Insect pollination services in actively and spontaneously …

Ecological restoration has the potential to accelerate the recovery of biodiversity and ecosystem services in degraded ecosystems. However, current research queries whether active restoration is ...

Restoring our quarry ecosystems

In Spain we have over thirty years of experience of land rehabilitation and ecosystem restoration. Our participatory model of nature-based solutions was recently recognized by the European Business Awards for the …

Environment & Rehabilitation | Aggregate & Quarry …

Former quarries often become parks, wetlands or recreational facilities. Mt Smart stadium – sited on a former quarry – is one of many examples of a former quarry restored for community use. Christchurch City Council released: Quarry rehabilitation guidelines 2018 in which it talks about other possible uses for quarries after life, including;

Case studies on effective quarry rehabilitation and …

The old quarry was brought "back to life" with restoration and biodiversity. Trout species are preserved and enhanced inside a sustainable ecosystem. Raised awareness on preserving …

Quarry Restoration — Anzania | Eco Park

Anzania's restoration model is designed to be fully replicable, aiming to inspire a wider movement of quarry restoration across Kenya. By employing low-cost, locally sourced materials and open-sourcing our methods, we aim to make our approach accessible to communities and organizations with limited resources.

Enhancing Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in Quarry Restoration

In this paper, we compile and synthesize the contributes of the latest available research on quarry restoration. We depict and discuss some of the most pressing issues regarding (1) the challenges of restoring quarries, (2) the opportunities for biodiversity and ecosystem services delivery, and (3) outline further research addressing current gaps.

RESTORE project bringing nature back to quarries post …

4) Ecosystem services and the economic value of mineral sites restoration: The ecosystem services provided through quarry restoration can also create benefits for local economies and people. The project investigated ten case studies across north-west Europe, each considering a different mineral type or a dry-versus-wet restoration end-use.

Post-mining ecosystem reconstruction: Current Biology

Mark Tibbett discusses the complex factors that need to be considered in ecosystem reconstruction after mining and outlines approaches for optimising land rehabilitation outcomes ... Geomorphic landscape design integrated with progressive mine restoration in clay quarries of Catalonia. Int. J. Min. Reclam. Environ. 2020; 35:399-420. Crossref.

Mid‐term effects on ecosystem services of quarry restoration …

The main goal of this article is to assess the mid-term effects (10 years), on two key ecosystem services (carbon sequestration and habitat function), of the use of sewage sludge in Technosol construction for limestone quarry restoration, under …

Constraints in Ecological Restoration of Stone Quarries of …

Information about soil microbial biomass can help to quantify the extant of degradation and may help to provide the effective methodology for the restoration in the degraded terrestrial ecosystems.

Understanding the Capability of an Ecosystem Nature-Restoration …

Tomáš C. Restoration Practices Used on Post Mining Sites and Industrial Deposits in the Czech Republic with an Example of Natural Restoration of Granodiorite Quarries and Spoil Heaps.

Applying ecosystem benefit valuation to inform quarry …

Through investigating the benefits of ecological restoration, we want to foster more efficient planning for after uses of quarry sites and demonstrate how to spread ES knowledge …

(PDF) Ecological Restoration of Basalt quarry- the case of …

Fig.4: Timba Basalt quarry after restoration IV Conclusion: Timba basalt quarry restoration is a best example of ecological restoration. The circumstance in Timba before restoration were quite challenging and it took eight years to get green, this evidence makes it clear that ecological restoration will be a key element not only of conservation ...

Enhancing biodiversity and ecosystem services in quarry restoration

Although covering less than 1% of the land surface, extraction activities have long‐lasting impacts on local ecosystems, inevitably damaging biological diversity and depleting ecosystem services. Many extractive companies are now aware of their impacts and, while pressured by society, demand concrete solutions from researchers to reverse the effects of …

Index System to Evaluate the Quarries Ecological …

study developed and categorized quarry ecosystem recovery indicators based on the Core Capabilities of the Society for Ecological Restoration (SER) International through literature review and the ... investigations into ecosystem restoration are urgently required. Although human technology cannot restore natural systems, it can be applied to ...

Index System to Evaluate the Quarries Ecological Restoration …

This study developed and categorized quarry ecosystem recovery indicators based on the Core Capabilities of the Society for Ecological Restoration (SER) International through literature review and ...

The ecological potential of a restored abandoned quarry ecosystem …

In most abandoned mines, the destruction of vegetation is the major factor that leads to the ecosystem degradation (Singh et al., 2004). Obviously, restoration of the vegetation is the key to improving the ecological environment and thereby drive the rehabilitation of the ecosystem, which in turn enhances regional productivity (Lu et al., 2006).

Insect pollination services in actively and spontaneously …

1. Introduction. Extractive industry is amongst the most harmful human activities, with long-lasting impacts on local ecosystems (Palmer et al., 2010).Yet, the growth of the industry steadily increases (IRP, 2019) and damaged ecosystems are left abandoned and devoid of vegetation.Restoring these highly degraded areas is essential to reverse biodiversity loss and …

The ecological potential of a restored abandoned quarry ecosystem …

Semantic Scholar extracted view of "The ecological potential of a restored abandoned quarry ecosystem in Mt. Mufu, Nanjing, China" by Jin-li Wang et al. ... The purpose of this study is to identify the impacts of abandoned quarries and to examine scenarios for their restoration. Two quarries were selected as case studies, which are located in ...

Enhancing biodiversity and ecosystem services in quarry …

We depict and discuss some of the most pressing issues regarding (1) the challenges of restoring quarries; (2) the opportunities for biodiversity and ecosystem services delivery; and (3) outline further research addressing current gaps.

Progresses in restoration of post-mining landscape in Africa

There are very few cases of large-scale post-mining restoration practices in Africa. The most notable examples came from Kenya, South Africa and Ghana. In Kenya, large-scale ecosystem restoration on exhausted quarries at Haller Park, Bamburi was started in 1971 by initially planting 26 tree species on 2-km 2 areas of open quarries (Siachoono 2010).

Soil properties under different ecological restoration modes …

The ecological environment of quarry mining area is fragile, and the vegetation restoration cycle is long and difficult, so scientific and appropriate artificial vegetation is of great significance to ecological restoration. ... Soil quality is a significant component of ecosystem restoration, and its physical, chemical and biological ...

Enhancing biodiversity and ecosystem services in quarry restoration

Many extractive companies are now aware of their impacts and, while pressured by society, demand concrete solutions from researchers to reverse the effects of exploitation and restore biodiversity and ecosystems services. In this article, we compile and synthesize the contributions of the latest available research on quarry restoration.

Evidence-Based Quarry Restoration

UK National Ecosystem Assessment, 'UK National Ecosystem Assessment: synthesis of key findings', 2011, UNEP-WCMC, Cambridge. HUMPHRIES, R.N.: 'Understanding and delivery of the components of structure, diversity and function in the restoration of ecosystems on mined land: working towards a practical methodology', Journal American ...

What is Quarry Restoration?

Quarry restoration is an essential practice within active quarry operations, driven by a mix of environmental, economic, and community considerations. It breathes life back into neglected and degraded areas, promoting biodiversity and ecosystem benefits while also contributing to the well-being of local communities. Benefits of Quarry Restoration Improved...

Biodiversity protection and ecological restoration of Guilin Karst quarry

Accordingly, it is proposed that the ecological restoration of the Guilin Karst quarry should focus on the reconstruction of the mining area ecosystem and the protection of biodiversity, and ...

The ecological potential of a restored abandoned quarry ecosystem …

In order to conserve the remaining rare dolomite rocks and restore Mt. Mufu, a forest restoration program has been implemented over ten years. Emergy analysis was used to evaluate the current status of the restored ecosystem, in addition, the ecological potential of the fully developed system was predicted and analyzed.

Mid‐term effects on ecosystem services of quarry …

The main goal of this article is to assess the mid-term effects (10 years), on two key ecosystem services (carbon sequestration and habitat function), of the use of sewage sludge in Technosol construction for limestone …

CEMEX Site Biodiversity and Quarry Restoration | Agg-Net

Case Study – Choughs at Raynes Quarry. At Raynes Quarry in Wales, CEMEX are protecting red-billed choughs that are breeding on site and engaging with the RSPB to create new feeding habitat for these birds. Choughs like to nest in crevices in rock, and the quarry walls provide a great alternative to the nearby sea cliffs.


One restoration technique of disused limestone quarry faces, landform replication, attempts to create landforms and ecosystems similar to those found on natural dalesides. Vegetation surveys ...

Index System to Evaluate the Quarries Ecological …

Three elements and 17 indicators representing ecological processes, vegetation structures, and ecological functions were developed to evaluate and manage the ecological restoration of an abandoned quarry.

GCCA Sustainability Guidelines for Quarry Rehabilitation …

new quarries ("green-field" projects), active quarries, inactive quarries, and depleted/closed quarries, as defined in Chapter 7 of this document. • Quarries for both cement and/or …

Quarry Restoration case studies | PPT

2. Sustainability Quarry Restoration, Reclamation & Re-use nabilit Definitions of Sustainability There is abundant evidence that humanity is using up the earth's resources at a rate that will deplete them much too quickly, and in the process is causing unacceptable levels of pollution which destroys natural habitats and eco systems. . 'Sustainability' is a very broad term …

(PDF) Quarry rehabilitation: A case study

a b s t r a c t Resilience against sudden changes in the environment is a very desirable trait in plants used for ecosystem restoration. Mediterranean-like vegetation exhibits particularly strong ...

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