The chemistry of halite flotation waste of potash processing is the following: NaCl (87.78 mass fraction, %), followed by KCl, CaSO 4, MgCl 2, insoluble residue, H 2 O cryst., Br − [80]. Fine ...
The flotation-based separation of the salt minerals sylvite (KCl), halite (NaCl), carnallite (KCl·MgCl 2 ·6H 2 O) in saturated solutions of electrolytes (KCl–NaCl–H 2 O and MgCl 2 –KCl–NaCl–H 2 O is discussed. The use of special organic polymers and surface-active substances makes it possible to separate, at a high selectivity at normal temperatures, the …
The flotation behavior of halite has been studied using an alkyl-morpholine as collector by some Chinese researchers (Zhang and Song, 2006). They try to explain the adsorption mechanism but the conclusions are uncertain. They also observed that the addition of frother increased the adsorption density as Titkov had observed. Despite successful ...
Briefly, natural sylvite and halite crystals were first polished and rinsed with the brine solutions and then subjected to the same collector pre-treatment as before the flotation test. After that, the brine and crystals were transferred into a thermostatic cell with a glass window and a well-designed air injection system: with a J-shaped ...
Reverse flotation has been used to separate halite (NaCl) impurities from carnallite (KCl·MgCl2·6H2O) for carnallite resources. ... The flotation test results showed that AAT had excellent ...
In order to improve the separation of sylvite and halite in SDIC Xinjiang Lop Nur potash Co. Ltd. (SLNP), in this work, the flotation kinetics of sylvite and halite under different collector …
For each test distilled water containing the desired collector concentration was saturated with the salt to be floated. ... Little experimental work has been reported in the technical literature concerning the separation of sylvite from halite by flotation. Guyer and Perren studied the separation by flotation of 50 pct binary mixtures of NaCl ...
Carnallite recovery by reverse flotation of halite with dodecyl morpholine (DDM) as collector has been applied in industry. Despite successful use in industry, the surface chemistry for halite flotation with DDM collector is not clear. Therefore the major objective of this thesis research was to examine the flotation chemistry in detail and understand the nature of the interaction …
Reverse flotation has been used to separate halite (NaCl) impurities from carnallite ... The flotation test results indicated that BM has a stronger collecting ability for NaCl than that of conventional LM collector. At room temperature (25 °C), BM exhibits a forceful collecting function to NaCl and preeminent selectivity for carnallite.
For kainite-halite ore enriched by direct flotation in the saturated aqueous solution of magnesium chloride with a density of 1284 kg/m ³ and pH 6–7, lower aliphatic amines (C 10 –C 12 ) in ...
A plus 60% K2O product is required and flotation normally will maintain grade at 61 to 62% K2O without difficulty provided thorough desliming is accomplished in the classification. The potash processing flowsheet. In this case the potash mineral, sylvite (KCl), is floated from the sodium chloride, Halite (NaCl). Common Salt or Halite: NaCl
The flotation separation of water-soluble salt minerals has to be conducted under the condition of saturation in brines which represents a challenging but exciting topic of colloid and surface ...
The single-flotation test was conducted by in flotation machine (XFGII, China) with a volume of 100 mL and the impeller speed was set to1900 rpm. The temperature is 25–27 °C, and pH was not adjusted, using a natural pH. The flotation tests were carried out in saturated KCl solution with ODA as the collector because KCl is a soluble salt.
DOI: 10.25018/0236-1493--43-57 Corpus ID: 234141538; Effect of activating treatment of halite flotation waste in backfill mixture preparation @inproceedings{KongarSyuryun2021EffectOA, title={Effect of activating treatment of halite flotation waste in backfill mixture preparation}, author={Ch. Kongar-Syuryun and V. Faradzhov …
The flotation test results showed that PBTCA was an effective sphalerite depressant with good selectivity at board pH range, which could achieve satisfactory separation results. ... in most plants ...
In the flotation process, halite (NaCl) - loaded s rose na to the surface of the pulp and made NaCl to be separated from carnallite ore. The carnallite concentrate was collected, filtered, dried, weighed and measured the ur contents of NaCl and KCl in it. The diagrammatic sketch of flotation behavior with Jo using BMTB or TDM as the ...
Amines are widely used for flotation of sylvite (KCl) from halite (NaCl) and insoluble materials such as clays. Amine collector is also absorbed by clays. Therefore, clays are usually separated by scrubbing and de-sliming prior to flotation. Alternatively, slimes can be floated ahead of potash flotation. Flotation recoveries of sylvite are ...
Wang et al. utilized alkyl morpholine as the halite collector in the reverse flotation of halite from carnallite, with a grade of KCl in the final product of 86–92% (Wang et al., 2014). ... result demonstrated that SDBS was an efficient picromerite collector for the flotation separation of picromerite and halite. Adsorption test results also ...
Therefore, the flotation test is the most direct way to identify whether an association between the mineral surface and the collector is built, providing valuable information for …
Practical design considerations such as flotation time, type, number and size of flotation cells, and the means of froth transport are all important and appropriate test work can guide decisions on all these factors. Keywords: Base metals, Flotation, Test …
The potash ore for laboratory flotation tests was acquired from Qinghai Salt Lake Industry Group Company in China. The samples were mainly composed of 71.32% halite, 24.97% sylvite, 2.94% clayey-carbonate impurities and 0.77% gypsum by …
The flotation separation of sylvite (KCl) and halite (NaCl) had drawn much attention, but the mechanism is still controversial. In this work, the atomic insights into the flotation separation of KCl and NaCl was conducted using molecular dynamics simulation (MDs). A novel concept that the hydration layer on minerals surface has been introduced.
In order to improve the separation of sylvite and halite in SDIC Xinjiang Lop Nur potash Co. Ltd. (SLNP), in this work, the flotation kinetics of sylvite and halite under different collector ...
no flotation can occur. Contact between particles and bubbles can be accomplished in a flotation cell such as the one shown schematically in Figure 5. Figure 5: Simplified schematic of a conventional flotation cell. The rotor draws slurry through the stator and expels it to the sides, creating a suction that draws air down the shaft of the stator.
The flotation rate of halite increased much faster than that of sylvite on increasing the ODA dosage. Sylvite locked with halite which allowed the halite to float upward along with the …
Insoluble-Slimes Flotation. Batch insoluble-slimes flotation tests were conducted in a Fagergren laboratory flotation cell. In each test, 1 kilogram of ore was scrubbed 5 minutes at 27-percent-solids pulp density in a saturated brine at a 4.22 …
The possibility of application of halite flotation for potash ore pre-benefication has been discussed. The results of the investigations enabled the cost of beneficiated carnallite production to be decreased and the area of halite flotation implementation to be extended. ... (LM) at low temperatures. The flotation test results indicated that BM ...
The developed reagent schemes for halite flotation allowed us to consider the possibility of this process for preliminary beneficiation of potash (sylvinite) ores, represented by a mixture of sylvite (KCl), halite and clayey-carbonate impurities. Under potash ore milling a large number of fine-grained fractions is formed with dimensions less ...
According to the analysis results, a strategy of starvation feeding the collector was employed to increase the flotation rate difference between sylvite and halite, and consequently improve the …
The flotation test results indicated that BM has a stronger collecting ability for NaCl than that of conventional LM collector. ... The possibility of application of halite flotation for potash ...
Carnallite-kainite-halite ore is enriched by reverse flotation in aqueous solutions of magnesium chloride with a density of 1285–1295 kg/m 3 and pH 3–4 using the halite collector of the ...
The possibility of application of halite flotation for potash ore pre-benefication has been discussed. ... The flotation test results indicated that BM has a stronger collecting ability for NaCl ...
Insoluble Slimes Flotation. Batch insoluble slimes flotation tests were conducted in a Fagergren laboratory flotation cell. In each test, 1 kg (2.2 lb) of ore was scrubbed for 5 min at a pulp density of 27% solids in a saturated brine at a 4.22-m/s (830-ft/min) peripheral impeller speed to disperse the insoluble slimes.
The single-mineral flotation test was performed by weighing 2 g feldspar or quartz pure mineral samples each time. For the artificial mixed mineral flotation experiment, 1 g feldspar and 1 g quartz were weighed each time. The flotation machine spindle speed was set at 1980 r·min −1. SF, OPS and DDA were added as required during the flotation ...