The first campaign was carried out using an existing copper slag flotation circuit in the plant. During the second campaign (2017), a circuit for sulfide ore flotation with an additional columnar flotation cleaning stage was evaluated. Results showed an improvement in metallurgical parameters on the second campaign (including improvements in ...
The Slag Floatation Plant included the addition of MCC starters and Variable Speed Drives, two banks of flotation cells, associated tanks and pumping infrastructure as well as field instrumentation, lighting and small power, control panels, cabling and cable support infrastructure.
Consequently, flotation was attempted to recycle Cu in slag containing copper sulphide components. Three key factors affecting flotation were ascertained, namely, grinding …
Slag head samples and flotation products were assayed for total copper, iron, calcium, magnesium and silica by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES) using a standard method. ... The XRD results showed this slag to be the only pilot plant slag containing appreciable levels of oxidised copper in the form of cuprite and ...
However, the application of mixed collectors in copper slag flotation must be established in plant practices. b. Cu values in the slag in the form of oxides do not respond very well to xanthates. Therefore, sulphidation treatment is a prerequisite to slag flotation. Though some collectors like fatty acids, hydroxamates, petroleum sulfonates ...
This study consisted of the physical, chemical, and mineralogical characterization of the copper slag, along with preliminary flotation tests. This article focuses on industrial flotation, which consisted of two oneyear campaigns (2016 and 2017). The first campaign was carried out using an existing copper slag flotation circuit in the plant.
flotation models are linked. For example, a laboratory test conducted on a drill core sample, intended to represent a portion of the orebody, is conducted at a specific grind (represented by a P 80). However, when that ore is actually processed through the plant it may well be (and in many cases most likely will be) at another P 80 ...
In this paper, the results of the study of application of thionocarbamates in copper slag flotation are presented. Chemical analysis of smelter slag sample obtained from Flotation plant in Bor, Serbia, showed that it contains 3.56% of copper, of which over 73% is in the sulphide form, as well as 0.58 g/t of gold and 11.30 g/t of silver.
In this study, a sodium carbonate combined with mechanical activation enhanced flotation for recovering copper from copper slag was developed. Based on the phase analysis, …
In rougher/scavenger flotation tests on the pilot plant slags total copper recoveries between 80% and 87% were obtained for three of the slag types tested (low copper, high …
Copper smelting slag (CSS) is commonly generated during the smelting process of the copper concentrate, it comprises a range of valuable metals, especially the valuable copper (Cu), possessing the greatest recovery value. Currently, direct flotation is commonly used to recover Cu from CSS, but the Cu recovery rate is usually below 90%.
At a mining operation, a project was designed and implemented to develop a process for controlling lead recovery in the flotation plant. The metallurgical 911 Metallurgist is a trusted resource for practical insights, …
Chemical analysis of smelter slag sample obtained from Flotation plant in Bor, Serbia, showed that it contains 3.56% of copper, of which over 73% is in the sulphide form, as well as 0.58 g/t of ...
The flowsheet of the slag flotation plant adjacent to Aurubis, Pirdop copper smelter is shown in Figure 1. For the aim of the current work, six process streams were sampled using two different sampling set-ups. IMPC 2020: XXX International Mineral Processing Congress, Cape Town, South Africa, 18-22 October 2020
Through the subsequent slag cleaning process, the slag is crushed and submitted to flotation again, but this time the Mo in its oxidized state reports to the tailings and, hence, is deposited on the tailings heap. ... In the second half of the century, production was restarted and a flotation plant was installed, which recruited material from a ...
For this purpose, it uses existing flotation line (mill section B) for copper slag processing in the Bor flotation plant. The projected capacity of the copper slag processing is 340.000 tons per year with an average copper content of about 2 %. This amount of copper slag will be obtained from 290.360 tons/ year from the Flash process technology ...
This review summarizes and analyzes the main reasons for the flotation process of coal gasification slag from three aspects (the flotation basis of minerals, difficult flotation, and difficulty of selection). ... and it has been in the stage of large–scale testing and plant construction. The gravity shaker [30], ...
Possibilities for minimizing copper losses in converter slags include: (4) treatment of the slag by flotation. Flotation appeared to offer the most promise for economical recovery of the copper. The Bureau of Mines made flotation and grindability tests on three converter slags …
PDF | On Jan 1, 2015, Vesna Ljubojev and others published Mineralogical characteristics of slag (from the Flotation plant of RTB Bor) granulated in the laboratory conditions | Find, read and cite ...
At this work, the processing of waste after flotation of copper production slag to obtain iron oxide pigment is presented. Based on the results of the experiments, the influence of various factors ...
This article focuses on industrial flotation, which consisted of two oneyear campaigns (2016 and 2017). The first campaign was carried out using an existing copper slag flotation circuit in the plant.
The copper recoveries realized in the plant are much lower than expected and it has been postulated that some copper minerals may be occurring in forms that are more difficult to float like oxides or fine disseminations in the gangue matrix. ... Converter slag; Copper recovery; Degradation; Flotation; Materials characterization; Materials ...
Coal gasification fine slag is a solid waste of difficult-to-separate nature. In this study, the residual carbon was enriched from fine slag by conventional flotation. The optimal flotation results in the concentrates yield of 59.01%, the concentrates ash content of 37.64%, and the flotation perfect index of 41.12%, respectively.
plant (Slag Mill Plant) for liberation and recovery of copper. This work focuses on optimizing the recovery of copper minerals in copper smelter slags by means of froth flotation.
Metal Losses to the Slag in Smelting and Converting. 80% of the copper produced from ores worldwide originates from sulfide ores. The copper concentrate which results from flotation of the ore is typically smelted and converted to blister copper [].During smelting S and Fe are oxidized, where SiO 2 is added to form a liquid ferric or ferrous silicate slag.
Chemical analysis of smelter slag sample obtained from Flotation plant in Bor, Serbia, showed that it contains 3.56% of copper, of which over 73% is in the sulphide form, as well as 0.58 g/t of ...
Copper slag flotation was studied on an industrial scale at a concentrator plant in the region of Atacama, Chile. This study consisted of the physical, chemical, and mineralogical characterization of the copper slag, along with preliminary flotation tests. This article focuses on industrial flotation, which consisted of two oneyear campaigns (2016 and 2017).
Slag by Flotation Process Jiaqi Fan, Hongxu Li, Liangtian Wei, Chao Li and Shi Sun Abstract Aiming at the recovery of copper from smelting slag, a flotation ... calcium-ferrite-based slags made in continuous pilot plant smelting trials. Miner. Eng. 17(4), 495–504 (2004) 5. K. Maweja, T. Mukongo, I. Mutombo, Cleaning of a copper matte ...
This work involved visiting plants that are processing copper slag using froth flotation and analysing their flow sheets and operating strategies. Samples collected from the slag dumps were subjected to mineralogical analyses, laboratory grind tests and flotation tests. The prevalence of sulphide-type phases in the slag made it possible to ...
In this study, flotation was applied to copper slag with 0.9% Cu grade. Copper recovery and concentrate grade were found as around 40 and 22.7% Cu, respectively. Further, metal extractions were ...