Anaconda Copper Mining Company records

In 1910 the Anaconda Copper Mining Company took over most of the other companies in the Amalgamated Copper Company, all Amalgamated subsidiaries becoming departments within Anaconda. ... #622 Mining engineering: sand fillings . 1951-1960 : 84 / 5 #661.26 Chemicals: mercury, Sulphur Bank Quicksilver Mine (Lake County, California) 1926 :

Directory of Arizona's Active Mines-FY2021

AZGS' Open-File Report 'Directory of Active Mines in Arizona: FY2021' documents 433 active, full-time mines or development projects in the state of Arizona. Mines come in all shapes and sizes, from small sand and gravel operations providing materials for local road maintenance and construction to the large open-pit copper mines, such as Morenci and Ray.

2. Mining Methods

Open pit mining is a technique used to extract copper ore near the earth's surface. Open pit mining is the most widely used technique of mining copper today. It is accomplished by creating and using benches or terraces to gradually reach deeper under the earth's surface. Underground mining is used when the copper ore is not near the earth's ...

A Historical Look At Copper Mining Stampsands …

By the end of the copper mining boom, the operation of various mines in the region deposited a total of roughly half a billion tons of stamp sands throughout the Keweenaw Peninsula.

Environmental Impacts of Mining in the Keweenaw

The main byproducts of copper mining in the Keweenaw were waste rock piles from the mines, tailings from the stamp mills and slag piles from the smelters. Waste rock piles, locally called poor rock, once dotted the landscape, …

The Effect of Copper Tailings Sand on the …

Concrete materials are widely used in engineering projects, with fine aggregates (sand) being a key component currently in short supply. Copper tailings sand, a waste by-product of copper mining, accumulates in large …

Natural sand substitution by copper mine waste rocks for …

Copper mine waste rocks were collected from the waste rock piles deposited near the "Blieda" mining site located in the south-eastern of the Bou Azzer-El Graara SE of the Bou Azzer-El Graara buttonhole as shown in Fig. 1. The site coordinates are N 30°21′39,57″, W 6°27′39,37″, alt. 1330 m, Morocco. ... The global annual demands ...

Copper Mining Solid Waste as Replacement Aggregate of River Sand …

The present study investigates the feasibility and efficiency of river sand replacement with copper mine tailing waste as fine aggregate in cement mortar. The scope of the present study includes durability, microstructure, and morphology of mortar mixes created by different percentages replacing copper tailing. The study ranges from 0% to 50% ...

Natural sand substitution by copper mine waste rocks for …

Copper mine waste rocks were collected from the waste rock piles deposited near the "Blieda" mining site located in the south-eastern of the Bou Azzer-El Graara ... flexural and splitting tensile strength tests were performed in order to determine the effect of the replacement of sand by mining waste on the mechanical properties of C25 ...

Geoheritage: Stamping Through History | Michigan Tech …

USGS scientists returned in August, 2021, to map an area of Lake Superior that has been - and continues to be - greatly impacted by a legacy of copper mining in the region. Millions of tons of waste material from the mines, …

Mining industry in Spain

Regarding the different mineral resources extracted, quarry stones like sand and gravel, limestone, gypsum, ... Copper mine production volume in Spain 2011-2021.

Keweenaw County Historical Society

The EPA office in Duluth has found that stamp sands in Gay and the Big Traverse Bay are lethal to several macroinvertebrates such as midges, blackworms, water flea, and diporeia. The death of any one of these species can severely impact …

A Historical Look At Copper Mining Stampsands and Buffalo Reef

Coarse, black stamp sands were created as a by-product of the milling work, which were dumped into Lake Superior and on the shore at the stamp mill site. Likely unforeseen during this period of copper mining development, the stamp sands would later cause significant problems for valuable natural and economic resources in the Copper Country.

$10M for EGLE targets 'stamp sands' threat to …

The sands – a vestige of long-ago Upper Peninsula copper mining – now threaten one of the lake's vital spawning grounds for whitefish and lake trout. The jetty also will serve as a base of operations for work to halt and undo …

Does sand mining affect the remobilization of copper and …

With the development of the protection law of the Yangtze River, the sand mining industry along the Jialing River has been controlled over the past two years, but problems caused by illegal sand mining still frequently occur. Copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn) are the two main heavy metal pollutants in the mid-upstream section of the Jialing River, as ...

What is mined in Arizona | Lowell Institute for Mineral …

These minerals are also currently produced as byproducts of copper mining. Learn more About Metal Mining in Arizona. Energy minerals: uranium. Clockwise from top left: Kayenta coal mine (Mark Henle/The Republic), Canyon uranium mine site, electrified city ... #1 and molybdenum - #3 round out the top 5). Arizona sand and gravel production was ...

Gay Stamp Sands | Michigan Tech Research …

In Gay, Michigan, a large metal-rich 'halo' exists in sediments around the Keweenaw Peninsula, a consequence of past copper mining.

Keweenaw County Historical Society

Gay's industrial heritage of native copper milling and the lessons learned from stamp sand production and its environmental effect resonate through all historic mining communities in the …


We mine copper sustainably to energise the future. Motheo, our new, modern processing hub in Botswana. Delivering real benefits to our people and our host communities. 19 December 2024. Sandfire America reports high …

Application of steel slags, ferronickel slags, and copper mining …

Copper mining is a massive industry in the Southwest, ... Copper slag as sand replacement for high performance concrete. Cement and Concrete Compos., 31 (7) (2009), pp. 483-488, 10.1016/j.cemconcomp.2009.04.007. View PDF View article View in Scopus Google Scholar. Aljerf, 2015. L. Aljerf.

Copper-rich "Halo" off Lake Superior's Keweenaw

During the Native Copper Mining Era (1844–1968) on the Keweenaw Peninsula of Michigan, ... The Ponar samples, while inadequate to calculate the stamp sand or copper inventory in Keweenaw Bay north of Sand Point, strongly suggest that a large reservoir of stamp sands persists broadly and relatively close to the sediment surface (Fig. 7). This ...

Stamp Sands

At the mine site, poor rock is separated from ore. The ore is then transported to the stamp mill, often miles away (Gay is about 11 miles from Mohawk). At the mill the rock is crushed to a fine size, in order to separate the minerals. Copper is much heavier than other minerals so it can be separated by gravity.

Synergistic remediation of copper mine tailing sand by …

Biological soil crusts (BSCs) could strengthen soil particles, increase soil nutrients, and reduce soil erosion.However, available information on stabilizing mine tailing sand by induced BSCs is lacking. In this study, a native microalgae (i.e., Coelastrella sp.) and two fungi (i.e., Aspergillus sp. and Penicillium sp.) isolated from Cu mine tailing sand were inoculated onto the …

Copper, fjords, reindeer and controversy: inside Norway's new arctic mine

In February, the Norwegian Government approved construction of a controversial copper mine in Kvalsund, Finnmark, more than 400km above the Arctic Circle, despite years of opposition from indigenous Sami herders and fishermen. We look at the potential and consider the impact on the environment and local communities.

"Impact of copper mine tailings (stamp sand) on survival …

Heavy metal-rich copper mine tailings, called stamp sands, were dumped by mining companies directly into streams and along the Lake Superior shoreline, degrading Keweenaw Peninsula waterways. One of the largest disposal sites is near Gay, Michigan, where tailings have been moved along the shoreline by currents since mining ceased. As a result, the …


COPPER PROCESSING and STAMP SANDS. Originally a logging launch site, Gay became part of an expanding and profitable copper mining empire when the Wolverine and Mohawk Mining Companies built their mills in Gay, on the shores of Lake Superior. The Wolverine mine and mill opened around 1900. Within a few years, the Stanton interests from New York ...

Keweenaw County Historical Society

Copper Mining at Gay- The Legacy: Living with the Effects. Central. Exploring Central – The Central Mine and The Central Mining Company ... Composed of various sized stones and boulders deposited by glaciers, the reef has been …


Stamps sand refers to the regional colloquialism for the mine-tailing byproducts generated from copper (Cu) ore processing mills located in Michigan's Keweenaw Peninsula.

Mapping the Stamp Sands of Lake Superior | U.S.

Large amounts of waste material, called "stamp sands," from copper mining were dumped into the lake at many locations in the early 20 th century, with wide-reaching consequences that have continued into the …

Material World: The Six Raw Materials That Shape Modern …

The six characters are sand, salt, iron, copper, oil, and lithium. Ed maps the fascinating material revolution with the critical energy transitions that have enabled us to evolve as a civilization continuously. If you want to have a deeper appreciation of the world around you, read this book, no matter what your profession.A couple of great ...

Ecuador, Colombia and Peru Snapshot: Eight …

El Domo has proven and probable open pit reserves of 6.5 million tonnes at 1.93% copper, 2.52 grams gold per tonne, 46 grams silver per tonne, 2.49% zinc and 0.2% lead.

Stamp Sands Revisited: USGS Science Centers Team Up to …

USGS scientists returned in August, 2021, to map an area of Lake Superior that has been - and continues to be - greatly impacted by a legacy of copper mining in the region. Millions of tons of waste material from the mines, locally known as "stamp sands", were dumped into coastal waters along the Keweenaw Peninsula of Michigan during the early 20th century.

Mapped: US mineral production, by state

This includes metals like copper, iron ore, and zinc, along with construction sand, stone, cement, and other industrial minerals. With such high demand, changes in the production of these ...

Copper Sand

Copper Sand Stone. Item. Patch 2.0 ... Acquired from 1-hour Mining Exploration Venture. Venture Mining Exploration Venture (Retainer Level 11) Acquired from Desynthesis Item Skill Brass Loach: Copperfish: Recipes using Copper Sand Item Skill

Copper Tailing

As copper tailings appear in ground form, the grading of copper tailings reported by Gupta and Thomas (2013) and Nitish et al. (2013) has a sizeable silt fraction of 0.06–0.002 mm. Copper tailings are considered to be finer than CS, which usually has a dominant sand fraction. Table 6.5 compares the geotechnical properties of copper tailings to those of CS, which have been …

Conflicted Over Copper: How the Mining Industry Developed Around Lake

Copper stamp mines crushed the copper out of the surrounding rock and produced massive amounts of sand, or tailings. "Iron waste was less toxic than copper tailings, but the refining process added significant quantities of mercury to the watershed," environmental historian Nancy Langston wrote in " Sustaining Lake Superior: An ...

Mapping the Stamp Sands of Lake Superior | U.S.

This article is part of the December 2018-January 2019 issue of the Sound Waves newsletter.. Large amounts of waste material, called "stamp sands," from copper mining were dumped into the lake at many locations in the early 20 th century, with wide-reaching consequences that have continued into the present day. Mapping was focused offshore of the …

Lake Superior mining waste pollution fix will cost billions

A new Buffalo Reef Task Force report estimates it will cost several billion dollars to remove 12.7 million cubic yards of copper mining waste called stamp sands which are slowly smothering an ...

Showcasing the DNR: A historical look at copper mining stamp sands …

Coarse, black stamp sands were created as a by-product of the milling work, which were dumped into Lake Superior and on the shore at the stamp mill site. Likely unforeseen during this period of copper mining development, the stamp sands would later cause significant problems for valuable natural and economic resources in the Copper Country.

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