Abstrak Paper ini mengkaji durabilitas beton geopolimer berbasis fly ash. Durabilitas beton geopolimer yang dikaji adalah yang berkaitan dengan ketahanan terhadap lingkungan yang bersifat asam dan ...

Effect of incinerated paper sludge ash on fly ash-based …

The development of fly ash and incinerated paper sludge ash blend as a source material for preparing geopolymer concrete is presented in the paper. The specimens were prepared with …

Fabrication of Bricks From Paper Sludge And Palm Oil …

Increasing amount of disposed paper sludge and palm oil fuel ash (POFA) from industries has recently attracted concern for an alternative environmentally sustainable application.

Utilization of Paper Sludge Ash in Lime Based …

It is concluded that, 25% of paper sludge ash in the lime based geopolymer concrete is found to be optimum in enhancing those mechanical and durability properties.

Utilization of Brine Sludge and Fly Ash Waste as …

Soundness is the property by virtue of Iran J Sci Technol Trans Civ Eng Fig. 3 SEM images of a brine sludge at 100 lm, b brine sludge at 10 lm, c fly ash at 100 lm, d fly ash at 10 lm, e geopolymeric (cement-free) brine sludge concrete paver blocks (GBSP) at 100 lm and (f) GBSP at 10 lm Table 7 Properties of geopolymeric (cement-free) brine ...

Development of Paper Sludge Ash-Based …

Ambient temperature geopolymerization of paper sludge ashes (PS-ashes) discharged from paper mills was studied by means of scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), induction coupled plasma …

Clay soil stabilized using waste paper sludge ash (WPSA) …

This paper present the results of an experimental study on the clay soil stabilized using Waste Paper Sludge Ash (WPSA). WPSA considered as finely waste product resulting from the combustion of wastepaper sludge in paper recycling factories waste paper. The WPSA used in this study has been tested and based on ASTM C618, WPSA classified as Class-C fly ash …

Geopolymer synthetized from bottom coal ash and calcined paper sludge …

The geopolymerization of bottom ash (BA) shows lower reactivity as compared to fly ash [20] and when it combined with calcined paper sludge (CPS) then it shows best geopolymer synthesis only for 2 ...

Developing a novel building material for …

This paper presents the formulation of eco-friendly building material using wood-based pulp mill fly ash (PFA) as a low carbon binder in stabilized rammed earth (RE).

Utilization of Paper Sludge Ash in Lime Based Geopolymer

A sustainable attempt is made by utilizing the waste paper sludge ash in the various replacement proportions such as 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and to the flyash content in …

Effective utilization of waste paper sludge ash as a …

Waste paper sludge ash was used as an extra cementitious ingredient as a novel replacement for traditional concrete. In the current experiment, waste paper sludge ash was used as partial replacement of different proportions of (2.5%,5% and 7.5 %) to cement in concrete of M25 grade to test and study its durability, compressive strength ...

Effect of incinerated paper sludge ash on fly ash-based

The development of fly ash and incinerated paper sludge ash blend as a source material for preparing geopolymer concrete is presented in the paper. The specimens were prepared with varying percentage of fly ash replaced by paper sludge ash under different curing regimes.

Developing an eco-friendly cementitious grout using …

Thus, this study aims to develop a novel sustainable grout by recycling paper sludge ash waste (PSA) and waste steel fiber (WSF) as partial cement replacements. This will help reduce grout production

Development of Paper Sludge Ash-Based …

Ambient temperature geopolymerization of paper sludge ashes (PS-ashes) discharged from paper mills was studied by means of scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), induction...

Development of value-added sustainable products from paper mill sludge

The disposal of paper mill sludge waste generated by the paper industry is a tough and challenging task. In this work, an attempt is made to develop various value-added products namely bricks ...

Study of Concrete Involving Use of Waste Paper Sludge Ash …

In this study cement in partially replaced as 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% by waste paper sludge ash in concrete for M25 mix and tested for compressive strength, tensile strength, water absorption and dry ...

Development of Paper Sludge Ash-Based Geopolymer and …

Ambient temperature geopolymerization of paper sludge ashes (PS-ashes) discharged from paper mills was studied by means of scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X …

Development of Paper Sludge Ash-Based Geopolymer and …

Accordingly, a huge amount of incineration ash (so-called paper sludge ash, PS-ash in short in the present study) is discharged. Some studies have attempted the recycling of PS-ash; for instance, hydrothermal solidification to produce building materials, solidification materials of soft ground, coagulants for dredging, etc. [27,28,29].

(PDF) Hydrophobic concrete using waste paper sludge ash …

Paper sludge ash (PSA) is a waste generated by the paper recycling industry. I t is produced wh en dewatered 57. waste paper sludge, a by-product of the de-inking and re-pulping of paper, is ...


Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa variasi Fly Ash 25% merupakan hasil yang optimum dimana hasil kuat tekan sebesar 10,333 MPa, porositas Campuran Fly Ash Minimum sebesar 29.3%, dan permeabilitas ...

Flexural behaviour of reinforced Fly Ash and Paper Sludge Ash …

However, its focus was mainly on fly ash based geopolymer concrete. In this context, several characterization researches of mortars and concretes have been developed, but in reinforced concrete ...

Effect of incinerated paper sludge ash on fly ash-based …

LM14 alloy reinforced with paper sludge ash is fabricated using stir casting technique and also the effect of paper sludge ash on the composites with various weight percentages (2.5, 3.5, 5) was ...


Fly ash dari hasil pembakaran batu bara digunakan sebagai sumber material untuk membuat binder yang dibutuhkan dalam campuran beton. Beton Geopolimer ini terbentuk dari reaksi kimia dan bukan dari ...

(PDF) Potential pathway for reusing Paper Mill Sludge Ash …

of both y ash a nd paper mill sludge ash (PMSA) in brick manufa cturing. C onsidering the harmful emissions and re source de pletion assoc iated with clay bricks, it be comes imper ative to adopt

[PDF] Effect of incinerated paper sludge ash on fly ash…

The development of fly ash and incinerated paper sludge ash blend as a source material for preparing geopolymer concrete is presented in the paper. The specimens were prepared with varying percentage of fly ash replaced by paper sludge ash under different curing regimes. The compressive strength, splitting tensile strength, and bending strength values …

SOFT Soil Subgrade Stabilization Using Waste Paper Sludge Ash …

2.2 Waste Paper Sludge Ash (WPSA) The wastepaper sludge ash (WPSA) is a main additive to stabilize the soft soil was used in this study. This white WPSA was in a powder form is a waste product from the combustion of waste paper in paper recycling factories was obtained from Malaysia Newsprint Industries in Pahang, Malaysia.

Hydrophobic concrete using waste paper sludge ash

Paper sludge ash (PSA) was obtained from Aylesford Newsprint Ltd., a major UK newsprint . 97 . manufacturer producing 400,000 tonnes per year of recycled newsprint from 500,000 tonnes of waste ...

Sludge‐based geopolymer materials: A review

Sludge refers to the solid waste produced after sewage treatment. Unreasonable disposal of sludge can cause environmental pollution. Nonetheless, the sludge contains large amounts of silica-aluminate, which has …

Effective utilization of waste paper sludge ash as a …

The decline eased as waste paper sludge ash production increased. Because waste paper sludge and ash particles absorbed more water than cement, the workability of concrete mix was reduced. Waste paper sludge ash made up 2.5% of the concrete mixture with the highest level of slump. Fig. 2 illustrates how slump varies depending on the presence of ...

Hydrophobic concrete using waste paper sludge ash

The feasibility of using a low-cost super hydrophobic powder as water-resisting admixture or water-repellent surface coating for concrete has been investigated. The powder was produced from paper sludge ash (PSA), a by-product from the manufacture of recycled paper. The effect of hydrophobic PSA on workability, strength and transport properties, including sorptivity, …

Use of waste paper ash or wood ash as substitution to fly …

This study presents an investigation on the feasibility of inclusion of waste paper ash (WPA) or wood ash (WA) as replacement materials for fly ash (FA) class F in preparation …

Geopolymer synthetized from bottom coal ash …

Compressive strength results for geopolymeric samples synthetized with a 2:1 ash/calcined paper sludge ratio, 5, 10 and 15 mol/l alkaline addition and 24 h, 7, 28 and 90 days setting time at room temperature.

Geopolymer synthetized from bottom coal ash and calcined …

Geopolymer was synthesized from paper sludge and bottom ash. The alkaline activation solution consisted of sodium hydroxide and sodium silicate. Paper sludge was used …

Assessing the Impact of Petroleum Sludge Ash on the

However, petroleum sludge ash still poses a major environmental challenge due to high levels of heavy metals and other contaminants. Former research works have shown that heavy metals and toxic compounds present in petroleum sludge ash can be entrapped in geopolymer medium, whilst improving its compressive strength .

Effect of paper sludge ash on properties of cement …

It was found that paper sludge tends to be a fibrous admixture, bottom ash tends to replace sand to a certain extent, and fly ash is a replacement for cement. The cement industry is mugging up several dares, like bankrupting fossil fuel reserves, lack of raw materials, and an endlessly rising appeal for cement and concrete [14], [15] .

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