Hence, a key process in sulfation is breaking the structure of the original mineral phase of a limonitic laterite ore. The SEM-EDS micrographs for limonitic laterite ore are presented in Fig. S2 (SI). The limonitic laterite ore contains two main components: fine granular particles (lizardite) and rod-like crystal (goethite).
There are two types of lateritic nickel oxide ores - silica-magnesium based saprolitic ore and goethite based limonitic ore with nickel grade of 1.8%–4.0% and 0.8%–1.8%, …
In this work, the effect of binary, ternary, and quaternary basicity limonitic nickel ore had been investigated clearly to reveal the appropriate basicity in the selective reduction process.
The experimental set-up comprised the reduction of a nickel limonitic ore with hydrogen gas in a rotary kiln, at 900 °C, until all the goethite was converted to metallic iron. Subsequently, the reduced sample was bioleached by mesophilic microorganisms grown on Fe 2+ ( Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans ) at 5% solids, 32 °C, and pH < 3.
the reduction of a limonitic nickel laterite ore by hydrogen at different temperatures (400 C < T < 800 C). The mineral phases formed during the thermal decomposition and the reduction steps were identified by X-ray diffraction and quantified using the Rietveld refinement method. II. METHODOLOGY The ore samples were ground in order to achieve
Leaching temperature, leaching duration, sulfuric acid to ore weight ratio and particle size of the limonitic nickel laterite ore were studied. Optimum parameters determined as 255 o C, 0.30 sulfuric acid to ore weight ratio, a particle size of −850μ, 1 h of leaching duration with 30% w/w. 87.3% of Ni and 88.8% of Co in the ore extracted into the PLS but, …
Laterite ore is a well-known raw material, where Ni and Fe exist as oxides. It can be diversified into limonite, saprolite, and garnierite, particularly with respect to the depth from the earth's surface, the characteristics, and average chemical composition, as exhibited in Table 1 (N.W. Brand et al., 1998).Limonitic laterite exists near to earth surface with low Ni content …
The present study proposes a new smelting process for limonitic nickeliferous laterite ore in order to separate nickel and cobalt from the ore and produce a nickel matte at lower smelting temperature compared with the current industrial techniques. The nickel and cobalt recoveries were evaluated at various flux additions.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jmrt.2021.11.052 Corpus ID: 244437487; Effect of modified basicity in selective reduction process of limonitic nickel ore @article{Nurjaman2021EffectOM, title={Effect of modified basicity in selective reduction process of limonitic nickel ore}, author={Fajar Nurjaman and Anton Sapto Handoko and Fathan Bahfie and Widi Astuti and Bambang Suharno}, journal={Journal of …
Limonitic laterite contains low iron and nickel grades and much high smelting minerals and loss on ignition (LOI), identified as refractory iron ore for sintering. Thus, sinter pot tests of limonitic laterite via pressurized …
Ilyas et al.(2020) conducted studies on carbon thermal reduction roasting-ammonia leaching of limonitic nickel laterite ore in Bajaur, Pakistan, carrying out selective reduction with a coal blend ratio of 10 %, temperature at 800°C, addition of 9 % Na 2 SO 4, and roasting for 120 min, followed by leaching nickel and cobalt in NH 4 OH-(NH 4) 2 ...
2.2. Limonitic nickel ore leaching Limonitic nickel ore leaching is carried out using a reactor at a solid-liquid ratio condition of 350/1000 (g/mL) at 95oC [10] at 400 rpm for 24 hours using an IKA RCT Basic magnetic stirrer equipped with a temperature sensor so that the process temperature can be kept constant. The reactor used is a glass
Effect of modified basicity in selective reduction process of limonitic nickel ore. F Nurjaman, AS Handoko, F Bahfie, W Astuti, B Suharno. Journal of Materials Research and Technology 15, 6476-6490, 2021. 17: 2021: Effect of binary basicity (CaO/SiO2) on …
Nickeliferous limonitic laterite ores are becoming increasingly attractive as a source of metallic nickel as the costs associated with recovering nickel from the sulphide ores increase. Unlike the sulphide ores, however, the laterite ores are not amenable to concentration by conventional mineral processing techniques such as froth flotation. One potential concentrating method …
Kinetics analysis of atmospheric agitation leaching of limonitic nickel ore in sulfuric acid by incorporating the effect of particle size distribution in shrinking core model. AIP Conf. Proc. (February 2024) Leaching of nickel from Pomala's reduced limonitic laterite using sulphuric acid.
The dehydration process of limonitic laterite ore consumes a lot of heat, which seriously affects the sintering performance and increases the solid fuel consumption of sintering. In this paper, the sintering performance and mechanism of limonitic laterite ore strengthened by a coating with calcined lime was studied. The results show that, when the coating proportion of …
The leaching behavior of metals from a nickeliferous limonitic laterite ore was investigated by high pressure acid leaching process for the extraction of nickel and cobalt.
metal extraction using a lateritic nickel ore becomes an important alternative because of nickel sulphide ore reserves decrease. This study aims to determine the coal to dolomite mass ratio …
During sulfuric acid leaching of limonitic ore, nickel, cobalt, iron, manganese and other acid soluble minerals are dissolved. The pregnant leach solution (PLS) usually contains iron ions in high concentrations due to the existence of nickel within goethite (FeOOH) matrix. Hence, the iron removal stage must be applied before the leach liquor is ...
The appropriate basicity type in selective reduction of limonitic ore was 0.3 of ternary basicity (BT1) and 0.2 of quaternary basicity (BQ1), which had a similar nickel grade and recovery, i.e., 6 ...
First, limonitic laterite nickel ore, coal, gypsum, and limestone are crushed and sieved to 50 mesh size. Then, the crushed raw materials were tested using Scanning Electron Microscope-Energy Dispersive X-ray (SEM-EDX) and X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), while coal was examined by using a proximate analysis. The briquetting begins by mixing the raw ...
Introduction. Lateritic deposits account for over 70% of accessible nickel reserves (Dalvi et al., 2004) and can also contain significant amounts of cobalt and copper (Ñancucheo et al., 2014; Santos et al., 2020).These are stratified oxidised regoliths, with most of the metals of commercial value found in magnesium silicate-rich saprolite zones that underly iron oxy-hydroxide-rich …
The limonitic laterite ore contains two main components: fine granular particles (lizardite) and rod-like crystal (goethite). Meanwhile, EDS analysis shows that it contains other …
HAPL is a proven economic method for the selective extraction of nickel from limonitic laterite. At high leaching temperature, normally 240–260 °C, the leached iron and aluminum hydrolyze and precipitate as hematite and a range of mixed alunite/jarosite phase.This hydrolysis re-generates acid and reduces the overall acid consumption.
1. Introduction. Nickel is a hard, ductile and ferromagnetic metal that is utilized in a variety of applications including stainless steel, alloy steel, batteries, and electroplating (Ilyas et al., 2020, Lei et al., 2020, Ma et al., 2020).As economically available nickel sulfide resources become increasingly depleted, laterite, which is low grade and technically difficult to treat, is …
Direct Reduction of Limonitic Laterite Nickel Ore with Variation Type of Reducing Agents to Fe, Ni Content and Recovery by Using Coal-Dolomit Bed Method. The increasing demand for stainless steel and the scarcity of sulfide nickel ore …
Laterite ore has become the main source of nickel production due to the fast consumption of nickeliferous sulfide ore. Pyrometallurgical processing is known to be a widely applied technology for the treatment of laterites (with a portion about 70%) to produce ferronickel (Maragkos et al., 2009, Warner et al., 2007).In general, for producing nickel-rich alloy, saprolitic …
Heat treatment of the limonitic nickel laterite ore prior to leaching has shown that goethite present in the ore had fully transformed to hematite and after this transformation a tremendous decrease in the nickel and cobalt extractions was observed. Therefore, in order to dissolve the nickel and cobalt present in the difficult to leach hematite ...
One main source of nickel besides nickel sulfide ore is laterite nickel ore. Laterite ore is more sustainable and has abundant reserves. Nowadays, nickel demands are increasingly needed either for the manufacture of stainless steel or nickel-based batteries. This study aims to study the smelting process of limonitic laterite nickel ore. The smelting process was performed …
Minerals Engineering, 2011. This paper describes the experimental findings of the extraction of nickel and cobalt by high pressure acid leaching (HPAL) of a refractory limonitic nickel laterite ore from the Gördes region of Manisa in Turkey.
In this paper, low-grade limonitic nickel laterite and chromite were synergistically utilized via the hybrid sintering process (i.e., pellet-sintering process) for high-quality Ni–Cr sinter preparation and great carbon emission reduction. Under the optimum process conditions, Ni–Cr sinter indices were substantially improved in the pellet-sintering process. Tumble index and …
The increased demand for nickel has depleted the more easily extractable Ni sulphide deposits, which account for ~ 30% of the world's Ni resource, and has caused the mining industry to look towards acid extraction of lateritic nickel (accounting for ~ 70% of the world's Ni resource).Difficulties in the extraction of Ni from lateritic nickel ore may partly reflect the limited …
The oxidic nickeliferous laterite ore deposits are composed of two major nickel-containing layers: an upper limonitic layer and a lower saprolitic layer. The limonitic layer occurs below the overburden and primarily consists of goethite …
Production of ferronickel from limonitic laterite ore using hydrogen reduction and cementation was studied by relying on a novel hydrometallurgical process consisting of the key steps: calcination, reductive roasting with hydrogen gas, 2-stage atmospheric hydrochloric acid leaching, and cementation with Fe. The introduction of the reusability of H 2-reduced limonitic …
Laterite ores are commonly distinguished into two kinds: i) an iron-rich and low-nickel-grade limonitic ore at the surface, and ii) the beneath-formed relatively high-nickel-grade saprolitic ore (Johnson et al., 2013; Sun et al., 2021).The limonitic type ore comprises 60% of the overall laterite ore, within which higher cobalt content is hosted than that in the saprolitic ore …
Nickel consists of two types of common ores, sulfides and laterite ores. Laterite nickel ore, which comprises 73% of the world's proven nickel reserves is the dominant source of nickel. However, only 42% of the world's production of nickel comes from laterite nickel ore …
The appropriate basicity type in selective reduction of limonitic ore was 0.3 of ternary basicity (BT1) and 0.2 of quaternary basicity (BQ1), which had a similar nickel grade and recovery, i.e., 6 ...