The Occurrence and Origin of Pentlandite-Chalcopyrite …

Pentlandite forming coarse granular aggregates, together with loop-textured pentlandite where chalcopyrite also forms part of the loop framework, consistently has the …

Major Mines & Projects | Black Swan Mine

The pyrrhotite lenses consist of coarse granular aggregates of pyrrhotite with minor stringers and flames of pentlandite and pyrite. The other, less widely distributed textural type, is 'leopard' texture. It consists of coarse-grained circular pentlandite crystals (up to 10 mm in diameter) in a pyrrhotite matrix.

new used pentlandite crushers

Here is an introduction to the different types of crushers used at each stage and their characteristics. 1. Primary crushing equipment ... The compound crusher, a double-rotor …


Pentlandite is an iron-nickel sulfide, (Fe,Ni) 9 S 8. Pentlandite usually has a Ni:Fe ratio of close to 1:1. It also contains minor cobalt. It is named after the Irish scientist Joseph Barclay Pentland (1797-1873), who first noted the mineral. Pentlandite forms isometric crystals, but is normally found in massive granular aggregates. It is ...

Major Mines & Projects | Nkomati Mine

The dominant sulphide minerals are pyrrhotite, pentlandite and chalcopyrite. Cobalt is mostly in solid solution in the pentlandite, and the platinum group metals (PGMs) occur as separate minerals, with merenskyite being dominant. The current mined chromite is contained within the Massive Chromitite Unit (MCHR) in the open-pit area.


Name: Pentlandite RRUFF ID: R060144 Ideal Chemistry: (Ni,Fe) 9 S 8 Locality: Worthington, Ontario, Canada Source: University of Arizona Mineral Museum 5840 Owner: RRUFF Description: Bronze-white metallic massive Status: The identification of this mineral has been confirmed by X-ray diffraction and chemical analysis Mineral Group: [ Pentlandite (1)]

Pentlandite (pn)

It is diagnostic of pentlandite and allows its recognition even in secondary aggregates in which pentlandite has been totally replaced or reduced to minimal relicts (Figs. 93.3 and 93.4a). 93.2.2 Observation +P (Polariser + Analyser at 90°) Isotropic (Fig. 93.1c, d and 93.4).

Major Mines & Projects | Coleman Mine

The sulphide mineral assemblage consists of pyrrhotite, pentlandite, chalcopyrite and minor pyrite. Variations in style and orientation of mineralization occur abruptly over small distances, resulting in a complex mode of sulphide occurrence. ... Crushers and Mills Milling equipment has not been reported. Processing - subscription is required ...

Cone Crusher Pentlandite

A Jaw Crusher is one of the main types of primary crushers in an ore processing or a mining plant A Jaw Crusher lessens large size rocks or ore by having placed the rock into compression A fixed jaw mounted in a V alignmentAN ASSESSMENT OF PENTLANDITE OCCURRENCE IN THE RUN OF,pentlandite in the ore occurs as exsolutions in the pyrrhotite …

Cu–Ni processing improvements at First Quantum's …

Pyrrhotite is the main sulphide mineral followed by chalcopyrite and pentlandite. The sulphide grain size is fine to medium. In near surface parts of the mineralisation, pyrrhotite is partly replaced by pyrite and pentlandite by millerite and heazlewoodite (Kojonen et al., 2008). ... Feed to the secondary and tertiary crushers is the −100 ...

Collectors Strength – Xanthate Family – Recovery Power

The Evaluation of Collectors in Sulfide Ore Flotation. The influence of pH on collector efficiency as related to recovery is veil known. However, the effect of pH on K can be equally important with increasing pH causing an increase in K even in pH ranges where R is dropping in value.

Pentlandite (Fe Ni)9S8

Pentlandite (Fe,Ni)9S8 c 2001-2005 Mineral Data Publishing, version 1 Crystal Data: Cubic. Point Group: 4/m 32/m. Massive, commonly in granular aggregates; rarely in crystals, to 10 cm, embedded in other sulfides. Physical Properties: Cleavage: Parting on …

Cu–Ni processing improvements at First Quantum's Kevitsa …

The secondary and tertiary crushing is done in two MP800 cone crushers fitted with different bowl and mantle liners in line with their duties. ... Moreover, the pentlandite in plant feed at Kevitsa is finer than the chalcopyrite and this would further lower the flotation kinetics of pentlandite relative to the chalcopyrite. Given the four ...

Major Mines & Projects | Maracas Menchen Mine

Pentlandite is much less abundant and occurs within in the magnetitite. Minor sphalerite and galena grains are found together in the silicates, associated with the other sulphides especially in the magnetite-poor rock types. ... Crushers and Mills - subscription is required. Processing - subscription is required. Production. Commodity Product ...

Major Mines & Projects | Thompson Mine

On average, massive sulphide consists of 90% pyrrhotite, 10% pentlandite and less than 1% chalcopyrite. Cobalt is contained within the pentlandite. ... Crushers and Mills - subscription is required. Processing - subscription is required. Production. Commodity Units 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016

Degree of liberation of the sulfides pentlandite, pyrrhotite and

Pentlandite is usually the most liberated sulfide in all three reef types (72 -84 per cent liberated), whereas pyrrhotite liberation is the most variable (68 -87 per cent liberated) and ...

The effect of chemical reagents on flotation performance of …

In this study, we investigate the independent and interactive effects of a collector (SIBX) and a depressant (CMC) on the flotation performance of a pentlandite ore. The …

Polyhedral clusters in solids. Electronic structure of pentlandite

The pentlandite structures are transition-metal sulfides that contain distinguishable metal atom cubes and exist only for certain combinations of the Fe group elements, Co9S8 being the only known binary phase. In this paper, we assemble the structure from the naked cube cluster after demonstrating the inadequacies of a ligand field analysis in rationalizing its physical properties. …

Major Mines & Projects | Nunavik Nickel Mine

Pentlandite appears to be the main cobalt carrier. Niccolite (NiAs) and violarite (Ni, Fe)3S4 occur only rarely or are entirely absent. Intergrowth of both pentlandite and chalcopyrite with silicate minerals, particularly with serpentine, can be intricate. ... Crushers and Mills - subscription is required. Processing - subscription is required ...


From the mineralogical investigation, it was found that approximately 65% of the pentlandite in the ore occurs as exsolutions in the pyrrhotite and the grain sizes ranges from 8 to 38μm. about...


Pentlandite Pyrrhotite Pentlandite Chalcopyrite Pyrrhotite Sudbury 87.0 13.0 12.5 9.8 77.7 Thompson 94.8 5.20 20.1 1.5 78.4 Shebandowan 91.8 8.20 16.0 7.6 76.4 (Reprinted from Agar GE (1991) with permission from Elsevier Science.) amounts of pyrrhotite in this way, the concomitant pentlandite losses into Sotation tailings are highly

Pentlandite Mineral Data

General Pentlandite Information : Chemical Formula: (Fe,Ni)9S8 : Composition: Molecular Weight = 771.94 gm Iron 32.56 % Fe Nickel 34.21 % Ni Sulfur 33.23 % S _____ 100.00 % : Empirical Formula: Fe 2+ 4.5 Ni 4.5 S 8: Environment: …

Major Mines & Projects | Trident (Sentinel, Enterprise) Mine

Two in-pit crushers are planned to be moved during the year, with a major mid-life outage planned for a rope shovel during the second quarter. Continued focus will remain on the expansion of the trolley assist network as well as mine-to-mill process optimization. ... (NiS2), pentlandite (Fe,Ni)9S8, millerite (NiS), nickeliferous pyrite ([Fe,Ni ...

Major Mines & Projects | Caraíba (MCSA) Complex

The Terra do Sal deposit is characterized by disseminated and veinlets of pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite with minor bornite, pyrite and pentlandite. Specifically: - At Surubim, the Cu mineralization is hosted in a series of moderately NW-dipping, NNW-SSE striking lenses measuring a few meters up to 45 m thick.

Major Mines & Projects | Sudbury INO Operation

Sulphide deposits sit on broadly defined trends of mineralisation along basal brecciated rocks of the Sudbury Igneous Complex as pentlandite-pyrrhotite chalcopyrite rich concentrations as well as within the underlying footwall in fractured pathways as chalcopyrite dominated polymetallic (Cu, Ni, Au, Ag, Pt, Pd) vein-style sulphides.

Major Mines & Projects | Aguablanca Mine

They are made up of massive chalcopyrite, minor amounts of pyrrhotite and pentlandite, and traces of argentopentlandite located within chalcopyrite. Pentlandite has more Co (>2 wt%) and less Fe (27.3 wt%) and pyrrhotite more Ni and Co (~1 and 0.1 wt%, respectively) than in semi-massive and disseminated ores.

Standard Block: Pentlandite – Kurt Hollocher

Ring mill crushers; Scanning Electron Microscope; Field Trips. Halifax Pluton; Herkimer Diamond Mine; Keck 2008: Connecticut River Valley Field Trip; ... Standard Block: Pentlandite. Questionable. NOTES: Inhomogeneous, with probably exsolved blobs of an Fe-rich phase, probably pyrrhotite. Blobs can't be seen on a BSE image, which is amazing.

The effect of chemical reagents on flotation performance of …

We obtained the material used in the experimental investigation from Nkomati mine, situated in the Mpumalanga province of South Africa. Nkomati Mine processes nickel (Ni) from a pentlandite ore. We collected the sample material (−20 mm) as a belt cut from the secondary crushers during normal operation.

Major Mines & Projects | Nickel West Operation

The primary sulfide assemblage comprises pyrrhotite pentlandite–chalcopyrite–pyrite (Grguric et al. 2006). Mining Methods - subscription is required. Comminution Crushers and Mills Milling equipment has not been reported. Processing - subscription is required. Production. Commodity Units 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016

The effect of chemical reagents on flotation performance of …

Chemical reagents are used in flotation processes to improve the recovery of minerals as well as facilitate the rejection of gangue material. In this article, we conduct …

Major Mines & Projects | Mount Windarra Mine

Mineralisation at Windarra, associated with massive to disseminated sulphides (pyrite, pyrrhotite, pentlandite and chalcopyrite), is found to occur at the base of a sequence of ultramafic rocks known as komatiites with ore zones occurring as ribbon-like ore shoots around 20m thick and 50-350m in length and up to 900m down dip.

PENTLANDITE (Iron Nickel Sulfide)

Pentlandite lends its name and structure to a group of minerals called the Pentlandite Group. It is a group of rather rare minerals, save for pentlandite, that all have the same structure and somewhat similar chemistries. The general formula is AB8(S, Se)8 where silver, manganese, cadmium or lead can be found in the A position.

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