Inventory Models Involving Lead Time Crashing Cost as an …

Therefore, the lead time crashing cost per order ),(LR is assumed to be an exponential function of L and is defined as <≤ = = es LC e LLLie Li LR f, Lf0 )( / where C is a positive constant. The application of the exponential function lead time crashing cost has been proposed by many authors, for example Vijayashree and Uthayakumar [45] and ...

The application of EOQ and lead time crashing cost models …

Inventory policy proposal using the model of a single item by considering expiration factor and lead time crashing cost results in a decrease in total costs amounted to 71.5% and multi item results in a decrease in total costs amounted to 71.62%. Subsequently, wasted expired materials, with the proposed models have been successfully decreased ...

Optimal reorder point inventory models with variable lead time …

Lead time variability is investigated in the model proposed in [23]: lead time is assumed as a decision variable obtaining its optimal value by means of minimizing crashing costs, defined as extra ...

A fuzzy random periodic review system with variable lead-time …

The problem of lead-time reduction was first presented by Liao and Shyu [10] in a continuous review model where the lead-time was assumed to be a decision variable that can be reduced by paying extra crashing cost. Later, Ben-Daya and Raouf [11] and then Ouyang et al. [12] further extended this model. Since then many researchers have studied this problem of …

Inventory Models with Fixed and Variable Lead Time …

In many practical situations, inventory lead time can be shortened at the expense of additional cost. Hence, the variable lead time can be regarded as a decision variable since it can be …

The impact of lead time compression on demand …

They developed two models, one of that uses the lead time crashing cost-function proposed by Liao and Shyu and that the other uses an exponential crashing cost function. Yang (2010) developed supply chain integrated inventory model with present value and the crashing cost is determined by the length of lead time, which is the polynomial form.

Two-echelon supply chain inventory model with …

Here, we consider the lead time crashing cost is an exponentially function of lead time. The main contribution of this proposed model is to find minimizing the integrated total cost for the single ... proposed that the crashing of lead time usually consists of the following components: order preparation, supplier lead time, and delivery time ...

Inventory Models with Fixed and Variable Lead Time …

different crash cost function for the reduced lead time. In the Liao and Shyu model,5 the order quantity is predetermined and lead time is used to minimize the expected total cost. Based on the assumption of compressible lead time, Ben-Daya and Raouf6 presented a continuous review model by including both lead time and order quantity as decision

Reducing lost-sales rate in (T, R, L) inventory model with …

Again Ouyang and Chuang [11] studied mixture inventory model involving variable lead time and controllable backorder rate. Pan and Hsiao [12] presented integrated inventory model with controllable lead time and backorder discount considerations. In this study, lead time crashing cost is represented as a function of reduced lead time.

Min–max distribution free continuous-review model with …

In this paper, we provide a continuous-review (Q, r, L) inventory model with a fill rate service constraint and a negative exponential crashing cost function with a variable lead time.Tajbakhsh [1] developed a closed-form solution that considered an order quantity and a reorder point. We extend the distribution free continuous-review inventory model to minimize …

Two-echelon supply chain inventory model with controllable lead time …

Lead time crashing cost is an exponentially function of lead time and identical lead time of buyers are considered in this paper. This paper has developed an effective procedure for determining the optimal solutions of inventory optimal order quantity, lead time and total number of deliveries from a single vendor to the single buyer in a ...

An inventory model with controllable lead time and …

and assumed that each component can be reduced to its minimum duration with a crashing cost. Finally, they showed that controlling the lead time may reduce the total expected cost. Hariga and Ben-Daya (1999) studied an inventory model with reducible lead time when the distribution of the demand during lead time is unknown.

Impact of uncertain demand and lead-time reduction on …

a reduction in lead-time can effectively lower safety stock as well as the total cost. Keywords Lead-time reduction · Demand uncertainty · Two-echelon supply chain · Safety stock · Investment 1 Introduction ... of lead-time crashing as a coordination mechanism among seller and buyer by using various modesofshipmenttodeliveritems. Lin(2016 ...

Inventory cost framework for managing the petroleum …

Using the inventory model developed in Section 2, we can estimate the associated parameters such as demand during lead time, mean lead time (L av), lead time standard deviation (Std. Dev), delivery delay (w), lead time-dependent cost, R (L) or crashing cost and re-order point (r) as shown in Table 2. In this study, the total lead time of 364 ...

Inventory models with fixed and variable lead time crash costs

In this paper, crash cost is represented as a function of both the order quantity and the reduced lead time. Most of the literature pertaining to inventory problems assumes lead time to be a prescribed parameter and thus not subject to control. In many practical situations, inventory lead time can be shortened at the expense of additional cost. Hence, the variable …

A Coordinated Supply Chain Model for Imperfect Items …

A screening process for detecting the defective items is conducted. Lead time crashing cost and investment for ordering cost reduction follow power function distribution. The shortage during the lead time is permitted and backordered partially for the buyer. However, the level of shortage is limited by service level constraint policy.

Inventory Models Involving Lead Time Crashing Cost as an …

But, in numerous sensible circumstances, lead time can he reduced by an additional crashing cost; in other words, it is controllable, so in this article, we have considered …

Integrated inventory models with controllable lead time …

The lead time crashing cost is represented as a function of reduced lead time and the quantities in the orders. There are two inventory models proposed in the paper, one with normally distributed demand, and another with generally distributed demand. Previous article in issue; Next article in issue;

Some comments on 'Inventory models with fixed and variable lead time …

We would like to comment on the paper by Pan et al, 1 in which assuming reduced lead time crashing cost as a function of both the order quantity and the reduced lead time, they presented two inventory models, the one with known deterministic demand and the other with unknown demand distribution. The solution procedures are illustrated with numerical …

Solving an Inventory Models Involving Lead Time Crashing Cost …

Inventory consists of usable but idle resources. The resources may be of any type men, materials, machines etc,. In this paper the Inventory model involving lead time crashing cost as an exponential function in food processing and distribution industry are discussed with Mathematical model .Moreover, a numerical example are presented to illustrate the important issues related …

Controllable lead time, service level constraint, and …

They also assumed that the lead time can be shortened as a crashing cost which depends on the lead time length and the ordering lot size. Hoque and Goyal [7] developed a heuristic solution procedure for an integrated inventory system under con-trollable lead time with equal or unequal sized batch shipments between a vendor and a buyer. They ...

The impact of lead time compression on demand forecasting …

Short lead time reduces the exposure of demand forecasting risk, but an additional production cost is incurred to pay it. To solve this trade-off problem, a model is proposed based …


Lead time is controllable and the compressing cost of lead time follows piecewise linear function and the main contribution of this proposed model is to find minimizing the total cost. ABSTRACT: In this paper, we have framed a continuous-review model (Q,R,L) inventory model with service level constraint. Lead time is becoming more and more vital for industry, in particular for style …

Coordinating supply chains with stochastic demand by crashing lead times

The cost of LT crashing is modeled as a fixed-charge step function in which a slow shipping mode can only reduce LT to a certain level and crashing LT beyond this level needs to replace the current shipping mode with a fast shipping mode. ... loading/unloading lead times and so on. In such cases, the lead time reduction cost should depend not ...

An integrated inventory model with variable lead time, …

Now, Buyer's cost = Ordering cost + inspection cost + holding cost of non-defective items + total interest derived during the credit period + lead time crashing cost . = A + vQ + h y D y 2 + σ √ L p r 1 ϕ 1 μ ∗ √ L σ + (1-p) η-ϕ 2 μ ∗ √ L σ + (1-p) η + (1-p) r 2 ϕ 1 μ ∗ √ L σ-p η-ϕ 2 μ ∗ √ L σ-p η + (1-β) B ...

Inventory models with fixed and variable lead time crash costs

Pan et al. (2002) considered the lead-time crashing cost as a function of both the order quantity and the reduced lead-time. Ouyang and Chang (2002) generalized the model of Moon and Choi (1998 ...

International Journal of Supply and Operations …

Lead time management is a significant issue in production and operation management. In many practical situations, lead time can be reduced using an added crashing cost. In other words, …

Solving an Inventory Models Involving Lead Time Crashing …

In this paper the Inventory model involving lead time crashing cost as an exponential function in food processing and distribution industry are discussed with Mathematical model .Moreover, a …

Inventory models with fixed and variable lead time crash …

different crash cost function for the reduced lead time. In the Liao and Shyu model,5 the order quantity is predetermined and lead time is used to minimize the expected total cost. Based on the assumption of compressible lead time, Ben-Daya and Raouf6 presented a continuous review model by including both lead time and order quantity as decision ...

Optimal reorder point inventory models with variable lead time …

The crashing cost per unit time c i is in proportion to the reduced lead time and the order quantity. Let a i be the fixed cost and b i be the variable cost per unit product per ith component lead time reduced. Thus the crashing cost per unit time c i can be expressed as c i =a i +b i Q, i=1,2,…,n, where a i >0 and b i >0 [17].

Lead-time Dependent Ordering Cost Reduction and …

lead-time, number of deliveries, order lot size, ordering cost, lead-time crashing cost, and the joint total expected cost. A solution algorithm and a numerical example are presented to illustrate and establish the integrated model. This model can be used in …


PIECEWISE LINEAR LEAD TIME CRASHING COST M. VIJAYASHREE1 AND R. UTHAYAKUMAR2 1,2Department of Mathematics The Gandhigram Rural Institute Deemed University Gandhigram, 624 302. Dindigul, Tamil Nadu, INDIA ABSTRACT: In this paper, we have framed a continuous-review model

Some Comments on 'Inventory Models with Fixed and …

lead time crash costs consideration' Journal of the Operational Research Society (2004) 55, 674-676. doi: 10. 1057/palgrave.jors.2601762 Introduction We would like to comment on the paper by Pan et al,1 in which assuming reduced lead time crashing cost as a function of both the order quantity and the reduced lead

Inventory model with fixed and variable lead time crashing costs …

In most studies dealing with inventory problems, lead time is treated as fixed. However, in several practical situations, the lead time can be reduced at an added cost, which is called a "crashing ...


negotiable and the lead time crashing cost to be represented as . a function of both the order quantity and the red uced lead . time. Chang et al. [42] investigated how lead time and .


Later many researchers (see [4, 6, 7, 8, and 9]) developed lead time reduction inventory models under various crashing cost function and practical situations.

Solving an Inventory Models Involving Lead Time …

The lead time crashing cost is given below { where, b=5 They want to know the best supplier by comparing They want to know the optimal order quantity and two suppliers namely supplier A and supplier B using related optimal total cost. …

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