For describing and resolving the process of chromium ore smelting reduction in a converter preferably, the coupling dynamic model was established based on the kinetic models of chromium ore dissolution and interfacial reducing reaction between the slag and metal. When 150 t stainless steel crude melts with chromium of 12% are produced in a smelting reduction …
Gain a comprehensive understanding of the exploration, ore extraction, crushing and grinding, beneficiation, roasting and leaching, precipitation and refining, smelting and …
the annals of "dunarea de jos" university of galati fascicle ix. metallurgy and materials science . 1 - 2019, issn 2668-4748; e-issn 2668-4756
To reflect the smelting reduction mechanism more specif-ically, the reasonable reaction models should be developed to describe the process of the smelting reduction. Soykan et al.1) presented a kinetic model that satisfactorily described the solid-state carbothermic reduction of chromite. The model included the contribution of the interfacial area
Overall, the mining and processing of chromium ore require specialized techniques and processes to extract and concentrate chromite, followed by smelting and refining to produce ferrochrome, which is a crucial …
SiO 2, CaCO 3, and Al 2 O 3 powders were purchased from Sinopharm Chemical Reagent Co., Ltd, and Fe 3 O 4 powder was purchased from Aladdin Reagent (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., and the powders were used as raw materials for preparing FeO x-SiO 2-CaO-Al 2 O 3 slag. The purity of the powders was 99.9 wt%, and high-purity Ar was used as flushing gas during …
The smelting of chromite to produce ferrochrome (FeCr) and subsequently, stainless steel, is an energy-intensive carbothermic process. Various countries apply the Outotec FeCr process, …
These technologies, together with the conventional chromite smelting technique, are what this paper aims to discuss. 2. Chromite Smelting Technologies Four primary processes are available for smelting chromite ore to produce ferrochrome. They are: Conventional smelting process, Outokumpu process, DC Arc route, and Premus technology.
Moreover, the smelting operations are highly susceptible to deleterious constituents, particularly chromite; and the increasing tonnages of UG2 chromititic ore being mined results in an increasing chromite content of smelter feeds. Hence there is a substantial incentive to assess and implement alternative processes to smelting for the treatment ...
The chromite ore is crushed and ground into fine particles to facilitate the extraction of chromium. Smelting Furnace: The prepared raw materials are charged into a smelting furnace along with reductants such as coke or charcoal and fluxes such as limestone or dolomite. The furnace is heated to high temperatures, typically around 1600 to 1700 ...
The present smelting and base metals refining capacities in South Africa have a number of limitations and have not seen the use of a novel smelting process for many years. There are limits to the levels of chromite that can be treated using existing furnace technology. In addition to the limited smelting capacity, only the Anglo Platinum and Impala
The feasibility of producing Fe-Ni-Cr crude alloy by direct smelting of chromite and laterite ores from local sources with activated carbon as reducing agent at 1400 o to 1550 o C using graphite crucible under argon atmosphere were conducted in a vertical tube furnace. ... which includes three main operations—calcination, prereduction, and ...
The first industrial implementation of this technology was for the smelting of chromite fines to produce ferrochromium in 1984. Since 1985, process simulation has been carried out using Pyrosim and FactSage software to study this process. Some examples are presented of the mass and energy balances and thermodynamic calculations used for the ...
sbm / sbm chromite refining and chengxinjia 2567a2622d sbm. 18:35:50 +08:00. 28 KiB Raw ...
Ore mining and smelting along with the related industrials activities act as the main sources of toxic metals in various environmental media [1, 2]. Mining involves extracting and utilizing metallic and nonmetallic minerals found in mineral and ore deposits. ... Accompanying the economic values, chromite mining and ore refining processes have ...
Chromite Refining And Smelting Invest Guide Supplier. ... 331492 Secondary Smelting Refining and Alloying of Nonferrous Metal except Copper and Aluminum Metals coverage under Effluent Guidelines Click to enlarge Note The NAICS group listing is provided as a guide and does not define the coverage of the NFMM regulations .
'Chromite concentrate is utilised in the smelting process to make ferrochrome and other alloys that require chromite as a component,' says Moti. 'Once removed from the upper soil layers …
Smelting Methods for Low Carbon Ferrochrome. ... Chromite Refining High Carbon Ferrochrome. When using chromite to refine high carbon ferrochrome, the slag in the refining furnace has high viscosity and a high melting point, requiring very high temperatures. This results in high power consumption, short lining life, and difficulty in reducing ...
About 80% of the worlds' reserves for platinum group metals (PGMs) are in South Africa's Bushveld Igneous Complex. Processing of PGM involves comminution, flotation, smelting, converting, base metals refinery and precious metals refinery. Due to increasing chrome content in the feed and the challenges associated with operating high chrome feed, alternative routes …
During the refining process, it was estimated that approximately one ton of the slag was co-generated with the production of three tons of stainless-steel (Zhang and Hong, 2011). ... Kinetics and mechanism of smelting reduction of fluxed chromite. Part 2. Chromite-flux pellets in Fe–C–Si melts. Ironmak. ... Smelting slags is a well-known ...
While this allows juniors to commence production without having to invest capital in smelting and refining processes, the benefit is offset in the longer term by payments for gross metal value of the concentrate generally being less than 80 per cent of the intrinsic value. ... The chromite-related issues encountered in smelting do not pertain ...
Studies comparing Kell with smelter-refining show economic benefits: capex 18-33% of smelting; opex 51-66%; electricity consumption 13-46%; and environmental benefits: greenhouse gas emissions 57 ...
Reduction Temperature. Xu et al. [] studied the spheronization and reduction catalysis of carbon-containing chrome ore and studied the effect of reduction temperature on the metallization rate.Zambrano et al. [] analysed the effects of reduction temperature and excess reducing agent on ferrosilicon using raw materials (chromite, petroleum coke, Portland …
Refinery Flowsheet SAIMM Colloquium 'Trends in base Metal Smelting and Refining', Johannesburg, April . ... 22 UG Plus International Inc. Patent Dry Chlorination of PGM Bearing Chromite Ores, ...
Conventional magnesia–chromite refractories have been used in the copper-making industry since the 1950s,1 and show good performance in all smelting, converting, and refining furnaces used for pyrometallurgical copper production.2,3,4 Although magnesia–chromite refractories have dominated the copper-making industry and replacements are difficult to find, …
In addi› tion, in view of the complexity of the refining process, the following assumptions are made: 1) The added chromium ores are spherical parti› cles with the same diameter and the particles do not agglomerate. ... A Kinetic Study on Chromite Ore Smelting Reduction [n. Scandinavian Journal of Metallurgy, 1993, 22 (I): 38. [7J ...
Besides various hydrometallurgical production routes, the pyrometallurgical processes involved comprise smelting (i.e., production of a Cu-Ni-Co-Fe matte in electric or flash furnaces), converting and refining (i.e., removal of Fe and S as well as other elements from matte by oxidation). ... An example of a spalled-off magnesia-chromite brick ...
smelting to produce saleable metal. This is typically quoted in US$ per ton of concentrate, and is theoretically a function of the cost of smelting. In practice, it fluctuates as a function of the supply/demand balance in the concentrate market. Refining Charge (RC) – The price paid by the miner to the processor for refining the contained
To reduce the energy consumption in the production of ferrochrome, chromite ore is enriched prior to smelting. In general, chromite ores are enhanced by the gravity separation …
PGMs from high grade chromite ores (containing 200–2000 g/t PGM along with 0.4–2.8% Cr 2 O 3) are conventionally recuperated by matte-smelting-refining process as shown in Fig. 1 [3, 11]. The chromite rich ores are generally processed by conventional flotation in a mill-float-mill-float (MF2) open circuit prior to recovery of PGMs, in order ...
the smelting and refining segment's net sales were ¥565.1 billion (down 12% compared to FY2015) and profits were ¥33.3 billion ... commercialization of chromite. At SMM, we promote a business of synergies from the three businesses of mineral resources, smelting and refining, and materials. Going forward we will work
Prior to commencing chromite mining in the Ring of Fire, baseline studies should be undertaken to determine the possible natural occurrence of Cr(VI) in soils, untreated chromite ore and surface/groundwater, as well as sources thereof. During mining and ore processing, dry milling was identified as the only process step with the potential to generate Cr(VI); therefore, it …
In a method for recovering PGMs and ferrochrome from platinum group metals bearing chromite ore, a concentrate is prepared that contains most of PGMs and chromite of the ore and the concentrate is subjected to a heating step to dry and/or preheat the concentrate, after which the preheated concentrate is smelted under reducing conditions in a DC smelting furnace (14) to …
The details of the smelting, alloys and slag produced were given in the following section. 3.1 Smelting of chromite ore pellets having Cr/ Fe ratio 2.4 Based on the calculation made for the charge mix, smelting reduction of chromite ore pellets containing Cr/ Fe ratio 2.4 were carried out in 100 KVA SAF as shown in figure 3.1.
In copper production magnesia–chromite ("mag-chrome") refractory bricks are typically used to line the smelting, converting and refining furnaces in areas contacting molten matte, metal or slag. Application of other refractory types is largely limited to insulating purposes and the lining of stacks in places where contact with molten ...
The increasing costs of electric energy and thus the need to reduce the energy required to produce ferrochrome from chromite ore have spurred the innovations in the technologies used …
Direct reduction of chromite (DRC) is a promising alternative process for ferrochrome production with the potential to significantly reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions compared to conventional …
The aim of this work is to develop crude Fe–Cr–Ni–N alloy by smelting process of waste chromite ore fines using plasma smelting route. The subject of this work is to study the effect of plasma …
The conventional smelter-based process options are justifiable for high grade, low chromite, large resource and long life-of-mine operations. In the present paper, we review some of the most recent literature on the predominantly hydrometallurgical approaches to PGM extraction. ... by the traditional matte–smelting–refining technique ...