Full text of "IS 10852: Storage and Transportation of Sponge iron

Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan "The Right to Information, The Right to Live" Jawaharlal Nehru "Step Out From the Old to the New" ' IS 10852 (2012) : Storage and Transportation of Sponge iron, Direct Reduced (DRI) and Hot Briquetted Iron (HBI) - Guidelines [MTD 30: Sponge Iron and Smelting Reduction] Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda Invent a New ...

IS 10852 (2012): Storage and Transportation of Sponge …

Following guidelines should be followed for storage of sponge iron in a storage pile for longer duration. 2.1.1 The temperature of sponge iron should always be maintained below 65°C. Individual heap temperatures should be closely monitored at least once.

Direct Reduced Iron (DRI)

Hot-briquetted iron (HBI) is a compacted form of DRI designed for ease of shipping, handling, and storage. Hot Direct Reduced Iron (HDRI) is iron not cooled before discharge from the reduction furnace, immediately transported to …

Bulk Direct Reduced Iron (DRI) Shipping

Handling and Storage: DRI is highly reactive and can re-oxidize if not properly handled and stored. It requires controlled environments, often with inert gases to prevent re …

Direct Reduced Iron By-Product Fines (DRI D): A Guide …

There are several processes for direct reduction of iron ore, principally gas-based shaft furnaces (Midrex and ENERGIRON processes), accounting for 76% and coal based rotary kiln furnaces …

No. 11.7 HBI – Hot Briquetting of Direct Reduced Iron …

results in a spongy structure of the product, thus "Sponge Iron", with a high porosity. De-pending on the raw material and the reduction process applied, apparent product ... - Handling similar to scrap (open air storage, transport with front-end loaders, ma-gnets, belts, redlers, etc.); an additional advantage is the relatively small and

IS 15774 (2007): Sponge Iron/Directed Reduced Iron …

Guidelines for storage and transportation of sponge iron/direct reduced iron (DRI) Density of hot briquette iron (HBI) — Me~hod for determination 3 TERMINOLOGY For the purpose of this standard, the following definitions shall apply. 1 3.1 Sponge Iron/Direct Reduced Iron — Itis the resulting product (with a metallization degree greater

A review of the sponge iron process for the storage and …

Even with a limited amount of heat integration, the sponge iron process demonstrated a higher energy efficiency for chemical storage than that of alternatives, including liquid H 2, synthetic liquid fuels made from CO 2 and H 2, MgH 2 slurry, and the methylcyclohexane–toluene–hydrogen (MTH) system. Such gains make the technology worth …

Bulk Direct Reduced Iron (DRI) Shipping

Bulk Direct Reduced Iron DRI (Sponge Iron Ore) Shipping. Sponge Iron Ore: A porous form of iron made from reducing an iron oxide at such low temperatures that melting does not occur; usually derived from the purification process of coal gas. Spent Iron Sponge is liable to heat and to spontaneously ignite, especially if contaminated with oil or allowed to attract …

Direct Reduced Iron

Direct Reduced Iron. Direct reduced iron (DRI) is the alternative iron source for steelmaking. Its advantages as a iron product and diluent for impurities, introduced with scrap, are well documented. DRI is also known as sponge iron. It refers to porous iron produced by the direct reduction (DR) process.

Sponge Iron: A Vital Material in Modern Steelmaking

Storage and Transportation: The sponge iron is then stored or transported to steelmaking facilities where it is used as a raw material in electric arc furnaces (EAFs) or induction furnaces. Applications of Sponge Iron Sponge iron plays a crucial role in the steelmaking process and is used in various applications:

IS 15774 (2007): Sponge Iron/Directed Reduced Iron …

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  • Guidelines For Storage And Transportation Of Sponge Iron

    Freshly prepared sponge iron is highly prone to oxidation whenever it encounters air. The heat generated in the oxidation reaction increases the susceptibility of oxidation, thereby starting a sort of chain reaction and ultimately leading to the fire of sponge iron. Hence, storage and handling of sponge iron are major concerns of the … بیشتر

    Direct Reduced Iron Fines: Guide for Shipping, Handling …

    Direct Reduced Iron Fines: Guide for Shipping, Handling and Storage Copyright: International Iron Metallics Association 2024 8 From an ocean transportation perspective, DRI Fines with …

    Direct Reduced Iron (DRI)

    Description / Application / Shipment - Storage / Risk factors. Direct-reduced iron (DRI), also called sponge iron, is produced from direct reduction of iron ore (in the form of lumps, pellets or fines) by a reducing gas produced from natural gas or coal.The reducing gas is a mixture majority of hydrogen (H2) and carbon monoxide (CO) which acts as reducing agent.

    Guidelines Code of Practice For Pollution Prevention For Sponge Iron …

    The document provides guidelines for pollution prevention and control for sponge iron plants. Key points include: 1) Plants below 100 TPD capacity are not economically viable to install pollution controls and should be phased out. Larger plants must install adequate pollution controls like ESP to meet emission standards. 2) Solid wastes like char should be reused for power generation in ...

    Sponge Iron Industry | PPT

    Sponge Iron Industry - Download as a PDF or view online for free. ... • Mandatory standards for material handling, storage and transportation must be enacted. • New cluster based standards should be imposed. • Stricter enforcement. 38 39. Pollution Control Mechanisms (CSE & CPCB Recommendations) 1. Concrete floor in the work area as well ...

    Sponge Iron

    Ingots are large rough castings designed for storage and transportation. The shape usually resembles a rectangle or square with generous fillets. They are tapered, usually with the big-end-down. Billet. A billet is a length of metal that has a round or square cross-section, with an area less than 36 in2 (230 cm2).

    The use of sponge iron in steel smelting

    The moisture content of the sponge iron was 2.5%, decreasing during storage to 0.2-0,6%, The moisture content was determined by repeated weighing of a 100-g sample during heating in a stream of pure argon to 170-

    Hot Briquetted Iron (HBI): A Guide to Shipping, Handling …

    Hot Briquetted Iron (HBI) is the densified briquette form of Direct Reduced Iron (DRI). DRI is discharged hot from the reduction furnace and screw-fed into the nip between two counter …


    ISO 15967 - direct reduced iron determination of - tumble and abrasion indices of hot briquetted iron (HBI). According to this standard, an abrasion drum with a diameter of 1,000 mm and a width of 500 mm with two lifters is used. Similar equipment is also used to test iron ore pellets and is illustrated in Figures 5 and 6 above. The

    IS 13839 (1993): Sponge Iron/DRI Fines/briquettes for …

    transportation of sponge iron/ direct reduced iron ( DRI ) 3 TERMINOLOGY For the purpose of this standard the following definitions shall apply. ... 12.2 DRI needs special care during storage transportation guidelines for which have been laid down in IS 10852 : 1984. 2 . IS 13839 11993 ANNEX A ( Cluuse 10 ) ...

    25 Safety Guidelines for Iron & Steel Sector

    10.0 Safety guidelines for Iron & Steel Sector ----- 166 11.0 References----- 177 ... crude steel producer in the world and the largest producer of sponge iron. As per official estimates, the Iron and Steel Industry contributes around 2 per ... The Motor Transport Workers Act, 1961 (amended 1986) d) The Shops and Commercial Establishments Acts ...

    Iron storage and_transport | PPT

    12. While releasing iron as and when required by the body, Fe(III) should be changed to the Fe(II) oxidation state. Once converted to the Fe(II) form, it leaves through the three fold and four fold channels in the spherical structure …

    IS 10852 (2012): Storage and Transportation of …

    and the consumer to follow certain guidelines to take necessary preventive measures during handling, storage and transportation of sponge iron. Sponge iron has a tendency to re-oxidize, if heated in the presence of oxygen to its ignition temperature of approximately 200°C or if it comes in contact with moisture or moist air.

    Interpretation and application of Sponge City guidelines in …

    1. Introduction. It is widely recognized that surface water management in Chinese cities is undergoing rapid development which, while challenging, is presenting multiple opportunities for improvements to city infrastructure [1–4].This paper reviews the development of surface water management as represented by the Sponge City concept and associated …

    Brief introduction of Sponge Iron

    Sponge iron can be converted into hot briquetted iron (HBI) for easier transportation or storage. However, it is difficult to carry the agglomerate, which is the blast furnace feed. In the process of direct reduction, natural gas can be used without removing its impurities. Related products: Sponge Iron; Iron Pellet

    Good Practices Manual

    General Manager, Orissa Sponge Iron & Steel Limited (Project & Engineering Limited) Best Practices Manual for Reducing GHG Emissions in Iron & Steel (Sponge Iron) Sector . 4 . ... capture, transportation and storage project from a coal based power plant. It demonstrates storing liquid CO. 2. at a depth of 3.4 KM underground in their

    25 Safety Guidelines for Iron & Steel Sector

    10.0 Safety guidelines for Iron & Steel Sector ----- 16 11.0 References----- 17 ... crude steel producer in the world and the largest producer of sponge iron. As per official estimates, the Iron and Steel Industry contributes around 2 per ... The Motor Transport Workers Act, 1961 (amended 1986) d) The Shops and Commercial Establishments Acts ...


    SAFETY GUIDELINES FOR IRON & STEEL SECTOR MINISTRY OF STEEL, GOVT. OF INDIA DIRECT REDUCTION PLANT Doc. No: SG/31 Rev no. : 00 Effective Date: -- 1. OBJECTIVE: The main function of making Sponge Iron in the Kiln is to convert Iron ore into sp onge iron by using Iron ore, coal and dolomite.

    Guidelines for storage and transportation of sponge iron…

    IS 10852 : 2012 Title: Guidelines for storage and transportation of sponge iron/direct reduced iron(DRI) Format: Print Pages: 8 Year: 2012 Publisher: BIS Availability: Out of Stock

    Sponge Iron | Manufacturer of Sponge Iron

    Storage Precautions Needed: It is advisable to keep Sponge Iron under cover to avoid any direct contact with moisture before usage. Moisture promotes oxidation thus reduces metallization. Sponge Iron needs special care during storage and transportation for which IS:10852 stipulations may be followed.

    Loss Prevention: Transportation of Hot Briquetted …

    The IMSBC Code includes schedules for Direct Reduced Iron (A) – Briquettes, hotmoulded, or HBI, Direct Reduced Iron (B) – Lumps, pellets, and cold-moulded briquettes, and Direct Reduced Iron (C) – By products, including …

    A Long-Term Assessment of Nitrogen Removal Performance …

    The nitrogen removal performance of bioretention urgently needs to be improved, and sponge iron has great potential to address this challenge. This study reported the results of a long-term investigation on bioretention columns improved by sponge iron, examining the durability of sponge iron from nitrogen removal performance, sponge iron properties, and the evolution of …

    Full text of "IS 15774 : 2018: Sponge Iron/Direct Reduced Iron …

    10 STORAGE AND TRANSPORTATION 10.1 Sponge iron/DRI needs special care during storage and transportation, guidelines for which have been covered under IS 10852. 10.2 During transportation of HBI and cold briquettes, the under size (below 5 mm) shall not be more than 5 percent. ANNEX A (Clause 5.5) METHOD FOR DETERMINATION OF METALLIC IRON IN ...

    Central Pollution Control Board

    Guidelines for Transportation of Hazardous Wastes; Guidelines for Storage of Incenerable Hazardous Wastes by the Operators of Common Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facilities and Captive HW Incinerators; Guidelines for Conducting Envionmental Impact Assessment : Site Selection for Common Hazardous Waste Management Facility

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