethiopia. Two major mineralized belts can be recognized: …

23 Minerals in Ethiopia with Details (Gold, Gemstones, etc.)

The belt is to the eastern side of the gold mining operations in Adola. Another famous Ethiopian gold mining town, Shakiso is only fifty kilometers away. This area is accessible by air and car transport. 7. Copper . Significant copper reserves were identified in the southern part of Ethiopia, in the Sidamo region.

Genesis of the Shear Zone-related Gold Vein

The area has been the main centre of placer gold production in southern Ethiopia for the past 70 years. Primary gold sources were recently discovered during a prospecting and detailed exploration campaign carried out in the Adola gold field by the Ethiopian Mineral Resources Development Corporation (EMRDC).


ADOLA GOLD MINE ENTERPRISE based in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: Contact Details, Phone Number, Email, Address, Website, Location, Contact Number. ... ADOLA GOLD MINE ENTERPRISE - Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. 0.0 0 Reviews. Write a Review Update Info. Contacts Reviews Q&A (1) Company name. ADOLA GOLD MINE ENTERPRISE. Location.

Sewasew | Adola (አዶላ)

The gold mine near Adola has been the most historically important gold mine in Ethiopia since its opening in 1941; in 1944, for example, its revenue came to nearly a fifth of the total government budget.

Adola gold mine, Adola belt (Adola gold field), Oromia …

3 valid minerals. This page contains all mineral locality references listed on mindat. This does not claim to be a complete list. If you know of more minerals from this site, please register so …

MIDROC Gold Mine – Oromian Economist

Adola gold mine that is currently owned by the MIDROC PLC through concession is the largest gold mine in Ethiopia with an average annual production of 4.5 tones of gold. After getting the concession from Ethiopian Mineral Resources Development Corporation (EMRDC) in 1997, the MIDROC Gold PLC has expanded at the expense of artisanal miners and ...

(PDF) The Asosa region of western Ethiopia: a golden exploration

The Asosa area in the Western Ethiopian Shield which is the focus of this study has been one of the targeted areas for placer gold mining by artisanal workers since the 1930s (Bullock and Morgan ...


KEFI Minerals (Ethiopia) Ltd ("KME"), majority-owned Tulu Kapi Gold Mines Share Company ("TKGM") in Ethiopia, and minority-owned Gold & Minerals Ltd ("GMCO") in Saudi Arabia. ETHIOPIA Tulu Kapi Gold Project (currently 95%-owned but planned to reduce to c.70% at finance closing)

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