Improved Settling Mechanisms of an Industrial Copper Smelting Slag …

A significant source of copper losses from pyrometallurgical copper extraction is attributed to dissolved and entrained copper in discarded slag. Entrained copper can be recovered via pyrometallurgical slag cleaning in a settling furnace, where the slag viscosity and copper droplet size distribution (CDSD) are critical parameters. Reduced copper losses …

Cleaning of a copper matte smelting slag from a water-jacket furnace …

Cleaning experiments of a copper matte smelting slag from the water-jacket furnace was undertaken by direct reduction in a laboratory-scale electric furnace. The effects of coal-to-slag ratio, w, and the reduction time, t, were considered for two different coal/slag mixing procedures. In the first procedure, metallurgical coal was added to the ...

Development of Electric Furnace Slag Cleaning at …

Electric Furnace Slag Cleaning Tests Furnace Products Metal, % Oxides, % Final Slag, Cu Ph Zn Sn Ni Fe 25.0 0.7 0.5 2.0 12.0 0.2 1.5 60.0 1.8 4.0 0.8 0.2 7.0 0.1 0.2 60.0 Table III. Effect of Limestone on the Copper Content of Slag Cleaned at Constant 2% Coke Level Treatment Residual Cu Content, wt. % Time, h % Limestone: 4 8 10 16

Sustainable and Comprehensive Utilization of Copper Slag: …

From the World Copper Smelter Survey 2004 it can be estimated that at that time 37% of the smelters used electric furnaces for slag cleaning, 26% used ... (2019) Ugrading copper slag cleaning tailings for re-use. Miner Eng 133:35–42. Article CAS Google Scholar Vadillo A, Mostaghel S, Barati M (2019) Air-blast cross-flow atomization of cold ...

Rectangular furnace design and revolutionary DC-slag …

Copper Slag cleaning furnaces are commonly connected to copper smelting units such as Teniente and Noranda converters and Outokumpu flash smelters. The main function of the …

Alternatives of Copper (I) Oxide Reduction in a Copper Slag Cleaning

Hence, the recent trends of copper smelting invariably lead to significant copper loss in slag, which needs to be recovered by means of reduction and settling in a separate slag cleaning furnace. The reduction of Cu 2 O from slags is carried out by adding carbon/coke or by injection of various reductants (e.g., different types of oil or natural ...

Latest results of the slag cleaning reactor for copper …

LATEST RESULTS OF THE SLAG CLEANING REACTOR FOR COPPER RECOVERY 199 The slag velocity is similar. The results of CFD modelling (Figure 3 and 4) for a large furnace show very high slag velocities (up to 0.08 m/s) below the electrode at low magnetic field values (0.01 tesla). The second part of the channel furnace has a


Slag Cleaning Furnace. In this furnace, copper rich oxide slags are melted in electric arc furnaces and coke & copper pyrite are added to reduce copper content in the slag. In order to increase …


The copper slag cleaning in an electric furnace is based on slag reduction and settling of copper matte inclusions. Copper recovery depends on the slag temperature, degree of magnetite …

Minimization of Copper Losses in Copper Smelting Slag …

in many electric slag-cleaning furnaces and in some rotary slag-cleaning furnaces. The ultimate objec-tive of the current work was to evaluate the mini-mum level of soluble copper that can be achieved in electric furnace slag-cleaning operations under conditions when a small layer of molten copper is present.


Kansanshi Copper Smelter began operation in March 2015. The smelter features a single Isasmelt furnace for smelting, one 6-in-line electric furnace for matte-settling and slag-cleaning duties ...

Comprehensive review on metallurgical recycling and …

To decrease the copper loss, a cleaning furnace (e.g. electric slag-cleaning furnace, rotary slag-cleaning furnace) is applied after the pyrometallurgical process, followed by a drain …

(PDF) Water-cooled Tap-hole Blocks

Copper slag tap-hole without a support cooler used in a PGM furnace ... Copper cooling design, installation and operational results for the slag cleaning furnace at Waterval Smelter, Rustenburg ...


Electric slag cleaning furnace, Electrode seal, NovaLance™, SlagFlo™, Top submerged lance furnace ... The lance is currently on site ready for testing on a primary copper smelting TSL furnace. Apart from oxygen enriched air, the lance delivers diesel …

Alternatives of Copper (I) Oxide Reduction in a Copper …

Reduction in a Copper Slag Cleaning Furnace Goran Vukovi´c, Anton Ishmurzin, Juergen Schmidl, Bojan Zivanovi´c, and Bernhard Handle Abstract As environmental, energy saving, and legislation considerations are becoming ever more important, there is evidently a demand for further improve-ment in slag handling and metal recovery practice. The ...


A process is provided for recovering in a slag cleaning furnace the copper from smelting furnace slags discharged from a smelting furnace for copper refinery, said process being characterized in that zinc removed tailings are charged into said slag smelting furnace in an either continuous or discontinuous manner, whereby the copper recovery may be improved and valuable metals …

Copper Smelting Slag Cleaning in an Electric Furnace by Using Waste

Copper slag cleaning in an electric furnace is a critical process for reducing the excessive magnetite (Fe3O4) present in the copper slag to decrease the slag viscosity, which can promote the ...

Mitsubishi Process

Copper matte and slag continuously flow through a chute to the electric slag cleaning furnace for separation by precipitation; the copper matte, at a grade of around 70%, flows continuously through a chute into the converting furnace for converting; the cleaned slag contains 0.6–0.8% copper and is discharged continuously for water quenching.

Electric Slag Cleaning Furnace

With 's Outotec Electric Slag Cleaning Furnace, the cleaning of smelting furnace slag is carried out using surface coke reduction in an electric furnace. The circular or rectangular electric furnace is operated in batches and equipped …

Schematic diagram of the slag cleaning electric furnace.

Copper slag cleaning in an electric furnace is a critical process for reducing the excessive magnetite (Fe3O4) present in the copper slag to decrease the slag viscosity, which can promote the ...

Modelling of copper (I) oxide reduction in a copper slag …

Figure 1: Tuyere and purging plug arrangements in a slag cleaning furnace that are considered in the study. Figure 2: (a) Capillary plug integrated into furnace lining.

Minimization of Copper Losses in Copper …

During the last few decades, the pyrometallurgical processes used for cleaning copper smelting slags have been steadily optimized. The electric furnace or rotary slag-cleaning furnace are now generally used to perform this …

Slag Cleaning: The Chilean Copper Smelter Experience

A series of copper slag cleaning experiments with different WCO dosages along with various temperatures and settling durations was systematically carried out in a laboratory-scale electric furnace.

Matte-slag separation behavior as a function of iron …

In the present study, the copper slag cleaning in an electric furnace, particularly the separation of the matte from the slag during the reduction process, was investigated.

Development, installation, and operation of a full …

In large electric copper slag-cleaning furnaces utilizing insulating linings, campaign lives of six or more years are realistic if consideration is given to each aspect that can degrade the ...

A green method to clean copper slag and rapidly recover copper …

In recent years, pyrometallurgical methods have been utilized to clean the copper slag once it is drained and transferred to the electric slag-cleaning furnace in industry, in which some reducing and vulcanizing agents are added to decrease the viscosity of slag and facilitate the settling of the copper phase [1], [4], [31]. Extensive research ...

Minimization of Copper Losses in Copper Smelting Slag During Electric

The produced slag from each of the two slag blows is transferred to the slag cleaning furnaces (along with flash furnace slag) for cleaning prior to discharge, while the high copper slag from the ...

Slag cleaning reactor for metal recovery in copper production

The new reactor technology can also be used for existing platinum production lines to replace conventional electric slag cleaning furnaces and primary smelters. ... and trends in the copper slag ...

The Submerged Arc Furnace (SAF): State-of-the-Art Metal

The submerged electric arc furnace (SAF) has proven a versatile unit in numerous metallurgical applications for more than a century. Countless innovations have made this furnace type become the most commonly used furnace for increased metal recoveries and slag-cleaning operations. In many applications, SAFs are also employed as primary melting units (e.g., Ni …

Influence of slag composition on reduction control and …

by carbothermic reduction, in the electric slag-cleaning furnaces (ESCF). In the first electric furnace (20 MVA), called the SCF (slag-cleaning furnace), copper oxide is reduced to produce blister copper (98.25% Cu) and slag containing 3 to 5% Cu, 0.78% Co. The slag from the first furnace is transferred to the second


Slag Cleaning Furnace. In this furnace, copper rich oxide slags are melted in electric arc furnaces and coke & copper pyrite are added to reduce copper content in the slag. In order to increase reaction rate, slag is over-heated to produce low viscosity aggressive slag.

Slag treatment solutions for non-ferrous metals

The system also has additional positive effects during the cleaning and settling process, ensuring that the copper content in the cleaned slag is reduced to a minimum. SMS group offers its customers cooling and lining concepts that …

Effects of fluxing conditions on copper smelting slag …

Therefore, it is of great importance to recover copper from copper smelting slag. Slag cleaning processing can be divided into two types. The first is pyrometallurgical reduction and settling, …

Process of Copper Slag Reduction in an Electric Furnace and …

Steinacker, S.R.; Antrekowitsch, J. Kinetic investigation of the electric furnace copper slag treatment. In Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on High-Temperature Metallurgical Processing, Nashville, ... Kempken, J. Rectangular furnace design and revolutionary DC-slag cleaning technology for the PGM industry.

Development of Electric Furnace Slag Cleaning at a Secondary Copper

The use of an electric arc furnace for recovery of metal values from slag generated in a secondary copper smelter has been successfully demonstrated and commercialized. Blast furnace slag containing about 1.5% Cu, 1.0% Pb, 3.5% Zn, 1.0% Ni, 40% FeO and 1.0 opt Ag was retreated to recover better than 75% of the metal values. The addition of limestone and coke was required …

Latest results of the slag cleaning reactor for copper …

This paper highlights a new invention to improve slag cleaning, which shows great potential especially for the copper and nickel with PGM industry. The fundamental principles are …

Copper Smelting Slag Cleaning in an Electric Furnace by …

Copper slag cleaning in an industrial electric furnace commonly reduces the magnetite to < 5 wt pct, which ensures that the slag is in a proper viscosity range for promoting …

Diagnose for valorisation of reprocessed slag cleaning furnace …

The commercial slag is produced in the slag cleaning furnace (SCF), where under high temperature (1250 °C) and reducing atmosphere its remaining copper content (5%, approximately) decrease (below to 1%), and flue dust, mainly enriched of Zn and Pb among other metals, is formed [Seetharaman et al., 2014, Schlesinger et al., 2011].

Magnetohydrodynamic Copper Slag Cleaning

The future challenge for copper smelters is to increase metal yield by reducing copper losses and valorizing the slag as a marketable by-product. This can be achieved through further slag cleaning in a conventional submerged arc furnace (SAF) where remaining metallic oxides are reduced, and metal droplets have more settling time. Nevertheless, a significant …


Tenova Pyromet has developed innovative technologies for copper smelting and electric slag cleaning furnaces. Based on client feedback and requirements, innovative designs have been developed...

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