Pressed non-fired bricks from phosphogypsum waste for non-load bearing wall

The phosphogypsum (factory .Over 6 million tons of PG is produced per annum in India and poses various environmental and storage problems. Out of these some quantities are utilized for of production of ammonium sulphate and few for other uses, there is accumulated stock of PG) is the industrial waste by-product produced in various industries like fertilizer industry, phosphate …

Environmental Impact of Phosphogypsum-Derived Building …

In this way, it is possible to determine how the most hazardous components of phosphogypsum behave during procedures until their stabilization through CO 2 fixation. This study provides an initial estimate of the possibilities of reusing the resulting products from a health and safety risk …

Radiological characterization of phosphate rocks, phosphogypsum …

Additionally, the radiological parameters such as the gamma radiation hazard index, the internal and external hazard index as well as the outdoor and indoor absorbed gamma dose rates. The corresponding annual effective dose rates and the total excess lifetime cancer risk (ELCR) were also estimated to discuss the radiological hazard.

Phosphogypsum Stacks: Formation, Risks, and Remediation

Phosphogypsum stacks, byproducts of phosphate fertilizer production, have garnered attention due to their environmental and health implications. These mounds are primarily composed of gypsum but contain impurities that pose risks. Their management is important for minimizing potential hazards.

Assessment of Natural Radioactivity in Phosphogypsum …

The internal hazard index was employed to evaluate the internal exposure to 222Rn and its daughter products, and its estimation was conducted using the following equation (Morsy et al. 2012): H in ¼ A Ra 185 þ A Th 259 þ A K 4810 ð6Þ Both indices must have a value below unity to maintain the risk at a negligible level. This threshold ...

Consecutive pozzolanic layerings to depress internal-sulfate …

Given the excessive presence of phosphogypsum with an original deeper coloration [81] in the core PCBAs, it is hypothesized that these dark bands represent internal substances migration out and contaminating the matrix, accompanying the release of the internal curing water [55]. Nonetheless, these images present differences in the width of the ...

Advantages and disadvantages of using phosphogypsum as …

Radiological hazard indices such as the radium-equivalent activity (Raeq), the gamma index (I γ ) alpha index (I α ), the absorbed gamma dose rate (D in), and the corresponding annual effective ...

Study on the Mechanical Properties of Cast-In-Situ Phosphogypsum …

Internal Exposure Index/I Ra ... Using cast-in-situ phosphogypsum as a wall material for buildings can consume a large amount of pollutants and improve the efficiency of building construction. The strength of the phosphogypsum material is an important mechanical parameter in engineering applications, and its mechanical properties are the main ...

Study on the Mechanical Properties of Cast-In-Situ …

The results show that when the strain of the specimen is close to the peak strain, the cast-in-situ phosphogypsum has brittle properties and rapidly fails, where the failure state is …

A review on the environmental impact of phosphogypsum …

Here we provide an overview and evaluation of the geochemical and radiological hazardous risks associated with the different uses of PG. In this review, we show that NPs are …


The phosphogypsum-based light plastering gypsum for the hollow internal mold metal mesh wall comprises, by mass, 50-450 parts of a gypsum high-strength agent, 50-450 parts of a gypsum water-resistant agent, 50-120 parts of sodium bentonite, 50-250 parts of vitrified micro bubbles or 50-200 parts of calcined ceramic particles, 50-200 parts of an anti-sagging agent, 1800 parts of …

The Development of a New Phosphogypsum-Based …

Wet natural phosphogypsum (PGF) was directly obtained from the slag heap of the Tunisian Chemical Group M'dhilla Plant (Gafsa, Tunisia). The washed phosphogypsum (PGW) was obtained by washing the PGF; this was placed in a large sieve and washed several times until the wash water obtained a neutral pH (between 6.7 and 7).

Radium equivalent activity (Ra eq ), external hazard index (H …

The internal hazard index, external hazard index, and radioactivity level index of the investigated fertiliser samples were found as 0.56 ± 0.034, 0.54 ± 0.08 and 0.69 ± 0.10, respectively.

(PDF) Correction to: Phosphate, phosphoric acid and phosphogypsum …

The internal and external hazard index has been determined where the internal hazard index was 0.013-0.023 while the external hazard index was 0.006-0.012 which is below the maximum hazard index ...

Review Article Recent research in utilization of …

About 85% of all PG is often dumped into massive mounds without being processed, exposing it to occupying a large area of land, weathering processes, causing significant harm …

Environmental Impact of Phosphogypsum-Derived Building …

Schemes of both chemical processes. 2.1. Procedure A 2.1.1. Synthesis. Lime putty was obtained by using the Cárdenas–Escudero method [], with some modifications to scale the generation of by-products.In the first stage, 300 g of PG was suspended in 500 mL of distilled H 2 O under magnetic stirring. To this suspension, 180 g of NaOH in a 9 M solution was slowly added to …

Phosphogypsum Sheathing Panels Study on Lateral …

phosphogypsum emissions can reach 100-280 Mt per year [2-4]. The world phosphogypsum stockpile will reach 2 ~ 2.5×1011t in 2030. However, the low utilization rate of phosphogypsum is a worldwide problem, and only 15 % of phosphogypsum is recycled. Most unused phosphogypsum is piled in low-lying pits or other land.

Determination of internal and external hazard index of …

The highest radioactivity in the sample was 5.808 Bq/L from K-40 and the lowest was 0.103 Bq/L from Bi-214. The internal and external hazard index has been determined where the internal hazard index was 0.013-0.023 while the external hazard index was 0.006-0.012 which is below the maximum hazard index value based on UNSCEAR which is ⩽ 1.

Recycling phosphogypsum to produce artificial lightweight …

As a typical industrial solid waste, phosphogypsum (PG) is a by-product of wet-process phosphoric acid industry. Approximately 4–6 tons of PG is generated for producing 1 ton of phosphoric acid (Wu et al., 2022).According to the statistics, more than 300 million tons of PG are produced each year in the world, and about 30% of which are produced in China.

Durability assessment of a confinement cut-off wall for a …

mixtures to be used for a cut-off wall to isolate a phosphogyp-sum landfill and the very acidic leachate of the landfill. 2 SITE DESCRIPTION AND REMEDIATION DESIGN The phosphogypsum landfill, located in Sicily (Italy), is about 55 hectares wide with a maximum thickness of 10 m; a total volume of about 4.000.000 m3 of phosphogypsum has been dis-

Application of machine learning algorithm in the …

the calculated internal and external risks in phosphogypsum were more ... 3.1. Internal hazard index (Hin) Thoron and radon, two short-lived isotopes, release alpha particles

Radiological hazard assessment for building materials …

The mean activity concentrations of 226Ra, 232Th, and 40K in Eshidiya phosphogypsum samples were measured as 351.4 ± 23.4, 3.8 ± 0.3, and 120.7 ± 8.3 Bq kg−1, respectively. The results show that the mean values of activity concentration of 226Ra, 232Th, and 40K are in the lower range of typical values reported for phosphogypsum samples …


PRESSED NON-FIRED BRICKS FROM PHOSPHOGYPSUM WASTE FOR NON-LOAD BEARING WALL Lassaad Ajam1,2 2and Zied Kammoun 1. University Université de Tunis El Manar, Ecole Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Tunis, LR-03-ES05 Laboratoire de Génie Civil,1002, Tunis, Tunisia; [email protected] 2. Université de Carthage, Institut Supérieur des …

Phosphate, phosphoric acid and phosphogypsum natural …

The concentrations of 238U, 226Ra, 232Th and 40K maintained in phosphate rock (PR), phosphoric acid (PA) and phosphogypsum (PG) samples and its possible radiation hazards, have been measured. The radionuclides in phosphate rock have been redistributed unsymmetrically between phosphoric acid and phosphogypsum during the production process. …

Production Waste Management: Qualitative and Quantitative

Phosphogypsum (PG: CaSO4·2H2O) is a waste product (or by-product) from the production of phosphoric acid, the main component in the production of concentrated simple and complex fertilizers.

Properties, Purification, and Applications of Phosphogypsum…

Phosphogypsum (PG) is a by-product produced during the wet process of phosphoric acid (H3PO4) production from natural phosphate rocks. Approximately 4–6 tons of PG is produced per ton of phosphoric acid production, where worldwide PG generation exceeds 300 million tons annually. The vast majority of produced PG is discarded irresponsibly, leading to …


[House Hearing, 108 Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] PHOSPHOGYPSUM: SHOULD WE JUST LET IT GO TO WASTE? PARTS 1 AND 2

Consecutive pozzolanic layerings to depress internal-sulfate …

The preparation of high-strength phosphogypsum aggregates (HPA) was explored in this study by the compaction–fragmentation–grinding–hydration process from mixture of PG GGBS OPC dry powders.

Rare earth elements characterization associated to the …

This is the first study on the behavior and industrial fluxes of rare earth elements (REE) in the coastal fertilizer plants of Gabes (south-eastern Tunisia), the economic losses related to their wastes, and their environmental and human health hazards. The concentrations of 16 REE were assessed in phosphate rock (PR), phosphogypsum (PG) and phosphogypsum …

Determination of internal and external hazard …

The internal and external hazard index has been determined where the internal hazard index was 0.013-0.023 while the external hazard index was 0.006-0.012 which is below the maximum hazard index ...

Recovery and recycling core of phosphogypsum: …

Phosphogypsum (PG) is a general industrial solid waste produced by the production of the wet-process phosphoric acid chemical enterprise. According to the chemical equation: (Cao et al., 2022) CaF(PO 4) 3 + 5 H 2 SO 4 →3 H 3 PO 4 + 5CaSO 4 ·2 H 2 O+HF, it could be inferred that each production of 1ton phosphoric acid will produce about 5 tons PG (Zhou et al., …

E-DOCKET: EPA-HQ-OAR-2020-0442

The technical review concludes that for a road built using phosphogypsum in the manner described in the TFI risk assessment, the lifetime risks of fatal cancer to road users, …

Radiation hazard indices in the application of …

BJRS BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF RADIATION SCIENCES 07-03 (2019) 01-13 ISSN: 2319-0612 Accepted: Radiation hazard indices in the application of phosphogypsum mixtures as a building material ...

Compressive performance of non-fired phosphogypsum …

This study investigates the possible use of phosphogypsum, a substantial byproduct of phosphate fertilizers, as a green building material. With an estimated yearly …

Gypsum Stacks: Formation, Composition, and Environmental …

These metals originate from the phosphate ore and pose potential environmental hazards, especially when exposed to water. The solubility of gypsum can facilitate the …

Radiation hazard indices in the application of phosphogypsum …

Phosphogypsum (PG), a by-product from the phosphoric acid industry, is being worldwide stockpiled, posing environmental problems. Viability of the PG safe re-use in civil construction has been studied, as PG can contain natural radionuclides in

Radiation hazard indices in the application of phosphogypsum …

Phosphogypsum (PG), a by-product from the phosphoric acid industry, is being worldwide stockpiled, posing environmental problems. Viability of the PG safe re-use in civil construction has been ...

Effect of Phosphogypsum Slag on Properties of Cement …

The preparation and characterization process of cement-phosphogypsum based wall insulation material is shown in Figure 3. Figure 3. Preparation process of cement-phosphogypsum based wall insulation materials First, phosphogypsum was washed, dried, screened and ground, and then 170℃ heat treatment was carried out to obtain phosphogypsum.


In addition to radionuclides, phosphogypsum contains some trace contaminants which may pose health and environmental hazards, such as arsenic, lead, cadmium, chromium, fluorine, zinc, …

Effect of Phosphogypsum Slag on Properties of Cement …

In China, phosphogypsum is mainly treated by stockpiling and landfill, which wastes land resources, and its harmful impurities easily cause serious pollution to the environment. In this …