Understanding Spray Tank Mixing Practices

Mixing two or more pesticide products can allow for the treatment of several pests at the same time, improve pesticide performance, and ultimately saving time and money. However, physical and chemical tank mix incompatibilities can occur when combining two or more pesticides. Physical incompatibility is the failure of pesticide products to stay uniformly mixed …

Tips for Your Herbicide Mixing Order

Step 1: Fill spray tank ⅓ full of carrier to be used with tank agitation running.Carriers include water, fertilizer, or combination of each. Step 2: If a glyphosate product will be used, add ammonium sulfate. Step 3: Check the …

WAMLEGS Mixing Chart

WAMLEGS Mixing Chart for Corteva products. Title: WAMLEGS Mixing Chart Created Date: 6/6/2022 9:23:05 AM ...


Metro Turf Specialists has exclusive rights to sell, market, and distribute FISH SH!T in the golf and turf markets in Long Island, New York City, Westchester County, and areas within The Hudson Valley!

Syngenta turf Product –

Syngenta turf Product – - Mixing Sequence Water goes into the clean tank first. Fill the tank at least ½ full and start agitation. Add Water Soluble Bags (WSB) to the tank into clean water before adding any other tank mix partners. Allow the water soluble bags to completely dissolve before adding any other products. Add Wettable ...

Tank Mixing Products Impact More Than What You See.

Mixing Order (WALES Method) 1. Wettable Powders (WP) then flowables (F, DF) 2. Agitate then add adjuvants such as anti-ing compounds, buffers 3. Liquid and Soluble products 4. …

Preparing Spray Solutions: Mixing Order

Before mixing any pesticide always check the pesticide label for instructions on compatibility of two or more pesticides. Some herbicides and carriers require a compatibility agent, some are not compatible with a compatibility agent. Mixing Order Recommendation: Fill the spray tank with one-third of the carrier (water, fertilizer, or mix) to be ...

Tank Mixes | Purdue University Facts for Fancy Fruit

Tank mixtures (or tank-mixing) describes the process where multiple crop protection chemicals are combined in a single tank for simultaneous application. Tank-mixing pesticides allows the grower to make a single application but manage multiple pests AND pesticide resistance issues. All specialty cro

Tank Mixing Guide

Tank mixes can contain multiple products. Getting the mixing order right is important for successful application and products performing at their best

Herbicide Tank Mix Order | Sims Fertilizer & Chemia

In some cases, compatibility of two or more chemicals is based on the order in which they are added to the tank mix. Tank mixing can lead to a variety of mishaps if not done correctly. Being aware of the benefits and risks while following the proper guidelines is critical to ensuring the success of any tank mix procedure and application.

What is the acronym for the mixing order for Herbicides?

Posted 2/24/2024 15:31 (#10638308 - in reply to #10637810) Subject: RE: What is the acronym for the mixing order for Herbicides? SWOH: I was taught the DALES order, which is the same as the WALES order. Roundup and Liberty I always put in as the last of the liquids and try to do those when the tank is almost full so I don't have to mess with ...

Understanding Spray Tank Mixing Practices

and mixing potential of products (Whitford et al. 2014). Incompatibilities will almost always result in reduced pesticide efficacy. Make sure to read all product labels, as they often state the recommended mixing order. If the mixing order is not stated, add pesticides to the tank using the WALES/DALES method (fig. 4). This method

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Agree with WALES or DALES (D=Dry) Dry products need clean water to go into solution properly, (or sometimes pre slurry in 5 gal bucket of water) otherwise can adhere to other products in solution and won't disperse properly. Only change/modification is if glyphosate then add AMS before Glyphos to soften the water or the glyphos will adhere to ...

Ag Chemical Mixing Systems

Ag Chemical Mixing Systems are meant to streamline chemical mixing and shorten fill times and the Praxidyn MixMate is best in field! Mixmate's automation is powered by the Intersect cloud service and utilized through an Android app. ... 1-888-677-5054. Call for Live Order Assistance & Technical Support (7:30am-5pm CST) Account. Account Close ...

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Agree with WALES or DALES (D=Dry) Dry products need clean water to go into solution properly, (or sometimes pre slurry in 5 gal bucket of water) otherwise can adhere to …

The importance of proper tank mixing | GreenCast …

In these instances, follow the WALES method for the recommended order of operations for tank mixing. Before beginning, remember that water should always go into the spray tank before anything else (fill the tank at least one quarter of …

The importance of proper tank mixing | GreenCast | Syngenta

The WALES method Some product labels specify which products can and cannot be tank mixed, but there may be situations where you want to tank mix products that are not listed in either category. In these instances, follow the WALES method for the recommended order of …

Proper Order for Tank Mixing

To avoid back-siphoning of chemicals, there should be no direct connection between the water source and the sprayer tank Properly measure and add the chemicals to the tank. If using different formulations, follow the mixing order above Sometimes it is easier to premix the chemicals into a slurry before adding to the tank


mixing order Growers and contractors applying sprays must understand the different chemical formulations they are using and the required adjuvant for each of the products they intend to mix. This will determine the mixing order of chemicals and the time required between each addition to allow chemicals to completely disperse

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Posted 5/5/2011 22:45 (#1762796 - in reply to #1762768) Subject: Re: Chemical mixing order? St.Clair Co. IL. not sure I do remember seeing the subject covered in a chemical application study guide, but here is what I remember, first charge the water with the AMS then add the powder type chemicals, then what ever is next but I put my glypho. in ...


Fill the tank at least 1⁄2 full and start agitation. Add Water Soluble Bags (WSB) to the tank into clean water before adding any other tank mix partners. Allow the water soluble bags to …

Weed Science Lab Final Flashcards

Tank Mixing Order Click the card to flip 👆 Water Ammonium Sulfate (If Applicable) WALES/DALES W/D- Wettable powders/dry formulation A- Agitation L- Liquid Chemicals/herbicides E- Emulsifiable concentrates S- Surfactants/crop oils Fill the tank up the rest of the way with water

Weeds Exam 2 Flashcards

Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like The factors influencing the mixing, application, and the application equipment used for herbicide application., WALES/DALES method for mixing, Identifying and understanding all safety and operating procedures and needed to tank mixes and herbicides and conditioning chemicals to be applied. and more.


Chemicals can be measured using . syringes, by substituting mL for L/ha and mixing in the same ratio and order as the actual tank mix. Importance of correct . mixing order. Correct mixing order reduces the risk of products interacting in a way . that may reduce their efficacy or affect the stability of the tank mix. The addition of multiple ...

Get the most out of your tank mixes | GreenCast | Syngenta

The WALES method Some product labels specify which products can and cannot be tank-mixed, but there may be situations where you want to tank-mix products that are not listed in either category. In these instances, follow the WALES method for the recommended order of …

Tank Mixing Pesticides: WALES Method

The WALES method of tank mixing chemicals: Fill the spray tank until it is approximately half full; Pre-dissolve and mix wettable powders, water dispersible granules, water soluble packages, and other powdered materials. …

Guidelines for tank mixing

Tank-mixing pesticides is a routine procedure which can reduce the cost of application, enhance the activity of certain products, and widen the range of treatments in a single application. However, mixing must be approached …

The Secret to Tank Mixing Pesticides

Enhanced Efficacy: Proper mixing order prevents clumping, settling, and chemical interactions, thereby maximizing the effectiveness of pesticides and herbicides. When applied uniformly, the active ingredients can target pests, diseases, and nutritional deficiencies more efficiently, leading to improved crop or turf health and yields.

129 Tank Mixing

When preparing a tank mix, it is wise to take a few moments to prepare a record of the following items: • The order in which to mix the products • Prescribed rates per acre or square feet for each product • Capacity of the spray tank • Amount of mix to be applied per acre • Types and rates of any additives • Acres covered per tank

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