Fineness of Cement-Definition, Significance, …

Obtain a cement sample and ensure it is free of lumps for fineness testing. Weigh a sample of 100 grams and record it as the initial weight (W1). Place the cement sample in a sieve with a mesh size of 90 microns, covering it …

What Is The Air Permeability Test Of Cement?

The air permeability test of cement, also known as the Blaine method, is a procedure used to determine the fineness of hydraulic cement. This test measures the specific …

Blending Different Fineness Cements to Engineer the …

Blending Different Fineness Cements to Engineer the Properties of Cement-Based Materials. Dale P. Bentz . Building and Fire Research Laboratory . National Institute of Standards and Technology . ... obtained from a U.S. cement plant. Blaine finenesses and oxide compositions, as provided on mill sheets for the three, are summarized in Table 1 ...

Consistency Test Of Cement: Importance, Procedure, and

Weight of cement = 300 gm, % of water = 26% to 38 % (normal consistency of OPC range between this) Take 26% of water for the test, then the amount of water to be added in 300 gm of cement will be = 300 x 26% = 300 x (26/100) = 78 ml. Then add 78 ml of water to 300 gm of cement, prepare well mix and test.; If the test is not successful, increase % of water by 28 %.

Blaine Air Permeability Apparatus

Blaine Air Permeability Apparatus determines the fineness of Portland Cement by measuring the specific surface area of fine materials in square centimeters per gram of test sample. A quantity of air is drawn through a bed of definite porosity, and the rate of airflow is determined by the pore volume in the bed, a function of the size of particles.

IS 4031-2 (1999): Methods of physical tests for hydraulic …

PART 2 DETERMINATION OF FINENESS BY BLAINE AIR PERMEABILITY METHOD ( Second Revision ) 1 SCOPE This standard (Part 2) covers the procedure for determining by Blaine air …


Generally Blaine Air permeability apparatus is used. 2. Apparatus Required Fig. 2: Cement The samples of the cement shall be taken according to the requirements of IS 3535:1986 and the relevant standard specification for the type of cement being tested. The representative sample of the cement selected as above shall be

Cement Separator & Ball Mill Optimization

-Distribute and disperse cement dust-Classify cement dust at rotor – Take out fine particle from separator to be product Usual ranges of circulating air Depend on separator feed and production rate-Separator load 1.8-2.5 kg feed / m3 * = Separator feed / Circulating air Dust load (fine) less than 0.75-0.8 kg fine / m3

Fineness of Cement by Blaine's Air Permeability test

In this method, we determine fineness of the cement with the help of an apparatus patented by LEA and NURSE, it is done by the NURSE and BLAINE'S method as, apparatus consists of the permeability test cell and …


fls gives a formula to convert tph with change in blaine . similarly for variation in power with change in blaine & tph. both formulas are separate for open & closed ckt. what is the logic of calcualtion means how we can generate the formulas of blaine,power & tph relationship ? how the power of 1.3 for open & 1.4 for close ckt is optained?


For this purpose, three types of cement having different Blaine fineness (2600, 3400 and 4100 g/cm 2) were produced from the same clinker and gypsum. In addition, cement having a fineness value of ...

Fineness of Cement

Fig. 1: Specific Surface versus Compressive Strength of Cement. Fineness of cement is tested in two ways : (a) By sieving. (b) By determination of specific surface (total surface area of all the particles in one gram of cement) by air-permeability apparatus. Expressed as cm 2 /gm or m 2 /kg. Generally Blaine Air permeability apparatus is used.

What is the fineness of the cement?

Learn about the fineness of cement, how it impacts strength, hydration, and workability, and explore common methods like Blaine air permeability ... There are two common methods used to determine the fineness of cement. They are, namely: The Blaine air permeability test ; ... Calculate the fineness using the formula: Fineness = (W2/W1) * 100 ...


Cement Formula Handbook (version 3.0) and share it with colleagues and contemporaries. As always, your comments on this new handbook are welcome. Published by Confederation of Indian Industry CII - Sohrabji Godrej Green Business Centre Survey # 64, Kothaguda Post R R District, Hyderabad 500 084 Telangana India.

Fineness Of Cement By Blaine's Air Permeability …

In general, the fineness of cement is determined using the equation: This equation for fineness can be simplified as: [Table-2] S=K√t. Where: t is the time taken for the air to pass through the cement sample under …

Particle size distribution of cement and concrete

Particle size distribution (PSD) is an essential property of cement. The only standard method to measure the PSD of cement, namely ASTM C115 is limited in scope; this standard describes a method ...

Cement composition and Blaine fineness.

Type III, Type V, and Calcium Sulfoaluminate (CSA) cements were used to produce standard high early-strength concretes. Table 1 provides the composition and Blaine Fineness of the cements used in ...

Fineness of Cement by Blaines Air Permeability Method

The document describes the Blaine air permeability method for determining the fineness of cement according to IS 4031. The method involves drawing air through a compacted cement bed and measuring the time taken. The specific surface area in cm2/g is calculated using the measured time, density of cement, and an apparatus constant determined using a reference …


Concrete is the most widely used construction material on earth and increasing quantities are being produced to meet the needs of increased global population and urbanization. Portland cement, the main ... In comparing PC to PLC at 15% limestone substitution, the Blaine fineness is approximately 5-10 m2/kg

Effect of Feed Amount and Composition on Blaine and …

Fineness or particle size of cement affects hydration rate and thus the rate of strength gain. The smaller the particle size is, the greater the surface area-to-volume ratio, and thus, the more area is available for water-cement interaction per unit volume. Table 1: Blaine fineness of cement as a function of amounts of total feed and clinker

IS 4031-2 (1999): Methods of physical tests for hydraulic …



Blaine's air permeability apparatus consists essentially of a means of drawing a definite quantity of air through a prepared bed of cement of definite porosity. The fineness is expressed as a total surface area in square centimeters per gram. See more

Fineness of Hydraulic Cement by Air-Permeability …

4.2.2 Calculate the bulk volume occupied by the cement to the nearest 0.005 cm3 as follows: V 5 ~W A 2 W B!/D (1) where: V = bulk volume of cement, cm3, W A = grams of mercury required to fill the cell, no cement being in the cell, W B = grams of mercury required to fill the portion of the cell not occupied by the prepared bed of cement in ...

Fineness of Hydraulic Cement by Air-Permeability …

Fineness of Hydraulic Cement by Air-Permeability Apparatus1 This standard is issued under the fixed designation C 204; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of ... FIG. 1 Blaine Air-Permeability Apparatus C 204 2 azmancoazmanco. nearest 0.5 s or less. The timer shall be accurate to 0.5 s or less

Certification of Standard Reference Material® 46h: …

The standard reference materials (SRM) for fineness of cement are SRM 114 and SRM 46h. They are an integral part of the calibration materials routinely used in the cement industry to qualify cements for ASTM C204 (Blaine), C115 (Wagner) and C430 (45 µm sieve residue). Being a powder, the important physical properties of cement, prior to

Standard Test Methods for Fineness of Hydraulic …

1.1 This test method covers determination of the fineness of hydraulic cement, using the Blaine air-permeability apparatus, in terms of the specific surface expressed as total surface area in square centimetres per …

Fineness Of Cement By Blaine's Air Permeability …

Therefore, by measuring the time it takes for a fixed volume of air to pass through a cement sample under standard conditions, we can infer the fineness of the cement. This article explains in detail the test procedure …

The Influence of Temperature on the Hydration Rate of …

in which the T stands for different temperatures of maturing. Equation (3) determines the heat flow of cement under different curing temperatures at a given time as a total generated heat Q.The analysis for test specimen is presented in Figure 3, Figure 4 and Figure 5.The E n was determined for different levels of heat generated: Q = 50 J/g, Q = 100 J/g, Q = 150 J/g, Q = 200 …

Fineness of Hydraulic Cement by Air-Permeability Apparatus

This test method covers determination of the fineness of hydraulic cement, using the Blaine air-permeability apparatus, in terms of the specific surface expressed as total surface area in square centimetres per gram, or square metres per kilogram, of cement. Two test methods are given: Test Method A is the reference test method using the manually operated standard Blaine …

Correlation of the Blaine value and the d(80) size of the cement

The proposed model correlates the specific grinding energy, the clinker work index and the specific surface (Blaine) of a cement produced through fine-grinding in ball mills. Furthermore, a model ...

Automatic Blaine Apparatus: What It Is and What It Can Do …

The Blaine value is automatically calculated. This includes formula corrections depending on temperature changes. Related to that is the ability of an automatic Blaine apparatus to automatically measure the temperature during each test. Test Operation. The cement is compressed during the testing operation.

Measuring Cement Particle Size and Surface Area by …

the cement industry: Blaine in ASTM C 204 measures information from laser diffraction particle size distri-bution (PSD-LD, called LD in this report) measure- ... using the following formula: S ST T s s = where S s is the surface area of the reference material (i.e., SRM 114); T s is the time of flow using the reference material

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