
Thorium is the 90 th element on the periodic table, the second heaviest element on Earth. Thorium is known for its potential to provide nuclear energy in nuclear reactors, much like uranium which is the current dominant nuclear fuel.


An overview of the thorium fission fuel cycle is presented. The global and local Th resources are assessed, and its ability to provide a practically unlimited energy supply through the breeding …

Thorium fuel cycle research and literature: Trends and …

Literature on the thorium fuel cycle spanning eight decades from the 1940s to the 2010s is identified, categorized, and analyzed. The publications are divided among twelve …

Uranium | Encyclopedia

Uranium. History and applications. Uranium ' s radioactivity. The fission of uranium. Resources. Uranium — the element used as the primary fuel in nuclear reactors — is the metallic chemical element with an atomic number of 92. Its symbol is U, atomic weight is 238.0, and specific gravity is 18.95. It melts at 2,071.4 ° F (1,133 ° C) and boils at 6,904.4 ° F …

The Thorium Fuel Cycle

The Thorium Fuel Cycle ThEC13 Daniel Mathers [email protected] . Outline Content: •Background •Sustainability, proliferation resistance, economics, radiotoxicity •Advantages and disadvantages •Fuel Cycles . Fertile thorium •Th-232 is the …


Thorium is the 90 th element on the periodic table, the second heaviest element on Earth.Thorium is known for its potential to provide nuclear energy in nuclear reactors, much like uranium which is the current dominant nuclear fuel.It was discovered in 1828 by Swedish chemist Jons Jakob Berzelius, who named it after Thor, the Norse god of thunder. Only one isotope of thorium is …

Thorium fuel revisited

This process is known as "thorium fuel cycle" and is one of the potential methods for sustainable nuclear energy production as thorium is more abundant than uranium, and it does not produce weapons-grade materials during the cycle. However, the process of transmuting thorium into U-233 requires a significant initial amount of fissile material ...

Thorium facts for kids

Natural thorium has an atomic weight of 232. Thorium is named after Thor, the Norse god of thunder. Its ores are found in nature, especially in India, the United States, and Australia. Many scientists believe thorium would make a good source of nuclear fuel because it makes much less waste and is four times as common as uranium. It makes ...

Thorium fuel cycle

The thorium fuel cycle is the path that thorium transmutes through from fertile source fuel to uranium fuel ready for fission. Th-232 absorbs a neutron, transmuting it into Th-233. Th-233 …

Thorium fuel cycle

The thorium fuel cycle is a nuclear fuel cycle that uses the isotope of thorium, 232 Th, as the fertile material. In the reactor, 232 Th is transmuted into the fissile artificial uranium isotope 233 U which is the nuclear fuel. Unlike natural uranium, natural thorium contains only trace amounts of


Thorium is about three times as abundant as uranium, and therefore it may become an important nuclear fuel in the future. Because one of the disintegration products of thorium is the radioactive noble gas radon ( 220 Rn), good ventilation of areas and places where thorium is stored or handled is necessary.

Nuclear Reactor

The fuel elements in a reactor core consist of cylindrical pellets about 0.6 in (1.5 cm) thick and 0.4 in (1.0 cm) in diameter. These pellets are stacked one on top of another in a hollow cylindrical tube known as the fuel rod and then inserted into the reactor core. Fuel rods tend to be about 12 ft (3.7 m) long and about 0.5 in (1.3 cm) in ...

Role of thorium in the Indian nuclear power programme

Thorium fuel cycle can be adopted for thermal reactors as well as fast reactors (Lung, 1997). It is also feasible to use thorium in the existing reactors without major modifications in the engineered systems. ... Global Perspective on Thorium Fuel, Nuclear Energy Encyclopedia, Science, Technology, and Applications. Wiley Series on Energy (2011 ...

The Thorium Fuel Cycle

its simplest form of implementation, with a once-through fuel cycle, the thorium fuel cycle can be used to augment the useful energy output produced per tonne of uranium ore. However, with …

Thorium fuel cycle research and literature: Trends and …

Thorium has been investigated as a nuclear energy option for essentially the same duration as uranium. Multiple demonstration reactors and fuel cycle facilities, dozens of irradiation tests and fuel fabrication efforts, and hundreds of important papers and reports attest to the significant experience with thorium that has been accumulated by a variety of nations and …

Role of Uranium in the Nuclear Fuel Cycle | Encyclopedia …

Uranium was discovered in 1789 by the German chemist Martin Heinrich Klaproth [].It is the most known and used actinide element mainly because of its usage in nuclear fuel processing; however, the application potential of uranium compounds is much broader, stretching, e.g., into the field of organometallic synthesis, catalysis and beyond, as sketched in Figure 1


Thorium is a chemical element in actinide group. It is a weakly radioactive metal. It has a shiny, silvery white color. ... Thorium would make a good source of nuclear fuel because it makes much less waste and is four times as common as uranium. It does not need the wasteful process of enrichment. It makes 3,200,000 times as much energy as coal ...

The Thorium Fuel Cycle

The thorium fuel cycle is claimed to be advantageous in several respects, one of which is that it generates very low quantities of transuranic materials, including plutonium.This decreases the long term radiotoxicity burden after fission products have decayed. In particular, only very small quantities of plutonium

Thorium-Based Nuclear Power | Encyclopedia MDPI

Thorium-based nuclear power generation is fueled primarily by the nuclear fission of the isotope uranium-233 produced from the fertile element thorium. A thorium fuel cycle can offer several potent...

Encyclopedia > Thorium

Encyclopedia > Thorium Article Content Thorium. General; Name, Symbol, Number: Thorium, Th, 90 ... 5.1 Thorium as a nuclear fuel. 6 Compounds . ... 8 Precautions . 9 External Links . Notable Characteristics . Thorium is a naturally occurring, slightly radioactive metal. When pure, thorium is a silvery white metal that retains its lustre for ...

Thorium fuel cycle options

These include a plutonium burner mode using plutonium-thorium oxide fuel and a closed fuel cycle based on U-Th. XXX-12] , K., et al.. Thorium cycle implementation through Pu — incineration by thorium molten-salt nuclear energy synergetics, lAEA-TECDOC-1319, Thorium Fuel Utilization Options and Trends, Vienna, p.123-137 (November 2002).

Thorium Fuel Cycle

In addition, this publication provides an insight into the reasons for renewed interest in the thorium fuel cycle, different implementation scenarios and options for the thorium cycle, and an update of the information base on thorium fuels …


The potential of thorium was identified in the early stages of nuclear technology development. The Shippingport atomic power reactor in the Unites States was fueled with thorium to establish a 232 Th/ 233 U fuel cycle, from 1977 until its decommissioning in 1982. 1 In Germany, the THTR-300, a high-temperature reactor (HTR), operated from 1983 to 1989 with a core consisting of HTR …

The Thorium Fuel Cycle: Past Achievements and Future …

Feedback Experience of Thorium Utilization in Nuclear Reactors. During the early development of nuclear energy for civilian purposes, in the 1950s and 1960s, a large number of ways to use thorium were studied, not only in the United States and the former USSR, but also in Europe and, to some extent, in Asia [].To illustrate the interest aroused by thorium in the early …

Thorium 232

Thorium Fuel Cycles. P. Rodriguez, in Encyclopedia of Materials: Science and Technology, 2002 1 Salient Physics Characteristics of Thorium. To understand the nuclear aspects of the thorium cycle, we need to compare the relevant physical characteristics of the fertile isotopes 232 Th and 238 U and of the fissile isotopes 233 U, 235 U, and 239 Pu. An important aspect of the …

Thorium Encyclopedia

3.0 History of Thorium. 3.1 History and Discovery; 3.2 Current Known Reserves; 3.3 Current Mineralogical Sources; 4.0 Sources/Mining/Refining. 4.1 Sources; 4.2 Mining; 4.3 Refinement; …

VIAS Encyclopedia: Thorium

The metal is a source of nuclear power. There is probably more energy available for use from thorium in the minerals of the earth's crust than from both uranium and fossil fuels. Any sizable demand from thorium as a nuclear fuel is still several years in the future. Work has been done in developing thorium cycle converter-reactor systems.

Thorium fuel cycle

The thorium fuel cycle is a nuclear fuel cycle that uses an isotope of thorium, 232Th, as the fertile material.

India's Leading Role in Thorium-Based Nuclear Energy

India boasts the world's largest reserves of thorium, a naturally occurring radioactive element crucial for nuclear fuel production. The abundance of thorium deposits positions India as a key player in advancing thorium-based nuclear technologies, offering a sustainable and potent alternative to traditional uranium-based reactors. ...

Study of Thorium Fuel Cycles for Light Water Reactor VBER …

Additionally, thorium fuel cycles could be done through the incineration of weapon grade plutonium (WPu) or civilian plutonium [4, 5]. Compared to the U 238-Pu 239 fuel cycle, Th 232-U 233 cycle produces less quantity of plutonium and minor actinides (MA: Np, Am, Cm), minimizing the radiotoxicity associated with spent fuel.

Transmutation Strategy Using Thorium‐Reprocessed Fuel …

The seed and blanket thorium-reprocessed fuel ADS core concept was investigated in this study. As confirmed previously, besides producing energy, a significant amount of TRUs was transmuted using the seed and blanket thorium-reprocessed fuel ADS. At 40 GWd/t burnup, 192 kg of plutonium and 156 kg of MA can be eliminated.

Perspectives on the Use of Thorium in the Nuclear Fuel …

From 1950 to the late 1970s, the thorium fuel cycle was the subject of numerous studies and pilot experiments. Power reactors were operated with thorium-based fuels, demonstrating the …