In this study, 20/40 mesh-size range of four proppant type viz. sand, resin-coated sand (RCS), intermediate strength proppant (ISP) and high strength proppant (HSP), is …
In this study, 20/40 mesh-size range of four proppant type viz. sand, resin-coated sand (RCS), intermediate strength proppant (ISP) and high strength proppant (HSP), is examined under …
Energy is a crucial indicator in the cyclic loading and unloading process of rocks. Many scholars have conducted extensive research on the mechanical properties of rocks under cyclic loading and unloading from the perspective of energy and achieved fruitful results [8], [9].In terms of energy type, Meng et al. [10] pointed out that rock mass shows certain energy storage …
Cyclic Loading is a phenomenon where loads fluctuate over time in a repeated pattern and plays an important role in engineering design and practical applications. It influences areas like material selection, structural safety, fatigue analysis, and optimisation in engineering design.
Cyclic loading is defined as the continuous and repeated application of a load (fluctuating stresses, strains, forces, tensions, etc.) on a material or on a structural component that causes degradation of the material and ultimately leads to fatigue. Cyclic loading causes materials to deteriorate due to fatigue, often at lower loads and after a ...
the insignificant weight of the crusher (160 t) allows the use of stationary lifting equipment 50/5 t or mobile cranes whe n repairing the crusher of integral parts of the crusher.
In order to study the influence pattern of cyclic loading times on the particle-crushing and AE characteristics of the CGBM, a constant-amplitude cyclic loading (CACL) test with different loading times was designed.
PDF | On Jan 1, 2011, Haruyuki Yamamoto and others published Cyclic Shear Tests on Damping Properties of Soil-Bag Assemblies | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate
Two critical downhole degradation mechanisms; proppant crushing and embedment were investigated. Selection of appropriate proppant type, size and concentration can minimize …
Material under Cyclic Loading Junmeng Li 1,2 ID, Yanli Huang 1,*, Zhongwei Chen 2, Meng Li 1, ... Before the experiments, the gangue was first crushed by a crusher and then filtered by a classifying screen to obtain five different distributions of particle sizes, which were 10. 20 mm, 20. 30 mm, 30.40 mm, 40. 50 mm, and 50. 60 mm. Gangue of ...
A cyclic-loading analysis repeats a predefined loading cycle (or cycles) a specified number of times. Each cyclic-loading solution–also referred to as a cyclic-loading load step –is comprised of several cycles associated with a single SOLVE …
The particle size of the crushed products is uniform, so the cyclic loading is reduced. For medium and large crushers, the hydraulic chamber cleaning system is used to reduce downtime. There are various specifications of the crusher chambers. The users can select different types of chambers according to different needs.
In order to study deformation characteristics of geomaterials under simulated traffic loading conditions, a series of cyclic one-dimensional loading tests was conducted on compacted specimens with varied heights, which were made from four types of granular materials consisting of particles with a mean diameter in the range of 2.2 to 5.8 mm. By assuming that the top and …
The rock mass in fault zones is frequently subjected to cyclic loading and unloading during deep resource exploitation and tunnel excavation. Research on the mechanical and hydraulic ...
under high load impact and cyclic low load impact were scanned with an electron microscope to analyze the e ff ects of di ff erent magnitude load impacts and cyclic load impact frequencies on ...
cyclic loading, the relative density of WRBs was signicantly improved, and their deformation resistance was strengthened. (4) During backll mining, lateral cyclic loads were applied to granular waste rocks, which improved the bearing capacity ... were crushed to blocks (50 mm down) using a crusher in the laboratory. A total of about 30 t of ...
Since cyclic loading is time-consuming, a modified loading regime consisting of cycle groups of increasing cyclic stress amplitude is used to accelerate the test process. A method based on fatigue stress to flexural strength ratios is also proposed to derive the S-N curve. The estimated fatigue life in this study is compared with the results in ...
Load cycle: the work roll crusher process is carried out in a closed cycle, and transfer large discharge opening, increasing the load cycle, will get better stone grain shape, throughout the process, due to the cyclic load increased,system increased wear of each apparatus, but when transfer large discharge opening, the crushing load of the main ...
The experimental results show that, cyclic plastic deformation considerably enhances due to the rotation of principal stress axis under repeated axial and shear loading tests. Moreover, cyclic plastic deformation of recycled crusher-run material increases to some extent when compared with natural crusher-run material under same experimental ...
Besides, to evaluate the performance during such severe seismic loading as experienced during the 1995 Great Kobe Earthquake (so-called Level 2 design seismic load), another series of lateral cyclic loading tests were performed. This paper reports the procedures and results of …
In order to study the dynamic behaviors of polycrystalline ice samples, cyclic triaxial loading tests were carried out on laboratory-grown polycrystalline ice (granular ice) samples under different temperatures (−2 °C, −6 °C, −15 °C), different confining pressures (0.5 MPa ~ 6 MPa), different frequencies, and different dynamic stress amplitudes.
Cyclic loading and cyclic stress effects on materials and structures have now been studied for approximately 150 years with great intensity. Much progress has been made in dealing with this important loading mechanism in various activities of design and application. There are many areas where cyclic loading interacts with tribological issues.
during the multi-stage cyclic loading and unloading process of fault rock. Researchers have conducted extensive research on the mechanical and hydraulic properties of rock masses under multi-stage cyclic loading and unloading (Chen et al. 2007). Song et al. (2022) obtained the mechanical behavior of * Dan Ma [email protected]
The current paper presents typical behaviour of fine-and coarse-grained soils under low-and high-cyclic loading applied under drained or undrained conditions.
The effect of PSAR exists in the field condition under the cyclic moving load from the traffic, but it is implicitly considered by the calibrations of the predictive model.
3. Cyclic load. The working process of the stone crusher is closed loop. If the outlet is enlarged and the load in the circuit is increased, the shape of the stone particles will become better. In the whole process, due to the increase of cyclic load, the …
Airplane structures are subjected repeated loads, called cyclic loads, and the resulting cyclic stresses can lead to microscopic physical damage to the materials involved.
Under low load cyclic impact, intergranular fracture is the main fractography. Besides, the intergranular fracture will be changed to a transgranular one as the impact load increases. ... Awachie, S.E.A. Development of Crusher Models Using Laboratory Breakage Data. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Queensland (JKMRC), Brisbane, Australia, 1983 ...
Waterproof post-embedded transducers are used as actuators and sensors for SHM and damage detection during the cyclic loading test. For specimens under cyclic loading, the post-embedded transducers are utilized to identify crack development in and the health status of, an interface between existing and retrofitted structural members. During the ...