Guide to Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment …

2 Guidebook to Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Introduction Broad-based black economic empowerment (B-BBEE) is a policy and legislative framework which seeks to redress the historic economic inequalities created primarily as a result of the implementation of apartheid in South Africa. The principle law governing B-BBEE in South Africa is ...

Analysing the future of Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment …

ABSTRACT. ORIENTATION: The current Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (BBBEE) legislation imposes direct obstacles on small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in South Africa (SA).Thus, the perceptions of SMEs on the future of BBBEE elucidate the effect of the legislation on the economy and its operating industries

Black peoples' control of South Africa's mining industry in …

The Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment Charter (Mining Charter 1) of 2002 called for Black people – referred to as Historically Disadvantaged South African …

How broad-based is broad-based black economic empowerment?

In October 2010 the mobile phone company MTN closed its R8.1 billion black empowerment deal that translated into black ownership of 29% of the company's South African operations. This transaction consisted of a public offering where black people were invited to subscribe for shares in a black investment company which was specially created for ...

Assore | Integrated Annual Report 2017

Review and reports Black economic empowerment status report. Assore strongly endorses the broad-based black economic imperatives contained in the Minerals and Petroleum Resources Development Act (the MPRD Act) and the Broad-based Socio-economic Empowerment Charter for the South African Mining Industry issued thereunder (the Mining Charter), and since their …


Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment. The Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Commission actively investigates complaints and "fronting practices", and misrepresenting B-BBEE status is a criminal offence, which may result in fines of up to 10% of turnover, imprisonment for up to 10 years and being prohibited from tendering


black empowerment entities; (b) qualifi cation criteria for preferential purposes for procurement and other ... developing criteria for entering into partnerships with the private sector. ... the establishment and operating costs of the Council; and (b) the development and implementation of a communication plan on broad-based black economic ...

Mining Charter: Broad-Based Socio-Economic …

meaningful participation of Black Persons in the mining and minerals industry. To this end, section 100 (2) (a) of the MPRDA empowers the Minister to develop a Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment Charter for the South African Mining and Minerals Industry ("Mining Charter") as a regulatory instrument to effect transformation by meeting ...

Black economic empowerment policy and the …

Aim: To explain challenges of attaining and sustaining equity target levels and highlight the extent to which black people own equity and mine assets, explore strategies used and reveal other...

Black economic empowerment policy and …

The article analyses contestation of black economic empowerment ownership transfer policies in South Africa's mining industry. Using case study material from platinum, the article examines the transition between the first Mining Charter of …


• FL, in relation to a broad-based black economic empowerment transaction in terms of which a community trust formed for the benefit of HDSA will acquire a 25.1% equity stake in FL South Africa. PPC, on its ZAR 1.1 billion empowerment and restructuring deal, which resulted in shares being issued to

Black economic empowerment in the South African …

South Africa's key empowerment charters The development of industry-specific black economic empowerment (BEE) charters in South Africa is an empowerment framework for the country's specific industries, including the mining industry, petroleum and liquid fuels industry, the maritime, tourism and financial

Black economic empowerment status report | Assore

Assore strongly endorses the broad-based black economic imperatives contained in the Minerals and Petroleum Resources Development Act (the MPRD Act) and the Broad-based Socio …

(PDF) Black economic empowerment in the South African mining industry

Black economic empowerment in the South African mining industry: A case study of Exxaro Limited December 2008 South African Journal of Business Management 39(4):1-14

Black economic empowerment and changes in ownership …

2016. This study investigates how white and foreign-owned mining companies have complied with the Mining and Petroleum Resources Development Act (MPRDA) and Mining Charter, the core of the BroadBased Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) policy in …

Operating Black Empowerment Mining …

Operating Black Empowerment Mining Companies - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Trial Upload

Three Mining Charters and a Draft: How the politics and …

8 Definition of "broad-based black economic empowerment" in s 1 of the road-Based Black Economic ... approach to the empowerment and development of rural mining communities: There is an ...

's sale of 20% in mining subsidiary to black women for …

"We partnered with WIPHOLD because of the role that we together can play in developing a new women's mining group. With sound business acumen and a strong empowerment track record, WIPHOLD will help us build Ixia Coal into a new, sustainable women's empowerment company that over time will become involved in operating coal mines.

Black economic empowerment policy and state–business …

The article analyses contestation of black economic empowerment ownership transfer policies in South Africa's mining industry. Using case study material from platinum, the article examines the transition between the first Mining Charter of 2004 and the third Mining Charter of 2018.

Mineral Policy and Promotion Branch Mineral Regulation …

South African Mining Development Association (SAMDA) SAMDA, which was formed in 2000 as a junior mining initiative . by a group of people associated with various South African junior and Black Economic Empowerment mining companies, …


(d) Activity 1: a mining right holder has invested in beneficia tion plants before commencement of the Mining Charter, 2018 whose time adjusted value is R400. Using the formula i), contribution of this investment to B is R400. (e) Activity 2: a mining right holder plans to beneficiate ore worth R100 per year over a ten-year period.

Black broad based economic empowerment

The revised South African Mining charter, launched in 2010, emphasises a target of 30% black ownership of the country's mining assets. Palabora has been granted seven new-order mining rights and has executed six thus far (as at March 2013).


Otsile Matlou is ENS' Chief Operating Officer. As COO, he ensures the seamless delivery of effective solutions for clients across the continent. Otsile is also a director in the firm's natural resources and environment practice. His expertise covers the circle of mining – from exploration, mining and beneficiation to downscaling and closure.

Constructing black economic empowerment in South African mining …

Constructing black economic empowerment in South African mining: Government v corporate discourse

Empowering Communities: The Social Impact of Responsible Mining

Sustainable Development: PF Africa Mining's operations are aligned with the long-term well-being of the communities they operate in. Investments in local education and healthcare facilities are examples of their commitment. ... PF Africa Mining stands as a beacon of black empowerment in the South African mining landscape.


The mining industry is determined to positively and proactively participate in the economic and social transformation of the Namibian economy. Industry participants include mining companies, development companies, and exploration companies. Government recognises that not all of these companies, especially development and exploration


broad based and meaningful participation of Black Persons in the mining and minerals industry. In particular, section 100 (2) (a) of the MPRDA provides for development of the broad-based black economic empowerment charter for the South African mining and minerals industry as an instrument to effect transformation with specific targets.


Krüger L, `Developing Operations Strategies: Reassessing the Strength and Importance of ... framework for black people's empowerment in the mining sector. 1.4 The purpose of the study The Broad -Based Black Economic Empowerment aims to redress past injustices and bring


Mining Charter 3, a company that manufactures goods and has minimum BEE level 4 of the DTI Codes and minimum 26% black ownership. THE MINING CHARTER 2010 V THE MINING CHARTER 2017 – HOW DOES THE NEW CHARTER AFFECT YOU? 1 "BBBEE Act" means Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act 2003 (Act No. 53 of 2003) as amended;


development of the broad-based black economic empowerment charter for the South African mining and minerals industry as an instrument to effect transformation with specific targets.

Black economic empowerment policy and the …

Background: The Minerals and Petroleum Resources Development Act (MPRDA) and the Mining Charter, which both came into force in 2004, required white-owned and foreign-owned companies operating in ...

Black broad based economic empowerment

The revised South African Mining charter, launched in 2010, emphasises a target of 30% black ownership of the country's mining assets. Palabora has been granted seven new-order mining …

ORCA – Online Research @ Cardiff

This article conceptualises black economic empowerment (BEE) – now expanded into broad-based black economic empowerment (BBBEE) – as an institutionalised discursive …

Black economic empowerment policy and the transfer of …

Based on the directories of operating and developing BEE companies provided by the Department of Minerals and Energy there is an indication that black-owned companies have grown from 67 in 2007 to 112 in 2010 21 ... 2010, Operating and developing black empowerment mining companies in the Republic of South Africa, DME, Pretoria. Drake, W.A ...

The Implementation of the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment …

The post independent South African government in 1994 started operating in an environment that was characterised by racial discrimination, exclusion of the black majority from the economic ...

DMRE > Mining, Minerals & Energy Policy Development > Operating …

THE AFRICAN MINING PARTNERSHIP (AMP) The African Mining Partnership (AMP), whose main function is to drive the New Partnership for Africa's Development (Nepad) mining initiatives, was established during the African Mining Minister's meeting held in Cape Town in February 2004. South Africa is an important role player in this body.

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