In M20 grade concrete it is possible to replace the 20 percent of normal 20 mm aggregates with waste ceramic tile aggregates. In M30 grade concrete it is not possible even 5 percent replacement of normal 20 mm aggregates with waste ceramic tile aggregates because of less target strength. So it should be avoided.
The effectiveness of the partial replacement of both fine and course aggregates of ceramic waste by 50% and 30% discussed in the research study. ... Floor tile waste aggregates (FTWA) in concrete ...
Partial Replacement of Fine Aggregate Using Waste Materials in Concrete as Roof Tile: A Review, K Supar, F A A Rani, N L Mazlan, M K Musa. ... The current paper focuses on some of the waste elements that are utilized in a concrete mortar (use in roof tile) as a partial replacement for fine aggregates such as rubber ash, sawdust, seashells ...
The findings revealed that the use of ceramic tile waste for partial replacement of coarse aggregate leads towards enhancing the valuable concrete properties which in turns can be …
Journal of Engineering Research and Reports, 2022. The need to reduce the increasing demand for crushed granite as coarse aggregate as well as the need to safeguard the environment from degradation has given rise to various researches on alternative materials that can serve the same purpose while minimizing environment hazard.
A reduction of 10-15% of strength is observed compared to conventional concrete at 25% of roof tile aggregate replacement. The workability of roof tile waste concrete is in the range of medium. Overall, the replacement of tiles in …
experimental results revealed that the use of recycled ceramic tile aggregates is promising in structural concrete applications. Index Terms — Coarse ceramic aggregate, Fine ceramic …
tile waste is nothing but the waste tile products from construction industry. M40 grade concrete was prepared for the experimental investigations, which showed that the ideal replacement for copper slag was 40% and that of tile waste was 30%. Key Words: — Cement, Ceramic tile waste, Copper slag. I. INTRODUCTION
Raval et al. [12] examined the substitution of OPC concrete supplanted by ceramic waste 0%, 10%, 20%, 30% 40%, and half by weight for M-30 grade concrete.
Partial replacement of aggregate with ceramic tile in concrete. Author links open overlay panel K.P. Manikandan a, ... In the instance of concrete manufactured from waste tile, the coarse particles were reduced to a size of 20 mm, the percentage of waste tile ranged from 0 % to 5 %, 10 %, 15 %, 20 %, and 25 %, and a portion of the cement was ...
Ceramic waste tile aggregates produced from mixed coloured tile were utilized in self-compacting concrete (SCC). This research was aimed at assessing the performance of SCC in sulphuric acid environment by introducing ceramic waste tile (CWT) as natural fine aggregate replacement in different ratios (0%, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and ).
This paper presents an overview of the previous researches carried out on the use of waste rubber as partially replacement of natural fine and course aggregate in traditional concrete mixtures. This has the additional advantage of saving in natural aggregates used in the production of concrete which are becoming increasingly scarce. This research
In the present study, ceramic tile waste and iron slag were used in concrete as a replacement for natural coarse aggregate with 0%, 10%, 50%, and of the substitution, and M25 grade concrete ...
Partial Replacement of Coarse aggregate in Concrete by Waste Rubber Tire A.Chandran Department of Civil Engineering, SA Engineering College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India Throughout the world, the disposal of used tires is a major environme 1.INTRODUCTION: Concrete is one of the most widely and
concrete increases with ceramic coarse tile aggregate by up to 40%. This indicates that the recycled ceramic waste has a potentially to be used a coarse aggregate partial replacement for concrete. Keywords: Recycled ceramic tiles, coarse aggregate, compressive strength, split tensile strength. 1. INTRODUCTION
This experimental study found that the waste ceramic tile aggregate has permissible flakiness index, elongation index, fineness modulus, impact value. Specific gravity and water absorption value ...
The modified concrete satisfy the condition of a good concrete which its water absorption varies from 0.89 to 3% in accordance concrete Society, United Kingdom .In Conclusion, recycling of broken ceramic waste tiles can be used up to 20% replacement of coarse aggregates in the production of concrete in both developing and developed countries.
1.5. TILE AGGREGATE CONCRETE Crushed tiles are used in lieu of coarse aggregate, and tile powder is used in place of fine aggregate in this. Crushed tiles were used to replace fine and coarse aggregates separately, as well as in combinations (replacing coarse and fine aggregates at the same time in a single mix).
This study is an investigation into the utilization of waste tiles as partial replacement for fine and coarse aggregates in concrete. ... %-0.63% and 5.12%-7.88% for 10% and 20% concrete waste ...
partial replacement of coarse and fine aggregate of concrete. In the study waste crushed tiles were used to partially replace the fine and coarse aggregate (10% and 20%). They observed that the optimum percentage of coarse aggregate that can be replaced by crushed tiles is 10%. [2] also studied the reuse of ceramic tiles waste (CWT) as ...
PN. ZURINA BINTI SAFEE 2. PN. DALIELA BINTI ISHAMUDDIN USING RECYCLE CERAMIC TILES AS REPLACEMENT COARSE AGGREGATE IN CONCRETE INTRODUCTION Nearly every community in nearly every industrialized or industrializing country is dependent on aggregate resources (sand, gravel, and stone) to build and maintain their infrastructure.
A few studies show that glass as coarse aggregate in concrete workability decreases as the amount of glass substantial increases in the concrete (Rachael et al., 2019).
Moreover, Tavakoli et al. [24] investigated the utilization of ceramic tile waste as natural aggregate replacement and observed that the unit weight of hardened concrete varied in the range of 2441–2294 kg/m 3 and 2441-2385 kg/m 3 with fine tile aggregate content of 0– and coarse tile aggregate content of 10–40%, respectively. They ...
Test results indicate that the workability of ceramic waste coarse aggregate concrete is good and the strength characteristics .The proposed project is to deal with M25 grade of concrete and partial replacement of coarse aggregate by ceramic aggregate in the concrete composition.
Replacement of Ceramic Aggregate by Fine Aggregates for M25. Concrete cubes of size 150mm x150mm x 150mm were casted for 0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50% ceramic aggregate replacement. The compressive strength for M25 grade of concrete is tested for 7, 14, 28 and 50 days of curing and the results are tabulated and plotted.
the resulting concrete. This project aims to characterize the concrete with crushed waste wall and floor tiles as a replacement for natural coarse aggregate. The waste tile aggregate was crushed and graded to have the same size of natural coarse aggregate. The study was done by replacing 0%, 50% and of natural coarse aggregate with waste ...
impact about 70% to 75% of volume to concrete. In this aspect consumption of waste tiles or broken tiles as course aggregate in concrete manufacturing can be get new scientific sobriety in the field of sustainable concrete. A large amount of tiles get waste in industry and mega construction projects. 2.
1) Determining the physical and mechanical characterization of recycled ceramic tile waste aggregate. 2) Studying the effect of using recycled ceramic tile waste as partial replacement of …
Hence, the crushed waste ceramic tiles were used in concrete as a replacement for natural coarse aggregates with 0%, 5%, 10%, 15% 20% and 25% of substitution. After analyzing results,...
We cannot completely change the materials in concrete because this will influence the workability of concrete. The e-waste is crushed into the correct particle size and can be mixed with various aggregates in the concrete without affecting the quality and durability of the concrete. E-waste partial concrete is also called E-Crete concrete. 8.
The VOS viewer analysis revealed that the five most frequently occurring keywords are compressive strength, ceramic materials, ceramic waste, aggregates, and recycling. Fig. 3 Displays the global map of the co-occurrence of the keywords used by the authors in query 1 (ceramic waste in concrete). Only terms with at least 30 occurrences are ...
In the instance of concrete manufactured from waste tile, the coarse particles were reduced to a size of 20 mm, the percentage of waste tile ranged from 0 % to 5 %, 10 %, 15 %, 20 %, and 25 %, and a portion of the cement was substituted with fly ash [5].The level of workability that is provided by discarded roof tile concrete sits somewhere in the middle of the range.