Traditional Steelmaking in Southwestern Ethiopia:

In Ethiopian steelmaking, three kinds of iron ore were mined, and the craftspeople were clearly able to select the most appropriate ore for a given project, without explicidy understanding the …

Structural Control, Hydrothermal Alteration Zonation, and …

High-grade iron ore of the 4EE orebody of the 4E deposit (>200 Mt at 63.5 wt % Fe) occurs as a southerly dipping sheet within banded iron formation (BIF) of the Paleoproterozoic Dales Gorge and Joffre members of the Brockman Iron Formation. Structural reconstruction of the 4E deposit shows that reactivation of the 18E fault and development of the NW-striking, steeply …

Alteration zonation and short wavelength infrared (SWIR

Previous research of the Honghai Cu-Zn deposit has focused on its ore geology, age and isotopic geochemistry (Mao et al., 2010, Mao, 2014, Mao et al., 2015, Mao et al., 2016, Deng et al., 2016, Deng et al., 2018), yet detailed studies on alteration mineralogy, alteration zonation, mineral paragenesis, SWIR and mineral chemistry are still absent ...

Mineralization styles, alteration mineralogy, and sulfur …

Generally, the study area is characterized by hydrothermal alterations with many vertical and lateral variations. At the deposit scale, the alterations display a clear zonation of mineral assemblages and were broadly synchronous with the mineralization. These alteration facies are arranged around the ore body, mainly in footwall rocks.

Figure 14 from The structural setting and …

chapter 3: oxygen isotope compositions of iron oxides 29 from high-grade bif-hosted iron ore deposits of the central hamersley province,western australia: constraints on the evolution of hydrothermal fluids. chapter 4: structural control, …

Environments of advanced argillic alteration I. Mineral …

This genetic framework of environments of formation of advanced argillic alteration helps to interpret alteration mineralogy plus its morphology and zonation during exploration and assessment of ...

Structure, alteration, and geochemistry of the Charlotte …

from a shoot of hessite-rich telluride ore, the distal equivalent of calaverite-rich ore in the Golden Mile (Mueller and Muhling 2013). The lode terminates at 120 m depth at a D3 (?) reverse fault (Feldtmann 1916). The Golden Dream Lode, mined over a strike of 180 m, is the only one located in altered greywacke of the Golden Mile Fault (Fig.2).

Structural controls of bedded iron ore in the Hamersley …

Structure is the most important control on the location of hematite deposits in the Hamersley Province in the Pilbara region of Western Australia. Unravelling the structural history of mineralised areas, however, is complex because the Province underwent three orogenic events, and three regional extension events followed the main episodes of compression. Steeply E to …

Mineralization Styles, Alteration Mineralogy, and Sulfur …

102 alteration zone close to the massive ore body led early workers to suggest that these sulfides are a 103 result of epigenetic mineralization and were formed by the hydrothermal replacement of pre-

Geology and mineralogical zonation of the Olympic Dam iron …

The zonation in Au-Cu-chalcocite-bornite-chalcopyrite-pyrite is the result of a low-T, very acidic, SO4-bearing ore fluid. Our alteration models involving Fe-Na-K-Cl-rich and CO2-H2S-bearing ...

Structural Control, Hydrothermal Alteration Zonation, and …

High-grade iron ore of the 4EE orebody of the 4E deposit (>200 Mt at 63.5 wt % Fe) occurs as a southerly dipping sheet within banded iron formation (BIF) of the Paleoproterozoic Dales Gorge and ...

Geology, Geochemistry and Geochronology of the …

alterations initiating throughout the Tulu Kapi syenite are in the form of in enechelon vein ... iron ore, bauxite and etc. (Tadesse, 2003). Au mineralization is usually spatially and temporally related to granitoids (Hart, 2004, Goldfarb, 2005). In Ethiopia a number of placer gold occurrences, as well as the Lega Dembi primary ...

A Remote-Sensing-Based Alteration Zonation Model of …

The geotectonic areal division sketch map of Duolong porphyry copper ore field (a); an ASTER false-color composite image of b6(R), b3(G) and b1(B) (b); the geological sketch of Duobuze and Bolong ...


Our mineral mapping approach shows that the hydrothermal alteration resulted in a characteristic zonation of minerals radiating outward from the pipe-shaped orebody. The mineral zonation is the result of a sequence of sodic alteration followed by potassic alteration, brecciation, and, finally, by hydrolytic (acid) alteration.

[PDF] Spectral Alteration Zonation Based on Close Range …

Research on wall rock alteration is of great importance to the understanding and exploration of ore deposits. The microscopic changes of the same mineral in different alteration zones can provide information about the migration and enrichment of ore-forming elements. In this paper, a typical profile of a high-grade iron ore body in Gongg iron deposit was …

Ethiopia Nears First Iron Ore Plant

Ethiopia Nears First Iron Ore Plant. The first private iron ore mining plant is to kick off in Mekaneselam, Wollo Zone in northcentral Ethiopia. Agodo YO is investing between USD150 and 200 million to install a medium-scale iron ore processing …

(PDF) Economic Geology

of iron, whi ch is caused by organic acids derived from decaying vegetation. Laterite zonation is due to the effect of seasonal changes betw een dry and wet

The Geology and Genesis of High-Grade Hematite Iron …

high-grade iron ores formed along steep normal faults (Taylor et al, 2001). Ore formation can be ascribed to leaching of silica (chert) from iron-formations and recrystallisation of other iron mineral


Ethiopia has most of the resource materials required for steel production, including iron ore, coal, limestone, and others. Ethiopia has an estimated 350 million metric tons deposits of iron ore …

The structural setting and hydrothermal alteration of BIF …

chapter 3: oxygen isotope compositions of iron oxides 29 from high-grade bif-hosted iron ore deposits of the central hamersley province,western australia: constraints on the evolution of hydrothermal fluids. ... structural control, hydrothermal alteration zonation 47 and fluid chemistry of concealed, bif-hosted high-grade 4ee iron ore body at ...

Kun Song, Ende Wang, Yuzeng Yao, Jianfei Fu, Dahai Hao, …

The microscopic changes of the same mineral in different alteration zones can provide information about the migration and enrichment of ore-forming elements. In this paper, a typical profile of a high-grade iron ore body in Gongg iron deposit was investigated and sampled.

Magnetic effects of hydrothermal alteration in porphyry copper and iron

Primary mineralogy, gangue minerals and ore assemblages are all affected. Iron oxides, oxyhydroxides and sulphates derive from decomposition of Fe-bearing sulphides. ... Alteration zonation model of a gold-rich porphyry copper system with maximal development of a biotite–magnetite assemblage in the potassic zone. There is no vertical ...

Geology and Mineralogical Zonation of the Olympic Dam Iron …

It has been recognized for the past century that copper deposits, in common with those of many other metals, are heterogeneously concentrated in Earth's upper crust, resulting in areally restricted copper provinces that were generated during several discrete metallogenic epochs over time intervals of up to several hundred million years.


synergetic use of the sentinel-2, aster, and landsat-8 data for hydrothermal alteration and iron oxide minerals mapping in a mine scale August 2020 Acta Geodynamica et Geomaterialia 17(3):311-328

Structural control, hydrothermal alteration zonation, and …

High-grade iron ore of the 4EE orebody of the 4E deposit (>200 Mt at 63.5 wt % Fe) occurs as a southerly dipping sheet within banded iron formation (BIF) of the Paleoproterozoic Dales Gorge and Joffre members of the Brockman Iron Formation. Structural reconstruction of the 4E deposit shows that reactivation of the 18E fault and development of the NW-striking, steeply SW …

Iron Potential of Ethiopia | PDF | Iron Ore

rences in Ethiopia: - Ethiopia has significant iron ore resources due to various deposit types formed through geological processes like sedimentation, metamorphism, and magmatism. - The major iron ore occurrences are found in the Wollega, Bale, Kefa, and Hararghe regions and include deposits like Bikilal, Gordana, and Cherecher. - Iron is essential for steel production …

Epithermal related hydrothermal alteration …

The mapping of hydrothermal alteration zones associated with mineralization is of paramount importance in searching for metal deposits. For this purpose, targeting alteration zones by analyzing airborne geophysical and satellite imagery …

Structural Control, Hydrothermal Alteration Zonation, and …

1996. The secondary mineralogy of altered diabase in the lower sheeted dikes cored during Leg 148 comprises an earlier hightemperature assemblage of amphibole, diopside, anorthitic plagioclase, chlorite, titanite, and apatite, overprinted by a subsequent alteration at lower temperatures that led to actinolite, albite, chlorite or chlorite-smectite, talc, epidote, and …

Hyperspectral and Geochemical Analysis of Chlorites at …

Our previous study has identified the detailed alteration zonation from proximal to distal for the high‐grade iron ore body, based on hyperspectral images of wall rocks [18],

Spectral Alteration Zonation Based on Close …

Research on wall rock alteration is of great importance to the understanding and exploration of ore deposits. The microscopic changes of the same mineral in different alteration zones can provide information about the migration and …

Spectral Alteration Zonation Based on Close Range HySpex …

Spectral Alteration Zonation Based on Close Range HySpex-320 m Imaging Spectroscopy: A Case Study in the Gongg High-Grade Iron Ore Deposit, Liaoning Province, NE China ... In this paper, a typical profile of a high-grade iron ore body in Gongg iron deposit was investigated and sampled. The samples were checked by polarized ...

Genesis and characteristics of lateritic iron deposit in Mai …

In Ethiopia, the most important primary iron ore deposits are associated with the upper successions of Precambrian rocks (Tadesse, 2009). Weathering and alteration of the …

Map of part of Ethiopia and east Africa showing some of the iron …

In Ethiopia, the most important primary iron ore deposits are associated with the upper successions of Precambrian rocks (Tadesse, 2009). ... (97.96–99.97%) and Chemical Index of Alteration (76. ...

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