Buy Pumice Crush

Pumice Crush - Premium quality light coloured pumice specifically graded for use as a porous and lightweight growing medium for succulents and cacti. The product can also be used for the production of lightweight concrete, theatre, …

Pumice Aggregate: Lightweight, Insulating, Durable

For over 20 years, Hess Pozz and pumice aggregate has been used by leading oil field service companies to formulate strong, lightweight, flexible, and enduring well annulus concrete. Our …

Concrete: Lightweight Aggregate

Lightweight pumice aggregate for craft-type precast concrete projects—including statuary, containers, pavers—where a smaller aggregate size is desirable. NOTE: the addition of pumice …

Performance of light weight concrete with different …

Pumice is created when a volcano furiously blasts incredibly high pressure. According to IS 2386 (Part-3 and 4)-1963 and IS 383-1970, the properties of pumice aggregate were assessed. In comparison to coarse aggregate, pumice aggregate absorbs more water. Pumice aggregate must therefore soak in water for 24 h before to usage .

Use of crushed clay brick and pumice aggregates in …

2. Materials and preparation of sample 2.1. Materials The materials used in the study are crushed clay brick aggregate (CA), pumice aggregate (PA), crushed natural limestone aggregate and river sand (NA), and lignite coal fly ash. The CA was obtained from crushed broken clay brick from a construction site in Khon Kaen province, north-eastern ...

Pumice & Aggregate Products

Pumice is a lightweight aggregate material that is not only used in the block manufacturing and horticultural industries but also in the construction business. Our pumice products include: 1/8" minus, 3/8" minus, 3/8"-1/16" horticultural, …

Importance of pumice amount in the design of self …

In this study, three different mixtures were prepared by partial replacement of crushed sand with pumice aggregate at 45%, 50%, and 55% by mass to produce self-compacting lightweight …

Maple Aggregates Ltd

A supply of Pumice in an accessible location was discovered in Greece and also Italy, within a few months the first shipment of Greek Pumice was landed in Barry Docks, S. Wales. Since July 1975 Maple Aggregates has imported many thousands of tonnes per annum to various Ports throughout the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland.


In this study, volcanic pumice aggregate incorporated different lightweight concretes (LWC) were investigated under a 5% sulfuric acid environment. ... while the crushed limestone a nd pumice ...

Effect of crushed ceramic and basaltic pumice as fine …

This study examines the suitability of ceramic industrial wastes and huge amounts of basaltic pumice as a possible substitute for conventional crushed fine aggregates. Experiments were carried out to determine abrasion resistance, chloride ... Effect of crushed ceramic and basaltic pumice as fine aggregates on concrete mortars properties.

Durability Improvement of Pumice Lightweight Aggregate …

Pumice is a special stone with a bubble shape formed after a magma eruption in full contact with the atmosphere. Pumice has the characteristics of porosity, soft texture, and low specific gravity. Using pumice as aggregate can solve the problems of self-weight, poor insulation, and sound insulation in ordinary concrete.

Utilization of pumice as aggregate in the concrete: A state …

Topçu and Uygunoğlu [128] compared separately the AR of self-consolidating concretes containing crushed limestone and pumice as aggregate by conducting the Böhme abrasion test which is a test method used for evaluating abrasion resistance of paving stones, concrete slabs and natural stones [2]. The authors reported that the self ...

Buy Pumice

Coloured Lightweight Expanded Clay Aggregate. Particularly suited to plant toppings and situations for instance, in shopping malls, hotel foyers and public buildings where full weight stones may be inappropriate but where aesthetics are important. ... Pumice Horticultural Gravel - A general purpose crushed and graded pumice. Use specifically as ...

Pumice and Concrete: Natural Pozzolan and Lightweight Aggregate

Pumice-Crete ® is a low density, lightweight, low-rise structural concrete using 3/8 pumice aggregate, Portland cement, and water. The honeycomb-like walls are formed and poured at a typical thickness of 18-24 inches, with no additional structural reinforcement or insulation needed. Wall surfaces are finished inside and out with plaster (a ...

Use of crushed clay brick and pumice aggregates in …

The study aimed to examine the properties of lightweight high-calcium fly ash geopolymer concrete (LWGC) containing crushed clay brick and pumice aggregates. A high …

Pumice and Concrete: Natural Pozzolan and Lightweight …

Pumice-Crete ® is a low density, lightweight, low-rise structural concrete using 3/8 pumice aggregate, Portland cement, and water. The honeycomb-like walls are formed and poured at a …

Production of Structural Light-Weight Aggregate Concrete …

The ignimbrite and pumice are used as crushed aggregate in the present work. The aggregate concentration of concrete specimens is designed in four different groups by using 0, 25, 50, 75 and ignimbrite and pumice, as a proportion of aggregate volume with the same water cement ratio of 0.6 and the dosage of 300 kg/m3 lightweight concrete ...

Pumice : Origins, Uses, Technical Data

The friable nature of pumice is one of its most significant characteristics—meaning pumice is easily crushed and refined without loosing its utility: at any grade—from half-inch aggregate to microfine powder—pumice …

Pumice Aggregates for Internal Water Curing

Different size fractions of crushed pumice sand from the island of Yali, Greece, were studied: 0.6–1.18 mm, 1.18–2.36 mm, 2.36–4.75 mm, and >4.75 mm. The density varied from about ... saturation of this kind of pumice aggregate might severely hamper its application for internal curing of concrete. Other types of LWA, for example expanded ...

Buy Pumice Crush | Specialist Aggregates Ltd

Pumice in Horticulture- Pumice is a natural product with. SPECIALIST AGGREGATES T:01889 580 660. ... UV Response Tracer Sand – Artificial Sports Turf Scale Analogue / Simulant Sea Shells - Coloured Sea Shells - Crushed Sea Shells ... Lightweight Expanded Clay Aggregate for green roofs, insulation and horticultural use. ...

Effect of crushed ceramic and basaltic pumice as fine …

Crushed ceramic and crushed basaltic pumice source were used at three levels of fine aggregate cement replacements (40%, 50%, and 60%). This study has been carried out mainly to investigate the abrasion resistance, the chloride penetration depth and the compressive strength of concrete.

Aggregates for Concrete

This Bulletin describes types of aggregates normally used in concrete, aggregate properties affecting performance of the concrete, tests used to measure aggregate properties, and …

Properties of Pumice Lightweight Aggregate

The grading of an aggregate has a considerable effect on the workability and stability of a concrete mix and it is for this reason that grading of both the pumice lightweight aggregate and the normal aggregate was carried out to establish whether pumice qualifies as an aggregate according to BS 882 [5]. The following procedure was followed in

(PDF) Basic Properties of Pumice Aggregate

In this investigation, pumice breccias are proposed to be utilized as the coarse aggregate. The main purpose of structural grade light weight concrete reduces the self weight and helps to...

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