Primary Controlling Factors of Apatite Trace Element …

In this study, trace elements in apatite were utilized as input parameters and presented to the neural work, while apatite classification (altered auriferous, altered barren, …

Pilot Plant Beneficiation Studies On a Low Grade Mixed …

Two continuous tests on a pilot scale were run. Test I employed magnetic separation of the classifier overflow followed by floatation whereas Test II employed straight floatation of the classifier overall.

Apatite trace element composition as an indicator of ore …

We show that the XGBoost classifier efficiently and accurately classifies high-dimensional apatite trace element data according to the ore deposit type (overall accuracy: …

Machine learning applied to apatite compositions for …

This work applied a machine learning (ML) method to classify the chemical compositions of apatites from both fertile and barren rocks, aiming to help determine the …

Process mineralogy as a tool to prevent the production of …

They consist of an open circuit rod mill and a ball mill in closed circuit with classifiers. The products of both mills are fed to a cyclone battery. The overflow goes to …

Visual Interpretation of Machine Learning: …

To address this issue, we used supervised decision boundary maps (SDBM) to visually illustrate and interpret the machine learning process. We constructed a SDBM to classify the ore genetics from 1551 trace element data …

Apatite trace element composition as an indicator …

We show that the XGBoost classifier eficiently and accurately classifies high-dimensional apatite trace element data according to the ore deposit type (overall accuracy: 94% and F1 score: 89%).

The trace element composition of apatite and its application …

Compositional statistics, classification, and a machine learning classifier are then applied to this dataset to generate biplots that can be used to determine the broad source …

Apatite Classifier

It provides a rapid and highly accurate approach to classifying high-dimensional data, such as the variation in apatite trace elements in different types of ore systems. After …

Table 2 . Float and sink tests on different sieve …

Phosphate flotation using mixed collectors has been proved to give greater selectivity and high recovery of apatite comparing with fatty acids, which require selective depressant to be effective.

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