An environmentally friendly depressant for magnesite and calcite …

The flotation specimens had an ore sample grain size distribution of –0.074 +0.045 mm. Magnesite, calcite single mineral and its binary mixture (m magnesite: m calcite = 9:1) were weighed 2 g and put into a hanging tank flotation machine (flotation tank volume 30 mL) for agitation. First, 2.0 g of ore was mixed with 25 mL of deionized water ...

Apatite flotation using pataua palm tree oil as collector

Froth flotation is the most important concentration method for beneficiating phosphate ores [2], [3].In this process, most collectors used worldwide are fatty acids obtained from vegetable species as byproduct of different industries, e.g., tall oil, a byproduct of the paper industry [4], [6].However, the investigations on alternative sources are being encouraged as …

Influence of metal ions on muscovite and calcite flotation: With

This work focused on the removal of calcite from the decarburized stone coal using flotation. The influence of Al³⁺, Fe³⁺, and Ca²⁺ on the flotation behavior of muscovite and calcite was ...

Adsorption and depression mechanism of an eco-friendly …

The mechanism of flotation separation of stone and calcite provides basic theoretical guidance for industrial production. Section snippets Materials and reagents. The fluorite (CaF 2) lump and calcite (CaCO 3) lump used in this study from a fluorite mine in Hunan province and the Ye's mineral specimen group in Guangdong province, China ...

Effects of alkyl ether amine and calcium ions on fine quartz flotation …

Then the product was filtered, dried, weighed, and analyzed. The decarburization sample of stone coal was well mixed and divided into 200 g samples for quartz flotation, while NaOH and H 2 SO 4 were the modifiers, sodium silicate was the inhibitor, Fm EDA-C was the collector, and neutral oil (2# oil) was the ing agent. The decarburization ...

Role of surface roughness in the wettability, surface energy …

The surface wettability and flotation dynamic characteristics of calcite are of great significance for separating it from other coexisting minerals, and the surface roughness plays an important role in the wettability and floatability of calcite particles. In this paper, the effect of roughness on the wettability, surface energy, and flotation kinetics of calcite were investigated.

Adsorption and depression mechanism of an eco-friendly …

In this work, dextrin, an effective and eco-friendly organic compound, was used to separate fluorite from calcite. The depression performance and adsorption mechanism of it on the calcite surface were investigated by flotation experiments, contact angle measurements, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) measurements, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy …

An Overview of Calcite Recovery by Flotation

Metal sulphide/silicate impurity minerals can be removed by the froth-flotation process using amines and xanthate collectors. Alternatively, fatty acids are used as collectors to float...

Effect of Sulfuric Acid Corrosion on Flotation Performance of …

In this study, the effect of sulfuric acid corrosion on the surface roughness of calcite flotation was investigated through microflotation tests, scanning electron microscopy (SEM–EDS), atomic …

Calcite in froth flotation

Si(OH) 4 is the active component that inhibits calcite flotation since it selectively acts on calcite and interferes with the adsorption of NaOL on its surface, thus reducing the recovery during ...

Effect of metal ions on the flotation separation of biotite …

Metal cations have great effects on the flotation of silicate minerals whereas the interaction mechanism is unclear. Single mineral flotation demonstrated that the recovery of biotite rose to 94.69% and 96.41%, and that of quartz declined to 1.21% and 2.01% after introducing small amounts of Ca 2+ and Mg 2+, respectively.Artificial mixed mineral tests indicated that Ca …

An Overview of Calcite Recovery by Flotation

review of the calcite-reagent interaction which includes zeta potential, adsorption, and FTIR studies; (4) flotation studies on different kinds of calcite ores; and (5) patents filed on calcite beneficiation. Collectors in Calcite Flotation There are various kinds of …

Effects of Pb2+ ions on the flotation behavior of scheelite, calcite

Pb 2+ ions could slightly activate scheelite flotation in the presence of water glass.. Pb 2+ ions could enhance the depression effects of water glass on calcite and fluorite flotation.. Pb 2+ ions combined with W‐O bond to form W-O-Pb 2+ structure on scheelite surface, which increased NaOl adsorption.. Pb-water glass and water glass combined with Ca‐O bond on …

An environmentally friendly depressant for magnesite and calcite …

Flotation test results indicate that in a sodium oleate (NaOL) system, GLDA selectively inhibits the flotation of calcite. Under optimal conditions (slurry pH=9.20, GLDA 15 mg/L, and NaOL 140 mg/L), a flotation concentrate with an MgO grade of 46.21 %, CaO grade of 1.39 %, and an MgO recovery rate of 73.17 % was achieved.

flotation of calcite stone

flotation of calcite stone [ 4.7 - 7346 Ratings ] The Gulin product line, consisting of more than 30 machines, sets the standard for our industry. We plan to help you ...

An Overview of Calcite Recovery by Flotation

Oleate adsorption isotherms determined for calcite at 20 °C and 60 °C and at pH 9.2 by in situ FT-NIR/IRS with overtone and combination bands of the aliphatic stretch from Young and Miller (2007 ...

Selective flotation of calcite and dolomite from apatite …

1. Introduction. Calcite and dolomite are frequently encountered in sedimentary ores alongside valuable minerals. Issues arise when these latter are calcium-bearing minerals too (Jiao et al., 2023, Pereira et al., 2023).Froth flotation is usually introduced in the upgrading process of this type of ores, especially in the absence of distinguishing properties between the valuable …

Vanadium recovery from stone coal through roasting and flotation …

A new process for vanadium recovery from stone coal by roasting–flotation was investigated based on the mineralogy. The process comprised four key steps: decarburization, preferential grinding ...


FROM STONE COAL BY ROASTING-FLOTATION Jiayan TANG*, Yimin ZHANG*,**, Shenxu BAO*, Chun LIU* ... Calcite was removed by reverse flotation and mica was concentrated by positive floatation. During the process, the grade of V 2 O 5 was increased from 0.71% to 1.14%, and 46.18% of the tailings were rejected. The

Calcite-Apatite Flotation

Calcite Flotation The effects of apatite and calcite supernatants on calcite flotation is to depress the flotation markedly in the neutral to alkaline pH (pH < 13) range. A comparison of the effects of added inorganics with those of the supernatants suggests that the depressing effect of apatite supernatant is the combined ...

A critical review on the flotation of calcium-containing minerals

Temperature flotation method, also known as Petrov method, is a process of flotation separation of calcite [144], fluorite and other calcium-containing minerals in scheelite widely used in …

Enhancement mechanism of muscovite flotation behavior …

Flotation behavior and mechanism of styrene phosphonic acid as collector on the flotation separation of fluorite from calcite. J. Mol. Liq., 326 (2021) Google Scholar [14] ... With respect to the pre-treatment of vanadium bearing stone coal. Colloids and Surfaces A-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 564 (2019), pp. 89-94.

Enhancing selective calcite and dolomite flotation in the …

Accordingly, the outcoming figures effectively showcased the realtively successful flotation of calcite using Atarc 50L and DP-OMC-1210 under both CFA concentration constraints cases (<8 and < 12%). However, it should be noted that CF-714 exhibited higher dolomite recovery, albeit with a less remarkable dolomite grade. ...

Calcite Processing by Flotation for Beneficiation

The Problem with Calcite Processing & Flotation. The availability of high lime rock is often limited and it becomes necessary to use lower grade sources from quarries favorably located to cement plants.Beneficiation of the lime rock in such cases is necessary to remove impurities and to secure the proper ratio of calcite to other constituents for cement specifications.

Effect of Sulfuric Acid Corrosion on Flotation Performance of Calcite …

1. Introduction. Calcite (CaCO 3) is one of the most widely distributed carbonate minerals on Earth [], and often coexists with apatite (Ca 3 (PO 4) 2), fluorite (CaF 2), and scheelite (CaWO 4) [2,3].In mineral processing, calcite is often regarded as a gangue mineral and must, therefore, be separated from other useful minerals [4,5,6]. flotation is an effective method for …

The selective adsorption mechanism of calcium ions/pullulan …

Investigations of amino trimethylene phosphonic acid as a green and efficient depressant for the flotation separation of apatite from calcite. Miner. Eng., 181 (2022 ... Effects of alkyl ether amine and calcium ions on fine quartz flotation and its guidance for upgrading vanadium from stone coal. Powder Tech., 338 (2018), pp. 180-189, 10.1016/j ...

An Overview of Calcite Recovery by Flotation

An Overview of Calcite Recovery by Flotation Priyanka Dhar 1 & Maria Thornhill 1 & Hanumantha Rao Kota 1 Received: 13 April 2020 /Revised: 28 July 2020 /Accepted: 30 July 2020 # The Author(s) 2020

New process for calcite flotation from high calcium and …

The raw ore of high calcium and carbon-type vanadium bearing stone coal in Hubei province contained CaO of 6.26%, C of 13.44%, V2O5 of 0.71%. The vanadium occurred in mica and minerals was ...

Effect of Grinding Method on Particle Morphology and Flotation …

Grinding is the prerequisite for successful flotation separation. Based on the grinding test, the single mineral flotation test, the wettability test and the scanning electron microscope test, the effects of ceramic rod grinding and ceramic ball grinding on surface morphology and flotation behavior of calcite were studied. The results showed that calcite …

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