Flotation Cells Design & Operating Characteristics

Purely pneumatic cells which obtain all hydraulic flow by compressed air injection without impellers are practically obsolete. However, several other concepts for impeller less …

Testing of New Collectors for Concentration of Fluorite by Flotation …

In this study, two new collectors for fluorite flotation DP-OMC-1033 (DP-I) and DP-OMC-1234 (DP-II) were tested and compared with oleic acid (OA), sodium oleate (SO) and potassium oleate (PO). According to fluorite grade and fluorite metallurgical recovery, the effect of each collector was determined, both in mechanical and pneumatic cell flotation. The effect of …

Design, Modeling, Optimization and Control of Flotation …

Mechanical, column, and pneumatic flotation cells (Jameson, Imhoflot TM and Reflux TM flotation cells); Impact of operation parameters on designing flotation cells (gas hold-up, superficial gas velocity, bubble size distribution and orifice type, etc.); Measurement and modelling of slurry residence time in flotation cell/circuits. Dr. Fardis ...

Residence time distribution measurements and modeling of …

While previous studies in the literature have generally focused on RTD measurements in mechanical flotation cells, there are limited experimental studies available for pneumatic flotation cells ...

Development of pneumatic flotation incorporating …

The history and development of Imhoflot™ pneumatic flotation cells are well documented in several technical reports (Brown et al., 2001; Imhof et al., 2003; Battersby et al., 2005). Imhoflot ...

Flotation Cell Design: Application of Fundamental …

Figure 5 Typical tank designs in mechanical flotation cells. Figure 6 Schematic of a mechanical cell showing feed box and discharge box and concentrate launders. with a rectangular opening at the bottom of the box to allow entry of slurry into the cell bank for Sotation. The feed box is rectangular or half-


Design and selection of correct flotation equipment is critical to the success of any flotation concentrator. Traditionally, selection has been based on residence time scale-up from batch …

Comparative evaluation between mechanical and …

One stage of pneumatic flotation can replace the rougher and scavenger stages of mechanical cells, with a strong decrease in the footprint and enhanced flotation performance for iron ore. The results of the investigation involving bench scale …

Testing of New Collectors for Concentration of Fluorite by Flotation …

According to fluorite grade and fluorite metallurgical recovery, the effect of each collector was determined, both in mechanical and pneumatic cell flotation. The effect of temperature on the ...

Flotation technique: Its mechanisms and design parameters

Induced air flotation (IAF) Mechanical agitation: 700–1500 * Bennet [143] Nozzle Flotation: Gas aspiration nozzle to draw air into recycled water: 400–800 * ... Cuvette cell: Dissolved air flotation: 10–300: Tucker et al. [161] Porous plate: Drawing bubbles into a capillary tube: Induced air flotation: 390–2230 * Biswal et al. [162]


In the new system this separation is speeded up dramatically by the introduction of centrifugal motivation in the separating vessel, without the use of internal moving parts. The design …

Imhoflot – The Evolution of Pneumatic Flotation – …

large mechanical tanks and the new pneumatic flotation systems. The pneumatic flotation technology of today has its origins in the Bahr-cell of the late 1970s. The first plant operations were commissioned on a coal mine in Germany. Air dispersion was achieved using porous media aerators, with pore sizes around 20 microns. But these devices

Metallurgical performance of column and mechanical …

Meanwhile, the mechanical flotation cell mechanism uses an agitator to produce air bubbles. In flotation circuits, mechanical flotation is generally used in rougher circuits because the mineral floatation mechanism is valuable in finding a high recovery, correspond with the function of the rougher circuit. However, mechanical flotation has

Fluorite by Flotation in Pneumatic (Modified Hallimond …

was determined, both in mechanical and pneumatic cell flotation. The effect of temperature on the collectors from 25 to 55 C was studied. Flotation tests showed that the best results in terms of fluorite metallurgical recovery were 82.8% and 87.9% for new collectors DP-I and DP-II respectively, for a dosage of 100 g/t and using pneumatic cell.

Flotation Equipment

Pneumatic mechanical agitation flotation cell is also called air-forced mechanical agitation hybrid flotation cell. Air is fed by external force, and the mechanical agitator (rotor-stator group) only acts to stir, mix, and disperse air. The main features are accurate adjustment of aeration rate as needed, no need to generate negative pressure ...

Flotation Cells Design & Operating Characteristics

In its essentials, a flotation cell must provide for two main functions. First, it must supply air adequate in quantity and quality for satisfactory process ... The motive power for mechanical cells is provided by impellers, but their overall performance is the result of the interactions among impeller-induced flow, baffles, cell walls and ...

High end pneumatic flotation

Prior the installation of the first pneumatic flotation cell with vertical flow through a self- aspirated aerator, semi industrial test work was carried out. Target of the test work was to find ... 1st stage PNEUFLOT K-FV 35 NS 2nd stage mechanical flotation Feed rate: 550 m³/h 380 m³/h Retention time: 2.97 minutes 5 minutes Motor power: 110 ...

Fluid Flow and Kinetic Modelling in Flotation Related …

In the last decade, flotation equipment related to mineral processing industry has shown a dramatic increase in size, reaching values of 250 m 3 in unitary mechanical flotation cells (Weber et al., 2005) and more than 250 m 3 in pneumatic columns (De Aquino et al., 1998).The general feeling, however, is that despite the great advances observed in terms of process …

The evolution of pneumatic flotation technology: …

For decades, mechanical flotation cells dominated the industry, relying on rotors to stir the slurry and generate bubbles for particle attachment. ... This technology was tailored for operations equipped with existing self-aspirated pneumatic flotation cells, with a clear goal in mind: to elevate efficiency and performance while aligning with ...

(PDF) Pneumatic Flotation Cells

Pneumatic flotation cells are typically classified as high-intensity flotation machines with rapid kinetics, resulting in short residence times, often half that of mechanical flotation cells...

New benchmark in high intensity pneumatic flotation …

• Flotation cell froth area and froth washing designed for process duty requirement • The cell is easily maintained with no moving parts Recover the unachievable ore value The Outotec Concorde Cell™ sets a new benchmark in high intensity pneumatic flotation by recovering unachievable fine and ultra-fine particles.


Pneumatic mechanical flotation cell RIF is designed for processing of non-ferrous metal and rare metal ores by froth flotation with a solid content in the pulp of up to 50% by weight and a size of at least 45% of class -0.074 mm with an ore density of up to 4.7 t/m. 3.

Flotation of copper ore in a pneumatic flotation cell

The advantages of pneumatic flotation cells over mechanical flotation cells, as well as flotation columns, for the flotation of sulfide ore were demonstrated. Test results indicated that the Cu grade and recovery for concentrates obtained when using the pneumatic flotation cell were 1% to 2% and 4%, respectively, higher than those obtained when ...


than that of ash minerals, modified mechanical flotation cells are being used for the flotation of coal. According to Young (5), better selectivity in coal flotation was obtained in a cell—to—cell flotation machine than in an open flotation machine. ... pneumatic flotation machines, compressed air is used for the simultaneous mixing and ...

Fine and ultrafine flotation with the Concorde Cell TM

Unlike mechanical cells, pneumatic flotation cells require a stable feed flowrate, and the Concorde Cell is no exception to the rule. Feed flowrate is stabilized by recycling part of the tailings of the Concorde Cell into the so-called fresh feed to maintain ease of operation. However, the main advantage of controlling the recycle ratio, e.g ...

Comparative evaluation between mechanical and …

The present paper introduces the key advantages of ImhoflotTM, JamesonTM, and RefluxTM flotation cells over the conventionally used mechanical and column cells from different perspectives.

Investigation of the reverse flotation of iron ore in three …

This paper investigates the reverse flotation of iron ore in a laboratory mechanical, oscillating grid (OGC) and pneumatic flotation cell. The main objectives are to investigate the recovery of ...

Introducing key advantages of intensified flotation cells …

that in the 1930s the DenverTM flotation cell was considered revolutionary, and only in the 1950s using mechanical cells became a norm. A similar story for column cells appears from the early 1960s, however, it was only around the 1980s that a huge interest and demand started. Although pneumatic flotation

Contemporary advanced control techniques for flotation …

Villar et al. (2010) describe in a similar fashion the stratification of the control layers in a column flotation plant (that can be also applied to flotation plants with mechanical flotation cells). The authors have recognized the following layers or levels: instrumentation and regulatory control, process observation, process control, and real ...


Pneumatic mechanical flotation cell RIF is designed for processing of non-ferrous metal and rare metal ores by froth flotation with a solid content in the pulp of up to 50% by weight and a size of …

DR flotation machines

In principle, the cell functions as a shallow flotation cell. As the air and pulp are hydrau-lically lifted to the top of the pulp recircula-tion well, the mineral laden air bubble has only to travel a short distance on its own to the froth overflow level. Above are illustrations of three flotation cells. 14.2 m3 (500 cu.ft) cell 2.8 m3 (100 cu ...

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