Assess supply chain sustainability risks with our guide

Supply chain sustainability risk management is a regular, "always-on" activity. Social and environmental risk levels are strongly influenced by global events evolving across weather, politics and economics. Make sure someone in your business has the time and skills to carry out regular risk assessment and to review the analysis as things ...

ISM® Supply Chain Assessments

ISM Supply Chain assessments can be used to measure organizational capability and talent capability, combining perspectives of both your talent and maturity data provide powerful insights to elevate positive impact in your organization.


to assess the supply chain resilience, being in this way consistent, through its measurement, with the growth of contemporary supply chain challenges [5]. The article is arranged as follows: first, it explains the background and frame of resilience and the supply chain, the chapter four introduces the assessment model to measure the resil-

Global Semiconductor Industry Policies and Supply Chain …

Global Semiconductor Industry Policies and Supply Chain Ecosystems Analysis Report 2024: Assess Manufacturing Environments Across 6 Critical Dimensions, Helping Market Leaders Make Informed Decisions

Risk assessment in supply chains: a state-of-the-art review of

The year 2020 can be earmarked as the year of global supply chain disruption owing to the outbreak of the coronavirus (COVID-19). It is however not only because of the pandemic that supply chain risk assessment (SCRA) has become more critical today than it has ever been. With the number of supply chain risks having increased significantly over the last …

Review of metrics to assess resilience capacities and actions …

Several literature reviews on supply chain resilience (SCR) have investigated definitions, quantification methods, and resilience actions. Among existing definitions of SCR, there is little consensus regarding terminologies and the various aspects that 'resilience' may comprise (Han et al., 2020, Hohenstein et al., 2015, Kamalahmadi and Parast, 2016, Poulin …

Supply Chain Effectiveness Assessment

Identify all components of your supply chain (organization, systems, suppliers, technology, processes, management) from raw material providers to the end user and determine how they …

How to measure Supply Chain Performance

Figure 2 shows how Best-in-Class Lean Six Sigma Supply Chain organizations compare against their peers with respect to some key performance areas. In this article we will introduce 16 Supply Chain Performance Indicators an organization should consider when establishing a measurement system for their end-to-end Supply Chain processes.

Supply Chain Management (SCM): How It Works & Why It's …

Supply chain management (SCM) is the management of the flow of goods and services, including all the processes of turning raw materials into final products.

Supply Chain Risk Assessment

Assess your cybersecurity supply chain risk management strategy, capabilities and controls. Minimize the threat of vendor-based supply chain attacks that could disrupt your business and put your reputation at risk.

Supply Chain Assessment Services

The first step of improving your Supply Chain Design is to conduct a Supply Chain Assessment. Our Assessment uses the Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) Model and other key …

Guide to Conducting Supply Chain Assessments Using …

As a guide to conducting supply chain assessments with the Logistics System Assessment Tool (LSAT) and the Logistics Indicators Assessment Tool (LIAT), this document is meant to …

A practical approach to supply-chain risk management

Step 2: Build a supply-chain risk-management framework. Every risk in the register should be scored based on three dimensions to build an integrated risk-management framework: impact on the organization if the risk materializes, the likelihood of the risk materializing, and the organization's preparedness to deal with that specific risk.

Supply Chain Analysis | 2024 Comprehensive …

Supply chain analysis, or supply chain optimization, maps production processes to assess product flows (physical and monetary) and evaluate the overall usage of time and resources. In return, this assessment …

Managing ESG Issues in Global Supply Chains | BCG

After tracing each supply chain from end to end, the company should assess trade flows as well as the countries and suppliers involved. It will then be able to identify the potential ESG risks that form the basis on which it can calculate risk scores.

Measure cycle time in KNIME & assess supply chain efficiency

Supply chains are efficient when processes are completed in the minimum time possible. Cycle time is a vital measure to assess supply chain efficiency.. It's the time it takes for a process to be completed and it describes the different steps of a product within a supply chain.

Supply chain model to assess the feasibility of incorporating …

The specific objectives of the study are to (i) develop a mathematical model for designing a bioenergy supply chain, that tracks quality as biomass flows through the network, (ii) taking quality into consideration, assess the benefits of incorporating a terminal in biomass feedstock supply chains and (iii) determine the conditions under which a ...

Supply Chain Maturity Assessment | ASCM

Assess your supply chain's maturity. The ASCM Supply Chain Maturity Assessment is a free, SCOR-based assessment that provides a high-level view of supply chain maturity across the seven SCOR process areas. The assessment provides an excellent starting point for an organizations supply chain transformation journey, It also helps to identify ...


The School tracks your progress over time, so you can repeat the assess-learn-reassess cycle for continuous learning. ... What is the Supply Chain Sustainability School and what does it do? Read about us. Find out more. Become a member. Join the school now for FREE and take advantage of our assessment tool, events and thousands of online resources.


NUCLEAR SUPPLY CHAIN DOE Should Assess Circumstances for Using Enhanced Procurement Authority to Manage Risk What GAO Found As of May 2016, the Secretary of Energy had not used the enhanced . procurement authority, and the Department of Energy (DOE) had not developed . processes for using the authority, as it had not fully assessed the ...

Assessing The Supply Chain | What You Should …

Conducting a thorough, in-depth assessment of the supply chain enables businesses to identify the main areas of opportunity, as well as, the areas prohibiting growth where significant improvement is needed. In this post, we …

National Supply Chain Assessment (NSCA) Toolkit

The National Supply Chain Assessment is a comprehensive tool kit that assesses the capability and performance at all levels of a health supply chain or can focus on a specific level or site within the system. ... The NSCA is a tool designed to assess capability maturity and key performance indicators of a public health supply chain in ...


Our free Maturity Matrix tool has been designed to help you assess your own, or your company's, current Sustainability, Offsite, Digital, Lean, Procurement, People, FIR and Management strengths, and to identify the areas in which you …

Supply Chain Maturity Assessment | Kinaxis

Where are you on your supply chain orchestration journey? Orchestration is the key to overcoming supply chain challenges. And, it's not a distant goal, but a practical approach within your reach. Take 10 minutes to assess your current state and discover how to create a more synchronized, collaborative supply chain. Assess your maturity

RA-3 (1): Supply Chain Risk Assessment

Control Statement. Assess supply chain risks associated with [Assignment: organization-defined systems, system components, and system services]; and; Update the supply chain risk assessment [Assignment: organization-defined frequency], when there are significant changes to the relevant supply chain, or when changes to the system, environments of operation, or other …

Supply Chain Maturity Assessment | ASCM

The ASCM Supply Chain Maturity Assessment is a free, SCOR-based assessment that provides a high-level view of supply chain maturity across the seven SCOR process areas.

Supply Chain Risk Management

Supply chain disruption take place when one component of your supply chain fails to provide its good or service to the ... the company'ssupply chain •Assess the impact and the recovery time •Consider alternative model and impact on cost and operation Mitigate: Audit on due diligence, supplier management and ...

Fact Sheet: Department of Commerce Announces New …

Launched SCALE Tool: Department of Commerce's Supply Chain Center unveiled a first-of-its kind diagnostic supply chain risk assessment tool—known as SCALE—which …

A Simpler Way to Modernize Your Supply Chain

Most executives believe that digitizing a major corporation's supply chain costs tens of millions of dollars. The assumption is that it will be a massive three- to five-year transformation ...

Commerce Unveils Supply Chain Risk Assessment …

According to a Commerce Department announcement this week, SCALE is a first-of-its-kind tool that can help assess supply chain risk across hundreds of industries. "The tool compares risks across industries and …

With DoD grant, Cornell to enhance semiconductor supply chain

Amid a rise in threats to international semiconductor supply chains, the Brooks Tech Policy Institute (BTPI) has received $3 million in funding from the U.S. Department of Defense to establish the U.S. Semiconductor Research Hub, which will work to assess and improve the resilience of the global interconnected network of semiconductor infrastructure.

A practical approach to supply-chain risk management

supply chain risks and define mitigating actions, improving the resilience and agility of the supply chain. An effective supply-chain risk-management governance mechanism is a cross-functional risk board with participants representing every node of the value chain. It typically includes line managers who double-hat as risk owners for their ...

Supply Chain Strategic Planning: A 5-Step Process + Template

‍Assess the current state of your supply chain: Give your supply chain a check-up! Assess your logistics, supplier reliability, and ability to bounce back from disruptions. Analyze your organizational structure and operating systems. Get input from different perspectives to identify opportunities for improvement and get buy-in from key ...


The cadence and variety of supply chain disruptions are off the charts—from increasingly severe weather events; to raw-material and component availability; to supplier, corporate, or CSR risk. ... Quickly assess the downstream and …

Supply Chain Assessments (Audits)

A GSCI supply chain assessment examines your company's supply chain organization, processes, systems, and metrics, then compares them against industry best practices and benchmarks to determine areas where …

What is a Supply Chain Risk Assessment | CIPS

A supply chain risk assessment is a deep dive into your whole supply chain and on individuals that have a high-risk profile. Here is a summary of steps that will help guide you …

From resilience to satisfaction: Defining supply chain …

Similar in-depth interviews were also conducted with twenty of the largest and most influential actors in the agri-food industry, including SME owners, suppliers, and logistics actors, to identify risks in the agri-food supply chain, assess the relationship between CNs and AFSCRs and between AFSCRs and SCRAs, and assess the priority of agri ...

9 Key Sustainability KPIs for a Sustainable Supply Chain

Reducing supply chain waste, measuring scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions and streamlining transportation processes are among the KPIs that are measured. ... An organisation must assess the recycling rate for materials used in its production and the warehousing process. A recycling rate is defined as the amount of municipal solid waste recycled, reused ...

Assess supply chain sustainability risks with our …

Supply chain sustainability risk management is a regular, "always-on" activity. Social and environmental risk levels are strongly influenced by global events evolving across weather, politics and economics. Make sure someone …

Supply Chain Audit

Overall, supply chain sustainability audits are a critical tool for organizations looking to assess, improve, and communicate their sustainability performance throughout the supply chain. They play a pivotal role in ensuring that supply chain operations align with environmental, social, and ethical sustainability principles.

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