The prereduction and smelting of chromite …

The prereduction and smelting of chromite concentrate of low chromium-to-iron ratio by A. R. BARNES*, B.Se. (Hons.), M.Se. (Eng.), M.S.A.I.M.M., ... concentrate should generate some 240 kt of 42 per cent Cr2O3 chromite tailings with a chromium-to-iron ratio of 1,35. Potentially, this could be converted annually to

Commercialization of the ConRoast process

Mintek's ConRoast process was developed to address a number of the shortcomings of the traditional matte smelting process for the production of platinum group metals. It controls …

Effect of SiO 2 addition on solid state reduction of …

The effect of SiO 2 addition on the solid state reduction of a Greek chromite concentrate, at 1300 and 1400°C, has been studied. Addition of SiO 2 in the chromite concentrate-graphite mixture ...

OneMine | Sintering Process of Chromite Concentrate

The results showed that chromite concentrate used can hardly granulated alone, while chlorite addition can improve the effect of granulation. Moisture plays an important role in sintering process. The granulation effect is optimal when the amount of water addition is 12%.

Improving the Quality of Ferruginous Chromite Concentrates …

The low chromium-to-iron ratio of chromite ores is an important issue in some chromite deposits. The value of the chromite ore is indeed dictated in the market by its iron, as well as its chromium content. In the present study, a chromite concentrate was reprocessed by gravity (spiral concentrator) and magnetic separation to enhance the chromium-to-iron ratio. …

Kinetic study on solid state and smelting reduction of chromite ore

chromite concentrate briquettes (72.5% reduction) with SiO. 2. in a graphite cruci ble at 1550°C for . ... Cr based metal phase formed during the smelting reduction process.

A mechanistic model to predict matte temperatures during the smelting

Chromite rich concentrates require high slag temperatures as well as sufficient mixing to suspend the chromite spinel particles in the slag and prevent settling in a so-called ''mushy'' layer consisting of a three phase emulsion of slag, matte and chromite particles. ... The effect of specific concentrate smelting rate in kg concentrate ...

Efficient utilization of nickel rich Chromite Ore Processing …

Most of these enrichment routes are stated to produce a marketable chromite-rich concentrate, but it generates more ultrafine tailings, which is again a waste for ... Effect of basicity on beneficiated chromite sand smelting process using submerged arc furnace. AIP Conf. Proc. (2018), Article 020009, 10.1063/1.5038291. 1964. View in Scopus ...

An integrated approach for production of stainless steel …

As an alternative process, the production of stainless steel master alloys in blast furnace (BF) exhibits high economic efficiency and great potential to use low-grade chromite resources. To produce desirable sinter products required by the blast furnace smelting process, sintering tests of ore mixtures made from a low grade South African chromite concentrate (Cr 2 …

A kinetic study on chromite ore smelting reduction

Experiments on the smelting reduction of chromite ore in a 1-kg middle frequency induction furnace showed that the reduction is controlled by the mass transfer of chromium oxide dissolved in the slag. The dissolution of chromite particles into the liquid slag has little effect on the reduction rate. A decrease in the initial slag basicity (CaO/SiO 2 ) from 1.5 to 1.0 decreases the reduction ...

What is your PGM concentrate worth?

the chromite in UG2 concentrates and high nickel concentrates from Merensky or the Platreef will quickly fill any locally available base metal refining capacity. Few if ... Faced with limited capacity for concentrate smelting and base metal refining within the local platinum industry,

An integrated approach for production of stainless steel …

To produce desirable sinter products required by the blast furnace smelting process, sintering tests of ore mixtures made from a low grade South African chromite concentrate (Cr2O3/FeO = 1.99) and ...

Application of fundamentals in optimizing platinum …

of chromite in UG2 concentrate is, however, a major disadvantage due to the problems associated with smelting such a concentrate in conventional submerged arc furnaces. In addition to increasing the specification on the minimum PGM grade of concentrates, smelters have had to impose strict specifications on the levels of chromite in the concentrate.

Chromium processing | Extraction, Uses

Because of the greater energy required to reduce silica to silicon, the smelting of ferrochrome silicon consumes 7,600 kilowatt-hours per ton of product. Low-carbon ferrochromium. When chromite and lime are melted in an open electric …

Evaluation of net smelter returns in the South African …

Mineralogy Chromite Chromite N/A Resource PGE Grade g/t 4E >4g/t >4.5g/t N/A Resource Ni Grade percent <0.1% <0.1% N/A ... (TC) – The charge paid by the miner to have its concentrate treated through smelting to produce saleable metal. This is typically quoted in US$ per ton of concentrate, and is theoretically a function of the cost of ...

Reduction mechanism of chromite spinel with carbon

Ferrochromium produced by smelting chromite ores is an important alloying component in the steel industry. Ore, coke and fluxes are mixed and reacted in an arc furnace for a smelting process of ferrochromium. In addition to this process, pre-reduction of chromite ore with carbon is an important industrial process. In all these processes, the mechanism and …

Energy consumption for Kell J

chromite content. Smelting of UG2 concentrate requires blending with Merensky or Platreef, and, as the proportion of UG2 increases, higher temperatures and power densities are required to keep the chromite in solution on the slag. Furnaces are operated on a limiting factor of tonnes of chromite held up in the furnace so that chromite solubility


A study of pelletization of one imported chromite concentrate with coarse site, poor ballability and refractory roasting performance was conducted in small scale tests, and high pressure grinding …

An integrated approach for production of stainless steel …

The smelting performance of the Cr-bearing sinter made from the 40% chromite and 60% magnetite mixture was assessed under simulated blast furnace smelting conditions. It is …

Kell hydrometallurgical process for extraction of platinum

The chromite-related issues encountered in smelting do not pertain to the Kell Process, which is insensitive to the chromite content of the concentrates. Flotation concentrator operations are therefore not constrained by a chromite content limit on the final concentrate and can be operated to maximise PGM recovery.

The Reduction of Chrome in UG-2 Flotation Concentrate …

Keywords: PGM Smelting, UG-2 Concentrate, Chromite, Leaching 1. Introduction The South African (SA) platinum industry has advanced into an era of predominantly mining and processing the Upper ...

Review of Cr(VI) environmental practices in the chromite …

Also, during chromite concentrate beneficiation the milling step would be aimed only at liberating the chromite crystals from the gangue minerals. This is in contrast to the dry milling tests ... (VI). However, slag is by volume the largest waste product produced during chromite smelting (Beukes et al., 2010) and it therefore requires ...

Pelletising-sintering, prereduction, and smelting of Greek chromite …

To produce desirable sinter products required by the blast furnace smelting process, sintering tests of ore mixtures made from a low grade South African chromite concentrate (Cr2O3/FeO = 1.99) and ...

Smelting of high-carbon ferrochrome from chromium

An estimation of smelting parameters for production of high-carbon ferrochrome is made. ... Fursenko, A.F., et al., Development and implementation of chromite concentrate briquetting technology at Donetsk Mining and Processing Plant, Prom. Kazakh., 2002, no. 2, pp. 84–89. Google Scholar

Fluxing of South African chromite ore with colemanite

chromite smelting, while the UG2 seam is mined as a source of platinum group metals (PGMs). The 'discard' streams from UG2 ore processing have become a valuable raw ... each ore or concentrate is beyond the scope of this paper. The typical compositions of some South African chromite ores are given in Table I (Geldenhuys, 2013).

Morphological and compositional changes of chromite as it …

PGMs are recovered from the ore through concentration, smelting, converting and refining processes. The concentration step involves comminution and froth flotation, after which …

Experiences in the production of metallurgical and chemical …

The prereduction and smelting of chromite concentrate of low chromium-to-iron ratio. Johannesburg, Journal of the South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, March 1983. [ Links ] 25. ROACH, T.A. and ROEDER, P.L. Composition of chromite in the upper chromite, Muskox layered intrusion, Northwest Territories. The canadian Mineralogist

Processing of Low-Grade Chromite Ore for Ferroalloy

The low-grade siliceous chromite ore from Ghutrigaon, Odisha, India, containing ~ 16% Cr2O3, with Cr/Fe ratio of 1.97 and ~ 55% of SiO2, does not find any use in metallurgical industry and hence considered as waste. Mineralogical investigation indicates the presence of chromite and quartz as major minerals with minor fuchsite and kaolinite. The beneficiation …

Buy Chrome Ore Fine From Iran | Chromite Concentrate

The Ultimate Guide on Chrome Ore Fine: From Basics to Advanced Insights Introduction to Chrome Ore Fine. Chrome Ore Fine, also known as chrome ore concentrate is essentially a high-quality version of chromite, which is the mineral ore that contains chromium. Chromium, in its pure form, is a metal – shiny and silvery – but it's generally found in nature mixed with iron, creating …

Simulation-based life cycle assessment of ferrochrome smelting …

Smelting of chromite concentrate is done in a submerged arc furnace and in most cases using pelletized feed. However, there are several variations on technologies mostly in the preparation of pelletized feed for smelting. The Steel belt sintering and Rotary kiln for pelletized feed preparation are discussed in detail in this section.

Smelting of High-Carbon Ferrochrome from Prereduced Chromite …

Experimental smelting of three batches of prereduced chromite raw materials with different degrees of metallization of chromium was conducted in the 0.2 MVA ore-smelting furnace of the Chemical and Metallurgical Institute named after Zh. Abishev (Karaganda). To assess the performance indicators of the remelting of prereduced chromite raw materials in industrial …

v118n6a15 Fluxing of South African chromite ore with …

Several smelting operations rely on various other chromite sources with varying Cr2O3 contents, Cr/Fe ratios, and gangue mineral content. Fluxing of South African chromite ore with colemanite by M.W. Erwee, I.J. Geldenhuys, M.B. Sitefane, and M. Masipa 03BF7AEA South African chromite ores are smelted using SiO2- and CaO-containing

Essential elements

'Chromite concentrate is utilised in the smelting process to make ferrochrome and other alloys that require chromite as a component,' says Moti. 'Once removed from the upper soil layers …

Isothermal oxidation kinetics of industrial South African chromite …

The oxidation of chromite pellets prior to smelting in a submerged arc furnace is key to ensuring that maximum benefit can be derived in the subsequent smelting step. Oxidized pellet feed material reduces operating costs by increasing energy and reductant efficiency, as well as increasing chrome recoveries. ... The three chromite concentrate ...

A comparative study for smelting of chromite ore, pellets, briquettes

To produce desirable sinter products required by the blast furnace smelting process, sintering tests of ore mixtures made from a low grade South African chromite concentrate (Cr2O3/FeO = 1.99) and ...

Aspects of SAF Smelting of Ferrochrom

The chromite charge to the furnace is principally in the form of lump ore and /or pellets. The lump ore material consists of chromite grains surrounded by solidified host rock (Fig. 2). Pellets are made from chromite concentrates that have been agglomerated and pre-treated to form spherical particles (Fig. 3). The

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