In this study, changes in physicochemical properties and leachability of indium from mechanically activated hard zinc residue by planetary mill were investigated. The results …
The study of mechanical activation, an important solid processing technology (Baláž, 2008, Godočíková et al., 2002), is a branch of mechanochemistry with a wide range of potential applications. It has been verified that the mechanical activation of minerals can accelerate their reactivity in subsequent processes, such as leaching and ...
In this study, the mechanical activation of lizardite ore from a chromite beneficiation plant waste by grinding in a stirred media mill was studied. For grinding studies, grinding times of 10-20-30 min and stirring speeds of 600-800-1000-1200 rpm were the parameters investigated, while the ball charge rate was 60% and the ore charge rate was ...
It was observed by Zhang et al. (2010) that the mechanical activation significantly accelerates the extraction of chromium from chromite ore, in NaOH medium. The influence of mechanical activation of chalcopyrite on the selective leaching of copper in sulfuric acid medium was studied by Achimovicová et al. (2006).
Investigation of the Effect of Mechanical Activation on the Leaching of Malachite Ore with Ammonium Nitrate. ... Effect of mechanical activation on carbothermal reduction of chromite with graphite, Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly, Arzutug, M. E., Kocakerim, M. M., & Copur, M.,2004. Leaching of Malachite Ore in NH3-Saturated Water. Industrial ...
The activation procedure led to amorphisation and structural disordering in chromite, and accelerated the degree of reduction and metallisation in the mixture of chromite and graphite. View Show ...
Structural changes in mechanically activated chromite were examined using X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD), surface area analysis (BET) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM).
leaching of chromite ore. Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China, 20 (5), 888-891. ... Mechanical activation in order to improve lithium recovery from a lepidolite ore concentrate was investigated. The ...
Mechanical activation was used to improve the extraction of chromium in molten NaOH. It is observed that the extraction ratio reaches 97% after leaching for 200 min when …
The carbothermal reduction of mechanically activated chromite with metallurgical coke under an argon atmosphere was investigated at temperatures between 1100 and 1400 ...
2.1. Effect of Mechanical Ball Milling. The effect of mechanical ball milling was studied. In the experiments, the w/w % H 2 SO 4 was 50%, the liquid–solid ratio (L/S) was 8 mL/g, the reaction temperature (T) was 373 K, and the reaction time (t) was 6 h. Figure Figure1 1 shows that a longer ball-milling time can result in a better leaching effect for the elements.
The lateritic nickel ore was activated mechanically in a planetary ball mill and mineralogical analyses of nickeliferous laterite have been studied by particle size analysis, scanning electron microscopy, X-ray di raction, and the Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. The results show that the activation procedure led to amorphisation, phase transformation and …
Abstract The carbothermal reduction of mechanically activated chromite with graphite under an argon atmosphere was investigated at temperatures between 1100 and 1400°C and the effects of the mechanical activation on chromite structure were analysed by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and specific surface area measurement. An increase in specific surface …
Tests for mechanical activation were accomplished in a vibration mill type ML-30 with a capacity of 0.5–0.2 kWh and a rotation of 1500–2400 min –1. The dimension of original chromite concentrate before grinding was 0.074 mm (about 95%), and after grinding less than 10 μm. The capacity of the steel drum was 150 cm 3. The grinding bodies ...
The article demonstrates the effectiveness of the mechanochemical activation of a cement-ash binder by increasing the specific surface area of the ash and introducing a sodium fluorosilicate additive (Na2SiF6). It has been experimentally proved that the introduction of a Na2SiF6 additive makes it possible to increase the degree of cement hydration, as well as the …
was investigated at temperatures between 1100 and 1400°C and the effects of the mechanical activation on chromite structure were analyzed by x-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). An increase in specific surface area resulted in more contact points. The activation procedure led to amorphization and structural
In addition, Apaydin et al. (2011) studied the effect of mechanical activation on carbothermal reduction of chromite with graphite, and found that the activation process led to amorphisation and structural disordering in chromite, and accelerated the reduction and metallisation in the mixture of chromite and graphite. Mechanical activation can ...
2014. Ferrochromium is one of the important alloying materials used in the production of stainless and high-alloy ferritic steels. The carbothermal reduction of chromite with graphite under argon atmosphere was studied by differential …
The activation procedure led to amorphisation and structural disordering in chromite, and accelerated the degree of reduction and metallisation in the mixture of chromite and graphite.
The mechanical activation of chromite concentrate was performed in a Planetary Mono Mill Pulverisette 6 under the following conditions: the weight of the sample was 10 g; the weight and diameter of tungsten carbide (WC) balls were 200 g and …
The mechanical activation of chromite concentrate was performed in a Planetary Mono Mill Pulverisette 6 under the following conditions: the weight of the sample was 10 g; the weight …
The activation procedure led to amorphisation and structural disordering in chromite, and accelerated the degree of reduction and metallisation in the mixture of chromite …
of conversion from chromite to chromate by soda roasting at 800 °C for non-activated chromite was found to be 18% compared to 74% for chromite that had been activated for 120 minutes at the same ...
Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Mechanical activation in hydrometallurgy" by P. Baláž ... Effect of mechanical activation on alkali leaching of chromite ore. Yang Zhang S. Zheng H. Du Hong-bin Xu Yi Zhang. Materials Science. 2010; 37. Save. Mechanical activation of solids in processing of minerals and wastes.
Effect of Ball Mill Parameters' Variation on the Particles of a Mechanical Activation‑Assisted Leaching: A Hydrometallurgical Mechanics ... on the MA eect on the alkali leaching of chromite ore. Their study shows that 97% recovery ratio was achieved when the chromium ore was mechanically activated, but
The effects of mechanical activation on the soda roasting of chromite were investigated in this study. Structural changes in mechanically activated chromite were …
The carbothermal reduction of mechanically activated chromite with metallurgical coke under an argon atmosphere was investigated at temperatures between 1100 and 1400°C and the effects of the mechanical activation on chromite structure were analyzed by x-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). An increase in specific surface area resulted in more …
The effects of mechanical activation on the soda roasting of chromite were investigated in this study. Structural changes in mechanically activated chromite were examined using X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD), surface area analysis (BET) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM).