Ore Chart: Helium: Hydrogen: Nitrogen: Oxygen: Heavy W. Liquid O. Strontium: reset price (chart assumes perfect refining, values in green are best mat./m3 of ice) Full chart | Brief chart | EVE Central Market | Matari Mineral Index | EVE Geek ore calculator | Build costs. Ice Batch Type Isotopes Liquid Ozone Heavy Water Strontium isk/m3; White ...
cerlestes.de - Ore Table for EVE Online. Cerlestes' Ore Table is a daily updated, highly informative and easy-to-read source of information about mining in the EVE Online universe. Ax_l_Thorne (Ax'l Thorne) August 12, 2022, 12:29pm 9. Hans Devin: You'll learn alot ...
Ore Refining Table is an online util for EVE Online. It lists all ore sorts from the game and mineral output for each ore. Ore Refining Table supports "Net Yield schemas" where you can adjust mineral output for different scenarios, skills, and equipment. The Table. Mineral legend. Tritanium. Pyerite. Mexallon. Isogen. Nocxium.
I have lived out of Ichinumi for quite a while and I have noticed that on TQ there is no Faction ore. I checked the charts on Eve University and it stated that Faction ore spawns in 0.9 space and lower I even checked on SiSi …
Greetings indusus capsuleers! As some of you will have seen, the new Refineries and Moon Mining are available for testing on our test server Singularity and we are actively gathering your feedback in the forums.In this …
Indeed, I will agree with all comments and advise provided here. Playing Eve solo is possible however most cases such as mining. It is best to look at getting Alt (2nd character) to boost your mining which what I did in the beginning of my Industry/Mining career in New Eden… until I found myself boosting other players in those belts in HS and we eventually started a corp …
The ORE miner (available from the ORE loyalty points store) is just as good as the Tech 2 miner, but it's very rare and expensive, and therefore it's worth investing the time to train Ice Harvesting to level V to use the Tech 2 version. …
Shortly before the Crius changes hit TQ, I made a spreadsheet, calculating the ratios for compression and refining. Exact numbers for each ore type vary due to mineral composition, it boils down to a ratio of 1:20 between compression and refining, meaning 1m³ of compressed ore of any type contains about 20m³ of minerals.
The most common ore type in the known world, Veldspar can be found most everywhere. It is still in constant supply as it holds a large portion of the much-used Tritanium mineral. It requires 100 ore units to reprocess, and yields 400 units Tritanium. It has a volume of 0.1m3. There are two variants: Clusters of Veldspar, called Concentrated Veldspar, are sometimes found in areas …
Compressed ore prices compared with uncompressed; Typical mineral refine value and "perfect" mineral refine value; Links out to EveMarketer and Eve Info; Pretty; I might add more types in the future (ice, moon, etc.), but for now it's working for me and I thought I'd share. I hope it is helpful to others.
All other ore types can be mined with all types of ore mining lasers or strip miners. Wormholes Main article: Wormhole sites#Ore sites. Arkonor, Bistot, Gneiss, Kernite, Omber, and Pyroxeres deposits may be found in wormholes. …
Additional ore gathered after completing the mining operation with strip_miner_I: 1.425M m3 (39.59%) Ore that would have been gathered in the same time (174 min) with Crystal_Type_B_II in another cluster 4.314M m3 (198.49%) The chart below shows the content of the mining hold filled by the three Hulks over time.
Ore Batch Tri Pye Mex Iso Noc Zyd Meg Mor isk/m3; Veldspar Concentrated Veldspar (+5%) Dense Veldspar (+10%) Scordite Condensed Scordite (+5%) Massive Scordite (+10%)
Contact Grismar ingame with feedback.. Find systems to mine specific ores at ORE Map ().MMI prices refreshed semi-daily from Q Hegemony ().. Thanks to Silas Genovese, Taffer, Byron Rich, Nanos and Segmentation Fault for their input.
This is the most common form of Ytirium ore with a standard relative density of Isogen mineral content. Ytirium is a rare ore that contains a useful concentration of the Isogen mineral in relatively dense deposits. Though found in remote clusters of asteroids, the ore is readily transportable and easily refined into the useful mineral it contains.
that moon, and then "onlining" it. An online control tower "burns" fuels and components. If it runs out of fuel or components, it goes offline and offlines all it's fittings. While it is online it projects a force field bubble 30‐50km in diameter around it.
CCP should adjust the Info panel to show what minerals are produced per Ore and not per 100 ore. For Crokite: The panel says if you reprocess you get 800 Pyerite, 2000 Mexallon, 800 Nocxium. This is of course before any adjustments from reprocessing, just using base values. But that doesn't mean if you put in the required 100 Crokite, you'll get 80000 Pyerite, 200000 …
Moon mining still exists. Ore anomalies from Ihub upgrades still work well with 1 Rorq as booster and lots of barges and exhumers. Standard asteroid belts are a thing of the past because CCP doesn't like dynamic environments that replenish over time and on their own without CCP manually controlling that (more manual control was one of the goals with this …
Ore Refining Table is an online util for EVE Online. It lists all ore sorts from the game and mineral output for each ore. Ore Refining Table supports "Net Yield schemas" where you can adjust mineral output for different …
Description. A ubiquitous ore commercially mined from moons, Zeolites are useful as they yield good quantities of trapped Atmospheric Gases used as basic elements of some advanced materials. Zeolites ores will also yield Pyerite and Mexallon.
Planetary industry in EVE Online (formerly known as Planetary Interaction and Planetary Production) consists of buying a Command Center on the market, building it on a planet, and then building extractors and factories to mine resources from the planet and produce commodities with them.
Update on the upcoming changes to Moons. Greetings, Last month we announced impending changes to how minerals are distributed across Moons in New Eden. Now when we are getting closer to the actual date when these will be implemented to the game, we wanted to start expanding on the overall plan and explain our reasoning, goals, and objectives for this …
Find systems to mine ice at ORE Map (oog). MMI prices refreshed semi-daily from Q Hegemony (oog).
Ore Data; Name Price Per Unit (100) Price Per Unit (10000) Price Per m3 (100) Price Per m3 (10000) Arkonor: 1,687.50: 1,687.50: 105.47: 105.47: Azure Plagioclase
Update on the upcoming changes to Moons. Greetings, Last month we announced impending changes to how minerals are distributed across Moons in New Eden. Now when we are getting closer to the actual date when …
Ore Units to refine m³ Tritanium. Pyerite. Mexallon. Isogen. Nocxium. Zydrine. Megacyte. Veldspar: 333: 0.1: 1000: Scordite: 333: 0.15: 833: 416: Plagioclase: 333: 0 ...
EVE Online Asteroid Ore Distribution. Each asteroid variety has three subtypes that yield greater minerals (+5% / +10% / +15%) when reprocessed. Only moons have the +15% variation. If you can, always mine the higher-yielding varieties before the base ore. Values are given in m 3, per 1m 3 of ore with yield reprocessing.
Any good and printable charts that show the relationship between the ores mined and the minerals each type processes into? I have seen several in a Google search but I'm told many are incorrect. ... EVE Online Forums Ores/Minerals reference chart? Industry Gameplay Center. Mining & Extraction. JayEm_HighCastle (JayEm HighCastle) April 25 ...
Cerlestes' Ore Table is a daily updated, highly informative and easy-to-read source of information about mining in the EVE Online universe.
Ore Tritanium Pyerite Mexallon Isogen Nocxium Zydrine Megacyte Morphite Volume Required Isk/M3 Isk Each Ore sale each Ore sale M3; Veldspar: 400 : 0.1: 100 : 13.51