Major Mines & Projects | Worsley Alumina (Boddington) …

Worsley Alumina has been operating the Boddington Bauxite Mine, an overland bauxite conveyor and the Worsley Alumina refinery. It is recognised as one of the largest alumina refineries in the world. On 8 July 2024, the Western Australian Environmental Protection Authority (WA EPA) published its recommendation that the Worsley Mine Development ...


MINE DEVELOPMENT Supporting Local Employment and Development FACT SHEET – OVERVIEW 2022 South32 Worsley Alumina is an integrated bauxite mining and alumina …

Australian Bauxite

These alumina refineries, in turn, supply alumina to the four Australian aluminium smelters. Australia is one of the world's largest producers of bauxite. In 2023, Australian bauxite production was 98.64 million tonnes (Mt). 41.23 Mt of bauxite was exported, and the remainder converted to Australian alumina.

The world's ten largest bauxite mines

The Boddington Bauxite Mine is a surface mine situated in Western Australia, Australia. Owned by South32, the greenfield mine produced an estimated 13.66 mtpa of bauxite in 2023. The mine is expected to operate until 2036. Buy the profile here. 6. Boffa Bauxite Mine.

South32 Worsley Alumina

Worsley Alumina is an integrated bauxite mining and alumina refining operation in the South West of Western Australia. Beginning operations in 1984, it is today recognised as one of the largest alumina refineries in the world. ... Boddington Bauxite Mine, the Worsley Alumina Refinery in Collie and the associated port facility in Bunbury ...

South32 challenges EPA conditions for Worsley bauxite mine

The company initiated the environmental approval process for the Worsley mine development project in 2019 to ensure continued access to bauxite to sustain production at Worsley Alumina.

EPA recommends exclusion zones for proposed Worsley …

The Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) has stepped up rehabilitation and offset requirements in its report on South32's proposed expansion of the Boddington Bauxite Mine and Worsley Refinery. Today the independent EPA published its recommendation that the proposal may be implemented subject to strict conditions which include exclusion ...

South32's Worsley Alumina expansion condemned by Boddington…

More than 130 appeals, on both sides, were lodged against last month's approval of the expansion of the bauxite strip mine at Worsley, with water and environmental impacts high on the agenda of many.

Boddington – Australia | Newmont Corporation – …

A large gold and copper mine, Boddington is located 16 km from the rural farming town of Boddington and 130 km from Western Australia's capital city, Perth. Boddington was a three-way joint venture between Newmont, AngloGold Ashanti and Newcrest. In 2009, Newmont purchased AngloGold Ashanti's shares to become the sole owner of Boddington.

Major Mines & Projects | Worsley Alumina (Boddington) …

Worsley Alumina is an integrated bauxite mining and alumina refining operation. Worsley Alumina has been operating the Boddington Bauxite Mine, an overland bauxite conveyor and the …


Bauxite mining takes place near Boddington, 130km south-east of Perth. The bauxite is transported 51km by overland conveyor to our alumina refinery, 15km north-west of Collie, …

Boddington Bauxite Mine

Empower your strategies with our Boddington Bauxite Mine report and make more profitable business decisions. Note: This is an on-demand report that will be delivered upon request. The report will be delivered within 2 to 3 business days of the purchase, excluding weekends and holidays. Certain sections of the report may be removed or altered ...

Worsley Alumina

Bauxite is mined near the town of Boddington, 130 kilometres south-east of Perth. It is transported by overland conveyor to the alumina refinery near Collie and turned into alumina powder, …

Boddington, WA

The Boddington Bauxite Mine commenced operations in 1983 at a rate of 4 million tonnes per year. By 2000, production had expanded to 12 million tonnes per year. All the bauxite mined at Boddington is conveyed to the alumina refinery at Worsley, via the world's longest overland conveyor belt. This rock is a piece of 'hardcap' (the top layer of ...

Worsley Mine Development

South32 Worsley Alumina is an integrated bauxite mining and alumina refining operation in the South West of Western Australia with a proud track record spanning more than 35 years. The Worsley Alumina Mine Development is the next phase of bauxite mining near the town of Boddington, providing access to future

A 'positive outcome' for South32's Worsley Alumina

In 2019, South32 commenced the environmental approval process with the WA EPA for the Worsley Alumina mine development project, which aims to expand the life of the …

Global : Five Largest Bauxite Mines in 2021

Sangaredi Mine located in Boke, Republic of Guinea was the third-largest mine, the Boddington Bauxite Mine located in Western Australia, Australia was the fourth-largest mine, and the Gove Mine located in Northern Territory, Australia was the fifth-largest mine, with an estimated bauxite production of 15.8 million tonnes, 13.5 million tonnes ...

Optimal life-of-mine scheduling for a Bauxite mine

This paper describes a new optimized life-of-mine planning software tool called Bodor (Boddington Optimizer), developed for BHP Billiton's Boddington Bauxite mine in south Western Australia. Bodor minimizes pre-tax net present cost (capital and operational) over a specified mine life, and is applied to a mine model consisting of bauxite pods pre-designed to a …

MAXAM Civil Explosives starts operating in BHP's …

The South32 Worsley Alumina asset consists of the bauxite mine located near Boddington, an overland conveyor and an alumina refinery located approximately 150km south of Perth and 15km northwest ...

WA EPA green light for South32 expansion

The WA EPA's Worsley Mine Expansion – Revised Proposal report to the WA Environment Minister Reece Whitby is open for a three-week public appeal period, closing 29 July 2024. The WA Environmental Protection …

Our locations

Bauxite is mined near the town of Boddington, 130 kilometres south-east of Perth. It is transported by overland conveyor to the alumina refinery near Collie and turned into alumina powder, before being transported by rail to the Bunbury …

Technical Report Summary Western Australia …

Boddington Operations Western Australia Technical Report Summary R e p o r t c u r r e n t a s o f : December 31, 2021 Q u a l i f i e d P e r s o n : ... statements regarding Newmont's expectation for its mines and any related development or expansions, including estimated cash flows, production, revenue, EBITDA, costs, taxes, capital, rates ...

Major Mines & Projects | Boddington Mine

Newmont is entitled to all gold and other non-bauxite mineralization conferred by the mining leases. The Worsley JV retains the rights to bauxite mineralization. The relationship between the Worsley JV bauxite operations and the Boddington gold operations are regulated through a cross-operation agreement.

Saddleback Mine (Worsley), Boddington, Boddington Shire, …

Saddleback Mine (Worsley), Boddington, Boddington Shire, Western Australia, Australia : An aluminum mine in bauxite ore. Owned by a consortium of Reynolds Aluminum (40%), Royal Shell (30%), Broken Hill Proprietary (20%) & Kobe Aluminum of Japan. Mine has a …

PorterGeo Database

Worsley Alumina Pty Ltd, who also operated the nearby Boddington Bauxite Mine, managed the Boddington Gold Mine on behalf of a joint venture between Reynolds Australia Alumina Ltd (40%), the Shell Company of Australia Ltd (30%), BHP Minerals Ltd (20%) and Kobe Alumina Associates (Australia) Pty Ltd (10%). By 1994, after a series of corporate ...

Worsley Alumina Refinery

Mining. Bauxite is mined from reserves mainly within State forest on the eastern edge of the Darling Range, near Boddington. The bauxite is crushed and carried 51km by a two-flight cable belt conveyor system to the refinery site at Worsley. It is then processed, and the separated alumina is carted by rail and exported through the Port of ...

Government of Department of Mines, Industry …

Rehabilitation of state forest areas at the South32 Worsley Alumina Boddington Bauxite Mine has developed and progressed over the past 40 years through a partnership between Worsley Alumina and. the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (DBCA).

Aluminium, Alumina and Bauxite

Bauxite is mined near the town of Boddington, 130 kilometres south-east of Perth. It is transported by overland conveyor to the alumina refinery near Collie and turned into alumina powder, before being transported by rail to the Bunbury port.

South32's Boddington bauxite mine expansion …

South32's Boddington bauxite mine expansion in Australia, which aims to extend the Worsley alumina refinery's operations for an additional 15 years, has secured support from the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA), …

Worsley Mine Expansion – Revised Proposal

South32 Worsley Alumina Pty Ltd is proposing to continue operations and expand the existing mining area; develop a bauxite transport corridor at the Boddington Bauxite Mine; as well as develop a contingency mining area, residue storage extension and maintenance activities at the Refinery near Collie.

Worsley Mine Development Continuing Operations

Access to bauxite stockpiles at Newmont Boddington Gold, exploration drilling • Next phase of mining near Boddington • Primarily to the west and north of current mining areas

Worsley Mine Expansion – Revised Proposal | EPA Western …

South32 Worsley Alumina Pty Ltd currently operates the Boddington Bauxite Mine (located approximately 5km south-west of Boddington), Worsley Refinery (located approximately 15 km north-west of Collie) and port operations at the Bunbury Port. The new proposal is for the:

South32's Proposed Worsley Mine Expansion

areas and a bauxite transport corridor at the Boddington Bauxite Mine, a contingency mining area and maintenance work at the Refinery as well as associated supporting infrastructure' (ERD, ii). The bauxite would be transported by conveyor to be processed into alumina at the Worsley Refinery near Collie.

Worsley Mine Development

Boddington Bauxite Mine (BBM) and associated infrastructure, dust is the predominant source of atmospheric emissions relevant and therefore represents the focus of the impact assessment. Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions have been considered separately and Worsley Alumina, in conjunction with the

Worsley Mine Development

The Worsley Mine Development is the next phase of bauxite mining near Boddington, providing access to future reserves and resources to sustain production at our Worsley Alumina refinery …

Worsley Mine Development

Bauxite is mined near the town of Boddington, 130 kilometres south east of Perth. The bauxite is transported to the alumina refinery via an overland conveyor system that stretches more than …

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