An overview of utilization of slag and sludge from steel industries

Integrated steel plants utilize mostly five materials such as raw materials, air, water, fuel and power to produce steel. During the production of steel, 2–4 t of wastes are being generated per tonne of steel produced.The various solid wastes in the form of slags and sludges that are emerged from steel plants are blast furnace slag, blast furnace flue dust and sludge, …


production of BF slag, Granulated slag and Steel slag at 1,141,810 tonnes, 868,395 tonnes and 772,476 tonnes, respectively. Bokaro steel plant reported production of 748,836 tonnes of Slag. Bhilai steel plant reported production of 1,557,343 tonnes Granulated slag. KIC Metaliks reported production of 19,400 tonnes of Granulated slag. Sky Alloys &

(PDF) Industrial uses of slag. The use and re-use of iron and

Steelmakers have made attempts to reduce slag volumes in the individual unit processes and to strive towards slagless steelmaking by recycling slags internally. A much …


SLAG CEMENT More attractive than other SCMs Strength Development [MPa] CASE #1 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 2 days 7 days 28 days Strength (Mpa) Reference Additive A Additive B Additive C 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 2 days 7 days 28 days Strength (Mpa) Reference Additive A Additive B Additive C Additive D CASE #2 Benchmark cement: CEM II/A-LL 42.5R Target ...

Comprehensive Analysis of Steel Slag as Aggregate for Road …

Keywords: steel slag, road materials, life cycle assessment, experimental testing, recycled materials, circular economy. 1. Introduction. Steel slag is the main source of solid waste in the steel industry . It is obtained either by melting scrap with a high electric current in an electric arc furnace (EAF) or by processing hot melted metal ...

(PDF) Sustainable Approaches for LD Slag Waste Management in Steel

Plant, India, LD slag was used in the blast furnace but later discontinued due to the high sulfur and phosphorus content [77]. ... steel slag can be used as a separate adsorbent to remove aqueous ...

Recent trends in slag management & utilization in the …

slag and steel melting slag (LD process slag). Approximately 400-500 kg of slag (BF+LD) is produced per tonne of steel manufactured. LD slag is a by-product of steel making which comes from pig ...

Slag Iron & Steel -2015

Steel Slag in the Countr y Steel Plant Capacity for granulation ('000 tpy) Bhilai Steel Plant, Durg, Chhattisgarh 2675 Bokaro Steel Plant, Bokaro, Jharkhand 7884 Rourkela Steel Plant, Rourkela, Odisha 600 Durgapur Steel Plant, Durgapur, West Bengal 566 IISCO Steel Plant, Burnpur, West Bengal 400 kg/THM Visvesvaraya Iron & S teel Plant, 400


Table – 1 : Plant-wise Capacity of Iron and Steel Slag in the Country Steel Plant Capacity ('000 tpy) Bhilai Steel Plant, Durg, Chhattisgarh 2675 Bokaro Steel Plant, Bokaro, Jharkhand 7884 Rourkela Steel Plant, Rourkela, Odisha 1570 Durgapur Steel Plant, Durgapur, West Bengal 566 IISCO Steel Plant, Burnpur, West Bengal 400 kg/THM*

What is the Importance of steel slag and a steel …

When structuring a new blast furnace, steel slag stacks expelled by attractive partition to 5% metal as used in steelmaking forms. The strong fundamental co-products delivered during iron and unrefined steel creation are …

Post-mortem analysis of MgO–Al2O3–C bricks containing bauxite used …

The main product of the steel plant was the aluminum killed steel, and the smelting process of the steel was: Blast Furnace→Converter→Ladle Furnace→Casting. The tapping temperature of the converter was about 1660 °C, the refining time of LF is about 45 min, and the steel temperature at the end of LF refining was approximately 1620 °C.

Steelmaking Slag

Steelmaking slag, or steel slag, is a by-product from the production of steel during the conversion of hot metal to crude steel in a basic oxygen furnace, or during the melting of scrap in an EAF.The slag is generated as a melt and is a complex solution of silicates and oxides that solidify upon cooling. 11 Depending on the specific steel production process, three different types of steel ...

Basic Oxygen Steelmaking Slag: Formation, Reaction, and …

1 Introduction. The basic oxygen steelmaking (BOS) process produced over 70% of the global crude steel in 2018, [] generating 100 to 150 kg of slag ("BOS slag") for every tonne of crude steel produced. BOS slag, a product of hot metal element (e.g., Si, Mn, Fe, P) oxidation and flux (e.g., lime, dolomite) dissolution, plays a critical role in the production of high-quality crude steel.

Research on the Properties of Steel Slag with Different …

According to the differences in alkalinity, steel slag can be divided into three categories: high-alkalinity steel slag (M > 2.5), medium-alkalinity steel slag (1.8 < M < 2.5), and low-alkalinity steel slag (M < 1.8). ... However, further research on the proportion of C 2 S and C 3 S shows no obvious connection with the steel plant process.

Research on the Properties of Steel Slag with …

To promote the resource utilization of steel slag and improve the production process of steel slag in steelmaking plants, this research studied the characteristics of three different processed steel slags from four steelmaking …

Analysis of metallurgical processes and slag utilisation in an

Analysis of metallurgical processes and slag utilisation in an integrated steel plant producing advanced high strength steels @inproceedings{Lundkvist2012AnalysisOM, title={Analysis of metallurgical processes and slag utilisation in an integrated steel plant producing advanced high strength steels}, author={Katarina Lundkvist and Mats Br{"a ...

Review Steel slag and its applications in cement and concrete

The main plants in steel slag production are İskenderun iron and steel plant with 1.131.695 tons, Osmaniye iron and steel plant with 619.819 tons and Kocaeli iron and steel plant with 874.327 tons. Approximately 40% of these steel slag wastes have been recycled and rest of the amount has been disposed of [20].

Steel Slag Utilization — Overview in Indian …

Process of slag Generation ( During the process of reducing iron ore through coke in a blast furnace, blast furnace slag is generated while steel making slag is generated in the process of ...

Utilisation of LD slag — An overview

LD slag in their sinter plant and Steel Authority of India Ltd. (SAIL) uses up to 36.6%t61 of the same. LD-slag is harder to crush compared to lime stone and therefore, it may be difficult to ...

Ladle Steel Slag in Activated Systems for Construction Use

In terms of refining steel slag (ladle or white slag), it is estimated that for each ton of steel, between 20 and 30 kg of slag is produced; that is, in 2016, more than 700,000 tons of white slag ...

Recent applications of steel slag in construction industry

Though steel slag is used in the above-mentioned applications, construction industry can consume larger quantity of steel slag which is expected to be successful in maximum utilization. ... Characterization of gypsum synthesized from LD slag fines generated at a waste recycling plant of a steel plant. New Journal of Chemistry, 39, 4128–4134 ...

Recovery of vanadium as sodium vanadate from converter slag …

The plant produces 130 kg slag per tonne of crude steel, to add to the basic oxygen steel-making converter slag stockpile of around 2 500 000 t. The slags contain 1.81% V2O5, which can be rendered water-soluble by salt roasting with NaCl and an alkali such as Na2CO3. Preliminary tests gave less than 3% V recovery from slag under optimum roasting conditions when NaCl, …

Analysis of Metallurgical Processes and Slag …

integrated steel plant is the blast furnace. Liquid steel is produced from the liquid iron output from the BF by treatment in the basic oxygen furnace. Limestone and burnt lime are used as slag formers in the BF and BOF processes, of which the burnt lime normally is produced on-site by calcination of the limestone.

(PDF) Steel plant slag dumps: A potential source …

Research highlights: Slags, the obvious by-product of iron and steel making, have been piled up in different steel plants. Blast furnace (BF) slag finds almost use but there are issues with ...

Steel slag and its applications in cement and concrete …

The main plants in steel slag production are İskenderun iron and steel plant with 1.131.695 tons, Osmaniye iron and steel plant with 619.819 tons and Kocaeli iron and steel plant with 874.327 tons. ... Steel slag used as coarse aggregate in mixes was more suitable compared to its use as fine aggregate. Steel slag used as ballast is placed on ...

Steel Slag

Steel slag, a by-product of steel making, is produced during the separation of the molten steel from impurities in steel-making furnaces. The slag occurs as a molten liquid melt …


Fig. 1. Flowchart of iron and steelmaking processes and slag generation in modern steel plant, modifi ed from [12]. Fig. 2. Schematic representation of the basic oxygen furnace process, modifi ...

An Overview on Utilization of Steel Slag as Road

This study aims to recycle steel slag as aggregates in RAM and quantitatively evaluate the service performance of RAM with steel slag. Steel slag and basalt RAM were firstly fabricated and ...

(PDF) Steel slag and its applications in cement and concrete …

The properties of Ereğli iron and steel plant (Erdemir) steel slag are as follows. The visible density of steel slag is 3.59, dry density is 3.31, saturated density is 3.39, and the water absorption rate of steel slag is 2.3% [77]. ... Steel slag used as coarse aggregate in mixes was more suitable compared to its use as fine aggregate. Steel ...

An Overview of Use of Linz-Donawitz (LD) Steel Slag in Agriculture

Linz-Donawitz (LD) slag, a by-product of steel manufacturing process, is rich in iron oxide, calcium oxide, silica, various macro, and micronutrients as well as varying degrees of heavy metals ...

Steel plant slag dumps: A potential source of groundwater …

The use of slag in Bhilai Steel Plant in India was discontinued due to the presence of high S and P contents (Das et al. 2007). The concentrations of heavy metals such as Fe, As, Cr and V in slag leachates are important parameters affecting the reuse of slag in the production of cement and fertilisers (Guo et al. 2018). The leachate of slag may ...

Overview of Steel Slag Application and Utilization

Several material characterization methods, such as X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Scanned Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Inductive Coupled Plasma (ICP-OES) are used to determine elemental …

Analysis of Metallurgical Processes and Slag Utilisation …

integrated steel plant is the blast furnace. Liquid steel is produced from the liquid iron output from the BF by treatment in the basic oxygen furnace. Limestone and burnt lime are used as slag formers in the BF and BOF processes, of which the burnt lime normally is produced on-site by calcination of the limestone.

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