Influence of coir fiber reinforcement on shear strength parameters of cement modified marginal soil mixed with fly ash. ... Fly ash has been used at several work sites due to its abundant availability as a waste material. The effective use of Fly ash has an advantage over saving and preserving natural resources, leading in the reduction in cost ...
Fig. 8 also illustrates cement, superplasticizer, and age of the concrete are positively correlated with compressive strength, and the remaining other parameters are inversely correlated with the strength of the concrete, which denotes compressive strength of concrete decreases with the increase in water, fly ash, fine aggregate, and coarse ...
Then, the degree of hydration of cement and degree of reaction of fly ash can be calculated through [18], [22], [23]: (4) α = 1-V i V 0 where α is the degree of hydration of cement or the degree of reaction of fly ash; V i is the area/volume fraction of residual cement or fly ash; V 0 is the initial area/volume fraction of cement or fly ash.
Rheological study of binary and ternary blended high-performance concrete (HPC) is necessary to eliminate the uncertainties of traditional workability methods. In this study silica fume and fly ash along with high range water reducing admixture (HRWA) and viscosity modifying agents (VMA) were utilised to develop HPC. Static yield stress (τs), dynamic yield stress (τd) …
The concrete composites with mineral additives have become more important in terms of their economic properties over the last few years, mainly due to the following reason: the Kyoto Protocol was the first agreement between nations to mandate country-by-country reductions in greenhouse-gas emissions (GHG).Unfortunately, the cement industry is one of …
Also, the pH value for all the mixes was observed to be greater than 11. Deicing salt surface scaling weight loss increased with the increase in fly ash content except with mix containing 15% fly ash. At 365 days age, the weight loss was almost consistent for all percentages of fly ash varying between 0.525 and 0.750 kg/m 2.
Particle Size of Fly ash particles are typically fine, ranging from less than one micron to several hundred microns in size. The particle size distribution can affect the pozzolanic properties of fly ash. ... Shrinkage of fly ash concrete is like pure cement concrete in all grades of OPC. According to Bendapudi S.C.K and Saha P (2011) [4], ...
Substantial research has been conducted to evaluate using various supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs) such as fly ash (FA), slag, metakaolin, rice husk ash (RHA), silica fume (SF), and natural pozzolan for the partial replacement of Portland cement, which releases remarkable quantities of CO 2 [1,2,3,4].Almost 7% of global anthropogenic greenhouse gas …
The results of this research show that high-alkali biofuel fly ash (BFA) had a significant influence on the mechanical characteristics, microstructure, porosity, freezing–thawing cycle resistance, and ASR resistance of cementitious materials. Different amounts of BFA (varying from 0 to 30%) were used as a substitute for cement in concrete mixes. The impact of …
Fly ash can be utilised as a cement replacement, reducing cement usage, thus environmentally and economically beneficial. Fly ash makes concrete workable; increasing its levels may reduce water demand and superplasticizer needs. Fly ash can improve mechanical …
The methodologies and designs used to obtain the optimum percentages of 5, 10, and 15% were reviewed, analyzing mainly the results obtained when fly ash is used in concrete.
There are various waste materials and by-products that can be used as replacement of cement in the concrete mixture, such as cement kiln dust, blast furnace slag, fly ash, silica fume, recycled ...
Fly ash (FA) with brown color and specific gravity (Gs) [46] of 2.31 was obtained from the Mae Moh power plant in Thailand. The X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer (XRF) technique was used to determine the chemical composition of FA, as shown in Table 1.The amount of SiO 2 + Al 2 O 3 + Fe 2 O 3 was 77.15% by weight. The calcium oxide (CaO) …
Like most performance parameters of concrete, cracking potential is also significantly affected by the binder type. ... [19] and 50 % fly ash [20] compared to OPC concrete. Fly ash is also reported to reduce the tendency of thermal cracking [21], [22]. ... Several methods have been suggested for determining cracking potential parameters, ...
produce concrete, instead of the cement paste. Fly ash, one of the source materials for geopolymer binders, is available abundantly worldwide, and yet its use ... several parameters on the ...
All alkali-activated fly ash pastes were designed to have similar workability. Flow tests as for hydraulic cement mortar was adopted for alkali-activated fly ash pastes (ASTM C 1437, 2001). The water-to-fly ash ratio was chosen for each fly ash such that the flow of the alkali-activated fly ash paste would be in the range of 170–180 mm.
Concrete is the backbone of urban infrastructure, and its demand is continuously growing [1], [2].Natural river sand, an essential component of concrete production, faces a similarly steep …
The use of fly ash in cement composites adversely affects its mechanical properties during the first days of mixture curing. ... Therefore, most of the presented studies were carried out within a few or several hours after the pastes were made. ... Golewski G.L. Effect of nano admixture of CSH on selected strength parameters of concrete ...
The compressive strength of concrete is a crucial parameter in structural design, yet its determination in a laboratory setting is both time-consuming and expensive. The prediction of compressive strength in fly ash …
Fly ash is the most commonly used source binder material for producing geopolymer concrete [7] due to its low cost, wide availability, and increased potential for preparing GPs.Using coal-burning waste products, fly ash-based geopolymer concrete (FA-GPC) is an adequate substitute that can reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 25%–45% [17].The type and …
By comparing with three groups of ordinary mix proportion, the performances (e.g., mechanical properties, durability, and brittle property) of the optimized mix proportion were …
The paper reports on the determination of basic mechanical material parameters of several concrete and alkali activated concrete and fly ash mixtures intended for the construction of segmental lining used in TBM tunneling. The results of an extensive experimental program are discussed first. The principal attention is accorded to the experimental determination of specific …
Fly ash use in concrete improves the workability of plastic concrete, and the strength and durability of hardened concrete. Fly ash use is also cost effective. When fly ash is …
On the other hand, several properties of the incorporation of fly ash in different types of concrete, such as polymeric co ncrete, were recognized, where the percen tage of replacem ent fluctuates
Adding fly ash to concrete improves workability because the fly ash ... It is important to note that mechanical activation can successfully increase the solubility of several mineral ... stated that 5% of UFA and 15% of AFA is marginal for cement paste because higher amounts significantly deteriorate the cement paste hydration parameters.
The strength parameters of fly ash replacing will be compared with the nominal mix of HVFC. ... 5 CONCLUSION In this project the author analysed various durability issues in fly ash blended concrete. The multiple regression analysis is used for the development of equations connecting the relative durability parameter, and chemical constituents ...
The Impact of High-Alkali Biofuel Fly Ash on the Sustainability Parameters of Concrete. December 2023; Buildings 13 ... utilisation of BFA as a partial substitute for cement of fers several ...
fly ash concrete. II. LITERATURE & REVIEW 1.Sunilaa George & Dr. R.Thenmozhi (2011) [1] [2]: Studied the behavior of Activated fly ash concrete. The effectiveness of fly ash activation by CaOand Na2SiO3 is verified by scanned electron microscope. Scanning electron microscopy shows that FA is composed mainly
In order to investigate the relations between the microstructure and compressive strength of cement–fly ash-based material treated with microwave irradiation, the specimens microwave irradiated for 45 min was compared against that cured using (a) normal curing at 20 ± 1 °C, > 90% RH, (b) steam curing at 40 °C for 10 h and (c) steam curing at 80 °C for 4 h by …
Fly ash was found as an available option, since it is being largely disposed annually as a waste material. In this research several studies have been reviewed and recent applications of fly ash on...
Portland cement concrete (PCC) is a major contributor to human-made CO2 emissions. To address this environmental impact, fly ash geopolymer concrete (FAGC) has emerged as a promising low-carbon alternative. This study establishes a robust compressive strength prediction model for FAGC and develops an optimal mixture design method to achieve …
Fly ash from coal represents the foremost waste product of fossil fuel combustion. These waste materials are most widely utilised in the cement and concrete industries, but the …
The proportion of cement and fly ash should be within 1:3–1:5, whereas the best fly ash content is within 10–20% [32,33] Through preliminary adaptation, the cement content is determined to be 4%, whereas the fly ash content is determined to be 15%. The recycled gravel aggregate of brick and concrete is divided into four grades, in ...
The addition of fly ash (FA) to concrete will not only reduce the CO2 content of concrete but also affect the compressive strength of concrete. Howeve…
Three types of mortars were prepared, combining waste brick powder and an ordinary Portland cement CEM I 42.5 R [32].First of all, reference mortars with only cement CEM I 42.5 R and without brick powder were made, being designed as …
The Expanded Fly Ash Clay Aggregate (EFCA) is used in addition to the Fly Ash and Bottom Ash. In this paper, an investigation was carried out using the M20 concrete mix. This is done with Cement and F.A., Bottom Ash, Expanded Fly Ash Clay Aggregate, fine aggregate, and coarse aggregate at the rates of 6%, 12%, 13%, 22%, and 25%, respectively.
This paper describes the effects of several factors on the properties of fly ash based geopolymer concrete, especially the compressive strength.