Materials and methods 2.1 Physical-chemical characterisation Crushed FeCr slag coarse aggregate was obtained from a ferrochrome slag aggregate producer in Witbank, Mpumalanga Province, South Africa. ... pp. 379-385. Kar, S. (2019), "Studies on use of ferro chrome slag for replacement of aggregate in road construction", Abstract Proceedings ...
Ferro chrome slag is produced in process of calcinations at 1700 degree centigrade in liquid state, at certain temperature conditions and then hardened in solid ... Raw materials are crushed, sized, and some cases, dried, and then conveyed to a mix house for weighing and blending. Conveyors, buckets, skip hoists,or cars transport
2.2 Mix Proportions. Mix design is carried out for M25 grade concrete (1:1.82:3.15) as per IS: 10262-2019. In the present study, three types different types of concrete such as normal concrete (NC), special concrete (SC) (Fine aggregate is a combination of 60% river sand and 40% ferro chrome slag) (NAGKM and Ramesh 2019) and fiber reinforced special concrete …
Ferrochrome Slag/Aggregate is a delisted material, but may not be used in a downstream application prior to the approval of a Section 20(1) permit in terms of the Environment Conservation Act, 1989 (Act 73 of 1989) for the storage of Afrigrit Ferrochrome Slag/Aggregate and subject to the conditions therein.
In the world of metallurgy and materials science, the terms "ferro chrome" and "chrome" often surface, yet they denote distinct substances ... and recycling waste materials like ferrochrome slag. These initiatives are essential for maintaining the industry's social license to operate and ensuring long-term viability. ... which is then crushed ...
Construction worthless, blast furnace Slag, coal fly ash,steel slag and bottom ash have been admitted in different places as aggregates in pavements foundation, embankment, roads, and building ...
K Raja sekhar and C N V Satyanarayana, " An Experimental Study On Use Of Ferro Chrome Slag Aggregate In Concrete Making" ICI-Journal, Volume 15, January-March 2015, No4, Pp25-29.
The available literature shows that FCS coarse aggregates perform better than natural aggregates and enhance mix strength and durability characteristics. However, FCS fine …
As per specified application, the slag is then crushed and screened. Air-cooled slag after alloy recovery is available in 10-20mm size, which had been used as coarse aggregate by many researchers. ... "Research on the use of Ferro-Chrome slag as aggregate in concrete" Nov 2018 (IRJET) ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 05 Issue: 11.
to 20 mm. Crushed stone sand and granulated ferrochrome slags were used as fine aggregates. Both coarse and fine slag aggregates samples were collected from the stainless steel production industry in Suhar, Oman. The shape and color of FCS aggregates are shown in Figure 1. The physical properties of
Abstract –The objective of the studies has been to know the properties of concrete by replacing coarse aggregate by Ferrochrome slag and fine aggregate by Stone Dust. Ferro-chrome slag …
In this work we partially replace the fine aggregate with Ferro chrome slag (FCS). FCS is replaced as a fine aggregate in the percentage of 0,10,20,30 and 40. Tests are carried out on this …
Ferro Chrome Slag Crushed Aggregates - UK - Page 1 of 3 ... Looking to source suppliers of Ferro Chrome Slag Crushed Aggregates in UK. See Page 1 of 3 supplier pages with Kellysearch.
Just a few researchers have looked into the impact of ferrochrome slag aggregate on concrete's sulfate resistance. Concrete specimens after casting using ferrochrome slag aggregates were soaked in 5% magnesium sulfate solution for 180 days and tested for compressive strength [84].
Durability studies on concrete with ferro chrome slag as partial replacement of fine aggregate. Int. J. Eng. Res. Technol. (2019) N. Sahu et al. A short review on utilization of ferrochromium slag. ... Results revealed that ferrochrome slag aggregate concrete (FCSAC) containing fly ash up to 30% prepared by PPOT has enhanced strength than ...
Ferrochrome slag (FCS) possesses promising properties that promote its use as an alternative to natural aggregates in concrete production. Still, there is a concern about the …
HSN Code HSN Description. 2517 Pebbles, gravel, broken or crushed stone, of a kind commonly used for concrete aggregates, for road metalling or for railway or other ballast, shingle and flint, whether or not heat-treated; macadam of slag, dross or similar industrial waste, whether or not incorporating the materials cited in the first part of the heading; tarred macadam; granules, …
2 Helics Group Journal of Civil Engineering Inter Disciplinaries Materials and Methodology The materials supplied for the study is natural crushed Dolerite and chrome slag. The aggregate testing is completed as per the following: 1. Interim Guidelines for the Design of Hot-mix Asphalt in South Africa, 2001 (IGDHMSA,2001). 2.
Ferro chrome slag pavements offer finer possibilities than conventional ones due to the high price rate of igneous rocks [8]. The rough textureof ... ferrochrome slag can be used instead of traditional crushed limestone aggregates. The use of ferrochrome slag saves costly material and natural resources in road construction. The ...
Research on the use of Ferro-Chrome slag in civil engineering applications Khalifa S. Al-Jabri ... ferrochrome slag as aggregate substitute. Cement was replaced with fly ash at the ration of 10 ...
crushed slag as to its physico-mechanical properties is as good as natural dense crushed stones for ef-fective types of heavy concrete aggregates [10]. Ferro-chrome slag from OOO Kluchevskaya concentrating or dressing mill (KCM) is one of the waste of non-ferrous metallurgy resulted from ligature. There exist technologies of returning a number
Raw ferrochrome slag (coarse aggregate) 0.307: 0.048: Panda et al. [20] Raw ferrochrome slag (fine aggregate) 1.238: 0.094: Concrete with ferrochrome slag coarse aggregate replacement (OPC) 0.035: 0.029: Concrete with ferrochrome slag coarse aggregate replacement (PSC) 0.020: 0.017: Concrete with ferrochrome slag coarse …
Ferrochrome slag is a major solid discarded bi-product got during the manufacturing of ferrochrome alloy. The Ferrochrome slag generated is a stable, dense, crystalline product …
The coarse aggregate used was crushed granite stone and gravel conforming to IS 383- 1970. Machine crushed hard granite chips of 67% passing through 20 mm sieve and retained on 12 mm sieve and ... K Raja sekhar and C N V Satyanarayana, An Experimental Study On Use Of Ferro Chrome Slag Aggregate In Concrete Making ICI- Journal, Volume 15 ...
Ferrochrome slag from previous studies is said to exhibit better mechanical properties compared to conventional coarse aggregates which contributed to better mechanical properties of concrete.
Natural River sand and Ferro chrome slag were used as fine aggregate. The coarse aggregate used was crushed granite stone and gravel conforming to IS 383-1970. If total coarse aggregate is 100 % it consists of granite chips 67% passing through 20 mm and retained on 12 mm sieves ferro. Revised Manuscript Received on 30 May 2019.
A mixture of soil or aggregate, cementitious materials, fly ash, water and chemical admixtures that hardens into material with higher strength than the soil. Alizadeh et al., 2014 Ferrochrome (FeCr) A corrosion-resistant alloy of chrome and iron containing approximately 50% - 70% chromium by weight. FeCr slag products
The crushed and screened ferro chrome is then cooled to ambient temperatures and prepared for transportation or storage. Throughout the ferro chrome production process, precise control of temperature, composition, and alloying elements is crucial to ensure the production of high-quality ferro chrome with the desired properties.
Characteristics of ferro-chrome slag aggregate and its uses as a green material in concrete. Constr. Building Mater., 294: 123552. Acharya, P.K. and S.K. Patro. 2016. Utilization of ferrochrome wastes such as ferro-chrome ash and ferrochrome slag in concrete manufacturing. Waste Manag. Res., 34(8):764-774. BS 882. 1992.
Ferrochrome slag is a common industrial solid waste produced during the smelting of chromite in submerged arc furnaces [8].In the current production process, for every 1 ton of ferrochrome alloy manufactured, approximately 2.5 tons to 2.6 tons of chromite are consumed, resulting in the production of 1 ton to 1.2 tons of ferrochrome slag [9], [10]. ...
Production of Ferro-Chrome. satyendra; July 10, 2018; ... deliberate changes in the charge composition are reflected rapidly in the slag or ferro-alloy, and (v) closed top operation allows furnace off-gas energy to be used. ... It has banks of rigid, partially fused and partly reduced materials which are formed adjacent to the furnace walls ...
These secondary aggregates have similar physical properties to the conventional, primary aggregate and can be processed, crushed and screened into practical size for easy batching into both ...