Influence of process control agent and Al concentration on …

Influence of process control agent and Al concentration on synthesis and phase stability of a mechanically alloyed AlxCoCrFeMnNi high-entropy alloy. ... The mixtures were mechanically alloyed in a SPEX 8000M high-energy ball mill at 800 rpm. The used milling media and containers were made of D2 hardened steel; the container size was 5.08 cm in ...

Effect of process control agents on mechanically alloyed …

The various process parameters such as milling time, ball size, ball to powder ratio, and process control agent (PCA) strongly influence the final properties of mechanically alloyed powders [5]. It is well-known that addition of PCA inadvertently introduces unwanted phases into the material as it decomposes during MA; moreover, these residues ...

Effect of organic liquid process control agents on properties of ball

Despite widespread use of liquid process control agents (PCA) during material processing via high-energy ball milling, their effect on the properties of the milled powders has not been quantified ...

Effects of interfacial interactions between metal and process control

To obtain flake powders from nanocrystalline alloy sheets through ball milling, the sheets must be crushed and plastically deformed. Even in brittle materials (e.g., metallic glass and intermetallic), particles can be deformed plastically into platelet shape by ball-mill treatment using a process control agent (PCA), such as an organic solvent or oil, which controls the surface energy on …

Role of Sn as a Process Control Agent on Mechanical …

In this study, the effects of Sn as a process control agent (PCA) on the final powder sizes, morphology, homogenization and alloying process of a new titanium alloy were investigated. ... For the Ti10Ta8Mo3Sn (wt %) alloy, the Sn element was used as PCA to enhance the milling process in the planetary ball mill. The milling process of both ...

Wet ball milling of niobium by using ethanol, determination …

In the wet milling technique, process control agents (lubricant or surfactant) such as: ethanol, stearic acid, methanol, hexane etc., are added to the powder mixture during milling to reduce the ...

Analysis of the effect of a new process control agent …

Process variables in mechanical milling process such as milling time, milling speed, ball-to powder weight ratio and process control agent have effects on the final structure and morphology of the powders [5].In mechanical milling process, process control agents (PCAs) play a significant role in controlling the particle size and degree of cold welding during ball milling.

Ball milling process variables optimization for high-entropy …

Stainless steel balls (8 and 50 balls with 10- and 6-mm diameters, respectively), with a ball-to-powder ratio of 10:1, were used for the milling process. 1 wt% ethanol was used as the optimum process control agent [46], to avoid excessive cold …

Wet ball milling of niobium by using ethanol, determination …

This study investigates the effect of using ethanol as the process control agent during the wet ball milling of niobium (Nb). Dried nanocrystal Nb powders, of high purity, with particle sizes ...

(PDF) Effect of Process Control Agents (PCAs) on …

The effect of various factors, such as process control agent (PCA), speed of rotation of vial and ball-to-powder weight ratio, on process were studied and the best condition to synthesis the alloy ...

Effect of Ball Milling Parameters on the Refinement of …

The high-energy ball milling method was adopted to explore the influence of ball milling parameters, such as milling speed and additive amounts of process control agent (PCA) on tungsten powder. The morphology and microstructure of tungsten powder in the process of refinement were characterized by field-emission scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM), field …

Advanced Powder Technology

Despite widespread use of liquid process control agents (PCA) during material processing via high-energy ball milling, their effect on the properties of the milled powders has not been...

The effect of process control agent usage on the structural properties

Different from the previous studies given above, the milling performed within the SPEX mill, and the effect of toluene usage depending on the process variables, such as ball to powder ratio, size of ball and milling time were evaluated according to conversion level, MgB 2 phase wt% calculated by Rietveld refinement method. 2. Material and methods

The use of inorganic process control agents to mill …

The ball milling process requires the use of a Process Control Agent (PCA) to prevent excessive agglomeration and to control the milling process [17, 18]. Organic PCAs such as stearic acid and ethylene-bis-stearamide (EBS) are commonly used in research and industry, with a concentration of PCA between 2 and 3 wt% found to be effective [ 14, 19 ].

Fabrication of titanium carbide nano-powders by a very high …

Nano-sized TiC ceramic powders were fabricated by very high speed planetary ball milling, especially using coarse (micron-sized) starting powders with the help of process control agents, and their refinement behavior was investigated as a …

Process Control of Ball Mill Based on MPC‐DO

Furthermore, a compound control strategy for process control of the ball mill is proposed to describe the grinding process precisely where disturbances exist. It consists of two …

Process control agent effect on the structural and magnetic properties

The effect of ethanol as a process control agent (PCA) on the mechanical alloying (MA) of Fe-20 at. % Al powders is presented. MA was performed at room temperature in an oscillation ball mill and its dynamic was studied by changing the milling frequency and time.

(PDF) Effects of Process Control Agent Amount, Milling …

Using a mechanical alloying process, the effect of parameters—process control agent (PCA) type and amount, and milling speed and time—on solid-solution onset and GPS of a model HEA (AlCoCrFe ...

Effects of interfacial interactions between metal and …

Fe–Si–B–P–Cu nanocrystalline alloy were treated with ball-mill using a lubricant as a process control agent (PCA). The resulting alloy powder is a strong candidate material for …

Effect of High-Energy Ball Milling in Toluene on the

Jayashree et al. have synthesized Al 0.3 CoCrFeNi high-entropy alloy by mechanical alloying using methanol and toluene as process control agents. It was reported that ball milling for 5 hours led to a 1.25 wt pct carbon uptake in the case of toluene and 0.777 wt pct in methanol and further annealing yielded an FCC phase alloy containing Cr 7 C ...

Effect of composition and process control agents on the …

Al (Alfa Aesar, 99.5% pure, −325mesh, APS 7–15 μm) and Zr (Atlantic Equipment Engineers, 99.5% pure, −20 to +60mesh) powders were purchased and milled in a planetary ball mill (Retsch PM400) in air for one hour at 400 RPM. The milling cycle consisted of four 15-min milling sessions separated by 30 min of rest and air cooling.

Role of Sn as a Process Control Agent on Mechanical …

In this study, the effects of Sn as a process control agent (PCA) on the final powder sizes, morphology, homogenization and alloying process of a new titanium alloy were …

Effect of the process control agent in the ball-milled …

Process control agent, PCA, used in MA by ball milling can considerably influence the powder morphology and particle size, thereby affecting their densification behaviour [[10], …

Leaders in High Energy Ball Milling

Our high energy ball milling process operates dry and under an inert environment to prevent oxide formation and eliminate contamination associated with process control agents. High energy ball milling can be applied anywhere from the laboratory scale of a few grams of powder to commercial setups.

Effects of Process Control Agents on the Mechanical

Surfactant additives are often used in ball milling as process control agents [4, 25,31]. The use of corrosion inhibitors as additives to milling medium is quite relevant because of low corrosion ...

Grinding in Ball Mills: Modeling and Process Control

in modeling and control of the grinding process in industrial ball mills. Basic kinetic and energy models of the grinding process are described and the most commonly used control strategies are analyzed and discussed. Keywords: Ball mills, grinding circuit, process control. I. Introduction

Advanced Powder Technology

ball milling, their effect on the properties of the milled powders has not been quantified or understood. ... Effect of organic liquid process control agents on properties of ball-milled powders ...

The influence of ball milling conditions on the powder …

In stages 2 and 3, without adding a process control agent (PCA), the softer original particles, especially the Cu, ... In materials processing research, the ball milling process constitutes a pivotal step in preparing powder materials and augmenting material properties. The milling time, milling speed, and BPR are three adjustable parameters in ...

Process Control Agent

A process control agent (PCA) is usually used in the process of mechanical alloying to avoid cold welding and bonding between the powder particles and the balls and the agglomeration of …

Effect of process control agent and mechanical milling on …

The process control agent used It has been reported in the literature that the powder yield is around 9–10% as the Al powder welds with the walls of the ball mill as well as with the balls. The Process Control Agent (1.5% ethanol) helped in controlling the cold weld of Al particles effectively. This occurs because as soon as the ball mill ...

Effects of Process Control Agent Amount, Milling Time, and …

This study was conducted to investigate the characteristics of the AlCrCuFeNi high-entropy alloy (HEA) synthesized through mechanical alloying (MA). In addition, effects of Process Control Agent (PCA) amount and milling time were investigated using X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and energy dispersive X-ray …

Effect of process control agent on the structural and …

Effect of process control agent on the structural and magnetic properties of nano/amorphous Fe 0.7 Nb 0.1 Zr 0.1 Ti 0.1 powders prepared by high energy ball milling Author links open overlay panel Mohammad Hossein Khazaei Feizabad a b, Shahriar Sharafi a c, Gholam Reza Khayati a c, Mohammad Ranjbar a d

The effect of process control agent usage on the structural …

In this study, the effects of the process control agent (toluene) usage on the product size, morphology and conversion level of precursor powders to MgB 2 after subsequent heat treatment was investigated. Different from the previous studies given above, the milling performed within the SPEX mill, and the effect of toluene usage depending on the process variables, such …

Mechanism of Ball Milling and the Factors Affecting the …

PCA exists in a variety of forms (liquids, solids, and gases) and is considered a surface-active agent during milling. Typically, the process control agents are organic …

Effect of organic liquid process control agents on properties of ball

Despite widespread use of liquid process control agents (PCA) during material processing via high-energy ball milling, their effect on the properties of the milled powders has not been quantified or understood. It is generally accepted that PCA affect the energy transfer between milling tools and powders being milled; however, which PCA ...

Wet ball milling of niobium by using ethanol, …

In the wet milling technique, process control agents (lubricant or surfactant) such as: ethanol, stearic acid, methanol, hexane etc., are added to the powder mixture during milling to reduce the ...

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