Spatial Entropy for Quantifying Ore Loss and Dilution in …

• Ore loss and dilution management are crucial for open-pit mining operations. • Ore loss and dilution can be significantly influenced by the spatial heterogeneity of ore and …

The 4 Ws of dilution in open pit planning

Internal dilution refers to waste or even low-grade ore (ore below cut-off) within a mining block that cannot be mined discretely and is eventually mined with the ore in the mining block.

Mining Dilution

Figure 7.6 illustrates the case of an open pit mine, where the dilution and ore loss is incorporated into the resources considering a specific bench height and assuming an angle of repose for the material. The total metal lost depends on the characteristics of the contact, including the grade of ore lost and the grade of the diluting material. ...

Controlling operational dilution in open-pit mining

This paper proposes to quantify the dilution caused by operational inefficiency through identifying the ore blocks that are a part of the short-term plans and mapping their neighbourhood, considering the nature of the contacts …

Controlling operational dilution in open-pit mining

When discussing open-pit mining, dilution and ore loss are sometimes assumed as fixed factors in geostatistical block models and cutoff grade calculations, without considering specific particularities of the deposit and operation. This paper proposes to quantify the dilution caused by operational inefficiency through identifying the ore blocks ...

Ore Dilution and Quality Control in Open-Pit Mines | PDF

Ore Dilution and Quality Control in Open-Pit Mines - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site.

Development of a Segregation Blasting Method to …

boundary of ore and waste, which can reduce ore loss and dilution in open pit mines. Through theoretical and simulation analyses, the design principle and blasting parameters for the segregation blasting were determined. The delay time of 100 ms was used to produce a separation zone at the boundary of ore and waste. The 3D laser

Risk-Based Optimization of Post-Blast Dig-Limits

The objective of optimizing dig-limits is to measure, manage, and reduce the anticipated ore loss and dilution within open-pit mining operations. These limits define the separation between ore and waste, directing blasted materials to their most profitable destinations, thereby enhancing revenue while considering equipment selectivity and blast ...

Harnessing High-Precision GPS for Enhanced Ore Quality Control in Open

In conclusion, High-Precision GPS technology has revolutionized open-pit mining by enhancing ore grade control, equipment navigation, and operational efficiency. With centimetre-level accuracy, it maximizes ore recovery, reduces waste, and cuts costs while maintaining safety and sustainability.

Unlocking Efficiency: Ore Dilution and Quality Control in Open-Pit

We'll talk about how we can control ore dilution using High-Precision GPS and Geology & Ore Solutions to make mining more efficient, safer, and more sustainable. In this first part, we'll give a general overview of the types of dilutions in open-pit mines and how dilution can reduce the value of the mine.

Controlling operational dilution in open-pit …

Operational dilution in open-pit mining can influence short-term mine planning and affect the adherence between designed and executed plans, impacting the reconciliation results.

Risk assessment of dilution in open pit mines

Download Citation | Risk assessment of dilution in open pit mines | Mining dilution is one of the most important factors which affects all parameters of mining projects. It is a dangerous virus ...

Optimising Grade Control Procedures in Large and Small Open Pit …

The merits of different mining styles in large and small open pit mines are examined.One factor in successful grade control is estimation of the expected ore loss and dilution. Empirical methods developed in two dimensions have been refined to enable 3D modelling of the effects on mineable grade and tonnage of varying the bench height, sampling ...


Ore losses and dilution are present at all stages of mining and while several models can investigate the influence of dilution it is its quantification that poses the most serious challenge (Pakalnis et al., 1995). This paper introduces a methodology to quantify dilution factor in open pit mines. The proposed approach makes use of general ...

Controlling operational dilution in open-pit mining

When discussing open-pit mining, dilution and ore loss are sometimes assumed as fixed factors in geostatistical block models and cut-off grade calculations, without considering specific particularities of the deposit and operation. This paper proposes to quantify the dilution caused by operational inefficiency through identifying the ore blocks ...


Mining projects featuring multiple processes and multiple open pits have unique challenges for the integration between Short Term and Long Term Mine Plans, whereby the mine planner needs to ...

Fast, Detailed and Practical Estimation of External Dilution for Open

Micon has successfully evaluated the effect of minimum mining dimensions on operational dilution for an open pit mine, narrow-vein deposit. This study involved generating and analyzing 24 different minimum mining dimension scenarios. The expected operational dilution within the designed pit was calculated on a bench-by-bench basis for each of the 24 scenarios. …


Mining dilution is one of the most important factors affecting the economy of mining projects. While we do our best to identify and calculate all the other cost items of a project, no matter how small, it is common to make general assumptions about dilution instead of quantifying it.

Unlocking Efficiency: Ore Dilution and Quality Control in Open-Pit

Welcome to the first part of our series about Ore Dilution and Quality Control in Open-Pit Mines. In this series, we'll talk about how we can control ore

Ore Dilution and Quality Control in Open Pit Mines

This e-Book aims to provide comprehensive insights into the challenges posed by ore dilution in open pit mining, how to minimize dilution, optimize equipment navigation, and ensure precise ore control.

ore dilution and ore recovery | PPT

5. Definition Dilution refers to the waste material that is not separated from the ore during the operation and is mined with ore. This waste material is mixed with ore and sent to the processing plant (Jara, 2006; Sinclair, 2002). Dilution is the result of mixing non-ore grade material with ore-grade material during production, generally leading to an increase in tonnage …

Spatial Entropy for Quantifying Ore Loss and Dilution in Open-Pit …

Effective management of ore loss and dilution is essential for successful grade control and short-term mine planning due to their significant impact on the economic, environmental, and technical aspects of open-pit mining operations. Factors influencing ore loss and dilution fall into two categories: (i) controllable factors like mine equipment selectivity and blast design and (ii ...

Grade control drillhole spacing and mining selectivity …

drillhole spacing, mining selectivity, open pit heterogeneity, ore loss, dilution, ore control Received: 6 May 2024; accepted: 2 July 2024 Introduction To confirm the potential discovery of an economic deposit, a considerable amount of infill drilling is conducted to confidently estimate the resources and reserves typically

Estimating Mining Factors (Dilution and Ore Loss) in Open Pit …

Dilution and ore loss have an important bearing on the success of open pit mining projects. Their impacts on production costs, revenues and production rate require that they are correctly modelled in the long-term mine plan. The estimation of dilution and ore loss is therefore an essential part of any Ore Reserve estimate or mine schedule. Large open pit mines are driven …


This paper introduces a methodology to quantify dilution factor in open pit mines. The proposed approach makes use of general mining software available in most mining companies.

Risk assessment of dilution in open pit mines

Mining dilution is one of the most important factors which affects all parameters of mining projects. It is a dangerous virus that, if not controlled, is rapidly spread in all stages of mining project and it can paralyze the mine. According to studies carried out in this paper, dilution can cause adverse impacts on the environmental, economic, community, technical, and safety …

Ore Loss and Dilution -- A Mine Engineering Study

This document outlines a mine engineering study for the assessment of ore loss and dilution in an open pit operation. Some influences which impact ore loss and dilution at the time of mining are ...

Featured Article: Blast And Loose | Global Mining Review

Today, open pit mines around the world use a blasting movement monitoring solution to understand blasting movement, optimise dilution, and increase ore recovery. When drilling and blasting engineers design the blasting pattern, they should consider the pit boundary, geology, geotechnical specifications and bench height, among other factors ...

Ore Dilution – An Underground Perspective

In open pit mining, ore losses are not typically given much consideration. However in underground mining they can have a great impact on the project life and economics. Mining method sketches can play a key role in understanding underground dilution and ore losses, even in today's software driven mining world.

Accounting for operational dilution by incorporating …

Dilution is an example of a variable with few developments regarding its impact on mine planning, especially in regard to dilution in open-pit mining. Dilution can be defined as waste or low-grade materials (below the cut-off grade) that are not separated from the ore during the operation; it reduces the quality of the mined ore [ 11 ].

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