C3S and C2S need approximately 24% and 21% water by weight respectively for chemical reaction but C3S liberates 2 times as much calcium hydroxide on hydration as C2S. however C2S provides more resistance to chemical attack.


Calcium Hydroxide . By: Gabriel and Aman. What is Calcium Hydroxide. Ca (OH)2 also known as Calcium Hydroxide is a colorless crystal powder. It has a pH level of 12.4 making it a strong basic solution. It is used for mortar, piping, and plaster making it very useful on Earth. .

Carbonation of concrete | PPT

Carbonation is a chemical process where atmospheric carbon dioxide reacts with compounds in concrete, like calcium hydroxide, to form calcium carbonate, reducing the pH of concrete. This reaction exposes the reinforcing steel to corrosion. The depth of carbonation depends on factors like CO2 concentration, concrete pore structure, and relative ...

Dental Cements

Key Terms. Acid–base reaction Chemical reaction between a compound containing replaceable hydrogen ions (acid) and a substance containing replaceable hydroxide ions (base) that yields a salt and water; for aqueous liquid and powder cements, the liquid is the acid, and the powder is the base.. Atraumatic restorative treatment (ART) Clinical procedure …

PowerPoint Presentation

Light activated Calcium hydroxide Cement. Light activated cements consists of calcium hydroxide& barium sulphate dispersed in urethane dimethacrylate. It also contains HEMA & …


2. Introduction • Hermann's (1920) introduced Calcium hydroxide formulation called Calxyl induced dentinal bridging of the exposed pulpal surface. Since then the emphasis has shifted from the "doomed organ" concept of an …

100 Years of Calcium Hydroxide in Dentistry: A Review of …

Calcium hydroxide (CH) is considered one of the gold standard materials in dentistry (Carvalho, et al., 2020; Reddy, et al., 2020; Victorino, et al., 2021) and has many adequate properties ...


CEMENT It can be defined as material having adhesive and cohesive properties which make it capable of bonding material fragments in to a compact mass. Cement is obtained by burning together, in a definite proportion, a mixture of naturally occurring calcareous (containing calcium carbonate or lime) and argillaceous (containing alumina) material to be partial fusion at high …

Cement and cement concrete | PPT

High strength concrete is made by lowering the w/c ratio to 0.35 or lower. Often silica fume is added to prevent the formation of free calcium hydroxide crystals in the cement matrix, which reduce the strength at the cement-aggregate bond. Low w/c ratios and use of silica fume make concrete less workable, which is particularly likely to be ...


65 Calcium hydroxide liners are commonly used for direct and indirect pulp capping and as a dressing after vital pulpotomy procedures on primary teeth. MTA is a newer cavity liner that …

Hydration of cement | PPT

The other products of hydration of C3S and C2S is Calcium Hydroxide. Lack of durability of concrete, is on account of the presence of calcium Hydroxide. Ca(OH)2 reacts with sulphates presents in soil or water to form Calcium Sulphate which further reacts with C3A and causes the deterioration of concrete. This reaction is known as the sulphate ...

Calcium Hydroxide Pulp Capping Agent: An Overview on …

Calcium hydroxide is a commonly used material in pulp capping procedures due to its favourable biological properties, including the ability to promote dentin bridge formation and stimulate ...

Pulp protection | PPT

calcium hydroxide powder and cement, a more alkaline environment is known to favor the further differentiation of fibroblasts into odontoblasts, inducing calcified dentin bridge formation Calcium hydroxide powder has a pH ranging from 11 to 13, while MTA and calcium hydroxide cement possess a pH of approximately 10.14,24 The higher the pH of ...

Dental Cements | PPT

5. GLOSSARY ACID – BASE REACTION Chemical reaction between a compound with replaceable hydrogen ions (acid) and a substance with replaceable hydroxide ions (base) that yields salt and water. BASE A material that is used to protect the pulp in a prepared cavity by providing thermal insulation. FILM THICKNESS According to ADA/ANSI Sp. No. 96, it is the …


CALCIUM HYDROXIDE IN CONSERVATIVE DENTISTRY - Download as a PDF or view online for free ... 2012 Heymann et al; 2013 Hilton; 2016 Qualtrough et al; 2017 Cement or resin coating of minimal thickness ( 0.5 mm) that acts as a barrier to bacteria, as well as typically providing a therapeutic effect, such as an antibacterial or pulpal anodyne effect ...

3. dental cements i | PPT

Light Activated Calcium Hydroxide Cement Consist of calcium hydroxide and baium sulphate dispersed in a urethane dimethacrylate resin. Also contains HEMA and polymerization activators Some contain flouride Have long …

Hydration of cement | PPT

8. 1.4 Hydration of individual cement compound 1.4.1 : Hydration of C3S 2C3S + 6H = C3S2H3 + 3CH + Heat tri calcium water C-S-H C-H silicate (50-60% Solid in (20% solid in cement cement paste) paste) C-S-H (calcium-silicate-hydrate) is the principle hydration product. The formulae C3S2H3 for C-S-H is only approximate because the composition of C-S-H is …


Paste 1 Calcium hydroxide. Zinc oxide . Zinc stearate.. Ethyl toluene sulphonamide. Paste 2 Glycol salicylate. Titanium dioxide. Calcium sulphate. Calcium tungstate. Calcium Hydroxide Cements. Properties of Calcium Hydroxide: • The freshly mixed cement is alkaline with a pH of 11-12 . • Compressive strength, tensile strength and elastic ...

Role of Calcium Hydroxide in Dentistry: A …

Calcium hydroxide was introduced in dentistry in the early part of the twentieth century. The substance has a high pH, and its dental use related chiefly to its ability to stimulate mineralization ...

calcium hydroxide | PPT

Conventional vs LC calcium hydroxide - a comparative study Nazi Ziad Arandi (Calcium hydroxide liners: a literature review) underlines the fact that calcium hydroxide liners should only be used in the deepest spots in the cavity where the remaining dentine thickness is ≤0.5 mm. A protective layer of resin- modified glass ionomer should always ...

Mta, calcium hydroxide, biodentin | PPT

Mta, calcium hydroxide, biodentin - Download as a PDF or view online for free. ... Biodentin is a calcium silicate-based dental cement that forms reactionary dentin when used for pulp capping and other endodontic procedures. It has a short setting time of 9-12 minutes and excellent biocompatibility properties. Biodentin bonds mechanically and ...

Dental cements | PPT

• The non-eugenol temporary cement is formulated with calcium hydroxide and can reduce post-operative sensitivities while helping prevent caries with its antimicrobial properties. • Its low film thickness increases ease-of-use and accuracy of fit when placing temporary crowns, bridges, inlays, and onlays. 163 ...

Calcium Hydroxide

The two most important reasons for using calcium hydroxide as a root-filling material are stimulation of the periapical tissues in order to maintain health or promote healing and secondly for its antimicrobial effects. The exact mechanisms are unknown, but the following mechanisms of actions have been proposed: 1. Calcium hydroxide is antibacterial depending on the availability …

Cements | PPT | Free Download

It focuses on zinc oxide eugenol cement and calcium hydroxide cement. Zinc oxide eugenol cement is widely used and has good biocompatibility but poor mechanical properties. Modifications have improved strength. Calcium hydroxide cement has high pH and promotes pulp healing when used as a liner or temporary filling. Both cements are soluble but ...

(PDF) Calcium hydroxide in dentistry: A Review.

The aim of this in vitro study was to assess the antibacterial effects of gray and white mineral xide aggregate (GMTA and WMTA), calcium hydroxide (CH), Portland cement (PC) and a new ...

Pulpotomy | PPT

A study, 51 in which a hard-setting calcium hydroxide cement was used instead of the inorganic compound, showed a higher success rate. However, the pulpotomized teeth were followed for only 9 months. Whether calcium hydroxide in a cement vehicle can elicit more favorable responses remains to be determined.

Lecture 3

Lecture 3 - Cement Hydration - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. Portland cement hydration is a complex series of chemical reactions between the cement and …

Calcium hydroxide | PPT

10. 1. Moisten the prepared cavity. 2. Dispense the pastes. 3. Mix the Calcium Hydroxide. Either the calcium applicator or the spoon excavator can be used for mixing. Use a stirring motion not more than 10-15 seconds. pick up a portion that is about the size of the prepared cavity. The tip of the spoon excavator can also be used . 4.

Why do we need Calcium hydroxide in concrete? Is it

The calcium hydroxide is formed as the concrete hardens. > How concrete hardens The dry concrete powder (Portland cement) is a mixture of several compounds. The two most important ones are tricalcium silicate ("Ca"_3"SiO"_5) and dicalcium silicate ("Ca"_2"SiO"_4"), because they are the ones that eventually contribute to the strength of the …

Calcium hydroxide main | PPT

Calcium hydroxide is a white powder with a high pH of 12.5-12.8 that has a variety of endodontic applications. It was first used as a pulp capping agent in the 1800s and its use has expanded since then. It is supplied as a powder mixed with various vehicles or in single or two-paste systems. When used as an intracanal medicament or temporary ...


Dental Cements: Liners, Bases, and Temporary Restoration Materials. DHYG 113 Restorative Dentistry I. Objectives. Describe the purpose and use of: Calcium hydroxide Zinc phosphate Glass ionomer ZOE Temporary …

Hydration of cement | PPT

Hydration of cement - Download as a PDF or view online for free ... The hydration reactions produce compounds like calcium silicate hydrate (C-S-H) and calcium hydroxide (CH) that provide strength to the concrete. 3. Factors that affect the hydration process include the chemical composition of cement, cement type, sulfate content, fineness ...

PPT – Dental cement PowerPoint presentation | free to …

Dental Cement Market is expected to grow CAGR of 5.43% - The Global Dental Cement Market was valued at US$ 1,150.4 Million in 2017 and is expected to reach US$ 1,755.7 Million by 2025 growing at a Compounded Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 5.43% during the forecast period. | PowerPoint PPT presentation | free to view

Calcium Hydroxide 1 | PDF

Calcium Hydroxide 1 - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. Calcium hydroxide is a relatively weak cement that serves as a protective barrier against irritants due to its alkaline nature. It is available as a two paste system, light cured system, single paste in a syringe, or powder mixed with water.

Calcium hydroxide | PPT

Calcium hydroxide - Download as a PDF or view online for free. ... Since it is a low – strength base, a suitable high strength base has to be given over Ca(OH)2. • Controlled setting cement (Calcimol LC) : • it is indicated in …

Geopolymer concrete ppt | PPT

Geopolymer concrete ppt - Download as a PDF or view online for free. ... one with 32MPa concrete with blended cement and other with GPC -autogenous healing occurred in OPC due to calcium hydroxide deposition -in GPC tank there is little calcium hydroxide -nominal leaking in tank healed rapidly due to gel swelling mechanism FIGURE 7 ...

Calcium Hydroxide | PDF

CALCIUM HYDROXIDE.pptx - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt / .pptx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. Calcium hydroxide is used as a liner and base material in dentistry. It has good biocompatibility and promotes the formation of reparative dentin due to its alkaline pH and remineralization properties.

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